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Anyone notice an increase in hackers?


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* As a necro with reaper, MM build and a greatsword

* No guild representing

* very low AP (check it by add him/her as a friend)

* very low MP

* killing any mobs on sight regardless of any event happening or not

* run into dangerous fight without any dodging action

* only use skill #1 when downed

* do not re-spawn immediately even no player around

* do not respond to any private chat


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> @"Fos.4185" said:



> * As a necro with reaper, MM build and a greatsword

> * No guild representing

> * very low AP (check it by add him/her as a friend)

> * very low MP

> * killing any mobs on sight regardless of any event happening or not

> * run into dangerous fight without any dodging action

> * only use skill #1 when downed

> * do not re-spawn immediately even no player around

> * do not respond to any private chat







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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

i cant help but wonder myself, what measurements are actually taken against cheating? Like, i understand that it is an difficult process to go through. But i dont really have the impression that there are any actions taken to stop cheating other then banning the player. However this does not solve the issue, cause most of those people that use the third party program dont care to begin with. And they can easily redo it again by creating a new account. Given the core game is free. (My argument is based on multiple videos i have seen in the past/recently, where people talk about it and proof cheating in great detail. I could provide source at request).

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Banning them is one thing. Posting statistics - not sure would I trust those, anyone can come up with numbers. Call it being sceptical, it's true since hackers seem to thrive in this game.


I would actually love to hear about progress on an anti-cheat tool / measures being developed, security being hardened, **GMs present in the game and a tool to directly interact with them**.

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Just witnessed a bg scourge hack his way into our bay inner while bg trying to take it...

My motivation to play this game just dropped back down zero :/

Sad that this is allowed to happen freely and openly and nothing will ever be done about it.

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About two weeks ago something happened to me for the first time. we were going to defend against an attack at stoic in the desert bl and when we reached the lords room the stone spikes of the platform went up and I fell under the map due to lag. I'm not sure if I could heal there or not (I was on a support FB) but they did manage to kill me. I'm just putting this out there to try to be as helpful as I can be. I run no third party programs and I'm happy to let them go thru my account...I just have terrible internet. Once about a year ago I went to take an objective with a zerg and the walls of the tower didn't fully spawn and I was also able to walk in and out of the hole in the wall. I did report it, though the bug was in my favor. So please keep in mind some things are not always hacks but bugs.

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> @"Kamara.4187" said:

> About two weeks ago something happened to me for the first time. we were going to defend against an attack at stoic in the desert bl and when we reached the lords room the stone spikes of the platform went up and I fell under the map due to lag. I'm not sure if I could heal there or not (I was on a support FB) but they did manage to kill me. I'm just putting this out there to try to be as helpful as I can be. I run no third party programs and I'm happy to let them go thru my account...I just have terrible internet. Once about a year ago I went to take an objective with a zerg and the walls of the tower didn't fully spawn and I was also able to walk in and out of the hole in the wall. I did report it, though the bug was in my favor. So please keep in mind some things are not always hacks but bugs.


For the second part, I think what happened to you is something like this...

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?

> >

> > https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho

> >

> > muted because of my annoying music :#


> Downed players teleporting like that is lag. If they were using cheat software, you wouldn't have been able to get them downed in the first place. You can see you aren't even doing any damage on the downed BEAR player when you are hitting the Dcon and Goon players because his location isn't where your client thinks he is, just like when a dolyak is bugged out and teleports.


But you can see he does do damage on the warrior and necro before they enter downstate. That means they were close enough to him that he can damage them, and no skill can teleport a player that far away.


The client readjusting for lag usually only takes 1-2 "teleports" that look like hacks. These guys were teleporting multiple times to a distance where getting into the down state (if from lag) is impossible since there were no allies present at that location.

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> @"nativity.3057" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?

> > >

> > > https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho

> > >

> > > muted because of my annoying music :#

> >

> > Downed players teleporting like that is lag. If they were using cheat software, you wouldn't have been able to get them downed in the first place. You can see you aren't even doing any damage on the downed BEAR player when you are hitting the Dcon and Goon players because his location isn't where your client thinks he is, just like when a dolyak is bugged out and teleports.


> But you can see he does do damage on the warrior and necro before they enter downstate. That means they were close enough to him that he can damage them, and no skill can teleport a player that far away.


> The client readjusting for lag usually only takes 1-2 "teleports" that look like hacks. These guys were teleporting multiple times to a distance where getting into the down state (if from lag) is impossible since there were no allies present at that location.


Also (speaking from a laggers perspective), 99% of the time you won't be able to dish out any dmg back due to lag/queuing/syncing of actions - it will queue and favor dmg coming from unlagged clients so if these guys seem to be able to respond in real-time there is something else going on.

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?


> https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho


> muted because of my annoying music :#


what is the cursor you're using, i keep losing track of mine whether it's PvE or WvW.

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I have two videos of players who appear to be hacking, but I am not sure due to some game changes that have taken place.

The first one was a old school reaper that teleported to me with what appeared to be lighting.

