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A challenge for the Dev to try in pvp for themselves


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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> I broke the rules and played spellbreaker, but it seems fair because I have the handicap of being bad at the game. Here's the result so far.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/H2IhTSL.png "")



> Sounds like a fun challenge though, maybe I'll try something next season. I had fun playing janky builds in the past, but I just don't have as much time to play as I used to so I usually stick with the meta stuff.


NA doesn't count...

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People are always forgetting that our PvP devs are not able to directly balance for the most part. They have to work with the balance team, and wait on the balance team to implement balance patches. I'm pretty sure if the PvP devs were able to make 'PvP Only' split skill balances, things would be very different. As things stand, of course the balance patches are going to come late, and because the balance team has weird ideas about when to split skills and when not to, sometimes changes don't come at all for fear of how they'll impact PvE.


Also, keep in mind that the PvP devs really aren't in control of the fact that elite specs are a part of this game. Nor did they design them, afaik.

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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> I broke the rules and played spellbreaker, but it seems fair because I have the handicap of being bad at the game. Here's the result so far.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/H2IhTSL.png "")



> Sounds like a fun challenge though, maybe I'll try something next season. I had fun playing janky builds in the past, but I just don't have as much time to play as I used to so I usually stick with the meta stuff.


Out of all of the simple rules (which was only 1 rule) of the challenge.. and you broke it :(...you sure you weren't play rulebreaker class...

but on a more serious note, if you claim to be handicapped at the game but played the spell beaker and managed to get to platinum, either your better than handicapped or the spellbeaker is a "bit" to powerful, hey?..also I should add to the rule that the core build has to be custom...

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> @"shippage.1983" said:

> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > I broke the rules and played spellbreaker, but it seems fair because I have the handicap of being bad at the game. Here's the result so far.

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/H2IhTSL.png "")

> >

> >

> > Sounds like a fun challenge though, maybe I'll try something next season. I had fun playing janky builds in the past, but I just don't have as much time to play as I used to so I usually stick with the meta stuff.


> I'm very impressed, Anet does play PvP!


Mind that not all devs - Karl is best example based of way he treats pvp ele's...random pve raid nerfs and buff's that doesn't matter.

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play rev and than > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> I broke the rules and played spellbreaker, but it seems fair because I have the handicap of being bad at the game. Here's the result so far.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/H2IhTSL.png "")



> Sounds like a fun challenge though, maybe I'll try something next season. I had fun playing janky builds in the past, but I just don't have as much time to play as I used to so I usually stick with the meta stuff.


play rev and better renegade and than we'll talk

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Whatever happened to the reaper that you used to play?


That build was pretty fun. I haven't tried anything with reaper since PoF though.


> @"Magnito.6187" said:

> "I have the handicap of being bad at the game"


> Reaches plat 3

> League system is totally fine lads!


If I can do it, anyone can. Sounds fair to me.


> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> It's refreshing to know that an ANET dev actually play sPVP and he is good too :D . wondering what's your rating gonna be in EU . and beside you @"Cal Cohen.3527" who is a pvper too!?.


Probably somewhere in bronze. West coast ping to EU is pretty miserable and of course EU>NA.


> @"volpenvieh.3201" said:

> 69% win rate? teach me, master!


Ranked tips by cmc™:

1) Don't tilt.

It's really easy to jump on a teammate's mistake and blame them for a lost fight or a decapped point, but this doesn't really benefit anyone. Your teammate will play worse and your focus is split so you'll also play worse. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has to deal with their teammates' mistakes. It all evens out in the end, so the best thing you can do is just focus on your own play and figure out how you're going to win the game. This idea also applies to deciding whether or not to queue again. Taking a break after a tough loss can give you a more focused mindset for the next game instead of dwelling on why you just lost and disrupting your play even further. Winning every game is unrealistic and never going to happen, so don't worry about it.


2) Get out of fights that are over

Most fights are decided before everyone on one team is dead. The faster you leave a fight the more time you have to press your advantage or mitigate your loss. Everyone has been in those fights where you kill a guy or two, then everyone stays to clean up the 4v2 and by the time they're all dead your homepoint lost his 1v1 or got plussed by a respawn and you're still losing the game. If someone rotated earlier you would still clean up the fight but you could reinforce home if needed or grab the decap at far.

