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Gift Of Exploration ... Ruined my Life


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Today is the saddest day of my life, I am new to MMORPG and since I bought GW2 last year and I am learning about EVERYTHING, The last two weeks I started crafting my first legendary weapon , spent lot of gold,Time and effort to unlock achievements to crafts basic weapons and salvage them for spirits , The last thing on the list is Gift of Mastery that needs GIft of exploration to forge , and only two of them granted after world completion ... I did that and I deleted them because I didn't know about legendary crafting or the limit of these gifts!!!!

Is there a solution or I just give up and leave , I really was so excited about the weapon no I have no interest at the game at all . :-(

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> @"FogAlien.9875" said:

> Today is the saddest day of my life, I am new to MMORPG and since I bought GW2 last year and I am learning about EVERYTHING, The last two weeks I started crafting my first legendary weapon , spent lot of gold,Time and effort to unlock achievements to crafts basic weapons and salvage them for spirits , The last thing on the list is Gift of Mastery that needs GIft of exploration to forge , and only two of them granted after world completion ... I did that and I deleted them because I didn't know about legendary crafting or the limit of these gifts!!!!

> Is there a solution or I just give up and leave , I really was so excited about the weapon no I have no interest at the game at all . :-(


You're going to need Gift of Battle also if haven't acquired that yet and only obtainable in WvW.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> One time I told Anet customer support that I "accidentally deleted my chak egg sac can I pls have it added to my inventory huehuehue".


> I never heard back...


Epic story.



> @"FogAlien.9875" said:

> Today is the saddest day of my life, I really was so excited about the weapon, no I have no interest at the game at all . :-(


That was silly. Support should be able to return your GOE to you.



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> @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> In case you don't get your gifts back from support, you can always take a second character, do world completion with him as well and get another 2 gifts of exploration. Every world completion gives you 2 of these gifts.


I think the OP was trying to say that they were demoralized by having spent all that effort, only to find themselves without the very item they need today. It's hard to argue with someone feeling like that; it doesn't really matter if we would have reacted differently or chosen to handle the "too much stuff" issue in another way.


So I can sympathize with the OP for wanting to quit. I hope they don't, because I think (a) it's possible that ANet can recover the gift(s) and (b) there's a lot of stuff that's fun in the game without worrying about legendaries.. But... if they are feeling really frustrated, then I hope they do take a break, if only to get some perspective. Games are supposed to help us escape from our troubles, not to add to them.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> > In case you don't get your gifts back from support, you can always take a second character, do world completion with him as well and get another 2 gifts of exploration. Every world completion gives you 2 of these gifts.


> I think the OP was trying to say that they were demoralized by having spent all that effort, only to find themselves without the very item they need today. It's hard to argue with someone feeling like that; it doesn't really matter if we would have reacted differently or chosen to handle the "too much stuff" issue in another way.


> So I can sympathize with the OP for wanting to quit. I hope they don't, because I think (a) it's possible that ANet can recover the gift(s) and (b) there's a lot of stuff that's fun in the game without worrying about legendaries.. But... if they are feeling really frustrated, then I hope they do take a break, if only to get some perspective. Games are supposed to help us escape from our troubles, not to add to them.


On the other hand people should really take more responsibility for their actions.


> A gift used to create legendary weapons.


does not require much guesswork to determine what it is used for

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I did the same thing with my first one(s). But it was intentional because I swore I'd never craft a legendary. I've since done world completion on a second toon but I kept the Gifts this time.


I'm about 20 or 30 WvW Big Spender dailies away from my Gift of Battle, so I guess I will make one after all. Probably just sell it.

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welp.... its an item you get after completing oodles of maps... its written in not so common violet/purple color... and then theres the description... wouldnt you want to at least keep it as a token of your hard work in completing the maps? or maybe have that instinct to keep it because its name is purple/violet and there arent a lot of them that youve looted? and then... wouldnt you at least be curious and googled the item?

