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Anyone notice an increase in hackers?


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Last night, was going into ruins to capture. Had a guardian running up the staircase to engage with me. suddenly this ranger comes out of nowhere behind me (absolutely sure there's only one way up - the stairwell) and shuts me down. I knew he was suddenly there when I saw a crappy-rank drake up behind me. Absolutely no way ranger could've made it up without using the staircase. Some other people in his world (DB) were also using hacks, according to perhaps everyone not affiliated with DB and whomever was allied with DB at the time.


I understand the bans come in waves thing, but we need a more stringent checks and balances system in place.

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> @"LionZero.3479" said:

> Imagine if this game was coded fully serversided rather then client sided position forwarding to server, we'd actually could have had a proper pvp experience.

What games are coded fully serverside and does those games have zero cheats? Just curious. Doing a random search for "games fully serverside netcode" I couldnt find anything outside a note on Battlefield 1 getting serverside hitcode detection. I'm guessing there are no hacks for Battlefield 1 then.

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> @"madamred.1463" said:

> idk if its just our current match up or what but it seems like today has been crazy one guy was so obvious he went up on a wall of a tower that wasnt his then tried to tell me it was lag ;p also there have been druids hacking into fire mes getting into everything including smc from under the map so random.


Don't expect anet to do anything. This has been going on for years and anet refuses to stop it. Even hackers that have professed to anet that they are hacking are still in game hacking. The only time they seem to care if its a node gathering bot cuz it messes with the economy. Unfortunately wvw or pvp hacks dont bother the economy so anet doesn't care

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Colly.4073" said:

> > Mostly using the run hack that lets you run at whatever speed you choose even if cripple and other movement imparing conditions are on you.


> that is called resistance


No that's actually how the hack works.


There's a video going around showing what the hack does, as @"Colly.4073" said " lets you run at whatever speed you choose even if cripple and other movement impairing conditions are on you." and it does. Slowing effects have 0 effect, you can run backwards as fast as you can run forwards and many other features including a sprint mode and you can set the run speed on both of them with % values.


I actually came to this thread to see if anyone has mentioned teleporting or not, saw it yesterday but wasn't sure if my internet trolled me or if it was a hack... A Necro teleported right next to me while I was taking Alpines Borderlands south Sentry, he came out of no where and his back was facing me so I got him down and he teleported about 1500 range away before dissapearing entirely. Couldn't say if it was a hack because lately either my game or my net have been acting wierdly for example I use Greatsword 3 on warrior out of combat just for some movement on my way to a camp and I'll see damage numbers pop up like I hit something but there's nothing around.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > i am sure if they got enough evidence they do ban people. there are far more cheating accusations thrown around then actually people cheating. i rarely can play a week active in WvW without being accused of cheating at least once by someone who simply lacks knowledge about the game. not sure if they all actually report me or just whisper.

> > i dont know if anet does check log files for every report they recieve, if they do then they are probably pretty busy and waste alot of time on wrong reports.


> I don't believe there is an actual report option for cheating either..

> Botting, Gold Selling, Spamming etc but nothing for hacking or cheating.. or AFK farming.


> I've called for more report options in the past myself to more accurately report people for certain things but clearly that's never been considered.


This is the crux of the issue. There should be a "hacking" report button, then a sub heading to what type of hack it is, AND, then some space for the player to write a blurb about it.


Logs exist, they can plain as day see it if they choose to do so; but failing to do anything about it sends a message to players that it clearly is ok.

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> @"EikoLani.8592" said:

> Don't know if this really counts as a hack but I've notice sometimes when I fight certain players, specifically players that play Ranger or Thief my computer goes into a 5-10 second lag. I notice these players don't use any form of food, nourishment, and buffs.



That lag phenomenon used to occur around the time of the previous hack too. Strange how it’s affecting the server/player though if most of the code is client side.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Colly.4073" said:

> > Mostly using the run hack that lets you run at whatever speed you choose even if cripple and other movement imparing conditions are on you.


> that is called resistance


And you don’t think I noticed if these people have resistance buff?


Anyway I have given up reporting people because nothing ever seems to happen from Anet, sad really.

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Speed hack scourges seems to be normal thing now. Seen 2 yesterday while I was soloing around with my holosmith with rocket boots and I couldn't catch up then and they disappeared on the horizon.


Another pretty common thing I saw are perma stealth deadeye attacking you while still stealthed up, I don't think they can do that.


