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Should duoq return for 1600+?


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Solo did absolutely NOTHING to stop wintrading, as proven by the previous season. I haven't experienced any improvement in match quality either, if anything it got worse and more unreliable because there are a lot more randoms from gold sucked into these games.


All it does is kill what little community there still is.


We can't play ranked with friends in a team-based, communication-heavy part of an MMO? What kind of sick joke this is and why did they let some interns with no insight implement it?

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> You people that desperately want solo q only for "competitive fairness" or something, you do realize that this policy has helped kill the game at higher levels right? What's the point of it all if the game is not even fun (due to balance and mechanics, separate topic) and I'm also forced to not play with friends? I go in between being able to queue duo and not all the time; when I'm solo only I start "practicing" side classes so I learn something new but at the same time hopefully tank just enough to duo again.


> I don't care about rating and rank, it's all kitten in this meaningless game. Notice how rank 1 MMR falls more and more every season, the people at the top are done because there's no fun to be had there due to win traders and everything else wrong with ranked. Solo queue only is the extra fun cherry on top.


I want to point out about what killed the game mode at higher levels and why people stopped participating(Myself included) Don't make it out to be as if Solo was a huge factor in what killed it. Since season one, we've had the same offenders exploiting the system, (1 amber premades, Win trading, smurfing, Match Manipulation, etc). Up to this day. There was competitiveness before but since ANET is so adamant on not to deliver a just punishment to offenders that reallllllly deserve a harsh punishment, and who are still going rampant with these manipulative shady practices, hardly anyone wants to participate at high level anymore except for those that want to be apart of the same clique that win trade and exploit. Seeing as how even implementing making things solo only hampered the ability of exploiters, yet still going a way to game the system really says something about what anet thinks about competitive integrity. I want them to keep solo despite not even participating currently. Why? Because I have a sliver of hope Anet gets it together and finally does something about all these win traders and exploiters, and revives the competitiveness of the game, solo for the top slots should be something you feel like you've really played nail and tooth for to stay at the top, getting crappy teammates or not, and not tipping the odds in your favor.

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I would rather keep the same threshold as today (plat 2), but with an option to artifically **lose** rating while keeping the same matchmaking. With the current system, I end up throwing matches on purpose just to be able to duoQ again, because I absolutely don't care about being on the leaderboard.

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> I don't think anybody that is above 1600 wants duo q to come back. Think about that for a second.


> I doubt most people even close to 1600 want duo q back.

I'm above 1600. My friends are above 1600. We all want team queue back because we enjoy playing together.


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Return 5 man queue.


I wanna play with friends again, I wanna build mediocre PvP teams again and weird troll comps like 5 Thieves for fun and have a decent match... Yes we can do all that in unranked but the general skill level in unranked is miles below ranked. In unranked you can roll a spirit ranger and be awesome with it, it's fun, but not challenging.


> @"aelska.4609" said:

> I would rather keep the same threshold as today (plat 2), but with an option to artifically **lose** rating while keeping the same matchmaking. With the current system, I end up throwing matches on purpose just to be able to duoQ again, because I absolutely don't care about being on the leaderboard.


Similiar situation here, myself and friends refuse to try and go above gold, most of us have even decayed and abandoned ranked all together.

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Sure people are making bot accounts, queuing them all at the same time for the sake of gaining more wins - or win trading with friends - or paying others to throw, or queue dodging, etc... at least they don't pay that pro teef or necro player to boost them to top 50 while **also** doing the above items. So just for that 1 reason... I picked the red pill instead of the blue.


What's sad is the reasoning why we even need it in the first place, for a game that's not even esports.

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> @"Thane.9421" said:

> I love all the people who are like "It'll be bad for people who can't get a friend on discord."


> I mean, I'm just saying, if you can't get a single person to discord with you and duo q, it's already bad for you, friend.


"So it should be even worse, ahahaha"? Okay, I guess.

If the only reason you want duo-queue is "fun", it should be a separate queue. Heck, put a whole pre-made team there.

Given that unranked doesn't seem to have people of high enough rating the "fun" part still comes down to "have extra advantage over solo players".

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keep solo q. in all fairness. the fact that many times your duo against 2 other duos on the other team. it's better to just make it all solo q so noone has a bigger advantage over the other.

but i agree, they should split between solo/duo, or even team q. cuz it's not fun to solo all the time.

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