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Warrior feels more like Reaper than Reaper itself


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Reaper realistically does not have perma-chill mate.


The only way to get perma-chill is by full-chaining the GS auto over and over. Otherwise, reaper only has two/three sources of chill at the base: 2.5s on a 25s cooldown by popping shroud 3, and Shroud 5+4 which is 1.25s chill base and 1s per bolt which is heavily variable and still 12 if all hit on a 30s cooldown.


Ele actually has strictly better chill application from more sources than reaper with less investment.


Warrior/Spellbreaker is in the top tier of WvW roaming builds right now so I'm not sure where your claim is coming from to be honest. Holo, druid, mirage, and some specific thief loadouts can go toe-to-toe but that's about it and typically need to out-play it hard.


Berserker can honestly just play meta A/S + GS and 1v1 the reaper no problem. RShroud degens at four times the speed it used to in the old prominent reaper loadout and Twilight was nerfed in blind applications so it's extremely easy to just kite out on GS and then and punish hard in melee with stances, shield, and DoA.


Core and SB are stronger as far as meta GS+A/S goes, but to say reaper wins the matchup even into Berserker is pretty wrong unless the berserker is bad and the reaper is good and playing an optimized build. Reaper currently has no favorable matchups except into players who underestimate shroud damage with no defenses (bad thieves).

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> And tell me what exactly is a berserker spec warrior gonna do vs a reaper in a 1v1? camp rifle? that would be the only way i can imagine that berserker could take on a reaper and it would be food for every other class there is lol.

Every warrior spec has acces to heavy burst and resistance, which directly counters the reaper's defense mechanics. These are: soft cc like weakness, chill, cripple, immob and tanking damage in shroud. On top of that the warrior negates every incoming direct damage for a few seconds.


There are only two scenarios where the reaper gains the upper hand:

- he manages to corrupt resistance after he overloaded the warrior with soft cc - this is pure RNG as we can not control what we corrupt

- he heavily outplays the warrior and baits all his defense mechanics - this takes a long time (reaper in general is not favored in long lasting fights due to long cooldowns on key skills) and requires some skill and an optimized build to be able to show that skill


I beat berserkers pretty often. It is definitely the weakest of the warrior specs (core and sb are stronger). But this does not mean it is countered by reaper. It just shows that a lot of bad players, that need to be carried, are playing warrior and that berserker has not enough carry potential for most of them.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> And tell me what exactly is a berserker spec warrior gonna do vs a reaper in a 1v1? camp rifle? that would be the only way i can imagine that berserker could take on a reaper and it would be food for every other class there is lol.


Every once in a while you run into that good berserker that fks you up and you just have to lean back in your chair questioning how this warrior obtained the strength of a god. Then you realize you just got out played and out skilled VERY BADLY!


Warriors still have tons of options although most get carried by things used in core and only consider those options rather than thinking outside of the box.

To answer you question no... A bersker can kill a necromancer in a few ways 1 is the rifle but usually if a warrior takes off their current weapon and goes to a rifle its just as the other guy said. They need more things to carry them to victory.


A good berserker will know when to stun and I dont know if you know this but when a necro gets stunned by a warrior and it has no break stuns available thats instant death. Its rare if not impossible for most necro builds to make comebacks once you reach that magical range of 33% hp or lower against a warrior in any situation. Condition builds have higher chances just to win but that requires not only good timing on boon corrupts but also some rng and hope that you corrupt the boons that really matter.


Some professions specs do carry hard in this game just like with any game. The person being carried wont see it that way no matter what you tell them.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > And tell me what exactly is a berserker spec warrior gonna do vs a reaper in a 1v1? camp rifle? that would be the only way i can imagine that berserker could take on a reaper and it would be food for every other class there is lol.


> Every once in a while you run into that good berserker that fks you up and you just have to lean back in your chair questioning how this warrior obtained the strength of a god. Then you realize you just got out played and out skilled VERY BADLY!


> Warriors still have tons of options although most get carried by things used in core and only consider those options rather than thinking outside of the box.

> To answer you question no... A bersker can kill a necromancer in a few ways 1 is the rifle but usually if a warrior takes off their current weapon and goes to a rifle its just as the other guy said. They need more things to carry them to victory.


