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Increasing level cap


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No. Because usually raising the level cap means you have to buy an expac on top of it. Like WoW and their oh hey level cap is now 120...if you buy the new expac! Enjoy an actual paywall to new content ya'll even though you pay a $15 sub fee!


Something like what ESO did with the Champion system, I wouldn't mind simply because they made it that all the toons you create benefit from it at the start and then can contribute to the level once they hit level cap.



It's sort of similar to the mastery system we have now except you don't need to get those pesky mastery points to complete a tier. So you are still gaining experience and leveling in that manner. If they went that route, maybe have stats we could put points into that increase yield from nodes, increase the chance of secondary items from nodes, etc.

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I'd actually love a level reduction/redesign. Back to 20 levels like in GW1. Because there really isn't enough things to get per level to fill 80 levels, we just get random trash items and useless stuff without unlocking actual abilities. So it could easily be contained within 20 levels instead. With level 20 being no different from current level 80.


Alternatively, have a max level (80 or 20) and let players keep leveling past that, without gaining any stats or new perks of any kind. Honestly it would work pretty much like how masteries works now, or the get a spirit shard thingy. But a lot of people just enjoys watching numbers grow (for some reason, personally I wish I could enable pvp amulet system for entire game as an option, so I never had to worry about a single drop of XP ever again in my life).

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun

In what way would it be fun?


> and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

What about those that don't have 20 tomes per character? What about max level gear? What stat benefits will we get for leveling to 100? Will there be any leveling-up rewards, as there are for L1-80?


And what else might ANet do with the same resources/people to make L100 possible? Would those other things be more fun for people?




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Keeping the cap level as it is is one of the main concepts of Gw2 at the moment. If you payed attention closely Mastery system was release exactly because of this, so that we can continue to progress but without having all of these issues most mmorpgs have. In fact this is probably the big thing that make games even like WoW so mediocre and non-user friendly. So no from me as well.

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With HoT Anet proved that they can design challenging open world content without raising the level cap. So why should it be raised? Certainly the difficulty of contet isn't a valid reason. And like you said, you would just use your tomes to level, so "getting that leveling experience" isn't it either.

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we could increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

> What do you think?


I would second that. But don’t think many people would want to increase to lvl 100. Also it would lead to higher crafting armor. Higher crafting tiers. Etc. I could see why people wouldn’t want that but to me it would be pretty fun.


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This begs an even more interesting question though.

Why are levels needed at all?

eg if a game can max out at a particular level, and then still keep everyone happy, simply start the game at that level.

After all, in just about all MMOs , most players are only interested in the end game , or how do I get to the maximum level as quickly as possible.

Thats one of the reasons why GW2 has items to advance you to L80 instantly.


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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we could increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

> What do you think?




One of the things they said they would NEVER do is increase the level cap. Most people like it that way.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> This begs an even more interesting question though.

> Why are levels needed at all?

> eg if a game can max out at a particular level, and then still keep everyone happy, simply start the game at that level.

> After all, in just about all MMOs , most players are only interested in the end game , or how do I get to the maximum level as quickly as possible.

> Thats one of the reasons why GW2 has items to advance you to L80 instantly.



I can answer that. The point of levels in any RPG (MMO or not) is to not overload a new player and to provide progression for the character. If you were to just start at level 80, not only would you get no sense of progression and growth, but anyone who hadn't already been playing the game would have a ton of abilities that they have no clue what to do with, or even how they work. Leveling provides an excellent framework to introduce more abilities as a player gets familiar with the ones they already have, leading to better use of the skills and an overall higher skill average. Is it perfect? No. It's possible to level 1-80 with only auto-attacking, but that's the player's choice to purposely avoid actually learning anything.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the problem is that, in this game more levels means more work for Anet and just a week of new stuff for players, ppl will use ToK anyway and the ones who don't can level their toon within a few days at level cap, further more, all the gear we now have would be useless and only a fraction of the would would then be the max level environment.


> look, i like to have more levels but since this game kicks out anyone already below lvl 80 increasing the level cap would only do harm.

> if they would ever add more levels you would see the elite specs to be shifted to lvl 100, all the masteries can only be gained at level 100 which means all the lvl 80 areas and expansions where masteries and elite specs are made for are then quite useless and underleveled.