The other side of this is the fight you lose where everyone on your team dies around the same time, then the enemy snowballs into your home and you never recover. There's usually a point in that fight where you can identify that you can't win anymore. Whether it's your whole team at 25% while theirs is healthy, or a big kill+rally sequence in their favor, once you realize you can't win it's time to leave. Even if there's no opportunity to pressure far, getting out alive can prevent the snowball and give you a chance to come back.


3) Reflect on mistakes

Reviewing vods of your own games is a great way to identify mistakes that you're making that you won't notice during the heat of a game. Even if all you can do is local recordings in 240p potato quality, I'd recommend it to anyone looking to improve their play. The more you improve the more you win. Crazy how that works out.


4) Score more points than the enemy team

I've never seen a team lose when they successfully execute this strategy. Highly recommend.



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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > @"Magnito.6187" said:

> > "I have the handicap of being bad at the game"

> >

> > Reaches plat 3

> > League system is totally fine lads!


> If I can do it, anyone can. Sounds fair to me.




That wasn't really the point,

as your rank should indicate your level of skill -as implied when introducing leagues and a duo/solo queue restriction- while you are stating to be a player being 'bad at the game', you shouldn't belong in platinum 3.


- Either you are (like Sind said before) a good player.

- Either there's something wrong with the league system.


Although 'if I can do it, anyone can' sounds really good, it's out of the matter.



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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> I broke the rules and played spellbreaker, but it seems fair because I have the handicap of being bad at the game. Here's the result so far.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/H2IhTSL.png "")



> Sounds like a fun challenge though, maybe I'll try something next season. I had fun playing janky builds in the past, but I just don't have as much time to play as I used to so I usually stick with the meta stuff.


Get ready yo be in silver tier 2 in two weeks :D

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> @"Magnito.6187" said:

> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > > @"Magnito.6187" said:

> > > "I have the handicap of being bad at the game"

> > >

> > > Reaches plat 3

> > > League system is totally fine lads!

> >

> > If I can do it, anyone can. Sounds fair to me.

> >

> >


> That wasn't really the point,

> as your rank should indicate your level of skill -as implied when introducing leagues and a duo/solo queue restriction- while you are stating to be a player being 'bad at the game', you shouldn't belong in platinum 3.


> - Either you are (like Sind said before) a good player.

> - Either there's something wrong with the league system.


> Although 'if I can do it, anyone can' sounds really good, it's out of the matter.




You are reading way too much into his comment. He is a good like sind said, I remember being recommended his stream around 4 years ago when I was learning to play ele in pvp. With that being said, the rating in the picture is higher than I think he should be and if he played more games it would probably go down a bit.

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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Whatever happened to the reaper that you used to play?


> That build was pretty fun. I haven't tried anything with reaper since PoF though.


If you gana try reaper you ll be in gold 3 or 2 so dont unless reaper get a lot of buff that will make him not great again but some how good

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> @"Orangensaft.7139" said:

> actually OP could use that even more to prove his point that Elite Specs are OP and core classes are seriously lacking

> Since Cal Cohen admitted he is bad at the game and still reaches at High Plat while playing one of the newest Elite Specs


I'm more focused on the implications of "if Cal Cohen is bad at the game and sits at high plat, why are so many of the other players in gold, lmao"




>People afraid of wintrading because Anet Emblem?

>People try harder when Anet rep on their team?


I must know if he is playing with Anet Emblem or not.


~~Core Warrior is better than Spellbreaker~~


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Here is my take from this.

Cal broke the rules, as I think this post from the OP was meant to more or less gather information, and proof, that many core builds are suffering because of the power creep present in the elite specs. However, was the build he used a meta build? If not, then that would definitely denote some skill needing to be involved, although again, elite specs themselves have some power creep.