> A good berserker will know when to stun and I dont know if you know this but when a necro gets stunned by a warrior and it has no break stuns available thats instant death. Its rare if not impossible for most necro builds to make comebacks once you reach that magical range of 33% hp or lower against a warrior in any situation. Condition builds have higher chances just to win but that requires not only good timing on boon corrupts but also some rng and hope that you corrupt the boons that really matter.


> Some professions specs do carry hard in this game just like with any game. The person being carried wont see it that way no matter what you tell them.


ok so a bad reaper still loses to a godlike berserker player, so it is balanced... kk :) play berserker for yourself, i'd be happy if berserker and reaper was swapped and warrior could play as reaper

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As someone who plays both classes, this thread is hilarious. Both have strong points, both have weak points. Reaper has EXCELLENT burst, but can be gimmicky and has longer cooldowns. Warrior has much better sustain (but good defensive rotations on reaper can make this a lot harder for warrior). Basically, reaper has to kite warrior to really be able to win easy, especially if warrior avoids reapers burst. However, a reaper can easily proc EP passive in one go and still have abilities left for extra burst. One GS2 can kill warrior from 50% if you have might stacks and vuln up.


This is not an easy fight for reaper because it plays into warriors strengths by reaper having to stay in melee range, but is still very winnable. Use your blinds, chills and shit keep a bit of range on the warrior, and try to rotate your heals and defenses to stay up as good as possible.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> ok so a bad reaper still loses to a godlike berserker player, so it is balanced... kk :) play berserker for yourself, i'd be happy if berserker and reaper was swapped and warrior could play as reaper


Why did you assume the reaper was bad? and i never said it was balanced now you are just sticking words in peoples mouths.

If you are going to write a reply at least be serious about it other wise your words are wasted.


I have played berserker and quit it not because it sucked because i find all forms of warrior to date rather bland. Warriors are strong but i wont simply play it because it wins when i dont enjoy it. They all feel the same as core just some times with a bit more cc or dps tacked onto some skills no matter what spec you throw on them they all feel like a melee standard thats done far better in other mmos.

I am a warrior I chop things.

I do fat rolls.

I press f1 for tons of damage.

Get stunned get stunned....

None of them excite me although its is funny to see just how many mistakes i can make and still win a fight because traits carrying me.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> Every once in a while you run into that good berserker that fks you up and you just have to lean back in your chair questioning how this warrior obtained the strength of a god. Then you realize you just got out played and out skilled VERY BADLY!

>Why did you assume the reaper was bad?


ok not reaper bad but warrior alot better than reaper, that is what you said. And excuse me, but every warrior that played berserker that i've met in wvw or pvp (and they are super rare) are so fuckin useless it is a joke so i assumed the reaper had to be bad that is all^^



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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> > Every once in a while you run into that good berserker that fks you up and you just have to lean back in your chair questioning how this warrior obtained the strength of a god. Then you realize you just got out played and out skilled VERY BADLY!

> >Why did you assume the reaper was bad?


> ok not reaper bad but warrior alot better than reaper, that is what you said. And excuse me, but every warrior that played berserker that i've met in wvw or pvp (and they are super rare) are so fuckin useless it is a joke so i assumed the reaper had to be bad that is all^^




Old designs often get trumped by new one but that does not mean they dont exist. I wish my reaper had as many stuns as and cc tools as berserker had along with a optional taunt xD lol.


Ideally a good warrior is a good warrior i wont deny that. A good warrior can put on any e spec and dominate with it (provided they played it in the past) because they dont change that much about the profession in any case its high pressure, fairly good defensive tools, and alot of key cc's to avoid. Warrior is a mind game profession and thats one thing I do like about it. It makes it pretty obvious when you get outplayed vs when passives save the day. Getting out played does not always mean that 1 person is bad either.


If warrior was just not so bland to me after playing on it for 2 hours at a time I would probably play mine alot more.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> >

> > > Every once in a while you run into that good berserker that fks you up and you just have to lean back in your chair questioning how this warrior obtained the strength of a god. Then you realize you just got out played and out skilled VERY BADLY!

> > >Why did you assume the reaper was bad?

> >

> > ok not reaper bad but warrior alot better than reaper, that is what you said. And excuse me, but every warrior that played berserker that i've met in wvw or pvp (and they are super rare) are so fuckin useless it is a joke so i assumed the reaper had to be bad that is all^^

> >

> >


> Old designs often get trumped by new one but that does not mean they dont exist. I wish my reaper had as many stuns as and cc tools as berserker had along with a optional taunt xD lol.


