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We really need to talk about LA and one of the Merchants......

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Really dislike the way that the interface is designed for the "dungeon armor and weapons" vendor in Lions Arch, I Preferred it more when you had all the merchants and their stalls up, back then Lions Arch was destroyed.


I know who's to blame for this. Scarlet. Now imagine if Scarlet never destroyed LA, we'd still have our awesome row of Dungeon Vendors. Thanks to Scarlet she not only crushed our dreams (Unless DE can turn this around), but due to the butterfly effect, she has created a Capitalist pseudo Lions Arch, and this one merchant put all the rest out of business.


It's just a hassle to have to go through a couple dialogue menus, and if you miss click, that's it. You have to quit the dialogue menu and continue your journey again trying to find your desired armors or weapons.


Either just put that vendor out of business. Or here's a good idea, have Joko invade LA this time, have them kill that npc and put her out of business, then boom. Vendors suddenly back in a business. Or maybe one of the local Skritt would pick up her wares.


If Joko does invade - this might be going a bit far - maybe Arena Net can then rebuild Lions Arch back to how it was in the first place, maybe with some twists but none of this modern stuff.


Old LA best LA


Moral of the story is, blame Scarlett, praise Joko!


(Anet please make this happen.)

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> @"SirPuddlesworth.6783" said:

> Really dislike the way that the interface is designed for the "dungeon armor and weapons" vendor in Lions Arch, I Preferred it more when you had all the merchants and their stalls up, back then Lions Arch was destroyed.


Interesting. Most people complained about the old system, because you couldn't be sure you were talking to the correct vendor unless you memorized the names of the tokens, armor sets, etc.


I'd be in favor of a UI change, but I'm very much against returning to one vendor per token.

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I’d like 3 vendors, one for rare armor, one for Exotic armor, and one for weapons. Each with 8 tabs for each dungeon = less confusion = less missclicking. (Since paraphrasing can be incorporated into an NPC name)

Dungeon Vendor (Rare Armor)

Dungeon Vendor (Exotic Armor)

Dungeon Vendor (Exotic Weapons)

All with a “return menu” option.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"SirPuddlesworth.6783" said:

> > Really dislike the way that the interface is designed for the "dungeon armor and weapons" vendor in Lions Arch, I Preferred it more when you had all the merchants and their stalls up, back then Lions Arch was destroyed.


> Interesting. Most people complained about the old system, because you couldn't be sure you were talking to the correct vendor unless you memorized the names of the tokens, armor sets, etc.


> I'd be in favor of a UI change, but I'm very much against returning to one vendor per token.


I don't really care one way or the other about how many vendors we have for this, but I think that the problems people had with the old system could be corrected with good design, even with a separate vendor per token.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > I would still prefer if they add more npc vendors, even if they are not interact-able ones, just to make LA feels more like a commercial hub and less like a theme park.


> Except every theme park I've ever visited has been chock full of vendors!


I agree, but someplace there IS a transit between epcot center and a persian marketplace. Maybe make the vendors different and loud enough to break the theme's brand? I don't know! Something!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"SirPuddlesworth.6783" said:

> > Really dislike the way that the interface is designed for the "dungeon armor and weapons" vendor in Lions Arch, I Preferred it more when you had all the merchants and their stalls up, back then Lions Arch was destroyed.


> Interesting. Most people complained about the old system, because you couldn't be sure you were talking to the correct vendor unless you memorized the names of the tokens, armor sets, etc.


> I'd be in favor of a UI change, but I'm very much against returning to one vendor per token.


Wait, you mean people didn't know what the armor they were interested in buying looked like, which was worn by each of the merchants since their inception and until they were removed ...?


A thing which is *still* done today, just on a single merchant where I have to click through tabs and hope I don't click the wrong dungeon name instead?


Because I really quite enjoyed being able to walk to the guy obviously wearing the armor I wanted to buy and not have to do much more than press the keybind for Interact.

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Why they did it like this when they have the Laurel Merchant with what? 12 different tabs? is ridiculous. I hate going to that merchant now, especially when I'm trying to dress a toon or see what dungeon drops what because it's *click on twilight arbor, click on armor, exit, click on twilight arbor, click on weapons, exit*. He should just have tabs of the dungeons that says the dungeon name and then the item. Catacombs Armor, Catacombs Weapons, etc.

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> @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> Wait, you mean people didn't know what the armor they were interested in buying looked like, which was worn by each of the merchants since their inception and until they were removed ...?

Yes, I mean exactly that. The skins look different on different races, on different genders, and when dyed. Also, not everyone is interested in the skin; back in the early days (and less so today), people were interested more in the stats. And if you didn't know from memory, you'd have to talk to walk up to each vendor to review. (Mind you: that part remains annoying.)


I'm not saying that the current system is "good;" I'm saying that (some) people didn't much like the old system either. I'm glad it was better _for you_ (as well as others). I prefer the current system with a single vendor.



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