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reduce wvw squad size to promote a healthy game mode


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I think 35 people in squad would be a good start

30 would be better

25 is ideal


-less laggy fights

-even/ fair fights

-more skilled/ enjoyable fights

-server ppt cooperation with the divide and conquer mentality

-a roaming revival

-help break up the dominating blob servers and make certain matchups more fun

-may bring back some wvw population

-make the maps not so empty feeling because it would split up the groups


another idea would be for every person in squad after 30 would reduce the zergs damage by 1%.

50 man squad is the obvious choice right now because its all benefits and no negatives, but if you implement the above change it would make people weigh out the options. either way it would give the smaller group more of a fighting chance by fighting a smaller sized enemy or the enemy has a slight damage reduction for their over populated squad.

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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> I think 35 people in squad would be a good start

> 30 would be better

> 25 is ideal


> -less laggy fights

> -even/ fair fights

> -more skilled/ enjoyable fights

> -server ppt cooperation with the divide and conquer mentality

> -a roaming revival

> -help break up the dominating blob servers and make certain matchups more fun

> -may bring back some wvw population


Squad size matters not for lag. People will form a second and follow the first, doing the same commands. Lag won't change.


Lag needs to have a drop in map cap, decrease if server calculations, or a change in engine/servers.


Honestly, lag has been better for me over the last 1 month. Of course the strobe lights hurt some....

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i think anets focus right now is world restructuring. i mean a 50 man squad size now might be relevant but in the new implementation it might not be. so thats like a wasted effort. besides even if you limit the squad size to something smaller youll still get pugs on both sides making it probably laggy and unbalanced.

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I just feel like every fight these days is a mandatory 100 people because both squads have 50 in them. Then when the 3rd server squad of 50 rolls up the game dies. I ask myself what happened to the days when 20 was a big number and the fights were so much more fun? Then I realize squads is what happened! Its not enjoyable the way it is now and IMO it was much more enjoyable before squads so we should just try and go back to those group sizes if possible.

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What you mean isn't "reduce squad size", but more like "we need a system that discourages the blob/zerg/mob gameplay".

I mean more often than not, half the people in a WvW mob won't be on the squad, but they'll still be following the tag. So it's not a problem with squads, it's a problem with the way the game mode works that encourages mobbing instead of strategical play.

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more people on tag => larger fights => more loot and more supply => faster PvD => more rewards.


if the reward system was turned upside down, therefore rewards not created at every client for whatever he participates in , but instead every event, every playerkill would create rewards that would be shared between every participant , then medium sized groups would be way more efficient.

^this should only affect stuff that is not scaling - tower/ keep lords for instance can keep the loot they currently giveaway, no need for 50 champ bags for solo killing a towerlord :D


changing squads, even removing them wont change the way people play.

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Nah this is completely irrelevant.


If zergs used to be smaller it was because zerg busting was a thing that some guilds could pull off, so they did that instead of forming the core of a larger zerg. Since zerg busting doesn't really work anymore and numbers are everything the people who must win at all costs only do one thing and they don't care about squad size.

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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> like I said. my opinion is it used to be better then it is now and the only thing that changed was making 50 man squads. there used to be multiple groups of 20 to fight on a map. now its just one group of 50


Unfortunately the game is over 5 years old now and has changed from what it use to be. Blob is easy mode, which seems to be the norm nowadays, at least on the larger servers. Not saying that's wrong, it is what it is.


Changing squad size won't make a difference.

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Hurtappl what youre typing right now is nothing but a load of crap and there are planty of reasons why.


First of all blobbing has been here since launch, still is and still will remain. Secondly as someone who played WvW since release then running around with a 50 man group and often times even with a solid map blob wasnt a rarity, it was an common occurrence and still is today.

Furthermore the groups of 20 that you refer to were often times guild raids and they were more common cause back then anet had not botched up the meta nor classes. As soon as anet nerfed stability to the ground and made the very first pirateship happen then many many guilds left due to how much they hated what arena net had done. This reduced the available 20 man groups aka guild raids A LOT.

Furthermore these days you are forced to blob up more given that now having more numbers makes a huge impact on fights. So the guild raids that managed to run with 25 and go up against 45 players isnt possible anymore due to condi cancer, instant debuffing and limited amount of stability stacks.


Squads didnt create blobbing, it has been here long before squads were introduced. What killed the game was arena net and their disregard towards what WvW players have wanted over the years.

I still remember what CEO of anet once said in stream "If youre into WvW then youre definetly into PVE" right around the time they released desert bl aka EOTM 2.0 map. The amount of WvW players who were angered by what CEO Colin said was quite big.

In fact the same CEO who said that sentence was the very person who wanted stability nerfed to the ground cause "I dont like how stability works" were his exact same words. That was the end to your "good old times".


If youre lagging more then you used to then its not cause of blobbing but cause of corrupted anet patches.


