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This seems balanced


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The problem here is not deadeye, it's necro. Stuff like this is why necro is considered a broken class. I played one myself a long time and it's frustrating af because there is nothing you can do against it. One reason being that every tiny skill of necro takes approximately an hour and a half to cast. You simply can't react properly because it's like you're playing a slow motion class.


I don't have a problem with p/p thief on other classes. When I play d/p thief I just spam #4 to interrupt his unload skill until he is dead due to pulmonary impact.

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> @"cursE.1794" said:

> The problem here is not deadeye, it's necro. Stuff like this is why necro is considered a broken class. I played one myself a long time and it's frustrating af because there is nothing you can do against it. One reason being that every tiny skill of necro takes approximately an hour and a half to cast. You simply can't react properly because it's like you're playing a slow motion class.


> I don't have a problem with p/p thief on other classes. When I play d/p thief I just spam #4 to interrupt his unload skill until he is dead due to pulmonary impact.


That's the issue though. When it comes to handling p/p thief it's all about your class and nothing to do with your skill. You either play a class endowed with enough projectile hate and ranged pressure at which point countering the p/p is easy, or you play a class that doesn't and all you can do is die.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"cursE.1794" said:

> > The problem here is not deadeye, it's necro. Stuff like this is why necro is considered a broken class. I played one myself a long time and it's frustrating af because there is nothing you can do against it. One reason being that every tiny skill of necro takes approximately an hour and a half to cast. You simply can't react properly because it's like you're playing a slow motion class.

> >

> > I don't have a problem with p/p thief on other classes. When I play d/p thief I just spam #4 to interrupt his unload skill until he is dead due to pulmonary impact.


> That's the issue though. When it comes to handling p/p thief it's all about your class and nothing to do with your skill. You either play a class endowed with enough projectile hate and ranged pressure at which point countering the p/p is easy, or you play a class that doesn't and all you can do is die.


Yes. That's a built in issue in Guild Wars 2 pvp. What you can do now are three things: 1) stop playing necro 2) stop playing the game 3) if the first two are no option for you, consider why you can't quit the game/the class. There must be something that you love about it. Remind yourself of it, bring that fact into your conscious mind and it will be much easier to deal with frustrating stuff like this.



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> @"cursE.1794" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"cursE.1794" said:

> > > The problem here is not deadeye, it's necro. Stuff like this is why necro is considered a broken class. I played one myself a long time and it's frustrating af because there is nothing you can do against it. One reason being that every tiny skill of necro takes approximately an hour and a half to cast. You simply can't react properly because it's like you're playing a slow motion class.

> > >

> > > I don't have a problem with p/p thief on other classes. When I play d/p thief I just spam #4 to interrupt his unload skill until he is dead due to pulmonary impact.

> >

> > That's the issue though. When it comes to handling p/p thief it's all about your class and nothing to do with your skill. You either play a class endowed with enough projectile hate and ranged pressure at which point countering the p/p is easy, or you play a class that doesn't and all you can do is die.


> Yes. That's a built in issue in Guild Wars 2 pvp. What you can do now are three things: 1) stop playing necro 2) stop playing the game 3) if the first two are no option for you, consider why you can't quit the game/the class. There must be something that you love about it. Remind yourself of it, bring that fact into your conscious mind and it will be much easier to deal with frustrating stuff like this.




I am telling you , Thiefs player have something in their DNA :p

Protect the class and whine that the company sux :P



Choose1 or the other :P

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I've been saying this for a while. deadeye is a stupidly unhealthy class to play against even if it's not meta.


1 It's not squishy, it doesn't die quick, it has tons of stealth and u can even take shadow arts for more stealth


2 It does high amounts of damage without having to wait for the full malice stacks


3 lag, and other factors don't make death's judgements an auto miss as some like to claim. get hit by visual clutter and or an instant of lag and boom death


4 in wvw u can do stupidly high amounts of damage up to 50 k. and in an open world setting fighting it is even more annoying u better hope there is some wall to out LOS is.


it's a dumb class, unfun and unhealthy. U don't need to copy litterally every fucking sniper mechanic FROM A FUCKING SHOOTER and put it into an mmorpg game.

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ROFL pretty much why i left necro. Thief was actually supposed to have been redesigned in vanilla because of what it was doing to other classes. Necro shroud mechanic was also supposed to have been redesigned because of how vulnerable it was to everything. Now we have this.


Anet will tell you "every class needs its weaknesses" When one of them said this to me in game, dude i died.


The funniest thing is in a competitive setting there is literally nothing necro can do about deadeye. If Esports was still a thing and that deadeye was rifle, i guarantee you a team would take full advantage of being able to coordinate with deadeye's oneshot.

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> @"cursE.1794" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"cursE.1794" said:

> > > The problem here is not deadeye, it's necro. Stuff like this is why necro is considered a broken class. I played one myself a long time and it's frustrating af because there is nothing you can do against it. One reason being that every tiny skill of necro takes approximately an hour and a half to cast. You simply can't react properly because it's like you're playing a slow motion class.