> this would mean that all the under leveled expansions need their levels to be equal to the level cap which means you would end up with a 20 level gap, a gap that needs to be filled and just one expansion isn't gonna fill it since anyone who doesn't buy the expansion is now stuck with two expansions they can't play and a new expansion that allows the player to level to 100 but since the player didn't buy it there is now a player not able to enjoy the game as it's suppose to be enjoyed. (long line of text...i know -_-)


> to sum it up, it would do more harm then good.


No, the problem is that level cap increase is completely worthless if not coupled with a gear grind. Especially with the current GW2, you are just retreading over the same path as masteries.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > This begs an even more interesting question though.

> > Why are levels needed at all?

> > eg if a game can max out at a particular level, and then still keep everyone happy, simply start the game at that level.

> > After all, in just about all MMOs , most players are only interested in the end game , or how do I get to the maximum level as quickly as possible.

> > Thats one of the reasons why GW2 has items to advance you to L80 instantly.

> >


> I can answer that. The point of levels in any RPG (MMO or not) is to not overload a new player and to provide progression for the character. If you were to just start at level 80, not only would you get no sense of progression and growth, but anyone who hadn't already been playing the game would have a ton of abilities that they have no clue what to do with, or even how they work. Leveling provides an excellent framework to introduce more abilities as a player gets familiar with the ones they already have, leading to better use of the skills and an overall higher skill average. Is it perfect? No. It's possible to level 1-80 with only auto-attacking, but that's the player's choice to purposely avoid actually learning anything.


Agreed with both.


This is one of the reasons I liked GW1 leveling, those 20 levels was clearly a tutorial, and when you where done with it the real character progression started (hero points).


Another idea would be to change leveling to a sort of test, to teach players to do things to progress to the next level. This would probably have a whole lot of weird problems... But imagine having to learn about and doing combos in order to level from 10 to 11, use an utility skill to remove a condition to go from 14 to 15, Dodging attacks from 5 different enemies etc. On one hand it might sound dull as heck, on the other hand it can also be something that veterans familiar with the system can just sort of rush through quickly in no time.


(Sure, know ANet is never going to do anything like that at current time)

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That's why we have Mastery Points, they are a way to show progression in a way that's not based off of grinding experience points, while they require experience you do not get it until you get a mastery point from an activity or a place of power in a hard to reach place, each mastery is there to open up new ways to play and experience the game. The mastery point system was created to address the very problem you're being up.


Keep in mind though we were not going to get mounts so ANet can always change their minds.

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Raising level cap is usually just a cheap trick, slapping players' face, and it is effectively the same as striping all toons from their gears and achievements and forcing players to get them back again. I have not any single positive thoughts about the level cap raises in other games I have played. Not a single one. It is just artificial way to trash all the progress you made previously and force people to start from zero to get back to the position they were already.


EDIT: Level cap raising also usually obsoletes the old content, and end game is happening only in the small amount of newest content. All the old places and instances are ghost towns.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the problem is that, in this game more levels means more work for Anet and just a week of new stuff for players, ppl will use ToK anyway and the ones who don't can level their toon within a few days at level cap, further more, all the gear we now have would be useless and only a fraction of the would would then be the max level environment.

> >

> > look, i like to have more levels but since this game kicks out anyone already below lvl 80 increasing the level cap would only do harm.

> > if they would ever add more levels you would see the elite specs to be shifted to lvl 100, all the masteries can only be gained at level 100 which means all the lvl 80 areas and expansions where masteries and elite specs are made for are then quite useless and underleveled.

> > this would mean that all the under leveled expansions need their levels to be equal to the level cap which means you would end up with a 20 level gap, a gap that needs to be filled and just one expansion isn't gonna fill it since anyone who doesn't buy the expansion is now stuck with two expansions they can't play and a new expansion that allows the player to level to 100 but since the player didn't buy it there is now a player not able to enjoy the game as it's suppose to be enjoyed. (long line of text...i know -_-)

> >

> > to sum it up, it would do more harm then good.


> No, the problem is that level cap increase is completely worthless if not coupled with a gear grind. Especially with the current GW2, you are just retreading over the same path as masteries.


...you didn't read did you....i just said that.....

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > This begs an even more interesting question though.

> > Why are levels needed at all?

> > eg if a game can max out at a particular level, and then still keep everyone happy, simply start the game at that level.

> > After all, in just about all MMOs , most players are only interested in the end game , or how do I get to the maximum level as quickly as possible.

