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[Suggestion] Exchange my Ascended Weapon for...


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Guild Wars 2 is constantly updated. This pushes the community to design new class builds making our ascended gear obsolete. For example, Warrior BS plays LB / Sword+Torch, while Warrior SB uses Dagger+Axe (x2). Currently it seems that Warrios SB is more required and soon probably Warrior BS will no longer be used.

Then a question arises. What do I do with my old weapons?

I think it would be interesting, put up a Vendor able to exchange our ascended weapon for one different ascended weapon. In this way people can avoid to own 3-4 daggers unusable.

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You keep them to use on other classes and re-stat what you can use. If everything fails...you can salvage but you will make a loss.


I'd re-stat them to something useful to another class and pass it on to the next char. You will want to have everything everywhere on every class/charr anyway some time. More options are always good, but i think your problem alredy has a solution by letting you swap the stats on your ascended weapons/armors.

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> @"fra.5241" said:

> I think it would be interesting, put up a Vendor able to exchange our ascended weapon for one different ascended weapon. In this way people can avoid to own 3-4 daggers unusable.


There's nearly always a use for the weapons. You're right that the meta sometimes changes so that Weapon A is out of favor and Weapon B is in... but it will change again: B will be out and A will return (or maybe C).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"fra.5241" said:

> > I think it would be interesting, put up a Vendor able to exchange our ascended weapon for one different ascended weapon. In this way people can avoid to own 3-4 daggers unusable.


> There's nearly always a use for the weapons. You're right that the meta sometimes changes so that Weapon A is out of favor and Weapon B is in... but it will change again: B will be out and A will return (or maybe C).


Yep, very true, what goes around comes around. Also the way that things are going you can be sure that if one character no longer needs them you can be sure that another will soon.


Not to mention that just because the meta changes or new elite specs come out it doesn't mean that the old ones are obsolete.


There are the Caladbolg weapons, of course, you can change those weapons between five different types; dagger, sword, scepter, greatsword and shield.



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You can sort-of do this with Caladbolg - you can convert it to another form by paying 1,000 Unbound Magic (this works even if it's transmuted). But it's limited to sword, greatsword, dagger, shield and scepter.


It might be helpful of them to put in a similar system for normal ascended weapons, or as a compromise make a full set like Caladbolg where you can convert one to another.


But like other people here if I have an ascended weapon I currently have no use for I either give it to an alt or keep it in case I want a weapon of that type again in future. Admittedly this is probably more useful if you have lots of alts (I have 11, and at least 1 of each profession), but even if you stick to 1 character at worst you'd end up holding onto 1-2 copies of each weapon they can use.

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I understood you feel this idea superfluous for the game. But It is also true that a similar merchant would be very comfortable.

Anyway sometimes I don't feel the need to own more ascended weapons of the same kind and then I'd prefer to exchange them for something of different.

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Oh yeah, I know the use of that Book :)

But I'd be interested to exchange weapons rather than exchange stats (anyway I love this function, I always use it). Obviously I will do preserve my ascended weapons. Though I hope a day Arenanet can realize for us a similar idea. I'm playing just a few of classes. I crafted legendary weapons and ascended weapons for their. And how I meant, often I'm forced to put away those weapons, in my bank.


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Anet wants you to make one of every weapon and armor ascended. They want you to use the stat swapping forge method whenever you feel you want to use different stats. They want you to buy more inventory space in your account bank to hold what you aren't using.


Personally, I'm hoping that there will be enough shared inventory slots to put my legendaries and most used items in them to use freely on all my characters.

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