Try following below and if it fixes your FPS issues then youll know the lag problems are related to anets patches:


Delete your Local.dat located in C:\Users\ [Your User Name] \AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2


Delete the Gw2 cache located in C:\Users\ [Your User Name] \AppData\Local\Temp



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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> commanders will continue to squad invite until they are satisfied and at 50 players. let me ask this... would reducing it to 30 players be bad for wvw?


what do you think will change in the way WvW is played if the squad size is reduced? even with 50 squadsize i sometimes see blobs with 2 tags because one is full.

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there were servers known for there large blob and shamed for it. their blob back then prob 50 and that was considered HUGE.. now 50 is encouraged and the norm


im saying don't encourage 50 with the squad mechanic and wvw may become more enjoyable- people might spread out- fights more even sized and fun


reducing squad size is just one way that huge blobs can be discouraged

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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> I think 35 people in squad would be a good start

> 30 would be better

> 25 is ideal


We couldn't get all of my guild in one squad as it is the other day, it happens. Your idea will guarantee we cannot play together, no thanks.


> -less laggy fights


If you are getting lag, feel free not to fight there. I do not feel you have any business telling the rest of us we shouldn't be able too.


> -even/ fair fights


This is a dishonest claim. Nor do I need or want anyone trying to create some faux notion of equality in battle


> -more skilled/ enjoyable fights


You confuse your subjective opinion with that of objective fact. Fewer people in no way dictates more skill.


> -server ppt cooperation with the divide and conquer mentality


I do not see a benefit to the community be trying to force your mentality on them. Let players be free and play as they like, do not attempt to push your idea of how they should play, and why, on the community.


> -a roaming revival


There is no evidence it will create more roamers. if players want to fill that roll, they will.


> -help break up the dominating blob servers and make certain matchups more fun


Again, you confuse your subjective opinion with objective fact and presume to dictate to us what is or is not fun.


> -may bring back some wvw population


Based on what? Why would it bring back WvW population?


> -make the maps not so empty feeling because it would split up the groups


You have not offered any evidence that it any of these bad ideas will inspire more leadership or commanders. What good are more groups, created because your forced people not to play together, if no one wants the mental effort to lead them?


> another idea would be for every person in squad after 30 would reduce the zergs damage by 1%.


So directly punish players for playing how they want because they are not playing how you want?


> 50 man squad is the obvious choice right now because its all benefits and no negatives, but if you implement the above change it would make people weigh out the options. either way it would give the smaller group more of a fighting chance by fighting a smaller sized enemy or the enemy has a slight damage reduction for their over populated squad.


Actually, you are wrong. Two squads of 25 working together or that same 50 broken down into 3 squads, working together is the obvious right choice. If you implement the changes above you simply take away players the freedom to play how they want by forcing your idea on them in dictatorship fashion.



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> @"dolcolax.1268" said:

> i think anets focus right now is world restructuring. i mean a 50 man squad size now might be relevant but in the new implementation it might not be. so thats like a wasted effort. besides even if you limit the squad size to something smaller youll still get pugs on both sides making it probably laggy and unbalanced.


doubt things will change, what will prapbably we see is 1 sized blob like we have, try to flip where others arent with 15+ catas and 6 shieldg ens and the 1 massive blob comes to defend, and the atackers will QQ alot since they need fight to take stuff under tons of ac's


Maps will have to change on the long term

Stutures design will have to changes as well

Siege might change as well.

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I like the idea. sure it wouldn't solve everything, but it wouldn't hurt either (unless your guild runs more then 25 lol). honestly that's a lot and hardcore blobbing shouldn't be encouraged. puglets following are often times party less, and so lack stab and other buffs/heals so they aren't really a problem. unless its a zerk hamrev or ele lol. back in the days when squads didn't exist, people got by just fine. organized groups will be largely unaffected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The squad size should be more than 50, at least the map limit but maybe greater than the map limit. The 50 has been too small because our zerg has been bigger.


The squad size maybe should be greater than the map limit because we have players in other maps. I often scout in home bl while our blob is elsewhere. Commanders often needs scouts who tell where and in what map enemy blobs are. Anyway, now 50 is already so limiting that I leave squad if I change map.


I join squad even when I'm roaming, taking one squad slot away. I want to see where our blob go, and where are individual players so that I may help the individuals trying to reach, or keep up with, the commander.


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Zergs should be punished by siege. That is kind of their role. Lords should have anti-zerg abilities, yet outside the Desert BL, all the lords do is sit and take a beating. Even then, that is open for debate. Shield generators are a large part of this problem too.. A zerg with enough generators is basically immune to their intended counter.

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What if a squad is max 25 players? The other 30 people following the tag even if not in the squad become immediately invisible? Or a group of 50 people could simply have 2 commanders leading 25 people each.


Your topic makes no sense, wvw is not a queque mode like spvp where you are strict with max 5 teammates, but any people around the map can join or go as they wish. Commanders already join their forces now, why wouldn't they even if they set a max squad players cap?

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