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another CoR thread

Stand The Wall.6987

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CoR is really dumb, but it's barely overpowered honestly. The max damage on a squishy is kind of absurd (15k on zerk classes) but.. they're glass, so is that really that bad? The rev has to be full zerker/scholar for that.


You can't 100% stack them and you still want way more scourges than revs. You need to cloud out if you get melee engaged on or their damage gets neutered. They die if they get caught in a bubble wrong and can't either immediately glint heal or shiro evade. They provide basic boons, which is fantastic, and their burst can be gnarly, but it's only the glass specs generally getting blown up in one shot.


In comparison to the scourge/firebrand/warrior ball, especially the scourge part, power rev is pretty far down the list I think. You can still add in weavers or mesmers or whatever as you see fit, and maybe some token revs to generate immediate downs with phase smashes or two CoRs, but they're not at the core of what is causing pirate ship (ie, trying to run through the scourge ball is nearly impossible in large scale)


I'd much readily more complain about how scourges can effectively cover 3 or 4 roles right now (condi, power, transfusion, hyrbid) and you can just stack a billion without all that much composition issues because they a) stack well and b) are braindead to use properly

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:


> Having CoR like the OP stated would buff hammer's matchups in small-scale and stop it from being broken in large scale, which it is.




Why would a guild use Revenant in first instance if you neuter CoR? As a support is clearly inferior to Guardian/Firebrand, and in mele damage/cc Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker is stronger and have better sustain. Nerf (more) the hammer (as just happened due the Impossible Odds cut in the last patch) and you will delete Rev from this game mode (currently has 0 role in PvP and is arguably weak in Fractals/PvE raids).

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> @"Arioch.6507" said:

> Maybe put one of those dreaded LB ranger, Thief, or Mesmer, that can take out said Rev's, in your blob....make it their job to kill the revs/scourges.... but...then again...why build for counters when it's just easier to load up on Scourges, and Revs.


how many rangers would be needed ???? since most groups were runing mostly scourges and fb's ??


the actual gimmick is condi tank scourge with tank healers with u dont need much more from the other classes, with just 3 classes u can form a large blob that can push most if not over everything.


Rev's on zerg are only for stack boons and make mesmer share and then hammer spam, u could make a jalis rev to make tanky scourge more OP damage condi reduction over the barrier spam and those tons of heals.


Hammer rev's should be hitting on barrier and nothing else, hammer damage can be completelly nullified IF enemy team has lots of scourges, they will hit nothing but barrier health pool..... with the current numbers of scourges, cant take CoR complains serious.


The issue with revenant is that is a poor designed class (like everything added after game release), and it is all about stack the best gimmick and get carried.

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> @"Arioch.6507" said:

> Maybe put one of those dreaded LB ranger, Thief, or Mesmer, that can take out said Rev's, in your blob....make it their job to kill the revs/scourges.... but...then again...why build for counters when it's just easier to load up on Scourges, and Revs.


I just explained previously why... it literally doesn't work because both hammer rev and the entire rest of the current meta counter any of these from being effective. In the case of even numbers, it's better to just add another scourge or spellbreaker, anyways. People have tried; it doesn't work.


If the rev is caught out even enough to go down, either he is out of position and unskilled and/or the blob is unskilled. He won't be finished/double-downed unless massively out of place.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Arioch.6507" said:

> > Maybe put one of those dreaded LB ranger, Thief, or Mesmer, that can take out said Rev's, in your blob....make it their job to kill the revs/scourges.... but...then again...why build for counters when it's just easier to load up on Scourges, and Revs.


> I just explained previously why... it literally doesn't work because both hammer rev and the entire rest of the current meta counter any of these from being effective. In the case of even numbers, it's better to just add another scourge or spellbreaker, anyways. People have tried; it doesn't work.


> If the rev is caught out even enough to go down, either he is out of position and unskilled and/or the blob is unskilled. He won't be finished/double-downed unless massively out of place.


So if you ever die as a rev, you suck. Good to know I'm dealing with an elitist here.

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> @"Euryon.9248" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Arioch.6507" said:

> > > Maybe put one of those dreaded LB ranger, Thief, or Mesmer, that can take out said Rev's, in your blob....make it their job to kill the revs/scourges.... but...then again...why build for counters when it's just easier to load up on Scourges, and Revs.

> >

> > I just explained previously why... it literally doesn't work because both hammer rev and the entire rest of the current meta counter any of these from being effective. In the case of even numbers, it's better to just add another scourge or spellbreaker, anyways. People have tried; it doesn't work.

> >

> > If the rev is caught out even enough to go down, either he is out of position and unskilled and/or the blob is unskilled. He won't be finished/double-downed unless massively out of place.


> So if you ever die as a rev, you suck. Good to know I'm dealing with an elitist here.


If you get downed by a mes or thief while in a blob while playing a rev, you were out of place.

If you ever get double-downed by a thief or mesmer while standing in the middle of a blob, yes, someone sucks.

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Interesting, that's actually a better suggestion OP than other people just wanting to gut Revenant by straight nerfing hammer, the only **niche** they are "good" at in PvP. But still... it's only viable in zerg/blob play, who would have thought that zergs would have such wierd balance issues **/s**. That shit weapon is so slow that it's absolute trash against a competent player.


Anyway, that could be an interesting and good change if you could couple it with giving Hammer 3 (Phase Smash) the ability to actually travel that distance and by also giving it the option to teleport back if double tapped.

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> @"XxsdgxX.8109" said:

> Interesting, that's actually a better suggestion OP than other people just wanting to gut Revenant by straight nerfing hammer, the only **niche** they are "good" at in PvP. But still... it's only viable in zerg/blob play, who would have thought that zergs would have such wierd balance issues **/s**. That kitten weapon is so slow that it's absolute trash against a competent player.


