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reduce wvw squad size to promote a healthy game mode


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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> > @"Kro.7984" said:

> > I just want to know what tier servers and time have 50 people squads running around on all 3 servers. I need to start playing during that period.


> JQ is in tier 3 and they will have 50 man squads on more than one map on multiple evenings of the week.


I don't think that's a representative example. Most servers that float between T1 and T2, at least in NA, are likely to be able to field full squads in multiple maps, outside of reset.


JQ is a recent-Tier 1 server that allowed itself to lose matches, on the theory that the server would open up for transfers. As a result, they dropped pretty far down in tiers. When JQ's guilds come out to play seriously, they wipe the field: they are typically more organized, more experienced, and/or better commanded than their opponents. And as a result, they mow everything down. (Their roamers are pretty good, too.) They might be listed in T3 now, but I'm sure that they'll be back in T2 (and probably T1) consistently until Restructuring is implemented.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"coglin.1496" said:

> > > @"Kro.7984" said:

> > > I just want to know what tier servers and time have 50 people squads running around on all 3 servers. I need to start playing during that period.

> >

> > JQ is in tier 3 and they will have 50 man squads on more than one map on multiple evenings of the week.


> I don't think that's a representative example. Most servers that float between T1 and T2, at least in NA, are likely to be able to field full squads in multiple maps, outside of reset.


> JQ is a recent-Tier 1 server that allowed itself to lose matches, on the theory that the server would open up for transfers. As a result, they dropped pretty far down in tiers. When JQ's guilds come out to play seriously, they wipe the field: they are typically more organized, more experienced, and/or better commanded than their opponents. And as a result, they mow everything down. (Their roamers are pretty good, too.) They might be listed in T3 now, but I'm sure that they'll be back in T2 (and probably T1) consistently until Restructuring is implemented.




I just answered his question with facts. If you dislike it, it may be more beneficial if you offered the poster and answer you feel more appropriate. It would be much more productive than making a post trying to argue semantics when all I did was answer the question with provable facts.

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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"coglin.1496" said:

> > > > @"Kro.7984" said:

> > > > I just want to know what tier servers and time have 50 people squads running around on all 3 servers. I need to start playing during that period.

> > >

> > > JQ is in tier 3 and they will have 50 man squads on more than one map on multiple evenings of the week.

> >

> > I don't think that's a representative example. Most servers that float between T1 and T2, at least in NA, are likely to be able to field full squads in multiple maps, outside of reset.

> >

> > JQ is a recent-Tier 1 server that allowed itself to lose matches, on the theory that the server would open up for transfers. As a result, they dropped pretty far down in tiers. When JQ's guilds come out to play seriously, they wipe the field: they are typically more organized, more experienced, and/or better commanded than their opponents. And as a result, they mow everything down. (Their roamers are pretty good, too.) They might be listed in T3 now, but I'm sure that they'll be back in T2 (and probably T1) consistently until Restructuring is implemented.

> >

> >


> I just answered his question with facts. If you dislike it, it may be more beneficial if you offered the poster and answer you feel more appropriate. It would be much more productive than making a post trying to argue semantics when all I did was answer the question with provable facts.


And I responded with my understanding of other, equally demonstrable facts. I don't like or dislike the situation or the statement; I think JQ's history is relevant in the context of someone asking where they can go to find 50-person squads and when, especially since JQ is currently closed. For example, they won't find the same sort of 50-person squads on TC, running nightly on multiple maps. And YB, the third of the T3 matchup worlds this week, is also full.



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> The blob is King.


> A minor hurdle like smaller squad sizes matters not when piling everyone on to a single spot is still the winning strategy.

Winning strategy for fights perhaps, everyone always want fights. Then they complain that the enemy always just blobs and zergs and should come fight with 30 enemies instead so that they can show who is best. And they come with 50 against those 30 anyway so they can show who is the best fighter, because zergs are the winning strategy as long as its your zerg. If its the enemy zerg, they are loosers.


Or something like that. Fights, wooo!!!

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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> I think 35 people in squad would be a good start

> 30 would be better

> 25 is ideal


> -less laggy fights

> -even/ fair fights

> -more skilled/ enjoyable fights

> -server ppt cooperation with the divide and conquer mentality

> -a roaming revival

> -help break up the dominating blob servers and make certain matchups more fun

> -may bring back some wvw population

> -make the maps not so empty feeling because it would split up the groups


> another idea would be for every person in squad after 30 would reduce the zergs damage by 1%.

> 50 man squad is the obvious choice right now because its all benefits and no negatives, but if you implement the above change it would make people weigh out the options. either way it would give the smaller group more of a fighting chance by fighting a smaller sized enemy or the enemy has a slight damage reduction for their over populated squad.