To defend Cal, though, he also provided some really good information on what could drastically improve EVERYONE'S chances of winning games, and based on many comments, it doesn't seem like anyone is jumping on this information to soak it up. Because the info Cal gave on some things to keep in mind when playing is actually very legit information, and personally one of the things that really irritates me when I am playing in matches. People do make mistakes indeed, but as a player who wants to improve, one shouldn't continue to do the things that ultimately hinders their progression from bad, to decent, to good, to professional. The information Cal has provided can, again, drastically help improve one's gameplay, and I am so glad he posted that information. I feel many players needed that, and I wish more would read it and try harder to grasp at the concepts.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Orangensaft.7139" said:

> > actually OP could use that even more to prove his point that Elite Specs are OP and core classes are seriously lacking

> > Since Cal Cohen admitted he is bad at the game and still reaches at High Plat while playing one of the newest Elite Specs


> I'm more focused on the implications of "if Cal Cohen is bad at the game and sits at high plat, why are so many of the other players in gold, lmao"


> Theories:


> >People afraid of wintrading because Anet Emblem?

> >People try harder when Anet rep on their team?


> I must know if he is playing with Anet Emblem or not.


> ~~Core Warrior is better than Spellbreaker~~



Cal will tell you he's bad, even when reaching legendary, so take that with a grain of salt.


We rarely play ranked while repping the ArenaNet guild. It's basically putting a big target on your back and is really distracting during the match. I think the only time I've intentionally turned it on, is when an enemy player started sending me exceptionally vile direct tells after killing him while he was attacking Lord. I wanted him to see his mistake before I asked CS to look at his chat logs.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I think the only time I've intentionally turned it on, is when an enemy player started sending me exceptionally vile direct tells after killing him while he was attacking >Lord. I wanted him to see his mistake before I asked CS to look at his chat logs.






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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Orangensaft.7139" said:

> > > actually OP could use that even more to prove his point that Elite Specs are OP and core classes are seriously lacking

> > > Since Cal Cohen admitted he is bad at the game and still reaches at High Plat while playing one of the newest Elite Specs

> >

> > I'm more focused on the implications of "if Cal Cohen is bad at the game and sits at high plat, why are so many of the other players in gold, lmao"

> >

> > Theories:

> >

> > >People afraid of wintrading because Anet Emblem?

> > >People try harder when Anet rep on their team?

> >

> > I must know if he is playing with Anet Emblem or not.

> >

> > ~~Core Warrior is better than Spellbreaker~~

> >


> Cal will tell you he's bad, even when reaching legendary, so take that with a grain of salt.


> We rarely play ranked while repping the ArenaNet guild. It's basically putting a big target on your back and is really distracting during the match. I think the only time I've intentionally turned it on, is when an enemy player started sending me exceptionally vile direct tells after killing him while he was attacking Lord. I wanted him to see his mistake before I asked CS to look at his chat logs.


I hope you whispered him "omae wa mou shindeiru" after tagging up

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Magnito.6187" said:

> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > > @"Magnito.6187" said:

> > > "I have the handicap of being bad at the game"

> > >

> > > Reaches plat 3

> > > League system is totally fine lads!

> >

> > If I can do it, anyone can. Sounds fair to me.

> >

> >


> That wasn't really the point,

> as your rank should indicate your level of skill -as implied when introducing leagues and a duo/solo queue restriction- while you are stating to be a player being 'bad at the game', you shouldn't belong in platinum 3.


> - Either you are (like Sind said before) a good player.

> - Either there's something wrong with the league system.


> Although 'if I can do it, anyone can' sounds really good, it's out of the matter.




Yeah sorry, I thought my earlier comment was funnier than it actually was. Since season 5 I've hit legendary twice and mid to high 1700s in the other 3 seasons, so I'd say this season's rating is pretty accurate so far.

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> Here is my take from this.

> Cal broke the rules, as I think this post from the OP was meant to more or less gather information, and proof, that many core builds are suffering because of the power creep present in the elite specs. However, was the build he used a meta build? If not, then that would definitely denote some skill needing to be involved, although again, elite specs themselves have some power creep.


> To defend Cal, though, he also provided some really good information on what could drastically improve EVERYONE'S chances of winning games, and based on many comments, it doesn't seem like anyone is jumping on this information to soak it up. Because the info Cal gave on some things to keep in mind when playing is actually very legit information, and personally one of the things that really irritates me when I am playing in matches. People do make mistakes indeed, but as a player who wants to improve, one shouldn't continue to do the things that ultimately hinders their progression from bad, to decent, to good, to professional. The information Cal has provided can, again, drastically help improve one's gameplay, and I am so glad he posted that information. I feel many players needed that, and I wish more would read it and try harder to grasp at the concepts.


also because I'm very curious and just wanna see what happens for fun

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