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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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> @"Jaskier.2309" said:

> If I knew all that I would have never bought both expansions.


> I am getting disconnected only duing story mode. Usually once or two but now i tried 8 times to finish last HoT mission and always get disconnected during dialogues or cutscenes. I wasted about 6 hours.


> Why there is no checkpoints? No solution?


> Maybe I should get refound cuz game I bought is UNPLAYABLE.



skip it.. the newer stories are shorter and have more check points. They are also more fun.


have you tried playing in windowed mode? and constantly tapping the attack button?

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I was disconnected just before killing Kralkatorrik in my story. I had the same problem with another char with Zhaitan. This time I redownloaded the whole game and noticed that the newly downloaded Gw2.dat file was over 100MB smaller than my old one. I had been patching the existing file for years, so maybe there was something in the cumulative patch process that introduced some bad data into the file. I finished the Kralkatorrik killing on the first try after that.


PS: I did delete C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\Local.dat as well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> We have folks investigating this issue, but so far we haven't been able to reproduce it. We're trying to determine what the commonality is between players that run into this issue. If you haven't already, please submit a bug when it happens so we can get more data points.


Over a year later and no fix. Get your shit together.

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June 2019. Still a problem. "The Departing" quest 10 attempts. Crashes at the last conversation with Joko. Got through the gate once and it crashed after meeting your party. Can I just get credit for that damned quest already? Friend is super excited about this game. I can hardly bring myself to log in anymore. Progression stopped... motivation stopped.

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I just came back after a looong hiatus. I stopped playing right before PoF dropped and am now trying to play as much as possible to catch up. You know what makes me question my returning to the game? Getting disconnected 5 seconds before unskippable, hour long cut scenes and conversations. Every. Time. I literally feel like I am up against the clock, begging for them to shut up so I can complete the quest. When, on maybe the third or fourth attempt it actually finishes I celebrate. I should not be celebrating something like this. I love this game. I have thousands of hours in this game. The fact that these disconnects have been reported since, and likely before, PoF launched and there is still no solid answers makes me question if I should even put any more time into the game. It makes me furious when after running around for hours on end with no problems I decide to further the story and 30+ minutes into it, moments before it's finished, I get disconnected. No, I do not want to log back in and continue knowing full well that the same thing will probably again. I want to beat something to death and go play something else. Anything else.

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Well... this was my 22nd attempt on PoF Story "The Departing" and after my fight with Balthazar I was FINALLY taken to the next part of the story for the first time I've ever seen. 45 minutes later as, I assume, I was about to finish that part... AGAIN I was disconnected. And you know where it put me? Back before I faught Balthazar. An hour ago. GONE. I have tried EVERY fix, from port 80, 443, DMZ'd my PC, had my modem replaced, conferred with my ISP on ports and packets, Low settings, High settings, Fullscreen, Windowed, Windowed Fullscreen, -repair, -verify, uninstall, deleted cache, fresh install, I even bought a fresh hdd, all drivers and BIOS up to date. RTX 2060 6GB, 16 GB RAM, i7 4790k, No overclock, 350mb fibre. HOW in hell have they not been able to replicate this? Absolutely unacceptable. I'm done. Looking forward to an automated response to my ticket before giving up completely. Shame. Cuz when it works, it's an enjoyable game. Just picked up the Mad King mount skins too. Contemplating filing for charge back on grounds of faulty product. I understand this would nullify my account and would no longer be able to play, but at this point, it's pretty much the same thing anyways. Disappointing is putting it mildly. just wanted to get my voice out there and get in line behind the thousands of others this has been happening to for YEARS.


(was gonna edit for grammar but... meh) XD

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> @"ENCROACHER.1467" said:

