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2 parts of the world, no event epicness


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> @nedlee.5943 said:

> People are still doing HoT metas but LW3 map events are already mostly desolated. Just few people grinding hearts or gathering, while no one fights champs or boss. Without big metas I expect PoF map events will be same. It may be much worse since PoF maps are bigger and less dense.


The main issue is that they will release the next Living World Season in aprox. 3 months if they stick to the plan. They don't have to worry about **replayabilty** anymore because they can always say: Hey look, **here's a new episode and map. Go play over here!**


They're basically creating a lot of throwaway content, then pushing it out at a certain pace, so you won't ever look back. The maps of Season 3 didn't have any sort of replayability for me and it looks like the expansion maps will follow the same pattern - as well as Season 4.


If the content in future doesn't provide anything else beside generic events and repeatable hearts, I won't have any reason to play. I didn't buy PoF yet - and I don't know if I will buy it at all.

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> @pinkglow.3429 said:

> I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?


OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.


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> @Drew.1865 said:

> > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> > I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?


> OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.



There is always living story 4? My best bet now is that hopefully there is where the action will happen :/

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> There's no meta maps because they would detract from HoT which they don't want to die. You want meta maps, you gotta have HoT and go there to keep those maps alive. Instead, new maps have the Legendary Bounties, which I'm sure ppl will learn to zerg/train kill them like a meta.


Probably this is the case, although I doubt HoT zones would die if PoF zones had a meta or two.

Now the big question is if PoF will survive in the long run.

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I don't mind seeing less of these events going on. The permanent spams in the chat - I mean, permanent spamming of eve


MrHumbleBookah [10:58] boss at 80%

xXKillerXx [10:59] Event?

BeefWarrior [10:59] event

BeefWarrior [10:59] ?

Skill0rKill0r [10:59] events??

CatMeowCharr [11:00] any meta event????????

MrHumbleBookah [11:02] boss at 79%

xXKillerXx [11:02] omgggg whereeeeee??

BeefWarrior [11:02] taxi pls

Skill0rKill0r [11:02] wehpoint plox!!

CatMeowCharr [11:03] helo where????

MrHumbleBookah [11:02] boss at 78%

(Rinse and repeat)


While I can understand people doing these events, I'd be happy to have a few maps people really team up with each other in smaller squads instead of having a crowd of people that constantly interrupt their sounds slowly nibbling down a 30-million HP pool boss and move to the next, like the rats in Dishonoured walking from body to body and create chaos. IMO, the fun of smaller squads is the personality because the amount of random heals coming from "someone deep into the crowd" is less present, it was **that** Mesmer lady or **that** cute Charr that revived me.

The so-called "Zergs" are not my thing personally after all, but these meta events where forcing it. In HoT there were certain pact camps I was literally alone while defending. Any player that I saw was going to Patriarch and that's stupid in my opinion, I wish we were forced to keep the camps in squads all over the map instead of 78 guys on a small platform in the air for example.


More quality > "Epicness"

(Thank god about the removal of the downvote button in moments like this :-))




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> @Drew.1865 said:

> > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> > I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?


> OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.


More time? PoF was in development for 2+ years, and look at the lack of content and features and massive amount of game breaking bugs that came with it. The mounts and new elite specs are great, but let's not kid ourselves about how much of a let down this "expansion" is.


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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Drew.1865 said:

> > > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > > I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> > > I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?

> >

> > OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.


> More time? PoF was in development for 2+ years, and look at the lack of content and features and massive amount of game breaking bugs that came with it. The mounts and new elite specs are great, but let's not kid ourselves about how much of a let down this "expansion" is.



I really DON'T want to agree with this, but me and my girlfriend both do (and she's the biggest GW2 fan i've ever met)


It's not a BAD expansion per say, but we both ran in and played and just kind of... looked at each other like "wheres the WOW factor"? Wheres that feeling like when you stepped into HOT?


