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Why Doesn't Anet Flush the TP of Old Posts?


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Has Anet ever explained in one of the AMA's as to why they don't flush very old transactions out of the Trading Post? Seems like there are a lot of zombie items for sale/buy that are clearly 6+ months old.... kinda seems like they should expire at some point? Maybe flush them out after 6 months?

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I think only the prices that are under minimum value should be “flushed”, but not any that are at least minimum price. The latter could theoretically still undergo a sale/buy transaction someday.


I personally am watching some of my old orders, so i know that i wouldn’t want them to be auto-deleted.

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This would break the mail system and how would you handle the listing fees being returned? I do like systems that can handle these kind of options but this one isn't built this way. Not seeing this happening without an overhaul of the system and think probably most of the player base would prefer coding time to be spent elsewhere.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> This would break the mail system and how would you handle the listing fees being returned? I do like systems that can handle these kind of options but this one isn't built this way. Not seeing this happening without an overhaul of the system and think probably most of the player base would prefer coding time to be spent elsewhere.


The Trading Post doesn't use the Mail System already, there would be no need to tie the system in. Just use the existing system where it goes to the collection area of the TP interface.

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> @"Embered.5089" said:

> I think only the prices that are under minimum value should be “flushed”, but not any that are at least minimum price. The latter could theoretically still undergo a sale/buy transaction someday.


Yeah, I guess these are the ones that really make the most sense, stuff that is somehow an "invalid" price to begin with.


What if the flush was due to the Transaction being 6 months old AND the user has also not logged in for 6 months? That might be a safer way to isolate zombie transactions?

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Yes, the listing fees must stay, as they are what prevents players from using the TP as free storage for their items.

> Old posts dont affect anyone and TP prices do rise and fall, so you cant assume that old items wont ever sell.



Okay... what if zombie "Buy Orders" are flushed if the user has not logged in for X months?

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> @"Zoe.8310" said:

> > @"Embered.5089" said:

> > I think only the prices that are under minimum value should be “flushed”, but not any that are at least minimum price. The latter could theoretically still undergo a sale/buy transaction someday.


> Yeah, I guess these are the ones that really make the most sense, stuff that is somehow an "invalid" price to begin with.


> What if the flush was due to the Transaction being 6 months old AND the user has also not logged in for 6 months? That might be a safer way to isolate zombie transactions?


I've had sell orders older than one year actually sell.

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> @"Zoe.8310" said:

> > @"Embered.5089" said:

> > I think only the prices that are under minimum value should be “flushed”, but not any that are at least minimum price. The latter could theoretically still undergo a sale/buy transaction someday.


> Yeah, I guess these are the ones that really make the most sense, stuff that is somehow an "invalid" price to begin with.


> What if the flush was due to the Transaction being 6 months old AND the user has also not logged in for 6 months? That might be a safer way to isolate zombie transactions?


Then that's items stuck in limbo if the player never ever logs in again. At least remaining on the TP means that the item may be bought at some day in the future. And if the player ever does return one day, it would be nice to see a nice chunk of gold sitting for them in the TP including items that sold 6+ months since his/her previous log in.

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What purpose would it serve? How would removing old items and buy orders benefit Anet or players? They're not doing any harm and as someone else said they insulate the market from sudden changes.


I can see the logic in removing buy orders that are below the minimum selling price because those can't be filled unless the system breaks. But even then the benefit is minimal - if the players who made those listings wanted their money back they could cancel it themselves (if I remember correctly you don't lose any gold if you cancel a buy order because the fees are paid by the seller). But for items listed for sale and buy orders above the minimum I don't understand how there's any benefit to anyone in removing them.

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Why is there a need to flush very old orders.?

I seriously doubt that Anets servers are getting overloaded by old TP orders, and theres the problem of what happens to the listing fee.

Players will complain and rightly so if their orders are getting deleted, unless they get a refund of the listing fee, which then removes one of the major gold sinks from the game.

Deleting orders just because a player hasnt logged on for a while seems pretty unfair .

Some items can take a looong time to sell, like upmarket legendary weapons where the price is thousands of gold.

Id be pretty peeved if after taking a break from the game and came back to find all my items for sale had been removed.


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> @"Ralistu.1965" said:

> its a good thing to flush it out


No, it's not. It's extra effort to even set things up to make it happen and it serves no valuable purpose for the game. People would be confused as to why they suddenly had items they were trying to sell or gold that they were using to buy something.


> some people just can't grasp it huh

Apparently, it's a result of the original post not giving a clear reason how it benefits the community to clear out the old offers.

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Personally I take notice of buy orders as an indication of market interest. If there are no buy orders at all, I'm more likely to salvage or sell to vendor, rather than risk wasting my listing fee on something no one wants. I guess historic orders below the minimum sell price don't necessarily carry much weight in that regard, but I'm struggling to see the benefit in deleting them.

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If ArenaNet was going to do this, it'd be solely to create a bigger a risk, since they wouldn't be refunding you the listing free. It'd probably include a variable listing fee, allowing you to choose to list it for a day, week, month or year. The benefit to ArenaNet would be wasting your gold in listing fees, but players would be highly encouraged to undercut and sell to buy orders. They might as well do the same for buy orders while they're at it, now charging a listing fee.

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