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How do you spend your gold?


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Tbh mostly on bs, bc i dont have the legendary armor and trying funny things and build out could be pretty pricy. sadly now i got things to do and cant go rid. on the other hand when i see the LI requirements like 100 for escort i mean come on. and i have a problem with learning/newby guilds /training runs. im to impacient for those.

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> Tbh mostly on bs, bc i dont have the legendary armor and trying funny things and build out could be pretty pricy. sadly now i got things to do and cant go rid. on the other hand when i see the LI requirements like 100 for escort i mean come on. and i have a problem with learning/newby guilds /training runs. im to impacient for those.


Yea and people have 100 li escort becouse they have problem with impacient players who havent experienced raids enough to have 100 li yet.

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I only spend gold on skins I really want for a specific character or if I feel like upgrading their gear to ascended. Its mostly unnecessary.


I do end up spending gold when I have enough T6 mats to make a legendary, but they stack up if there isn't one I want. So right now I'm just cranking in the gold by making ascended mats to sell.

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Mostly a hoarder, planning on getting up to 12~ char slots so i can have 1 of each class, 1 for weekly key farm, 1 bag opener at 49~ and possibly 1 as a bank toon, currently at 10. Upgrade from 3 to 5~ bank tabs, and at least 5 more shared slots, and mat storage from 500 to 1000 at least would be cool as well, sitting at 4.5k gold and currently waiting for gem prices to drop. Also occasionally craft some ascended armor/wep if i don't get enough drops from fractals/raids.

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Mostly I buy mats to accelerate my ascended gear crafting. I have a lot of toons and equipping them all is taking a long time. Once that's done I'll probably buy dyes and maybe a legendary or something. After that...? I'm not really sure how people manage to be broke in this game. Money just piles up.

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I had been saving up for years for the Scythe skin, but I'm not a farmer or a flipper, and I save my mats cause I craft, so it was slow going. I managed to get almost 1400 and I saw it available for 1200 so I grabbed it up while it was "cheap." Now I'm not sure what I'll be spending my gold on, probably all the racial and order skins, or something. Maybe I'll convert them to gems.

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> @"Queen.5837" said:

> Do you hoard a lot of gold before a big purchase? Or do you spend the little bit of gold you earn every day? I'm belong to the latter and I'm curious about your habits.

> Also what's the next thing you're saving gold to buy on TP?


Well, I try to save up for big things but anet keeps messing with the economy and keeps breaking everything that allows you to make gold at a decent rate that I end up spending it in small amounts. They really need to stop fiddling with the economy. It is irritating that when you find something that is faster than questing anet comes along and nerfs it to the point of being unusable. Unbound magic gambling was a nice one, profits werent guaranteed to be very high (in fact, every once in a while you'd have to take a loss) and it required you to have a good amount of gold to start with and even that got nerfed the living crap out of it, now giving you mostly junk and simply isn't worth investing in anymore.

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