This expansion just feels like a typical 3 month LS map except bigger and throw in mounts. How did this take 2 years to make???

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> @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @Drew.1865 said:

> > > > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > > > I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> > > > I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?

> > >

> > > OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.

> >

> > More time? PoF was in development for 2+ years, and look at the lack of content and features and massive amount of game breaking bugs that came with it. The mounts and new elite specs are great, but let's not kid ourselves about how much of a let down this "expansion" is.

> >


> I really DON'T want to agree with this, but me and my girlfriend both do (and she's the biggest GW2 fan i've ever met)


> It's not a BAD expansion per say, but we both ran in and played and just kind of... looked at each other like "wheres the WOW factor"? Wheres that feeling like when you stepped into HOT?


> This expansion just feels like a typical 3 month LS map except bigger and throw in mounts. How did this take 2 years to make???


that is just it right their all together while it is great your girlfriend is a big guild wars2 fan . then this is where you and her miss the boat so to speak . if you never played guild wars as well as she never played guild wars also . that is where you lost a lot and could not get the wow factor or left feeling where is the wow factor I had with guild wars2


path of fire is a ode or toss back if you will to the original guild wars . and that game did not have even half the stuff the path of fire pack has in it now with jumping puzzles and such . so yes to you this is noting more than a patch then it is any thing close to a ex pack . now had you played guild wars it might been a different story maybe.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> Yeah, I was hoping for HoT epic meta-like events :(


> Anyway, I hope the bounty hunting is at least entertaining... I haven't tried that yet, working on story first.


that is why you still can play hot and do them events their . had they put that in the new pack path of fire. that would been another major disappointment for me and yet another reason why I would not buy the new pack at all . which now I am very happy I did not buy the new pack given what I been reading here and over on reddit .


I will say tho you might find you enjoy the bounty hunting it was not too bad in guild wars when the add it to that game but took a long while to get the top and good rewards for doing the bounty hunting


a lot of us vets used our other toons or alt toons if you will to get to the top bounty hunting reward levels more faster then others did .

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> > @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > @Drew.1865 said:

> > > > > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > > > > I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> > > > > I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?

> > > >

> > > > OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.

> > >

> > > More time? PoF was in development for 2+ years, and look at the lack of content and features and massive amount of game breaking bugs that came with it. The mounts and new elite specs are great, but let's not kid ourselves about how much of a let down this "expansion" is.

> > >

> >

> > I really DON'T want to agree with this, but me and my girlfriend both do (and she's the biggest GW2 fan i've ever met)

> >

> > It's not a BAD expansion per say, but we both ran in and played and just kind of... looked at each other like "wheres the WOW factor"? Wheres that feeling like when you stepped into HOT?

> >

> > This expansion just feels like a typical 3 month LS map except bigger and throw in mounts. How did this take 2 years to make???


> that is just it right their all together while it is great your girlfriend is a big guild wars2 fan . then this is where you and her miss the boat so to speak . if you never played guild wars as well as she never played guild wars also . that is where you lost a lot and could not get the wow factor or left feeling where is the wow factor I had with guild wars2


> path of fire is a ode or toss back if you will to the original guild wars . and that game did not have even half the stuff the path of fire pack has in it now with jumping puzzles and such . so yes to you this is noting more than a patch then it is any thing close to a ex pack . now had you played guild wars it might been a different story maybe.


A lot of people played Guild Wars 1. I played off and on since Prophecies, but really got into it with Nightfall as I was hit by a car around that time and couldn't walk for 2 months. The "wow" factor still isn't there.


