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Repeatable heart quests - Something for core game?


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Please six no.

While repeatable hearts serve a function for season 3 and 4 collections,

They also serve as a stigma for events.

The content guide cannot show events while there are uncompleted hearts on the same map.

So unless anet fixes that first, i'll continue to despise the repeatable hearts.

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No to repeatable hearts because the vendor becomes locked and I have to do the heart all over gain if I want to buy something...

Few days ago I decided to unlock all the miniatures from LW3 heart vendors and since then my hate for repeatable hearts is very high.


If only anet would notice that most of the player base hates repeatable hearts maybe they would stop future maps from having them, but I lost all hope already...



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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> NO!!!!

> No to repeatable hearts because the vendor becomes locked and I have to do the heart all over gain if I want to buy something...

> Few days ago I decided to unlock all the miniatures from LW3 heart vendors and since then my hate for repeatable hearts is very high.


> If only anet would notice that most of the player base hates repeatable hearts maybe they would stop future maps from having them, but I lost all hope already...




Can I see your statistics, please?

What is you defenition of most, and what is your standard deviation to prove you met said quota?

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I think the repeatable hero points and tasks are completely USELESS.


For example if you completed a task once, and you wanna buy the items after some time you have to repeat the heart once again. I was completely annoyed while doing griffon quest that I had to make the same tasks that I completed some time before.


About repeatable tasks- I think it wouldn't be so bad if the npcs would remember that you completed it and you just wanna help again and get some reward, but you can also go to these npcs and ask them to show what they sell.


I don't know, but maybe somebody will suddenly come up with an idea to introduce repeatable vistas or points of interest....


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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> NO!!!!

> No to repeatable hearts because the vendor becomes locked and I have to do the heart all over gain if I want to buy something...

> Few days ago I decided to unlock all the miniatures from LW3 heart vendors and since then my hate for repeatable hearts is very high.

I agree and I've changed that in the OP.

> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> If only anet would notice that most of the player base hates repeatable hearts maybe they would stop future maps from having them, but I lost all hope already...

Aside from your initial gripe with them, have you any other reasons for not liking them (see OP first)



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I think the repeatable hero points and tasks are completely USELESS.

Vendor issue aside (see altered OP), their USE would be exactly the same as before and make favorite zones forever repeatable on same character.

> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I don't know, but maybe somebody will suddenly come up with an idea to introduce repeatable vistas or points of interest....

If they give a small XP reward i don't see why not.


Of course there has to be a system to sooth the feels of the die hard completionists among us.




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IMO...i think the extra utility, the extra stuff repeatable core hearts adds to the game doesn't make up for the dev time allocated to make them repeatable.


Repeatable hearts would be optional in the proposed suggestion so assuming that vendor stays unlocked forever, sure I can see why some players want them repeatable, and I can see the value it adds...but i can also see that there's 300+ renown hearts world wide to recode, and being that I have no understanding of what it would take to make them repeatable code wise, but i do have an understanding that anet doesn't have the best of frames to work with and coding being what it is: Im gonna assume that's not an easy thing to do.


Now, if i'm wrong and it's a very simple thing that only takes a little time do, sure. But i'd rather they work on new content, fixing bugs, improving game than add something that appeases a veeeery niche part of the population, from what I gather it's a minority who would actually want this (rather than being indifferent to it).

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> IMO...i think the extra utility, the extra stuff repeatable core hearts adds to the game doesn't make up for the dev time allocated to make them repeatable.

What it adds is an option to repeat parts of the game you really enjoyed... i would think that any fan of MMORPG's that enjoys doing quests and grows fond of a particular set of quests or leveling area's would like such an option.

> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> Repeatable hearts would be optional in the proposed suggestion so assuming that vendor stays unlocked forever, sure I can see why some players want them repeatable, and I can see the value it adds...but i can also see that there's 300+ renown hearts world wide to recode, and being that I have no understanding of what it would take to make them repeatable code wise, but i do have an understanding that anet doesn't have the best of frames to work with and coding being what it is: Im gonna assume that's not an easy thing to do.

I don't understand that so many people always make such an issue of how much work something is or is not. I think we, the customer, get to say what we want and they, the developers, get to make just that in order to make a living. I don't see how their work has anything to do with expressing my wishes. Now, if i was actually TALKING to a developer of this game........ ?!

> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> Now, if i'm wrong and it's a very simple thing that only takes a little time do, sure. But i'd rather they work on new content, fixing bugs, improving game than add something that appeases a veeeery niche part of the population, from what I gather it's a minority who would actually want this (rather than being indifferent to it).

