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Cal Cohen tips a tricks for conquest PVP .

Yukio blaster.9082

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Ranked tips by cmc™:


## 1) Don't tilt.


It's really easy to jump on a teammate's mistake and blame them for a lost fight or a decapped point, but this doesn't really benefit anyone. Your teammate will play worse and your focus is split so you'll also play worse. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has to deal with their teammates' mistakes. It all evens out in the end, so the best thing you can do is just focus on your own play and figure out how you're going to win the game. This idea also applies to deciding whether or not to queue again. Taking a break after a tough loss can give you a more focused mindset for the next game instead of dwelling on why you just lost and disrupting your play even further. Winning every game is unrealistic and never going to happen, so don't worry about it.


## 2) Get out of fights that are over


Most fights are decided before everyone on one team is dead. The faster you leave a fight the more time you have to press your advantage or mitigate your loss. Everyone has been in those fights where you kill a guy or two, then everyone stays to clean up the 4v2 and by the time they're all dead your homepoint lost his 1v1 or got plussed by a respawn and you're still losing the game. If someone rotated earlier you would still clean up the fight but you could reinforce home if needed or grab the decap at far.

The other side of this is the fight you lose where everyone on your team dies around the same time, then the enemy snowballs into your home and you never recover. There's usually a point in that fight where you can identify that you can't win anymore. Whether it's your whole team at 25% while theirs is healthy, or a big kill+rally sequence in their favor, once you realize you can't win it's time to leave. Even if there's no opportunity to pressure far, getting out alive can prevent the snowball and give you a chance to come back.


## 3) Reflect on mistakes


Reviewing vods of your own games is a great way to identify mistakes that you're making that you won't notice during the heat of a game. Even if all you can do is local recordings in 240p potato quality, I'd recommend it to anyone looking to improve their play. The more you improve the more you win. Crazy how that works out.


## 4) Score more points than the enemy team(The dev is joking)


I've never seen a team lose when they successfully execute this strategy. Highly recommend.


> > Source: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29287/a-challenge-for-the-dev-to-try-in-pvp-for-themselves/p1

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > ## 4) Score more points than the enemy team

> >

> > Thanks John Madden

> >

> >


> LOL I forgot that reference.


> I mean I cant decide if this guy is being serious or trolling the community with this post.




The last one is the dev joking !!! don't you take a joke or what !!

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(Ignoring the 4th item hereinafter)


While these may all seem obviously trivial, they are almost always forgotten.

1. It is so easy for us as players to just tilt and keep riding the lose-streak indefinitely.

2. Not all fights can be won, sometimes opposing team players have better mechanics; try to have better rotations.

3. Sometimes, they'll just be all around better. This is when you should self-reflect. Look at your VODs, what could you have done better? Nobody plays perfectly 100% of the time; there is always something to improve on.


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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> Sorry man with the sorry state of this game mode and how far they have let it fall into disrepair its hard to be in a "jokey" mood when a dev makes a post like this that borderline insults people's intelligence. I see your point though.


There's no borderline at all. You're being ridiculous. And if _that_ insults your intelligence, then your intelligence must be QUITE low.


Some of the points were jokes, others were obvious ... but you'd be surprised how much PvP would improve if people followed these basic principles. So many times after the first wipe, people just freak out and start flaming each other or giving up when you can EASILY come back if you understand how the game works and rotate better.


Also, how many times do you see people 4v1 at mid after winning a team fight instead of rotating to sides while the other team respawns. It's a good point. Run away if you can't win (and you're not a bunker stalling for some +1) instead of feeding kills to the other team. And keep moving instead of a team of 4 trying to stomp one downed player.


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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > Sorry man with the sorry state of this game mode and how far they have let it fall into disrepair its hard to be in a "jokey" mood when a dev makes a post like this that borderline insults people's intelligence. I see your point though.


> There's no borderline at all. You're being ridiculous. And if _that_ insults your intelligence, then your intelligence must be QUITE low.


> Some of the points were jokes, others were obvious ... but you'd be surprised how much PvP would improve if people followed these basic principles. So many times after the first wipe, people just freak out and start flaming each other or giving up when you can EASILY come back if you understand how the game works and rotate better.