> > Thats one of the reasons why GW2 has items to advance you to L80 instantly.

> >


> I can answer that. The point of levels in any RPG (MMO or not) is to not overload a new player and to provide progression for the character. If you were to just start at level 80, not only would you get no sense of progression and growth, but anyone who hadn't already been playing the game would have a ton of abilities that they have no clue what to do with, or even how they work. Leveling provides an excellent framework to introduce more abilities as a player gets familiar with the ones they already have, leading to better use of the skills and an overall higher skill average. Is it perfect? No. It's possible to level 1-80 with only auto-attacking, but that's the player's choice to purposely avoid actually learning anything.


Maybe for somebody who's never played an MMO before that's true enough. Sure you need a bit of time to get used to the mechanical differences but that doesn't take all that long. The problem I have with that argument is that core rotational abilities are often gained so late in the game or worse are modified so much by set bonuses or other end-game options (eg. Elite Specs) that all levelling has done is codified bad rotational habits that need to be unlearned.


20-30 levels are more than a sufficient tutorial.

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Why would we need more levels?


* It would not enhance gameplay, as levelling is probably the most boring part and/or easily replaced by tomes or boosted levelling.

* It would not enhance the players experience as all gear ppl have worked for in the past 4 yeasr would be invalidated.

* It would not be interesting as all present endgame level maps would be played downscaled with all appropriate quirks

* It would invalidate raid wings 1-4, and fractals as a dungeon AND invalidate all ascended and lower armor, trinkets, backs and weapons for all characters.


The only unaffected players would be a couple of hundred(?), or dozen(?) players with all leggies, all 3 legendary armors and leggy backs and trinkets (for as far as they exist at this time)....

The rest of the game's players would be grinding either to a halt or to new gear to start doing everything they did before in a world with no content being max level anymore..... I doubt this would ba a good thing.

ArenaNet itself has notified players of their intentions to NEVER raise the cap. Breaking this promise would (most likely) destroy the community as it is now....


**So NO! No added levels. EVER!**


If you want more grind then create more characters then make with more leggies farm more leggy armors and more infusions.

If you have done this 3+ times: Gratz you just beat the game. You now have everything. You can now start playing the game in a relaxed fashion -like all others-.

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> @"Deathok.2914" said:

> So I was wondering if we could increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

> I think increasing the lvl cap can be big fun and those who wouldn’t enjoy it could easily spend their tomes of knowledge.

> What do you think?


for what ?

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I agree with OP. Being lvl 80 forever is boring. Same with never needing new gear, since the best skins come from the gemshop and not from the content


agreed, while lvl cap is just a number I think it would be cool if we are able to level up in elite zones. Being at max lvl forever since forever is boring af and the mastery system doesnt really do it for me

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the problem is that, in this game more levels means more work for Anet and just a week of new stuff for players, ppl will use ToK anyway and the ones who don't can level their toon within a few days at level cap, further more, all the gear we now have would be useless and only a fraction of the would would then be the max level environment.

> > >

> > > look, i like to have more levels but since this game kicks out anyone already below lvl 80 increasing the level cap would only do harm.

> > > if they would ever add more levels you would see the elite specs to be shifted to lvl 100, all the masteries can only be gained at level 100 which means all the lvl 80 areas and expansions where masteries and elite specs are made for are then quite useless and underleveled.

> > > this would mean that all the under leveled expansions need their levels to be equal to the level cap which means you would end up with a 20 level gap, a gap that needs to be filled and just one expansion isn't gonna fill it since anyone who doesn't buy the expansion is now stuck with two expansions they can't play and a new expansion that allows the player to level to 100 but since the player didn't buy it there is now a player not able to enjoy the game as it's suppose to be enjoyed. (long line of text...i know -_-)

> > >

> > > to sum it up, it would do more harm then good.

> >

> > No, the problem is that level cap increase is completely worthless if not coupled with a gear grind. Especially with the current GW2, you are just retreading over the same path as masteries.


> ...you didn't read did you....i just said that.....


Your writing certainly didn't come across that way. Some of it was also simply irrelevant due to level scaling.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I agree with OP. Being lvl 80 forever is boring. Same with never needing new gear, since the best skins come from the gemshop and not from the content


The is conflating unrelated things together. New gear does not mean new item skins. This is already blindingly obvious given that the game has has items that use the same skin but span many levels since launch.

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