I think the entire pool of players consists of many smaller pools of players that represent the many niches this game has. In due time they all should get a bit of what they want to keep 'em all happy.





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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > NO!!!!

> > No to repeatable hearts because the vendor becomes locked and I have to do the heart all over gain if I want to buy something...

> > Few days ago I decided to unlock all the miniatures from LW3 heart vendors and since then my hate for repeatable hearts is very high.

> I agree and I've changed that in the OP.

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > If only anet would notice that most of the player base hates repeatable hearts maybe they would stop future maps from having them, but I lost all hope already...

> Aside from your initial gripe with them, have you any other reasons for not liking them (see OP first)




Well if anet make those changes to repeatable hearts I wont have any problem with them in core tyria.

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What a pile of salt the forum has become. It's his opinion, no need to hate him for that. Even if you have a different opinions, respect the other. Is this the trend of the new generation? identity politics every where and no respect for different opinions? What is the purpose of this forum when every post is answered with hate and forcing a own agenda. A forum is used to share idea's and be constructive. And its not that you have to do them again, theres a thing called choice.


To the op: I welcome the idea of repeatable hearts, have my vote :)

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I think the repeatable hero points and tasks are completely USELESS.


> For example if you completed a task once, and you wanna buy the items after some time you have to repeat the heart once again. I was completely annoyed while doing griffon quest that I had to make the same tasks that I completed some time before.


> About repeatable tasks- I think it wouldn't be so bad if the npcs would remember that you completed it and you just wanna help again and get some reward, but you can also go to these npcs and ask them to show what they sell.


> I don't know, but maybe somebody will suddenly come up with an idea to introduce repeatable vistas or points of interest....



I think its funny that some tasks are deemed utter garbage and then when you change a few variables people are screaming to do them without end. It is all completely useless in the end.


I personally think the tasks could be a bit more interesting here and there with a bit more character interaction or even changing vendor wares. And different or shorter task lengths on repeat. Or even a bit more questlike errands or so.


But there's no need for all out hateshouting on heart tasks.. It is reminding me of my 1 and 2 year old kids when they dont want to do something. Huge overreaction.


Also, vistas are repeatable... as you should know. And nothing is stopping you from visiting the same PoI.

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> @"Abakk.9176" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I think the repeatable hero points and tasks are completely USELESS.

> Vendor issue aside (see altered OP), their USE would be exactly the same as before and make favorite zones forever repeatable on same character.

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I don't know, but maybe somebody will suddenly come up with an idea to introduce repeatable vistas or points of interest....

> If they give a small XP reward i don't see why not.


> Of course there has to be a system to sooth the feels of the die hard completionists among us.





Repeatable hearts would not make core zones forever repeatable. The zones already are repeatable on the same character. Events are the intended core content of the zones and are repetable.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand when GW2 was originally designed, the hearts were the core content, and events plus world exploration were meant to be additional content to be able to do while going from heart to heart, ruins of orr being the exception. That's why the telescope npcs reveal where the hearts are, and the events tend to show up around where the hearts are in core tyria. Later on they started making the events the core content, probably because so many people complained about the hearts being the worst part of map completion (which I don't personally agree with). The repeatable hearts were designed to be repeatable, making core tyria hearts repeatable would require them to go back and redesign them with that in mind.

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> @"Echoherb.6528" said:

> People don't seem to realize that when GW2 was originally designed, the hearts were the core content, and events plus world exploration were meant to be additional content to be able to do while going from heart to heart, ruins of orr was the exception. That's why the telescope npcs reveal where the hearts are, and the events tend to show up around where the hearts are in core tyria. Later on they started making the events the core content, probably because so many people complained about the hearts being the worst part of map completion (which I don't personally agree with). The repeatable hearts were designed to be repeatable, making core tyria hearts repeatable would require them to go back and redesign them with that in mind.


You have it backwards. Events were the core content. Hearts were added late in development because test players needed some guidance to move them around the map, so that they could encounter the events.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> You have it backwards. Events were the core content. Hearts were added late in development because test players needed some guidance to move them around the map, so that they could encounter the events.


It's moot, as to which came first: the chicken chasing event or the egg hatching heart. The game launched with both hearts & dynamic events & a "living world" (of temporary content that would come & go roughly every two weeks). All of that was the original core for the game.