> Also, how many times do you see people 4v1 at mid after winning a team fight instead of rotating to sides while the other team respawns. It's a good point. Run away if you can't win (and you're not a bunker stalling for some +1) instead of feeding kills to the other team. And keep moving instead of a team of 4 trying to stomp one downed player.



ok kiddo whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Posting points that are as obvious as the sun in the sky are fairly insulting to people's intelligence if they possess any to begin with. Perhaps this does not apply to everyone idk /shrug


Keep defending this foolishness tho if it makes you feel good about yourself. Its amusing to watch :)

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> @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > > Sorry man with the sorry state of this game mode and how far they have let it fall into disrepair its hard to be in a "jokey" mood when a dev makes a post like this that borderline insults people's intelligence. I see your point though.

> >

> > There's no borderline at all. You're being ridiculous. And if _that_ insults your intelligence, then your intelligence must be QUITE low.

> >

> > Some of the points were jokes, others were obvious ... but you'd be surprised how much PvP would improve if people followed these basic principles. So many times after the first wipe, people just freak out and start flaming each other or giving up when you can EASILY come back if you understand how the game works and rotate better.

> >

> > Also, how many times do you see people 4v1 at mid after winning a team fight instead of rotating to sides while the other team respawns. It's a good point. Run away if you can't win (and you're not a bunker stalling for some +1) instead of feeding kills to the other team. And keep moving instead of a team of 4 trying to stomp one downed player.

> >


> ok kiddo whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Posting points that are as obvious as the sun in the sky are fairly insulting to people's intelligence if they possess any to begin with. Perhaps this does not apply to everyone idk /shrug


> Keep defending this foolishness tho if it makes you feel good about yourself. Its amusing to watch :)


Are you serious !! you seem to me that you don't follow the first rule you are tilted before even the game start.

And i may guess that at first you didn't get that the 4th one was a joke. when i told you so, you couldn't just admit that you didn't get it at first and go one. but still you kept fighting a fight that you can't win. and that another rule you didn't follow the rule number two.

So i guess that those rules are especially for you and for people like you, so learn from them they may benefit you in your life too.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Devilman.1532" said:

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > ## 4) Score more points than the enemy team

> > >

> > > Thanks John Madden

> > >

> > >

> >

> > LOL I forgot that reference.

> >

> > I mean I cant decide if this guy is being serious or trolling the community with this post.

> >

> >


> The last one is the dev joking !!! don't you take a joke or what !!


I'm debating whether I should paste that reply into the dev's post on the other thread but ehhh... too lazy

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  • ArenaNet Staff

While point #4 is a joke (John Madden reference already identified), the other three are the real deal. They're pretty general ideas and certainly not a complete guide to playing ranked, but they're quick tips that most people can improve on which was the point of the original post. If they don't help you that's ok, they probably help someone else. And if no one at all found them useful, it's only my own time that was lost which is no big deal.

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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> While point #4 is a joke (John Madden reference already identified), the other three are the real deal. They're pretty general ideas and certainly not a complete guide to playing ranked, but they're quick tips that most people can improve on which was the point of the original post. If they don't help you that's ok, they probably help someone else. And if no one at all found them useful, it's only my own time that was lost which is no big deal.


You forgot must have PoF in most cases, if not get tied to a gimmick that desingage you out of combat and go cap/decap, or play somethign that makes u win with less effort after master the the burst rotations after some youtube video and practice a bit, still make shure damage output kills players fast and build has poor trade offs and can carry u a bit.

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> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> While point #4 is a joke (John Madden reference already identified), the other three are the real deal. They're pretty general ideas and certainly not a complete guide to playing ranked, but they're quick tips that most people can improve on which was the point of the original post. If they don't help you that's ok, they probably help someone else. And if no one at all found them useful, it's only my own time that was lost which is no big deal.


The scrolling header on the forums made my eyes perceive the thread title as " Cal Cohen tips a trick"... and for a second there I thought this conversation would be going in a completely different direction...


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I wasn't expecting this much salt from some people when i made this post .

@"Swagger.1459" @"Legatus.3608" @"Devilman.1532"

Those tips are the real deal, the skill's aren't everything in conquest PVP. core war can get to plat 3 or legendary the same thing about a FA ele ,core thief and most of the core builds can do so. the key is knowing how to rotate and knowing when to engage and when to disengage.

so if you don't like this post leave it and problem solved, you don't need to transfer your salt condition to us .