The second one was a Soul Beast Ranger that shot something at me and it teleported him to me.

If there are skills for these two classes that I am missing, could someone please inform me, I do not want to

report someone who is using skills allotted to them. I would post the videos, but every time I have spoke about these things

my post has been deleted.

Thanks for the input


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> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?

> >

> > https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho

> >

> > muted because of my annoying music :#


> what is the cursor you're using, i keep losing track of mine whether it's PvE or WvW.


YOLO cursor. Just google it.

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> @"Kamara.4187" said:

> About two weeks ago something happened to me for the first time. we were going to defend against an attack at stoic in the desert bl and when we reached the lords room the stone spikes of the platform went up and I fell under the map due to lag. I'm not sure if I could heal there or not (I was on a support FB) but they did manage to kill me. I'm just putting this out there to try to be as helpful as I can be. I run no third party programs and I'm happy to let them go thru my account...I just have terrible internet. Once about a year ago I went to take an objective with a zerg and the walls of the tower didn't fully spawn and I was also able to walk in and out of the hole in the wall. I did report it, though the bug was in my favor. So please keep in mind some things are not always hacks but bugs.


In other FPS games I have played players have purposefully reduced their framerate, connection speed, graphics quality, in order to get these kinds of results. Sadly, it's a two edged sword. Some hate it and wish it weren't there, others create it on purpose in order to take advantage.

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> @"nativity.3057" said:

> The client readjusting for lag usually only takes 1-2 "teleports" that look like hacks. These guys were teleporting multiple times to a distance where getting into the down state (if from lag) is impossible since there were no allies present at that location.


If an enemy player has a 3000ms ping spike, it will not be 1-2 teleports from your PoV. LOL. A hacker isn't going to be teleporting the same distance away every teleport nor is a hacker's teleporting going to have the same time intervals between them. That's your client trying to figure out how to render the other guy's location with incomplete information from the server.


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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > The client readjusting for lag usually only takes 1-2 "teleports" that look like hacks. These guys were teleporting multiple times to a distance where getting into the down state (if from lag) is impossible since there were no allies present at that location.


> If an enemy player has a 3000ms ping spike, it will not be 1-2 teleports from your PoV. LOL. A hacker isn't going to be teleporting the same distance away every teleport nor is a hacker's teleporting going to have the same time intervals between them. That's your client trying to figure out how to render the other guy's location with incomplete information from the server.



"A hacker's teleport isn't the same distance"

Usually it is, since the hack has a set distance to teleport. Different teleport distances might signal it's not a hack but...


As I mentioned before, if a person can damage the player, that means the client has registered the other player's location. There's a huge difference between the video you posted and the video the other player posted.


In your video, you can't ascertain if it was hacks or not because the player was already down, and the "we can't rez you" solidifies that it wasn't hacks, but poor client sync.


In the other video, you can see the damage number pop out for both players (0 in the case of the warrior due to invuls). You can't damage a lagging player who should be further away but seems closer due to your personal client.

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> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?

> >

> > https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho

> >

> > muted because of my annoying music :#


> what is the cursor you're using, i keep losing track of mine whether it's PvE or WvW.


yolo mouse. i dont use it cause it conflicts with shadow play

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> @"Kamara.4187" said:

> Help me out here. We had a deadeye trolling us last night and they could stay perma stealth and one-shot. Someone told me "they can do that" But I can't believe any developer in their right mind would deploy such a mechanic knowingly. Is there something else going on here?


In all likelihood, entirely legitimate. There are a lot of thieves that are hacking infinite initiative, but those are almost always daredevils because rifle DE does not innately have init problems.


The meta has not favored Shadow Arts over the past few years, but this is what the traitline can make a thief do in terms of camping stealth. It used to come at pretty big expenses, though, most notably to damage (when SA was run it was prior to Daredevil since SA had the only cleanse on the class, and this was when you only had access to 2 and one third trait lines, so a full investment was huge as far as damage and utility went), which was a reasonable tradeoff. Since Daredevil was just a superior version in nearly every context, and backstab dealt less damage than the AA chain or vault, there was little reason to play it in HoT.


DE just deals a mass excess of damage with rifle because people wanted a stealth-sniper concept for rifle on the thief, despite the fact it's apparent that the design of such things is extremely unhealthy for the game.


It's this kind of conceptual decision-making that makes players particularly critical of ANet, especially when a number of players **cough** even give forewarning of what will come if these decisions are implemented and provide alternatives (the link in my signature was my response to demands for a stealth sniper for our next elite spec, and was what I proposed a few weeks after HoT which did in fact reach the dev team).

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> @"nativity.3057" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > > The client readjusting for lag usually only takes 1-2 "teleports" that look like hacks. These guys were teleporting multiple times to a distance where getting into the down state (if from lag) is impossible since there were no allies present at that location.

> >

> > If an enemy player has a 3000ms ping spike, it will not be 1-2 teleports from your PoV. LOL. A hacker isn't going to be teleporting the same distance away every teleport nor is a hacker's teleporting going to have the same time intervals between them. That's your client trying to figure out how to render the other guy's location with incomplete information from the server.