> Ideally a good warrior is a good warrior i wont deny that. A good warrior can put on any e spec and dominate with it (provided they played it in the past) because they dont change that much about the profession in any case its high pressure, fairly good defensive tools, and alot of key cc's to avoid. Warrior is a mind game profession and thats one thing I do like about it. It makes it pretty obvious when you get outplayed vs when passives save the day. Getting out played does not always mean that 1 person is bad either.


> If warrior was just not so bland to me after playing on it for 2 hours at a time I would probably play mine alot more.



no, you can't play berserker and expect to not get your butt handed to you. Berserker has not the dmg nor the sustain to have an impact on most elite specs (maybe vs renegade? they are also ultra rare cause they suck). I am not talking bronze or silver, where people don't know their own traits, but if you play berserker in a 1v1 vs an opponent compareable to your skill level berserker will lose. Try it for yourself, reaper may not be the best spec but it is miles above berserker so stop complaining when you also have scourge to go (meta in pvp and wvw).

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > > > > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > > > > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > > > > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months

> > > >

> > > > Well actually, if you get hit by that shroud 5 while fighting 1v1, you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away.

> > > > And fir example warriors f1 with axe hits way harder and has no casttime

> > >

> > > sry to tell you, but if you get hit by warrior f1 axe then you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away (no srlsy it is super easy to evade in 1v1).

> > > And just to be clear, only core warrior lvl 3 burst does more dmg than shroud 5 and has absolutely no cc attached to it.

> > >

> > > I always find it amusing how you've got the strongest meta spec in wvw and pvp with scourge and still complain that you can't play reaper. Reaper is still playable, the only downside it has that it gets kited like a melee class and that some PoF specs are too overpowered (mirage, scourge, firebrand).

> > >

> > > Just compare reaper to the berserker spec of warrior. Berserker has been dead since a long time in both wvw and pvp and noone is crying about it because warrior still has one more viable build to play. Berserker won't even scratch reaper in a 1v1 and that should tell you something.

> >

> > Sure, that explains, why f1 of spellbreaker hit me for almost 10k dmg.

> > And if you look closely, f1 axe doesnt have any casttime at all. Casttime is just the distance traveled by the leap. And you know, if you cast it at rlly close range, there is not much distance to travel.

> >

> > As necro you can either evade all these warrior stuns and eat the f1. Or you eat a stun, then take f1, if you are out of stunbreaks.

> >

> > And if you cant land a single hit as berserker on reaper, you should maybe play reaper for one time. Like 15 minutes and you know all the weak spots, and there arw many of them:

> >

> > Poor stunbreaks, no evades, no invuln, almost no mobility, bad condiremoval.

> > Exactly 2 dodges and thats it. If you use your shroud too much for dmg mitigation, you wont be able to kill anyone.

> >

> > As necro you have to be pretty specific in what you pick as utility skills.

> > But you cannot cover heavy condi-pressure and heavy power-pressure at the same time.

> >

> > Sure. Maybe in spvp, that matchup is okay or in favor of necromancer. But in roaming/wvw. Well if you loose against a reaper with any warrior profession, you either played against a really really really good necro, or you just did some awful mistakes

> >

> >


> axe f1 animation is always the same regardless of distance travelled, you'd know that if you ever played it for yourself. And so what that warrior does have cc? Reaper has perma chill and blind and weakness and fear and also has hard cc.



I acutally played warrior and i did hit every singe f1 with axe. Pretty easy.

Blind? Are you really that stupis to stand i that gs field all the time? No wonders you loosing vs reapers. Where the f... do i get weakness from?

Did you really ever play reaper in last 2 years?

Only condibuild on reaper does weakness, and running consi build is pretty damn bad on reaper right now.


You only have poorly access to hard cc. Pretty long casttimes on both of them. And very clesr animations so they are easy dodgeable, and you dont need to dodge anything else against reaper (ok maybe gs pull and axe 2)


Perma chill on power reaper? No definetly not. Only if you are building a pretty specific way (with ice rune), which isnt good at all.