ANet's preference pendulum has swung back & forth: first they loved hearts while agreeing that they didn't belong in L80 areas. They continued that preference through HoT. Based on _our_ feedback (well, not mine, but the community's in general), they swung back to including hearts as a key part of map completion. The pendulum has swung a little bit back with ANet making them less inconvenient (saving progress, useful icons, but not, alas, persistent vendor access).


It really doesn't matter _why_ people like (or hate) hearts or whether hearts were fundamental originally or a side effect of something else. Because, judging by the OP's request as well as some respondents, there are plenty in the community who would like to see the pendulum swing even further, to make core hearts repeatable. And there are plenty of others who think it's a waste of ANet's time.



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I still don't like repeatable hearts, even after the numerous improvements that Anet has made. And my chief complaint is the the vendors lock after daily reset until you complete the heart again, which is just annoying (especially in maps like LD where the hearts take an unreasonable amount of time to complete, with everything giving so little towards completion).


If vendors were changed to be permanently unlocked then I doubt I would really care much one way or the other. That said, I would rather see completed hearts turn into their own semi-dynamic events. If you have completed a heart and are in the general area, there is an XX% chance for an event to popup just for you, which is pretty much identical to the heart, with the same actions going towards completing it. If you complete it, you get the same rewards as completing the heart the first time gave you (or more, or less, the details would have to be worked out). This gives replayability of hearts to people who want that, doesn't lock vendors after daily reset, and also doesn't reset hearts period so that people who dislike repeatable hearts don't have to be annoyed by it.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> I still don't like repeatable hearts, even after the numerous improvements that Anet has made. And my chief complaint is the the vendors lock after daily reset until you complete the heart again, which is just annoying (especially in maps like LD where the hearts take an unreasonable amount of time to complete, with everything giving so little towards completion).


> If vendors were changed to be permanently unlocked then I doubt I would really care much one way or the other. That said, I would rather see completed hearts turn into their own semi-dynamic events. If you have completed a heart and are in the general area, there is an XX% chance for an event to popup just for you, which is pretty much identical to the heart, with the same actions going towards completing it. If you complete it, you get the same rewards as completing the heart the first time gave you (or more, or less, the details would have to be worked out). This gives replayability of hearts to people who want that, doesn't lock vendors after daily reset, and also doesn't reset hearts period so that people who dislike repeatable hearts don't have to be annoyed by it.


I like your suggestion, but only if it is 100% chance for the event to pop up on a 24 hour timer. Anet should totally use your suggestion as a test for LS4.

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Eh I'm also pretty indifferent on the chance to spawn said semi-dynamic event. If it always spawns once a day (say the first time you go there in a day, as that is the only possible way to guarantee that it spawns daily for you), then its not anywhere near dynamic. Personally, I much prefer it when I'm playing the game normally, just running around or whatever, and an event pops up out of nowhere. To me that is significantly more fun. And its not like the rewards are good enough to complain about not popping said event when you run by the heart area.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Eh I'm also pretty indifferent on the chance to spawn said semi-dynamic event. If it always spawns once a day (say the first time you go there in a day, as that is the only possible way to guarantee that it spawns daily for you), then its not anywhere near dynamic. Personally, I much prefer it when I'm playing the game normally, just running around or whatever, and an event pops up out of nowhere. To me that is significantly more fun. And its not like the rewards are good enough to complain about not popping said event when you run by the heart area.


The reason why I am in favor of Hearts is because it gives me something to do. If it was not guaranteed, then I would have to search the whole map to look for something to do and that is boring for me.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > You have it backwards. Events were the core content. Hearts were added late in development because test players needed some guidance to move them around the map, so that they could encounter the events.


> It's moot, as to which came first: the chicken chasing event or the egg hatching heart. The game launched with both hearts & dynamic events & a "living world" (of temporary content that would come & go roughly every two weeks). All of that was the original core for the game.


> ANet's preference pendulum has swung back & forth: first they loved hearts while agreeing that they didn't belong in L80 areas. They continued that preference through HoT. Based on _our_ feedback (well, not mine, but the community's in general), they swung back to including hearts as a key part of map completion. The pendulum has swung a little bit back with ANet making them less inconvenient (saving progress, useful icons, but not, alas, persistent vendor access).


> It really doesn't matter _why_ people like (or hate) hearts or whether hearts were fundamental originally or a side effect of something else. Because, judging by the OP's request as well as some respondents, there are plenty in the community who would like to see the pendulum swing even further, to make core hearts repeatable. And there are plenty of others who think it's a waste of ANet's time.




Oh, I get that it doesnt matter which came first now. I was just attempting to provide some info.


Hearts may have been a last minute addition, originally, but now they are integral to the game's content model.

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