The cities feel cramped and cluttered, the mobs are close enough to one another to aggro multiple at a time (which is an issue for squishies), the maps are large but devoid of interesting scenery or content, there is a lack of group content except for bounties which get tedious after you've done each one at least once which takes about an hour, the storyline can't even be played due to crashes and getting booted out of instances, there is a ton of desync related bugs in PvP and WvW making those modes miserable to play right now, there are little to no rewards for doing anything in the Crystal Desert, all the Mastery points that can be earned are mount related, the expansion lacks many QoL features the community has been begging for for years, there were no improvements or updates to any of the guild systems, the elite specs are 50/50 as to their usefulness in different game modes, all of the content can be completed in less than a day even with the bugs, and this is all after 2+ years of development.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > There's no meta maps because they would detract from HoT which they don't want to die. You want meta maps, you gotta have HoT and go there to keep those maps alive. Instead, new maps have the Legendary Bounties, which I'm sure ppl will learn to zerg/train kill them like a meta.


> Probably this is the case, although I doubt HoT zones would die if PoF zones had a meta or two.

> Now the big question is if PoF will survive in the long run.


The only issue I see is that they're not tied to some legendary items, that's what gives HoT tedious meta events some life after death. Well unless i've been mistaken of course, but that alone will keep people going back to HoT even if that kind of design isn't enjoyable for most.

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I think a good balance would have been 1-2 meta events in the new maps, then people who enjoy them would continue to jump around between the new world and HoT. Atm, since there is no meta what so ever in the new world, there is already a steady stream back to HoT, second day after expansion launch.

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Ive done the Auric Basin meta 4 maybe 5 times in my time in HoT. Did Daragon Stand once and have never did Tangled Deeps and Verdnant Brink maps at all because it was nightmare to get anywhere there. Also not to mention that the AB meta became boring after 3 times and did it more only for the exp then i quit the game. Its like raids in WoW, its still a PvE scripted content that becomes boring after few times doing them and i am ok with that, i dont plan to nolife 8 hours a day and farm metas i just want to hope in do some events get the resources do some stuff and log off in relaxed manner, not beeing one shoted by every second mob on the map...also getting headache from the navigation around the zone. Do You want a chellange etc. ? You have raids for that :).

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> @Fingolfin.8635 said:

> I am hoping POF has meta events. Maybe they well be leased later rather than at release.


Then they are probably in LS4 worlds, it is hard to add meta events on maps that seems like they are designed to have no meta events on them, which unfortunately will reduce the replayability of them with high amounts :(

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > > @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> > > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > > @Drew.1865 said:

> > > > > > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > > > > > I will continue to explore, but so far it feels a bit like the worlds are like silverwastes runs, which is ok but no epic feeling like those meta events in HoT.

> > > > > > I hope there are still something similar to find, unless some of you already found it in some of the remaining worlds in expansion?

> > > > >

> > > > > OP they decided to go in a different direction with POF. Give them time they will add more difficult events I'm sure.

> > > >

> > > > More time? PoF was in development for 2+ years, and look at the lack of content and features and massive amount of game breaking bugs that came with it. The mounts and new elite specs are great, but let's not kid ourselves about how much of a let down this "expansion" is.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I really DON'T want to agree with this, but me and my girlfriend both do (and she's the biggest GW2 fan i've ever met)

> > >

> > > It's not a BAD expansion per say, but we both ran in and played and just kind of... looked at each other like "wheres the WOW factor"? Wheres that feeling like when you stepped into HOT?

> > >

> > > This expansion just feels like a typical 3 month LS map except bigger and throw in mounts. How did this take 2 years to make???

> >

> > that is just it right their all together while it is great your girlfriend is a big guild wars2 fan . then this is where you and her miss the boat so to speak . if you never played guild wars as well as she never played guild wars also . that is where you lost a lot and could not get the wow factor or left feeling where is the wow factor I had with guild wars2

> >

> > path of fire is a ode or toss back if you will to the original guild wars . and that game did not have even half the stuff the path of fire pack has in it now with jumping puzzles and such . so yes to you this is noting more than a patch then it is any thing close to a ex pack . now had you played guild wars it might been a different story maybe.


> A lot of people played Guild Wars 1. I played off and on since Prophecies, but really got into it with Nightfall as I was hit by a car around that time and couldn't walk for 2 months. The "wow" factor still isn't there.