Fear isnt anywhere near being good. And again, reaper only has pretty low access to fear as well



> You also have to take specific skills as warrior if you 1v1 against power or condi heavy builds, like holo or scourge, one takes eb and the other take bs.



But you can also fight with the bad option and still win. Due to warriors heavy sustain. Or you can choose to just run away, which isnt an option for necro


> You even admit that you can play as reaper vs warrior in pvp (no i said that, because im not playing a gamemode, that is designed for little kids with no brain)


and i am sry to break it for you but warrior is also quite bad for wvw roaming,


Again did you ever play warrior in the past half of a year?


at least when facing good players, because you will never catch or beat a mesmer or a thief or a druid (yes marauder druid) and don't get even started on running away when there are multible


(= insta death for reaper, warrior, can make himself invulnerable and run away) enemies and your are not in rush distance to your next keep or tower.



WHAT. Do you even play warrior? As reaper you will loose against all of these classes as well. And as reaper you dont have so much defense and mobility that warrior has.


> And tell me what exactly is a berserker spec warrior gonna do vs a reaper in a 1v1? camp rifle? that would be the only way i can imagine that berserker could take on a reaper and it would be food for every other class there is lol.


Stun necro, then one or twoshot him.

Or just outsustain him. There are a lot of ways, warrior can win againdt reaper.


Pressure that necro with some of your dmg skills, so he needs to dodge.

Stun him (for example with shield) then use hundred blades or that axe f1 and kill him with that.


If he manages to go in shroud, run away, for as long as he is in shroud.


Its really pretty easy.



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > > > @"Miko.4158" said:

> > > > > > I don't think an elite specialization is supposed to rework an entire class , especially across armor types, more give you options on how you play.

> > > > > > I still see the odd reaper about in wvw executioner's scythe if built right hits like a truck.

> > > > > > haven't seen a berserker for about 3 months

> > > > >

> > > > > Well actually, if you get hit by that shroud 5 while fighting 1v1, you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away.

> > > > > And fir example warriors f1 with axe hits way harder and has no casttime

> > > >

> > > > sry to tell you, but if you get hit by warrior f1 axe then you rlly suck. That rmthing has such a long casttime, that anyone can easily move away (no srlsy it is super easy to evade in 1v1).

> > > > And just to be clear, only core warrior lvl 3 burst does more dmg than shroud 5 and has absolutely no cc attached to it.

> > > >

> > > > I always find it amusing how you've got the strongest meta spec in wvw and pvp with scourge and still complain that you can't play reaper. Reaper is still playable, the only downside it has that it gets kited like a melee class and that some PoF specs are too overpowered (mirage, scourge, firebrand).

> > > >

> > > > Just compare reaper to the berserker spec of warrior. Berserker has been dead since a long time in both wvw and pvp and noone is crying about it because warrior still has one more viable build to play. Berserker won't even scratch reaper in a 1v1 and that should tell you something.

> > >

> > > Sure, that explains, why f1 of spellbreaker hit me for almost 10k dmg.

> > > And if you look closely, f1 axe doesnt have any casttime at all. Casttime is just the distance traveled by the leap. And you know, if you cast it at rlly close range, there is not much distance to travel.

> > >

> > > As necro you can either evade all these warrior stuns and eat the f1. Or you eat a stun, then take f1, if you are out of stunbreaks.

> > >

> > > And if you cant land a single hit as berserker on reaper, you should maybe play reaper for one time. Like 15 minutes and you know all the weak spots, and there arw many of them:

> > >

> > > Poor stunbreaks, no evades, no invuln, almost no mobility, bad condiremoval.

> > > Exactly 2 dodges and thats it. If you use your shroud too much for dmg mitigation, you wont be able to kill anyone.

> > >

> > > As necro you have to be pretty specific in what you pick as utility skills.

> > > But you cannot cover heavy condi-pressure and heavy power-pressure at the same time.

> > >

> > > Sure. Maybe in spvp, that matchup is okay or in favor of necromancer. But in roaming/wvw. Well if you loose against a reaper with any warrior profession, you either played against a really really really good necro, or you just did some awful mistakes

> > >

> > >

> >

> > axe f1 animation is always the same regardless of distance travelled, you'd know that if you ever played it for yourself. And so what that warrior does have cc? Reaper has perma chill and blind and weakness and fear and also has hard cc.