> > >

> > > I don't have a problem with p/p thief on other classes. When I play d/p thief I just spam #4 to interrupt his unload skill until he is dead due to pulmonary impact.

> >

> > That's the issue though. When it comes to handling p/p thief it's all about your class and nothing to do with your skill. You either play a class endowed with enough projectile hate and ranged pressure at which point countering the p/p is easy, or you play a class that doesn't and all you can do is die.


> Yes. That's a built in issue in Guild Wars 2 pvp. What you can do now are three things: 1) stop playing necro 2) stop playing the game 3) if the first two are no option for you, consider why you can't quit the game/the class. There must be something that you love about it. Remind yourself of it, bring that fact into your conscious mind and it will be much easier to deal with frustrating stuff like this.




The combat system is the only reason why people tend to go back to pvp despite how bad the balance is. No other game has combat like this

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> I've been saying this for a while. deadeye is a stupidly unhealthy class to play against even if it's not meta.


> 1 It's not squishy, it doesn't die quick, it has tons of stealth and u can even take shadow arts for more stealth


Tell that to everyone who was at full health and got downed from one skill cast. Coalescence comes to mind, backstab, shatter, etc etc pretty much every class can do it




If you had even a single person on your team peel the thief off you, you'd win. And that's a spec that is basically the counter to yours, which it's why that spec is bad in spvp.


TLDR: his spec is scissors to your paper, and it's not even good at that outside of specifically 1v1 vs scourge. If you don't like losing to your counter, play a different class and lose to a different counter. Or you know, learn how to combat your counter specs.

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Skill ammo is a wonderful too.


Take Thief weapon skills. They do not have recharges so they can be used in rapid succession. But if you stack too much initiative recovery, you can spam a single skill way to much.


Enter skill ammo.


Give Unload something like 5-10 ammo with a 10s recharge each charge (down to 8s recharge if you have the pistol trait), boom, you can still spam unload a lot, you still do not need recharges, the initiative mechanics is not affected. But you can't spam unload **way** too much.


A wonderful tool. But tools are useless if not used.




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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Skill ammo is a wonderful too.


> Take Thief weapon skills. They do not have recharges so they can be used in rapid succession. But if you stack too much initiative recovery, you can spam a single skill way to much.


> Enter skill ammo.


> Give Unload something like 5-10 ammo with a 10s recharge each charge (down to 8s recharge if you have the pistol trait), boom, you can still spam unload a lot, you still do not need recharges, the initiative mechanics is not affected. But you can't spam unload **way** too much.


> A wonderful tool. But tools are useless if not used.





Would be flavorful to give guns and ammo system too. I think the count should be much lower though, 5-10 you won't even notice you have an ammo system. Make it 3; you can spam 3 unloads, enough to kill someone unless they actively defend themselves, but a low enough ammount that you might have to, idk, use other skills besides unload.


Or they could just nerf unload and buff other pistol skills. This build isn't super op because it has weaknessess, but it's a cancer playstyle that if culled would make the game healthier.

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As a P/P and rifle Deadeye, I can tell you why this happens...fluidity. They're easily my most fluid class, I can just bounce around all over the place shooting bullets and going in and out of stealth (except for rare cases when I kneel for some kill shots).


This is even worse on Deadeye than Daredevil since I can just remove Revealed with my elite.


Everything else I play is really slow and clunky in comparison, and Necro is the worst offender for that. I still consider my condi Reaper to be my strongest class overall since she can brawl with an entire group of people and still kill someone before going down due to Blind and Chill spam (and Epidemic), but that is usually under special circumstances (e.g cornering them in a fort in WvW), and not something that really happens in PvP.


Btw, something that can help with that situation is Poison Cloud, it destroys projectiles and has a very low cooldown.

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Well, some classs can do things other classes can't do.


Necros if specd right can melt your whole team, they can hold a point really well, but they are not that mobile.


Thiefs can zip, zoom, and shoot a single player dead (like a necro) in a few secs if the settings are right, but it is not the whole tem at once, or great point control.



When people defend scouge as it is still, they claim it's L2P, or swap to even up the comps.


So if you see a thief on the other team, and you don't have 1, perhaps it's L2P and you should swap. Mobility is an advantage in it's own way.



I am glad that they can zip, zoom in and out of stealth, and stun and spam unload. With how necros are right now, they don't need reflect.

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I have suggested CPC several times.


Very much as what happens with the various reveal skills when it suggested people take those to deal with stealth, the response was "There are better skills to take" which translates to "No these builds are not really OP, I am just complaining about them so rather than taking a tool that can help deal with them I can use my same build and not have to worry about them".


When it comes to projectiles CPC is an 8 second block on a 30 second cooldown. It as effective against projectiles as is endure and defy pain which give 4 seconds sum total on a 30 second cooldown. As far as projectile hate goes, it orders of magnitude better then WOD when holding point. While I do not Pvp it my understanding that a theif hanging out at a location for 8 seconds waiting for a Cloud to come down is one that is not efficiently using his time.

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