Squad size has nothing to do with any of these. You can follow a commander and zerg even if the squad is full. If people don't roam, it's because they find zerging more fun and that won't change by changing the size of the squad.

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dont know but i guess gw2 got some issue with database or some interface regarding the lag. i mean see all the players in the zergs got all different items, armors, weapons, sigils, runes, infusions, skins, traits , trinkets, these are alot items and most of these cause effects or have impact on how skills work and all players move and cast around the game needs to suck all these informations out of a database and calc it all together. if i would be a developer i would look into the base and interface connections. the reason i believe this is the skill lags we had causing skills to be executed delayed. reducing the size of the squad makes people run next to it i think.

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reducing squad size would probably kill wvw even more

the squad size should be actualy equal with map limit in order to allow everyone to join squad for more coordination

A smaller squad would involve banishing new or less experienced players from the squad . A limited squad numbers would unavoidable make the commanders to kick thieves ranger and roaming classes, even scouts

A larger squad would allow roamers to coordinate betwen eachother , scouts could have shared participation , and class discrimination would disapear .


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> @"Rayya.2591" said:

> reducing squad size would probably kill wvw even more

> the squad size should be actualy equal with map limit in order to allow everyone to join squad for more coordination

> A smaller squad would involve banishing new or less experienced players from the squad . A limited squad numbers would unavoidable make the commanders to kick thieves ranger and roaming classes, even scouts

> A larger squad would allow roamers to coordinate betwen eachother , scouts could have shared participation , and class discrimination would disapear .


Lol why? You do know we ran WvW *completely without* squads in its glory days? I think it was about 2 years after release they added the squad feature.


Either way as others have said, this is pointless to argue. People want smaller squads? Then run fucking smaller squads. Nothing says they all have to be 50 people to function. Guilds do this all the time.

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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> I think 35 people in squad would be a good start

> 30 would be better

> 25 is ideal


> -less laggy fights

> -even/ fair fights

> -more skilled/ enjoyable fights

> -server ppt cooperation with the divide and conquer mentality

> -a roaming revival

> -help break up the dominating blob servers and make certain matchups more fun

> -may bring back some wvw population

> -make the maps not so empty feeling because it would split up the groups


> another idea would be for every person in squad after 30 would reduce the zergs damage by 1%.

> 50 man squad is the obvious choice right now because its all benefits and no negatives, but if you implement the above change it would make people weigh out the options. either way it would give the smaller group more of a fighting chance by fighting a smaller sized enemy or the enemy has a slight damage reduction for their over populated squad.


How would having a squad of 30 stop randoms from following you? You're still going to get fights where it's 50+ people involved.

Having more numbers makes things easier, always. You can try and run smaller but eventually you'll run into an enemy that doesn't give a care and just want to run a map blob. Frankly in some cases you need that blob to even tackle t3 upgraded keeps or smc. If you want less blobs you also need to reduce defenses to make it easier for smaller groups to do stuff, HoT upgrades destroyed most of the small havoc group stuff.

Damage reduction after 30 will just make commanders run two squads instead, and that won't necessarily make them split apart and do other things from each other.


People follow commander tags, if you want less people around your group then run without the tag and use the squad marker on the commander.


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In term of gameplay, Something else could perhaps be interesting: Giving a different color (Purple as an exemple) to the name of the 5 people (and to their point on the map) who are in a same group inside a big squad could help them to stay together during the fight (boon share, support, ...).

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> @"Hurtappl.6405" said:

> I just feel like every fight these days is a mandatory 100 people because both squads have 50 in them. Then when the 3rd server squad of 50 rolls up the game dies. I ask myself what happened to the days when 20 was a big number and the fights were so much more fun? Then I realize squads is what happened! Its not enjoyable the way it is now and IMO it was much more enjoyable before squads so we should just try and go back to those group sizes if possible.


The main purpose of this mode is to give a gameplay platform for massive realm vs realm fights...


Making squad number limits does nothing except make a blob comprised of smaller groups.

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Just make the tier objectives destroyable like the previous barricades on desert bl, make the t1 walls and doors be attacked same as barricades hp, make the t2 walls same as the the current t1 door hp for attack, leave t3 as fortified hp but can be attacked with a retaliation buff on it (doors and walls)


one of the main reason people group together is they couldn't cap a tower or keep alone without wasting time to go build a siege then go to camp to resupply then go again to your unbuilt siege then resupply again only to find out your siege was destroyed by npcs


give people a diversity play, they can form one 40 man blob train or they can form 20 havoc parties consisting of 2 person each


thats how you reduce the squad size by making people think of strategies instead of designing it to a game called bowling.

making the bowling ball reduced to a fist sized marble will not help, it will be the same


look inside your tiny minds...

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