> I acutally played warrior and i did hit every singe f1 with axe. Pretty easy.

> Blind? Are you really that stupis to stand i that gs field all the time? No wonders you loosing vs reapers. Where the f... do i get weakness from?

> Did you really ever play reaper in last 2 years?

> Only condibuild on reaper does weakness, and running consi build is pretty kitten bad on reaper right now.


> You only have poorly access to hard cc. Pretty long casttimes on both of them. And very clesr animations so they are easy dodgeable, and you dont need to dodge anything else against reaper (ok maybe gs pull and axe 2)


> Perma chill on power reaper? No definetly not. Only if you are building a pretty specific way (with ice rune), which isnt good at all.

> Fear isnt anywhere near being good. And again, reaper only has pretty low access to fear as well


> >

> > You also have to take specific skills as warrior if you 1v1 against power or condi heavy builds, like holo or scourge, one takes eb and the other take bs.



> But you can also fight with the bad option and still win. Due to warriors heavy sustain. Or you can choose to just run away, which isnt an option for necro

> >

> > You even admit that you can play as reaper vs warrior in pvp (no i said that, because im not playing a gamemode, that is designed for little kids with no brain)


> and i am sry to break it for you but warrior is also quite bad for wvw roaming,


> Again did you ever play warrior in the past half of a year?


> at least when facing good players, because you will never catch or beat a mesmer or a thief or a druid (yes marauder druid) and don't get even started on running away when there are multible


> (= insta death for reaper, warrior, can make himself invulnerable and run away) enemies and your are not in rush distance to your next keep or tower.



> WHAT. Do you even play warrior? As reaper you will loose against all of these classes as well. And as reaper you dont have so much defense and mobility that warrior has.

> >

> > And tell me what exactly is a berserker spec warrior gonna do vs a reaper in a 1v1? camp rifle? that would be the only way i can imagine that berserker could take on a reaper and it would be food for every other class there is lol.


> Stun necro, then one or twoshot him.

> Or just outsustain him. There are a lot of ways, warrior can win againdt reaper.


> Pressure that necro with some of your dmg skills, so he needs to dodge.

> Stun him (for example with shield) then use hundred blades or that axe f1 and kill him with that.


> If he manages to go in shroud, run away, for as long as he is in shroud.


> Its really pretty easy.




yeah if the reaper stands still and does not use any ablities, then sure it is easy xD. Please tell me your pvp division :).

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > >

> > > > Every once in a while you run into that good berserker that fks you up and you just have to lean back in your chair questioning how this warrior obtained the strength of a god. Then you realize you just got out played and out skilled VERY BADLY!

> > > >Why did you assume the reaper was bad?

> > >

> > > ok not reaper bad but warrior alot better than reaper, that is what you said. And excuse me, but every warrior that played berserker that i've met in wvw or pvp (and they are super rare) are so fuckin useless it is a joke so i assumed the reaper had to be bad that is all^^

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Old designs often get trumped by new one but that does not mean they dont exist. I wish my reaper had as many stuns as and cc tools as berserker had along with a optional taunt xD lol.

> >

> > Ideally a good warrior is a good warrior i wont deny that. A good warrior can put on any e spec and dominate with it (provided they played it in the past) because they dont change that much about the profession in any case its high pressure, fairly good defensive tools, and alot of key cc's to avoid. Warrior is a mind game profession and thats one thing I do like about it. It makes it pretty obvious when you get outplayed vs when passives save the day. Getting out played does not always mean that 1 person is bad either.

> >

> > If warrior was just not so bland to me after playing on it for 2 hours at a time I would probably play mine alot more.

> >


> no, you can't play berserker and expect to not get your butt handed to you.

Hmmm that is debatable ill leave it at that. We can just a agree to disagree. I wont say that just because a spec is not top tier that a person will always lose when playing it vs some one at their own skill level. IF that was the case you wouldn't see Revenants at all because most of the gw2 community considers it to be arguably the the worst profession in the game.


> I am not talking bronze or silver, where people don't know their own traits, but if you play berserker in a 1v1 vs an opponent compareable to your skill level berserker will lose.

Once again thats debatable, also why are you calling out bronze and sliver ranking when ranking just shows how well you work with a team. Ranks will not specifically tell you how good you are at fighting in a 1v1 situation. Some one could be way up there and be absolute garbo when it comes to 1v1.