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I never played and RPG or MMORPG or any other kind before , plus English is too far from my Native language (GW2 not available in my language ) , the first thing I did in the game is world complete because easy to understand , crafting is the last thing I learned , i can't be blamed to not spent too much time in GW2 wiki or google !

It is just very annoying that we can't buy this anywhere or at least have this 2 GOE stocked in Wallet !? is it so hard to do that ?

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I feel the OP. somewhere along the way I deleted a couple gifts of fleet, or whatever it is for map completing VB, thinking I'd never run all my characters through map completion for all HoT maps. Well, I was wrong, been bored lately and having all the HP's completed via WvW, decided to map complete them on everyone, and now two VB rewards short.


On the flip side, I don't see myself making more then four legendaries, if I even make anymore at all, unless the longbow is going to be great looking.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> When someone stops being "new" in the game?

> I feel a certain curiosity abut that after seeing a "new" player crafting a Legendary...


Right. Legendary is supposed to be a massive undertaking. Not really for "new" players. I'm a veteran since beta and I still don't have a legendary (I chose to spend my wealth on a bunch of ascended instead).


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> @"FogAlien.9875" said:

> I never played and RPG or MMORPG or any other kind before , plus English is too far from my Native language (GW2 not available in my language ) , the first thing I did in the game is world complete because easy to understand , crafting is the last thing I learned , i can't be blamed to not spent too much time in GW2 wiki or google !

> It is just very annoying that we can't buy this anywhere or at least have this 2 GOE stocked in Wallet !? is it so hard to do that ?


If they did add Gifts to the wallet, everyone would be screwed. The wallet holds keys and currencies which you can't use in the mystic forge.

Everyone has different priorities in the game. I've taken ten characters through world completion, so have 20 gifts of exploration sitting in my bank, but no plan to ever make a legendary. Have you rolled any additional characters? There's a lot of fun to be had exploring the world with a different class. It can be rewarding on many levels, including a chance to earn Black Lion keys for completing each map.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> > > In case you don't get your gifts back from support, you can always take a second character, do world completion with him as well and get another 2 gifts of exploration. Every world completion gives you 2 of these gifts.

> >

> > I think the OP was trying to say that they were demoralized by having spent all that effort, only to find themselves without the very item they need today. It's hard to argue with someone feeling like that; it doesn't really matter if we would have reacted differently or chosen to handle the "too much stuff" issue in another way.

> >

> > So I can sympathize with the OP for wanting to quit. I hope they don't, because I think (a) it's possible that ANet can recover the gift(s) and (b) there's a lot of stuff that's fun in the game without worrying about legendaries.. But... if they are feeling really frustrated, then I hope they do take a break, if only to get some perspective. Games are supposed to help us escape from our troubles, not to add to them.


> On the other hand people should really take more responsibility for their actions.


> > A gift used to create legendary weapons.


> does not require much guesswork to determine what it is used for


I agree with you this player should have paid closer attention to this HOWEVER.


Good will to me would be helping this player get what he needs if I was ArenaNet. There is no reason not to even if it was his mistake. We all make mistakes and this one is correctable with no adverse affect to this game or other players. I am sure someone will argue I am wrong but in the idea that good will fosters customers who stay and play and maybe buy more it would be the best thing to do.



ANET help this guy if he decides to put in support ticket. A person early on might not even understand what they just deleted regardless of his mistake or what the wording of this tool tip are. It would be a nice, and kind thing to do if you help him out.

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Always check the wiki before deleting something that’s accountbound or soulbound. Anet has been greatly inconsistent in letting players know whether they can trash something or not. In the case of the Gift of Exploration, not so much of an issue as the tooltip specifically states what it is for.

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> @"FogAlien.9875" said:

> When the only joy you have in life is taken away from you even if it is virtual , yes it is sad , I shouldn't played MMORPG , I am already living a PvP and WvW one in my country , I know Arenanet will never respond to a single player in third world and I am not PewdiePie , just came here for some consolation , but it is PvP ...again


ANet can be quite helpful, to polite requests for assistance, even when the player has made an easily-preventable mistake. Contact them via support ticket (the support team cannot help you without a ticket).

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