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Let us armor mix with all weight classes?


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Just an idea. Fashion Wars is cool and all but wouldn't it be great if we had more options to mix and match with all weight classes . They could do this with a feature pack or even some sort Gem Store license it would be a win-win for everyone more trans charges bought and more satisfying armor options for the community!

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Well since for example cloth, leather and heavy chests dont have the same rigging they cant just let you mix and match it would clip horribly if you had medium chest with light shoulders and heavy gloves for starters.

Its not as easy as you might think, I would love if anet could show how bad it would be so people would stop asking for this.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> it would clip horribly


This clipping argument is getting old, tbh... Outfits clip like crazy on my Sylvari, especially at hands and legs, 9 out of 10 Outfits have some kind of clipping issue on my characters. So just let us mix-n-match every armor weight and we WILL find pieces that do work together perfectly, I guarantee it. Edit: No offence btw, I know it's not your fault Anet always hides behind this "clipping" excuse.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > it would clip horribly


> This clipping argument is getting old, tbh... Outfits clip like crazy on my Sylvari, especially at hands and legs, 9 out of 10 Outfits have some kind of clipping issue on my characters. So just let us mix-n-match every armor weight and we WILL find pieces that do work together perfectly, I guarantee it. Edit: No offence btw, I know it's not your fault Anet always hides behind this "clipping" excuse.


Can you give a quote where ANet said the problem was clipping? As far as I know that’s something the players have said, not ANet. What I did see them say was that the different weights were “fundamentally incompatible” where they gave as an example dye channels not matching up between weights.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> I just want to know why ALL light armor legs " (for female characters) seem to be "skirts" or "robes" or "dresses?" I just want regular pants...


> P.S. - there may be some, but I sure haven't found any.


Yes. Medium armor has many pant-like leg skins, but light has not (at least not much), and heavy has just few leg-like skins, which do not appeal my eyes... I like more modest, not-that-fancy outlooks and I would like to have bit more options and variations with those. I don't like much of all those horns and spikes and strips and such...

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > No-one else is goin to say it? PvP balance. You need to be visually tell the class of enemy players. No Mesmer masquerading as a Warrior.


> Because class icon is not enought information....


No. Especially with specializations replacing it.


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> No-one else is goin to say it? PvP balance. You need to be visually tell the class of enemy players. No Mesmer masquerading as a Warrior.


I don't feel like that really matters. Outfits still work in pvp, right? I've never heard anyone claiming outfits are OP because they mask class. Then you have armor types shared, so that mesmer could be an elementalist or a necromancer and the clothes aren't going to help you know. Narrowing it down to specialization from there adds even more problems.


Personally I notice attack animations as my visual cue for what class I'm up against. That, or the little symbol to narrow it down to at least what core class they play.

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There are several reasons this won't happen. Some of them have mitigating factors, some don't. The underlying theme in all of them is: it's a lot more effort than we think it is, with a smaller payoff than proponents imagine (mostly because it's a change that has limited value for lots of people).


* Recognizing foe professions: this is important and it's complicated by outfits and mitigated by the option to use "standard models" (which ignore opponent's armor choices).

* Clipping: yes, the game has tons of clipping. But it would be far, far, far worse if the devs didn't spend tons of time eliminating as much as they can. Essentially, it's impossible to avoid clipping; the goal is to make it so most people don't notice it most of the time. Mixing weights adds tons of clipping because the skins aren't designed to be matched. So yes, this is huge.

* Incompatible designs: besides general clipping issues, the "meshes" used for each weight are different. Which is partly why there are so many trench coats and but capes for medium armor (unfortunate choice of mesh to make trench coats easier). The meshes don't, well, mesh together. So that would have to be adjusted, probably redesigned.

* Dyes: different materials take dye colors differently. We already get confused when using dyes on the same types of materials and see different effects; this would be far more common.

* Other priorities: regardless of the pros & cons above, to make this possible, the designers would have to work on... making this possible. That means that they aren't working on fixing existing issues or designing new skins. And while lots of people like the idea of mixing more than seeing new stuff, there are plenty of players who would rather see another armor set or two in Expansion #3, rather than use any of the other weights, because they don't like the current selection.