Ranks are not generated on 1v1 battles it would be nice if anet did include something like that as a pvp mode (wink wink anet!) but its not. Rank is based on team skill and progression even if you dont fight with the same team it shows your skill to work with a team and work rotations around maps and map objectives.


> so stop complaining when you also have scourge to go (meta in pvp and wvw).

Im not complaining and im actually not a fan of scourge personally ive played on it a bit and its not bad but to me its also not fun.

To me scourge is about exciting as warrior I was excited for the profession and disappointed shortly after. I mean the damage is not that bad but its still...


To be honest I wish they would have just gone simplistic with a new shroud new skills etc. Something different but not that darn different and now they cant even balance it properly so they are going to slowly nerf it till we hear about the 3rd xpac where it will without a doubt be nerfed into the floor literally to pressure people into not wanting to use it.


I'll stay reaper over scourge. I would even rather run core necro over scourge because to me even this option is more fun to play that scourge is. I like to enjoy my specs when i play them.


Playing something thats meta, does damage, but bores the crap out of me is just torture.


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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.


hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.


> hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:


Berserker just got buffed and it now way better than reaper.

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https://ww w.twitch.tv/videos/234726861?t=01h30m48s new necro playing power reaper vs core warrior. Copy paste and remove the space between the ww w. Wilsonstorm on the warrior.

Edit: Power reaper with spiteful spirit is kinda sucky in 1v1s but in small group fights the boon corruption, cc, cleave, and burst it brings to the table are amazing.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> >

> > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:


> Berserker just got buffed and it now way better than reaper.


good joke on april 1st

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> > >

> > > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:

> >

> > Berserker just got buffed and it now way better than reaper.


> good joke on april 1st


Sword Autoattack: Increased overall damage by 22% in PvP and WvW.

Flurry: Increased damage by 71% in PvP and WvW.

Savage Leap: Increased damage by 33% in PvP and WvW.

Flaming Flurry: Increased damage by 92% in PvP and WvW.

"To the Limit!": Increased endurance granted from 50 to 100 in PvP and WvW.

"On My Mark!": Adjusted vulnerability applied from 10 stacks for 10 seconds to 15 stacks for 6 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced ammo recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW.

"For Great Justice!": Adjusted might granted from 6 stacks for 25 seconds to 12 stacks for 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.

"Shake It Off!": Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 2 to 3 in PvP and WvW.


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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> > > >

> > > > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:

> > >

> > > Berserker just got buffed and it now way better than reaper.

> >

> > good joke on april 1st


> Sword Autoattack: Increased overall damage by 22% in PvP and WvW.

> Flurry: Increased damage by 71% in PvP and WvW.

> Savage Leap: Increased damage by 33% in PvP and WvW.

> Flaming Flurry: Increased damage by 92% in PvP and WvW.

> "To the Limit!": Increased endurance granted from 50 to 100 in PvP and WvW.

> "On My Mark!": Adjusted vulnerability applied from 10 stacks for 10 seconds to 15 stacks for 6 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced ammo recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> "For Great Justice!": Adjusted might granted from 6 stacks for 25 seconds to 12 stacks for 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> "Shake It Off!": Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 2 to 3 in PvP and WvW.



and now what? the only buff to beserker is Flaming Flurry. And the general sword autoattack and f1 of warrior deal so little damage (and are super clunky) that barely anyone even uses sword on warrior lol... and those shout buffs have nothing to do with berserker and noone would ever use shouts in combination with berserker right now, it's always double or triple stance (on almost every warrior build) in combination with something like bulls charge or that meditation that removes boons on spellbreaker

Reaper is in an ok state right now after the latest balance patch. Berserker is not. I would gladly switch those specs around so you could try out berserker for once.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> > > >

> > > > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:

> > >

> > > Berserker just got buffed and it now way better than reaper.

> >

> > good joke on april 1st


> Sword Autoattack: Increased overall damage by 22% in PvP and WvW.

> Flurry: Increased damage by 71% in PvP and WvW.

> Savage Leap: Increased damage by 33% in PvP and WvW.

> Flaming Flurry: Increased damage by 92% in PvP and WvW.

> "To the Limit!": Increased endurance granted from 50 to 100 in PvP and WvW.