> Well... this was my 22nd attempt on PoF Story "The Departing" and after my fight with Balthazar I was FINALLY taken to the next part of the story for the first time I've ever seen. 45 minutes later as, I assume, I was about to finish that part... AGAIN I was disconnected. And you know where it put me? Back before I faught Balthazar. An hour ago. GONE. I have tried EVERY fix, from port 80, 443, DMZ'd my PC, had my modem replaced, conferred with my ISP on ports and packets, Low settings, High settings, Fullscreen, Windowed, Windowed Fullscreen, -repair, -verify, uninstall, deleted cache, fresh install, I even bought a fresh hdd, all drivers and BIOS up to date. RTX 2060 6GB, 16 GB RAM, i7 4790k, No overclock, 350mb fibre. HOW in hell have they not been able to replicate this? Absolutely unacceptable. I'm done. Looking forward to an automated response to my ticket before giving up completely. Shame. Cuz when it works, it's an enjoyable game. Just picked up the Mad King mount skins too. Contemplating filing for charge back on grounds of faulty product. I understand this would nullify my account and would no longer be able to play, but at this point, it's pretty much the same thing anyways. Disappointing is putting it mildly. just wanted to get my voice out there and get in line behind the thousands of others this has been happening to for YEARS.


Did you try a VPN? Some have had success using one.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the moment i'm getting this issue in more than just PoF missions. I at first had it during the fight in Glint's Lair. But now i'm doing old content and i'm on the mission ''Bitter Harvest'' in HoT. Needless to say, i'm beginning to think i should let those guys die before my internet does. lmfao.


But seriously this is a pain. making me somewhat regret my investment in returning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get disconnects from pretty much every story mission unless I have a friend in the story with me. I have no idea why that would matter.


We also occasionally get group disconnects in POF stories, presumably that means a server crash.


Reading some of these, I wonder if purposely tanking the framerate would be the answer. Lock to 30fps, or even change your CPU max state to something crazy like 1% just to purposely wreck your framerate.

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> @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > @"Selana Firestone.6389" said:

> > Having this issue with running an old character through HoT's "Bitter Harvest" chapter. Going to try framelocking and seeing if that works. Updated all drivers and still got 2.8+K ping.


> Did it work?


Not at all. Thinking I may have a router issue, since plugging in the ethernet cable didn't help, either.


~ S.F.

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> > @"Kraggy.4169" said:

> > why are these videos deemed oh so important they can't be skipped anyway?


> It varies, but (for example) when playing co-op things can go awry if some players skip the cinematic and are able to interact with the game world while other players are still watching the cinematic. The cinematic might also be used as to cover up long distance teleports that would normally require a load screen.


I think that might be part of the issue. I don't necessarily only get this issue during unskippable cutscenes. Infact, it more often occures during missions when it's during the story or just after a boss defeat. But one thing is noted during each experience - the transition from a boss defeat to dialogue. It's either cinematic - nothing happening OR that.

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I was having this problem back in April when I tried a new ISP (Fido here in Canada). Always in an instance and mostly in cinematics. I don't have the file anymore but i did the gw2 diagnostics and found high ping times on several Anet servers some packet loss in the range of 10 to 50%. Since I hadn't cancelled the old service I went back to it (Virgin) and the diagnostics were fine. Back to the story line and no problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have given up. Over the last 2 weeks I've been on the phone with my own ISP and even an ISP I do not currently use for close to 10 hours or more, and (side note) can't complain about the customer service from both. They've bumped me up to higher IT guys and and have been running diagnostics and traceroutes and all we can come up with is that from the time it goes outside the ISPs servers and heads to Anet there are some massive infrastructure issues. Not to mention the game design that causes this issue to happen, for some reason, ONLY at the end checkpoint of a mission that times out and drops the client connection. This is Anets problem. And seeing how its been years and they cant even seem to replicate it once or fix/change the design of the end of missions check that cause this... well, I'm throwing in my towel. That's it. I'll miss everyone. I really do enjoy the game. Anet, get your shit together. Sigh.

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> @"ENCROACHER.1467" said:

> I have given up. Over the last 2 weeks I've been on the phone with my own ISP and even an ISP I do not currently use for close to 10 hours or more, and (side note) can't complain about the customer service from both. They've bumped me up to higher IT guys and and have been running diagnostics and traceroutes and all we can come up with is that from the time it goes outside the ISPs servers and heads to Anet there are some massive infrastructure issues. Not to mention the game design that causes this issue to happen, for some reason, ONLY at the end checkpoint of a mission that times out and drops the client connection. This is Anets problem. And seeing how its been years and they cant even seem to replicate it once or fix/change the design of the end of missions check that cause this... well, I'm throwing in my towel. That's it. I'll miss everyone. I really do enjoy the game. Anet, get your kitten together. Sigh.


You only have 2 isps before it connect to anet how close to the server are you?

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