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Why does barrier seem to reduce damage or grant toughness?

Crab Fear.1624

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It seems like the damage taken when a player has barrier is so much smaller than one without barrier, and I don't have weakness when I observe this.


And while I am at it, what is up with all the immortal sustain builds that still dish out shit tons of damage? Holy crap is this healthy for the game?


I don't know cause I am pretty bad, so someone can fil me in?

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if i had to guess, it might be that youre doing enough damage to destroy the barrier and barriers arnt usually huge. Some classes can apply small amounts of barrier at a time, ele for example. They apply 800-1000 health barriers that you see being hit, it shows the damage dealt to health too but you may have missed that.

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> @"Brandon.8294" said:

> if i had to guess, it might be that youre doing enough damage to destroy the barrier and barriers arnt usually huge. Some classes can apply small amounts of barrier at a time, ele for example. They apply 800-1000 health barriers that you see being hit, it shows the damage dealt to health too but you may have missed that.


ah, you are probably right. thanks

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In fact barriers act like the necromancer's shroud's life force and effectively reduce power based damage and condition based damage by 50%. Shroud have been acting this way since the 2nd year of the game and barrier just do the same.


I guess that the idea behind was for necromancer to share it's shroud and then devs found the mechanism interresting and gave it to other professions without caring for the meaning of the damage reduction.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> In fact barriers act like the necromancer's shroud's life force and effectively reduce power based damage and condition based damage by 50%. Shroud have been acting this way since the 2nd year of the game and barrier just do the same.


> I guess that the idea behind was for necromancer to share it's shroud and then devs found the mechanism interresting and gave it to other professions without caring for the meaning of the damage reduction.


Barrier absolutely does not have any damage reduction associated with it. That's one of the differences between it and Shroud.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> It seems like the damage taken when a player has barrier is so much smaller than one without barrier, and I don't have weakness when I observe this.


> And while I am at it, what is up with all the immortal sustain builds that still dish out kitten tons of damage? Holy crap is this healthy for the game?


> I don't know cause I am pretty bad, so someone can fil me in?


No I noticed this same thing earlier today running a pure DPS Core Ranger. I would be off-point, too far away from a Scourge for it to be able to hit me with anything. I'd start firing on the Scourge, getting #1 autos of around 2000 - 2600 with no might stacks. Then they pop barriers and my #1 autos start hitting like 800ish. This was happening all day. Even if they somehow had 100% protection uptime, that should only be a -33% to my physical damage, not like -77%. I suspect a bug with barrier or possible a bug with how projectiles interact with barrier. I only ever noticed this while using projectiles. Also like to point out the damage numbers popping up were all yellow. So this was multiple hits to just raw barriers.


If the barriers are intended to have some damage reduction factor, it needs to be listed in the tool tips.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > It seems like the damage taken when a player has barrier is so much smaller than one without barrier, and I don't have weakness when I observe this.

> >

> > And while I am at it, what is up with all the immortal sustain builds that still dish out kitten tons of damage? Holy crap is this healthy for the game?

> >

> > I don't know cause I am pretty bad, so someone can fil me in?


> No I noticed this same thing earlier today running a pure DPS Core Ranger. I would be off-point, too far away from a Scourge for it to be able to hit me with anything. I'd start firing on the Scourge, getting #1 autos of around 2000 - 2600 with no might stacks. Then they pop barriers and my #1 autos start hitting like 800ish. This was happening all day. Even if they somehow had 100% protection uptime, that should only be a -33% to my physical damage, not like -77%. I suspect a bug with barrier or possible a bug with how projectiles interact with barrier. I only ever noticed this while using projectiles. Also like to point out the damage numbers popping up were all yellow. So this was multiple hits to just raw barriers.


> If the barriers are intended to have some damage reduction factor, it needs to be listed in the tool tips.


That is when I actually notice it the most when they have kited out of melee range and I have to throw dancing dagger or fire my short bow, and my damage becomes dang near non-existent.



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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> I suspect barrier might prevent critical hits? I’ll probably do some testing on this.

> I think this is probably a bug though, or maybe I just had weakness cause scourge xD


Yeah that's what I also suspect. I tested in PvE and it seems that barrier prevents from getting hit critical. The only time you can get hit critical with barrier is, when the damage dealt would be more than the barrier could take, so you partly absorb the damage. That's when you also can get hit critical.


But so far my combat log showed never completely absorbed critical hits with barrier only normal hits


Edit: If this is a bug and they fix this, I hope they will take another look at barrier numbers, so it doesn't suddenly get useless, at least for PvE content...

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:


> Yeah that's what I also suspect. I tested in PvE and it seems that barrier prevents from getting hit critical. The only time you can get hit critical with barrier is, when the damage dealt would be more than the barrier could take, so you partly absorb the damage. That's when you also can get hit critical.


Just did the same test with the engineer NPC since it has high crit and it also uses projectiles.


* I was able to fully absorb critical hits.

* The hits also did the same damage as when I had no barrier as well as conditions do their full damage to a barrierd target.

* I also lost the exact amount of barrier I should.






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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> >

> > Yeah that's what I also suspect. I tested in PvE and it seems that barrier prevents from getting hit critical. The only time you can get hit critical with barrier is, when the damage dealt would be more than the barrier could take, so you partly absorb the damage. That's when you also can get hit critical.


> Just did the same test with the engineer NPC since it has high crit and it also uses projectiles.


> * I was able to fully absorb critical hits.

> * The hits also did the same damage as when I had no barrier as well as conditions do their full damage to a barrierd target.

> * I also lost the exact amount of barrier I should.







I've just tested it again for several minutes on lvl 80 PoF open world PvE mobs and not once (according to combat log) was I hit critical with barrier on me. As soon as I had no barrier on me I received critical hits again.


Maybe it's different for PvE and for PvP.


Edit: tested it even longer and I just fully absorbed a critical hit. Some strange rng I suppose

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