> The cities feel cramped and cluttered, the mobs are close enough to one another to aggro multiple at a time (which is an issue for squishies), the maps are large but devoid of interesting scenery or content, there is a lack of group content except for bounties which get tedious after you've done each one at least once which takes about an hour, the storyline can't even be played due to crashes and getting booted out of instances, there is a ton of desync related bugs in PvP and WvW making those modes miserable to play right now, there are little to no rewards for doing anything in the Crystal Desert, all the Mastery points that can be earned are mount related, the expansion lacks many QoL features the community has been begging for for years, there were no improvements or updates to any of the guild systems, the elite specs are 50/50 as to their usefulness in different game modes, all of the content can be completed in less than a day even with the bugs, and this is all after 2+ years of development.


I am do hope your doing much more better than that time !! and for me I played all the packs in guild wars loved Prophecies and night fall really enjoyed that more so when they add the heros . when they did that for me it made the game more enjoyable with out the need of other people at all. crying about game play and such . also the fact in guild wars we never had to deal with or worry about DPS bull crap . lol


honestly one of my friends told me they thought they was playing guild wars all over again . thing really got me is they did the whole story in 2 hours flat . and far as the mobs goes well that is another toss back to guild wars like I said before some spots you even have 2 big mobs together less than 3 foot apart . lol idk about pvp or wvw I dumped them game mods when they went to the crapper . and yes you can get all the mastery points with the mounts no problems their at all . yeah anet told guilds to kitten off and not come back with out saying it out right . funny part on that is guilds have yet not gotten that idea yet they been told that. but I bet when they do well might want to stock up on popcorn for that show . me I like salad to enjoy while watching that show playing out lol. oh and that one I really am looking forwards to seen fully


when they spent 2 years working on this new patch/ pack . I managed to put one of my friends up to a little money bet . well worth it too when I saw every thing. the expansion lacks many QoL features the community has been begging for for years, there were no improvements or updates to any of the guild systems, the elite specs are 50/50 as to their usefulness in different game modes your very right on that one


after 2+ years of development this right here when the player base understands that and gets that idea . sigh well now I really really can not wait to see that show playing when the player base goes back to anet and tells anet how unhappy they are about the new patch/ pack


like I said my one friend did the whole new pack in 2 hours flat . with out even thinking forcing me to make him some bbq ribs for it as well . lol

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> @pinkglow.3429 said:

> I think a good balance would have been 1-2 meta events in the new maps, then people who enjoy them would continue to jump around between the new world and HoT. Atm, since there is no meta what so ever in the new world, there is already a steady stream back to HoT, second day after expansion launch.


that is the point your missing guild wars never ever had meta events at all . and nor should the new pack have any meta events at all and should not add the meta events at all. if they do add meta events to the new pack maps now


that will be a major slap in the face of guild wars itself .

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> > @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > I think a good balance would have been 1-2 meta events in the new maps, then people who enjoy them would continue to jump around between the new world and HoT. Atm, since there is no meta what so ever in the new world, there is already a steady stream back to HoT, second day after expansion launch.


> that is the point your missing guild wars never ever had meta events at all . and nor should the new pack have any meta events at all and should not add the meta events at all. if they do add meta events to the new pack maps now


> that will be a major slap in the face of guild wars itself .


Perhaps we shouldn't have mounts or be able to jump either

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> @pinkglow.3429 said:

> > @Fingolfin.8635 said:

> > I am hoping POF has meta events. Maybe they well be leased later rather than at release.


> Then they are probably in LS4 worlds, it is hard to add meta events on maps that seems like they are designed to have no meta events on them, which unfortunately will reduce the replayability of them with high amounts :(


so then you do fail to see the point these new maps are for just farming gold from the mob,s only at best ???? that is what us vets did in guild wars was farm gold from mobs to buy echo's so we could have real gold in the game . as guild wars gold was ectoplasm's

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