> >


> "A hacker's teleport isn't the same distance"

> Usually it is, since the hack has a set distance to teleport. Different teleport distances might signal it's not a hack but...


No. This is what an actual speed/teleport hacker looks like. There is no set distance nor is there a set time interval.


Additionally, that warrior in the first clip never really moved from where the player applied damage to him. His actual location was near the sentry and he continues to take damage while in downed state from other players at the location he went down at while the person who took the video saw him instead teleporting (at same time intervals/distance) to Jerrifer's. The one guy that went down in the second clip went down somewhere other than where the video creator was putting his damage. People don't always start having ping lag right when they go down.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Oriens.5630" said:

> > > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?

> > >

> > > https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho

> > >

> > > muted because of my annoying music :#

> >

> > what is the cursor you're using, i keep losing track of mine whether it's PvE or WvW.


> yolo mouse. i dont use it cause it conflicts with shadow play


What kind of problems does it have with shadowplay? it seems to work for me.

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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Oriens.5630" said:

> > > > @"SWI.4127" said:

> > > > Finally got around to uploading some of the stuff I've seen. Downed players teleporting away multiple times. People in chat said maybe it's the Necro trait but I think it's pretty obvious from these clips that is not the case. Is this just lag though?

> > > >

> > > > https://youtu.be/RFkRL6dNMho

> > > >

> > > > muted because of my annoying music :#

> > >

> > > what is the cursor you're using, i keep losing track of mine whether it's PvE or WvW.

> >

> > yolo mouse. i dont use it cause it conflicts with shadow play


> What kind of problems does it have with shadowplay? it seems to work for me.


when i have yolo mouse on, i can't record gameplay. =)

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> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> > @"Kamara.4187" said:

> > About two weeks ago something happened to me for the first time. we were going to defend against an attack at stoic in the desert bl and when we reached the lords room the stone spikes of the platform went up and I fell under the map due to lag. I'm not sure if I could heal there or not (I was on a support FB) but they did manage to kill me. I'm just putting this out there to try to be as helpful as I can be. I run no third party programs and I'm happy to let them go thru my account...I just have terrible internet. Once about a year ago I went to take an objective with a zerg and the walls of the tower didn't fully spawn and I was also able to walk in and out of the hole in the wall. I did report it, though the bug was in my favor. So please keep in mind some things are not always hacks but bugs.


> In other FPS games I have played players have purposefully reduced their framerate, connection speed, graphics quality, in order to get these kinds of results. Sadly, it's a two edged sword. Some hate it and wish it weren't there, others create it on purpose in order to take advantage.


They must have super internet because its all I can do to not freeze up when zergs meet in wvw. I have a nice rig but our tower (service provider) needs serious upgrading. I run my graphics bare bone minimal :(

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I don't play wvw, or pvp, but about hacking yes even in pve I see a giant increase. I do mapcompletion frequently and every map, especially timberline falls and iron marches, i have to report about 20 people who are botting/afk farming. I thought about a year ago there was some heavy action put against that. What happened? There's tons and tons of necros with minions and engineers with turrets out there exploiting the game, it's super frustrating and everytime I pass one, i report them, but for the past months I've been doing that, i haven't seen a decrease at all. Super frustrating!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > This thread will get deleted, and nothing will be done about the problem ?


> Nope, not going to delete this, unless I look back and see naming and shaming. You're certainly welcome to share your concerns about this subject. I want you to know that they *are* noted.


> I had a long talk with CS just this week on the topic of cheating and how players can best report incidents. I wanted to be sure that reports truly were noted, and acted upon. And... they are. You may not see the reaction, because it can happen outside of your view. You will not hear about the outcome, because there is no method to respond to an in-game report. **But when you report someone for cheating -- and that's reported through using the "botting" reason, because they get the same sort of review -- an agent will investigate.** Alternately, you can use e-mail to send a report and details to Exploits@Arena.Net. (BTW, the team asked me to suggest that you you please not include files in your initial e-mail. For security purposes, attachments are filtered out. However, you can provide a link to a video file if you've hosted it elsewhere. Alternately, you could mention you have a video or other resource and the team will provide a means to get it to them if they determine they need it.)


> Sometimes it's hard to nail down the use of a cheat in a single review, and seldom is the review going to happen within seconds of your report. However, I can confirm that reports are not "going into the void" or getting quietly shuffled under the carpet. Nor is this conversation. :)


So with all the known hacks, cheating going on in WvW and the server that uses them in wvw to benefit their personal or server progression, how do you plan to address the loss of progression to the honest players who do not and have never cheated?


Like when the thief, or ranger, or warrior or whatever profession engages you in single combat and beats you for wvw score because they are cheating, or a zerg full of cheaters is taking keeps, camps etc. and benefiting from wvw points, score and you are not???


What about that Ascended weapon or armor chest the cheat just got that you didn't because he using a hack?


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