> "On My Mark!": Adjusted vulnerability applied from 10 stacks for 10 seconds to 15 stacks for 6 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced ammo recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> "For Great Justice!": Adjusted might granted from 6 stacks for 25 seconds to 12 stacks for 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> "Shake It Off!": Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 2 to 3 in PvP and WvW.



Umm, if I’m not blind, the only buff to Berserker is Flaming Flurry, and who even uses sword lul

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> > > >

> > > > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:

> > >

> > > Berserker just got buffed and it now way better than reaper.

> >

> > good joke on april 1st


> Sword Autoattack: Increased overall damage by 22% in PvP and WvW.

> Flurry: Increased damage by 71% in PvP and WvW.

> Savage Leap: Increased damage by 33% in PvP and WvW.

> Flaming Flurry: Increased damage by 92% in PvP and WvW.

> "To the Limit!": Increased endurance granted from 50 to 100 in PvP and WvW.

> "On My Mark!": Adjusted vulnerability applied from 10 stacks for 10 seconds to 15 stacks for 6 seconds in PvP and WvW. Reduced ammo recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> "For Great Justice!": Adjusted might granted from 6 stacks for 25 seconds to 12 stacks for 15 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> "Shake It Off!": Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 2 to 3 in PvP and WvW.



If a berserker use sword, it has to be a condition burn zerker, i do have one, and i use one in wvw, power damage buff is nothing to my burnzerker. Do i defeat reaper with my burnzerker? i did, but no thanks to the sword damage buff.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.


> hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:


Well. For 1v1s you have spellbreaker and core. And i think berserker is still strong.

Necro has... nothing


Scourge sux in 1v1 and even looses to reaper, core is just out of any gamemode, and reaper only can kill scourges


So you have 2 viable specs and necro has none?

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> >

> > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:


> Well. For 1v1s you have spellbreaker and core. And i think berserker is still strong.

> Necro has... nothing


> Scourge sux in 1v1 and even looses to reaper, core is just out of any gamemode, and reaper only can kill scourges


> So you have 2 viable specs and necro has none?


Well, reaper can act as decoy and die while his/her teammates are running away.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > Reaper is trash tier. If you die against reaper with a warrior, then the only solution to that is uninstalling the game and finding a better hobby.

> >

> > hm i see far more reaper in wvw and pvp than berserker... wonder why? If you die to berserker you are trash :lol:


> Well. For 1v1s you have spellbreaker and core. And i think berserker is still strong.

> Necro has... nothing


> Scourge sux in 1v1 and even looses to reaper, core is just out of any gamemode, and reaper only can kill scourges


> So you have 2 viable specs and necro has none?


lol scourge doesn't suck in 1v1 but maybe you do... just because scourge is not as broken in a 1v1 as in a teamfight does not mean scourge sucks xD

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i think its pretty funny that most ppl who say that warrior is so damn overpowered clearly have never played that class over a longer period of time and just went into one fight, smashed their opponent (who never dodged any skill or not important ones) and declared that they mastered warrior...everyone who has some experience with warrior will tell you that berserker is just complete garbage. and that happened when anet decided to turn berserker f1 into tier1 burst for traits, which is simply horrible. you have to make the choice to spend your adrenalin for getting adrenal health etc or to go into berserker mode, which consumes 3 full bars (which are so hard to gain against good foes) to then having to hit 3 burst skills on an enemy, which again against remotely good players is so frickin hard. if you decide to never turn berserk you could just leave it out and play core or you use berserker and lose all those things you get for hitting f1.

seriously everyone here who thinks its so easy to land f1 have NEVER NEVER NEVER played against anything close to a good opponent and should just not talk about warrior


also how do all you guys get the misconception that warrior has a miracilous way to maintain resistance at all times?? berserkers stance is like 4 sec and healing sig is a big loss of sustain when activated and isnt even pulsing resi

weakness alone hurts warrior so badly that he does like 0 dmg


ofc reaper isnt rly a good spec, but im tired of ppl calling warrior op when they clearly have no idea of pvp or wvw

also mirage/thief and even dmg druid outclass warrior in roaming by alot, no way for warrior to kill them because of massive kiting power with stealths and blinks and almost no way to run away from them since even mes got that much mobility with last expension

even if they lose a trade to the warrior they will just kite away and try again over and over until the warrior drops dead

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