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > While point #4 is a joke (John Madden reference already identified), the other three are the real deal. They're pretty general ideas and certainly not a complete guide to playing ranked, but they're quick tips that most people can improve on which was the point of the original post. If they don't help you that's ok, they probably help someone else. And if no one at all found them useful, it's only my own time that was lost which is no big deal.


> You forgot must have PoF in most cases, if not get tied to a gimmick that desingage you out of combat and go cap/decap, or play somethign that makes u win with less effort after master the the burst rotations after some youtube video and practice a bit, still make shure damage output kills players fast and build has poor trade offs and can carry u a bit.


You don't need POF or even HOT simply because you don't need gliders or mounts in sPVP.

The core war is a monster in sPVP, the same thing about the FA ele, core thief(meta), power core mesmer, core hammer gardian and core ranger, core engi too after the last buffs (i guess i'm not sure about it) the only bad core class is necro, rev is a HOT class and he is the underdog of sPVP .

What i wanna achieve here is that core classes are good and a lot of top 250 players in EU play them.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > > While point #4 is a joke (John Madden reference already identified), the other three are the real deal. They're pretty general ideas and certainly not a complete guide to playing ranked, but they're quick tips that most people can improve on which was the point of the original post. If they don't help you that's ok, they probably help someone else. And if no one at all found them useful, it's only my own time that was lost which is no big deal.

> >

> > You forgot must have PoF in most cases, if not get tied to a gimmick that desingage you out of combat and go cap/decap, or play somethign that makes u win with less effort after master the the burst rotations after some youtube video and practice a bit, still make shure damage output kills players fast and build has poor trade offs and can carry u a bit.


> You don't need POF or even HOT simply because you don't need gliders or mounts in sPVP.

> The core war is a monster in sPVP, the same thing about the FA ele, core thief(meta), power core mesmer, core hammer gardian and core ranger, core engi too after the last buffs (i guess i'm not sure about it) the only bad core class is necro, rev is a HOT class and he is the underdog of sPVP .

> What i wanna achieve here is that core classes are good and a lot of top 250 players in EU play them.


yeah but how good are they against some pof metas..or how muc u need to try for a powercreep gap/momentum to actually kill that target with a core build?


Core stuff that works are heavy gimick based offcourse that it would work... to some extend if it does damage it works.



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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> > > > While point #4 is a joke (John Madden reference already identified), the other three are the real deal. They're pretty general ideas and certainly not a complete guide to playing ranked, but they're quick tips that most people can improve on which was the point of the original post. If they don't help you that's ok, they probably help someone else. And if no one at all found them useful, it's only my own time that was lost which is no big deal.

> > >

> > > You forgot must have PoF in most cases, if not get tied to a gimmick that desingage you out of combat and go cap/decap, or play somethign that makes u win with less effort after master the the burst rotations after some youtube video and practice a bit, still make shure damage output kills players fast and build has poor trade offs and can carry u a bit.

> >

> > You don't need POF or even HOT simply because you don't need gliders or mounts in sPVP.

> > The core war is a monster in sPVP, the same thing about the FA ele, core thief(meta), power core mesmer, core hammer gardian and core ranger, core engi too after the last buffs (i guess i'm not sure about it) the only bad core class is necro, rev is a HOT class and he is the underdog of sPVP .

> > What i wanna achieve here is that core classes are good and a lot of top 250 players in EU play them.


> yeah but how good are they against some pof metas..or how muc u need to try for a powercreep gap/momentum to actually kill that target with a core build?


> Core stuff that works are heavy gimick based offcourse that it would work... to some extend if it does damage it works.




Yeah they are pretty good against POF meta's especially those four classes Core thief/war/gard/ele, in spvp they are all over the place in plat+ and they are damn good and effective better than HOT elite specs, and in some cases better than HOT elite specs thief for example and more or less the gard(dmg).

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> I wasn't expecting this much salt from some people when i made this post .

> @"Swagger.1459" @"Legatus.3608" @"Devilman.1532"

> Those tips are the real deal, the skill's aren't everything in conquest PVP. core war can get to plat 3 or legendary the same thing about a FA ele ,core thief and most of the core builds can do so. the key is knowing how to rotate and knowing when to engage and when to disengage.

> so if you don't like this post leave it and problem solved, you don't need to transfer your salt condition to us .



Is english your second language? I think you're perceiving a lot of things incorrectly. I could see how you might read my post the wrong way but I don't even know how you got swagger thrown in there with devilman.

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