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Can we have some proper tight pants for light armored females, please?


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I'm so tired of not being able to complete 90% of my light armor human female looks because of the lack of proper non-buttcape/skirt pants in this game. I don't need anymore panties, buttcapes, skirts, robes. We've got enough of them already. Enough is enough. The time has come for some nice tight pants for light armor!

Pls Anet :cookie: :heart:

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The reverse would also be nice - without a good range of skirts, dresses, high heels and the like (and with all the sexual dimorphism exhibited with the human-esque races more generally) it's hard to do crossdressing/drag male characters in this game. No idea if this is engine-feasible, but the ability to toggle between the trousered male and skirted female versions of various skins would be nice.


@"sorudo.9054" May I ask where that photo is from? It looks like a sexed-up version of Charlie's Angels, a phenomena I did not think possible =)

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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:

> The reverse would also be nice - without a good range of skirts, dresses, high heels and the like (and with all the sexual dimorphism exhibited with the human-esque races more generally) it's hard to do crossdressing/drag male characters in this game. No idea if this is engine-feasible, but the ability to toggle between the trousered male and skirted female versions of various skins would be nice.


> @"sorudo.9054" May I ask where that photo is from? It looks like a sexed-up version of Charlie's Angels, a phenomena I did not think possible =)


Furthermore I'm sure Asura females would be more than happy to share some of their pants with the other females in return for skirts and other frilly feminine things.

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If I remember correctly, at launch there were Commoner and Noble clothing options (not armor) that included basic pants and top for women.


Also, I don't think many of us mind the bustles, et al., we would just like some more options.


P.S. might we please get some heavy armor without spikes and horns all over it? Just some basic 14th-15th century European heavy armor options would be nice.

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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> Why can't people call them Coattails? It sounds so much nicer and honestly buttcape is derogatory and only really used here :\

> Also now that I know what people are talking about in regards to buttcapes, they aren't that bad =0

> I mean, some are. There are decent ones though!


Most of what the others in this thread are talking about aren't coattails because they're part of the pants and not the chest armor. So, buttcape, while crude, is appropriate.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i have bin asking for some skintight armor for a few months now, my fav reasons is ether because of a concept or because i want something sexy but not skimpy.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Sg9pIsN.jpg "")

> ![](https://pre00.deviantart.net/79f3/th/pre/f/2011/205/1/6/starcraft_ii_kerrigan_model_by_walter_nest-d41hl2s.jpg "")



Buy 3 get 2 free, I hope. <3

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While I am all for tight pants in RL, I don't quite get the point of those in GW2...? Please enlighten me.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> There are several tight pants available for the master race, I fail to see why people are concerned about the human problem.


Uuuhm... you DO realize that the master race has no noteworthy buttocks to be pronounced by those tight pants you mention? Perhaps Asuras get more aroused by ... idk... tight hats? Ear-pants? Ear-bras?? Imagine that:


Male Asura: "By the eternal alchemy, look at those ears! So big and rounded."

Other male Asura: "I am inclined to think that she is using suspension."


Zojja's helmet always struck me as an ear-bra.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> While I am all for tight pants in RL, I don't quite get the point of those in GW2...? Please enlighten me.


> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > There are several tight pants available for the master race, I fail to see why people are concerned about the human problem.


> Uuuhm... you DO realize that the master race has no noteworthy buttocks to be pronounced by those tight pants you mention? Perhaps Asuras get more aroused by ... idk... tight hats? Ear-pants? Ear-bras?? Imagine that:


> Male Asura: "By the eternal alchemy, look at those ears! So big and rounded."

> Other male Asura: "I am inclined to think that she is using suspension."


> Zojja's helmet always struck me as an ear-bra.


Asura definitely strike me as having a Ferengi-like “taste” for ears. Although in the case of the Ferengi the ears are seen as a male sexual trait rather than female so...



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Bigger ears needs a bigger cranium, and a bigger cranium means a bigger brain. It is quite possible that in some base reproductive instinct, Asura actually feel attracted to big ears...


But that's not the point of the thread: The point is the game needs more cloth variety, specifically more pants without covering: pants without "overskirt" for light and heavy armor, and short jackets for medium. There are models that do this, the problem is they are too few. We need more.

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