> Anyway, that could be an interesting and good change if you could couple it with giving Hammer 3 (Phase Smash) the ability to actually travel that distance and by also giving it the option to teleport back if double tapped.


yeah that suggestion was made a while back and I disagreed... dunno about now tho. giving hard hitting ranged good mobility always seems like a risk, but with the CoR reversal I suggested it might work out.

*le shrug*

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> ### Revenant


> #### Skills


> - Coalescence of Ruin: Reduced the power coefficient of the second impact from 1.75 to 1.5 (-14%) in WvW only. Reduced the power coefficient of the third impact from 2.25 to 1.75 (-22%) in WvW only.


Looks like it's being adressed, should still be useful just not instagibbing anything that has 15k or less health. Shame they didn't do anything about how the other skills on the hammer are weird and janky.


Link for anyone that's interested:



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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > ### Revenant

> >

> > #### Skills

> >

> > - Coalescence of Ruin: Reduced the power coefficient of the second impact from 1.75 to 1.5 (-14%) in WvW only. Reduced the power coefficient of the third impact from 2.25 to 1.75 (-22%) in WvW only.


> Looks like it's being adressed, should still be useful just not instagibbing anything that has 15k or less health. Shame they didn't do anything about how the other skills on the hammer are weird and janky.


> Link for anyone that's interested:


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/409804#Comment_409804


That doesn't seem too bad, CoR still does a fair amount of damage in situations. I wish they cutback the damage like they did for gunflame and trueshot 2 years ago, even when it had a 2s cd. Although maybe I'd remove or lower the cd, on when an enemy can be hit, if it's still there.


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Proposed change is way too small to have any effect. CoR + PS spam is possible because they are ranged AoE on extremely low CD. So, there are 3 solutions to get these skills in line with other skills and classes:

- reduced range - 900 for example

- reduced AoE - either 3 targets or even single target

- increased CD - should be about 30 seconds

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> @"FogLeg.9354" said:

> Proposed change is way too small to have any effect. CoR + PS spam is possible because they are ranged AoE on extremely low CD. So, there are 3 solutions to get these skills in line with other skills and classes:

> - reduced range - 900 for example

> - reduced AoE - either 3 targets or even single target

> - increased CD - should be about 30 seconds


The only classes afected by "one shot CoR" were the glass cannon thieves and mesmers aiming to do exactly the same but from stealth, and which will remain untouched.


Once the nerf for CoR arrives I'm done with the WvW; if you roam alone and you need to hit with CoR three times in a row to down a glass cannon ganker you're pretty much dead, and hammer was the only viable ranged weapon for the class.


ANet did a great job deleting Rev from PvP in the past, they are now in a good place to do the same in WvW.

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> @"FogLeg.9354" said:

> Proposed change is way too small to have any effect. CoR + PS spam is possible because they are ranged AoE on extremely low CD. So, there are 3 solutions to get these skills in line with other skills and classes:

> - reduced range - 900 for example

> - reduced AoE - either 3 targets or even single target

> - increased CD - should be about 30 seconds


If you "get these skills in line with other classes", rev will be deleted from WvW. This is the *only* thing rev does well in any aspect of any mode of the game. You want to nerf the one thing rev does well in all of GW2 to the point where they will be entirely replaced by the other members of the WvW meta.

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They are buffing dwarf and mallyx quite considerably. People are just too blind to any buffs and only think rev is a CoR bot.


Meaning full glass cannon rev that was reliant on CoR spam and had a bit of trouble getting range of hammer 3 and 5 gets a bit nerfed. Any other rev hammer spec will lose only like max 10% damage which is reasonable since they are the most important part of melee party after firebrands while dealing ton of damage.


So Melee power rev gets overall buffed, melee condi rev gets directly buffed. Full zerk range rev with DPS runes gets nerfed. Better dust of those dura runes (or leadership or balthazar or whichever you prefer).


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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"FogLeg.9354" said:

> > Proposed change is way too small to have any effect. CoR + PS spam is possible because they are ranged AoE on extremely low CD. So, there are 3 solutions to get these skills in line with other skills and classes:

> > - reduced range - 900 for example

> > - reduced AoE - either 3 targets or even single target

> > - increased CD - should be about 30 seconds


> The only classes afected by "one shot CoR" were the glass cannon thieves and mesmers aiming to do exactly the same but from stealth, and which will remain untouched.


> Once the nerf for CoR arrives I'm done with the WvW; if you roam alone and you need to hit with CoR three times in a row to down a glass cannon ganker you're pretty much dead, and hammer was the only viable ranged weapon for the class.


> ANet did a great job deleting Rev from PvP in the past, they are now in a good place to do the same in WvW.


Firstly it wasn't just the glass mesmers and thieves, it could oneshot glass ele, ranger, engy and guard (assuming no aegis) too and by glass I mean zerk on the classes with ~15k base health and zerk marauder on ele and guard. They just didn't complain because they would generally either run something different for the zerg fight or not go near a zerg fight.


If you're using hammer to roam alone vs thief and mesmer you're doing something woefully wrong and you should lose because it's a zerg fighting weapon. Staff and S/S or S/A is your best option for roaming, if you get to a zerg fight double click that hammer in your inventory while you have the sword equipped and you're good to go. This reduction to CoR will also not make you take 3 CoR to down them either, you'll need 1 CoR and then 1 maybe 2 autos, at most 2 CoR assuming you're wearing some form of marauder/cavalier mix.

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