Or a dagger pistol daredevil able to handle 4 people without dying, he was platinum rank and then whispered to all us "git gud" but I he barely received a single hit, constant perfect interrupts, stealth, and repeat. And he was handling 4 people focusing him.


I dunno, speed hacks are easy to spoilers but those others hacks not so much, if he was hacking.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Colly.4073" said:

> > Mostly using the run hack that lets you run at whatever speed you choose even if cripple and other movement imparing conditions are on you.


> that is called resistance


This is way anet is being so cautious on banning People. And why there is no Report button for cheaters.


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Or a dagger pistol daredevil able to handle 4 people without dying, he was platinum rank and then whispered to all us "git gud" but I he barely received a single hit, constant perfect interrupts, stealth, and repeat. And he was handling 4 people focusing him.


This just describes a normal perma-evade dd.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Or a dagger pistol daredevil able to handle 4 people without dying, he was platinum rank and then whispered to all us "git gud" but I he barely received a single hit, constant perfect interrupts, stealth, and repeat. And he was handling 4 people focusing him.


> This just describes a normal perma-evade dd.


no a normal one would do that regularly and not whisper his opponents.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Speed hack scourges seems to be normal thing now. Seen 2 yesterday while I was soloing around with my holosmith with rocket boots and I couldn't catch up then and they disappeared on the horizon.

> Another pretty common thing I saw are perma stealth deadeye attacking you while still stealthed up, I don't think they can do that.


Yes they can, that's ANets amazing balance philosophy at work but don't worry, if you die to DE you died because you're bad, not because you can't bait out cool downs or that you can't punish or hit them without guess work, it's because they outplayed you so completely.


> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Or a dagger pistol daredevil able to handle 4 people without dying, he was platinum rank and then whispered to all us "git gud" but I he barely received a single hit, constant perfect interrupts, stealth, and repeat. And he was handling 4 people focusing him.


> I dunno, speed hacks are easy to spoilers but those others hacks not so much, if he was hacking.


Nah DP thieves are just only in 2 types, plebs who die super easy and GW2 masters who have mastered the entire game and are just superior to everyone in every possible way. So you see it is a case of git gud like them. Same for these PU power shatter mesmers, spellbreakers, minstrels druids and yolosmiths, all skill not cheesy builds.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Is there a cheat going around that acts that all of your skills are on a permanent 20% faster cooldown? Seen a few people who seem to be able to pump a lot more dmg since everything is ready again 20% faster.


I think there might be cos it can't be my imagination unless a ghost was giving them alacrity. Several times now on diff classes as well as being on the same one and the enemy managed to pull skills that should obviously still be on CD. I've only come across handful of these and it's not widespread as the other stuff, but it's there. It's more noticeable when you've got them 1v1, they seem to turn these on when they think no one is around or you're by yourself.

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There was video posted to the forums a month ago that showed a DB player flying around the map. Literally, flying around in a castle they did not own. That guy was still logged in last light. I know he was reported, with video, to the exploits team. Yet, here we are a month later, and the anti-gravity expert is still playing.

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> @"Nocturnal Lunacy.8563" said:

> > @"altermaven.7385" said:

> >

> >

> > I understand the bans come in waves thing, but we need a more stringent checks and balances system in place.


> Funny thing is that if you call somebody a name you get banned within 15 minutes. If they ban the hacker (which is rare) it takes months.


From the looks of it, you're implying anet does nothing at all.


I've brought this up for a different game and it basically applies here. If you just outright ban hackers as you see them, you're actually giving the hack authors a chance to review and update their softwares so they have better accuracy to skirt checks.


The reason hacker bans come in un-announced, random waves is more of a psychological cripple -- you're peddling what could be the best thing and you're certain you've nailed it, then several weeks later a crapton of people get removed and you don't know why. If people get smitten one by one, you get increasingly better chances to isolate what causes your software to get checked.


This is to prevent the authors from getting a significant upper hand. Anet does *something*, just not at the pace you expect them to.

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> @"altermaven.7385" said:

> Anet does *something*, just not at the pace you expect them to.


People keep posting videos showing the hack tool, and what it can do. Those videos are IDENTICAL to the videos that were on youtube from launch, showing what it could do. So, yes, you're right, 5 years to make some progress on removing them/preventing them is NOT the pace I would like.

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There's a thief that hangs out in Edge of the Mists who has invuln (like you get at the spawn points) when you fight him, no matter where - in the middle of the map, near a tower etc.


He's also been seen on top of objects that you can't physically reach. We reported him a load of times but nothing happened.

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