In short, it's a lot more work than most of us realize to make this possible and that means designers would be taken off of other design/skin projects.

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I may be out on a limb but I like having the 3 categories of armor, and I find there are plenty of options for each weight. I hope it stays that way as it gives some semblance of uniqueness and personality to characters. I like looking at my heavy sets of armor across my heavy armor professions, and light with light. I'm not the kinda person who would think it's normal for a warrior or guard to dress in light armor. I don't know, just me I guess.

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I can’t see them ever setting up mix and match. What I hope may happen is an extension of the outfit system where the other armor weights each get an armor-outfit panel. For example a heavy armor would have a light and a medium wardrobe panel where they can make up a light armor set and a medium armor set and those sets can be toggled to go over the heavy armor like an outfit. That would allow players to use the other armor weights even though you can’t mix and match between weights.

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I want them to rebuild the armor/outfit portion of the game, so my female light armor classes can finally wear actual pants. The genie pants and all the things with dresses and other hanging things attached don't count.


I also want to throw my name into the "Outfits killed Knowing what class they are on sight" hat." That is such an ignorant reason to keep giving other players.

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I'd love this. If my guardian could not be in heavy armor 24/7...or if my elementalist could wear armor... If this could happen through the wardrobe system, or something similar, that would be just awesome.


"Telling classes apart in PVP" - the fireball/icicle/boulder/lightning blast to the face doesn't signify an elementalist? The pink-hued clones don't indicate a mesmer? Giant blue sparklies aren't indicative of a guardian?

I'm pretty sure you could tell classes apart by animations.


> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I can’t see them ever setting up mix and match. What I hope may happen is an extension of the outfit system where the other armor weights each get an armor-outfit panel. For example a heavy armor would have a light and a medium wardrobe panel where they can make up a light armor set and a medium armor set and those sets can be toggled to go over the heavy armor like an outfit. That would allow players to use the other armor weights even though you can’t mix and match between weights.

Oh, that'd be neat! And it would solve clipping problems between different armor weights, I think.


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Honestly, I'd be content if they just picked a couple of skins here and there and ported over to other armor sets. Specifically ca 5 medium armor PANTS over to light armor. And ca 5 light armor chest armor that looks like they could be medium armor without a trenchcoat and convert to light armor.


Heavy armor is a bigger problem, as none of the other armor sets seems to match them at all nor really remove the metal-kilts.

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I don't know that they will do that for all of them because it's more than just enabling them. I think they have compatibility issues as well.


But it would be nice if they at least did that for cultural armor. Sylvari, ausra, and especially charr would benefit greatly from having more of the armor made for them available and it's a way they could increase your options without making more cultural armor.

The PVP argument doesn't really work anymore since outfits already kill that. The icon, and the color and animation differences for classes are how you tell at a glance.

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I know alot of people, myself included, who would love to be able to transmute our current armor to another weight class. I'm a guardian main and I would love to be able to transmute some of my armor to some robes. Would really improve the RP aspect of the game, imo. Like having a reaper emulate some sort of "death knight" type class and re-skin their light armor to some heavy armor type.


Also, the argument over it interfering with PvP clarity is just plain wrong. Aside from the fact that in sPvP, all icons are locked to core class icons and WvW is usually a giant cluster of AoEs and bright lights, very rarely do I see the need to intently stare at someone's armor set and weapon to figure out what class they're running because it is simply inefficient and time consuming.


For example, if you saw 3 heavy armored classes with a stowed hammer, how would you be able to tell if it is a warrior, guardian, or revenant? I mean, sure, with revenant, their hands have a slight glow depending on the legend they're attuned to, but would you be able to differentiate warrior and guard without clicking on them?


Or how about a dual dagger medium armor class? Assuming the ranger stows their pet, would you be able to differentiate between d/d core thief and d/d soulbeast?


Point is, very rarely do I and the people I know figure out who is what purely based off of their appearance.

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