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Suggested nerfs to druid are simply not enough


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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> Not enough...simply not enough, **you're nerfing core ranger/soulbeast way more than druid** , you're going the wrong way. Your proposed changes won't do anything to that build, merely a slap on the wrist :


> -They will still have complete condi removal

> -They will still be able to stealth/run at will


> You just added a 5s CD to avatar...while nerfing the dmg across the board, you're about to make things 10x worst than now , you didn't address the main issues : **Celestial avatar - Druidic Clarity** and let's not forget Ancient seed. At this point explain me why did you even bother with soulbeast, it does absolutely nothing better, has less sustain and utility...the time wasted on soulbeast would have been better spent on a "stow pet" feature seen as you adamantly want to keep druid as best duellist in the game...great job


On the contrary, the 5s to CA is a bit of an over nerf that will negatively effect competitive Druid play as well as Druids in PvE. I'll guarantee you that most Druids won't be able to deal with this +5s before being able to alleviate DPS pressure with Druid Clarity and Celestial Shadow. Most of them will start playing DPS or find a new class if this +5s actually happens.


You have to understand the fine tuning that goes behind synchronizing your Cele Avatar gain ticks with the CD so that you aren't under ticking or over ticking before being able to use it. If +5s nerf happens, it's going to throw an enormous monkey wrench into the harmonization of Druid builds concerning certain selections like which rune to use or even trait selections.


If you knew your Druid play, you'd understand what I mean by this. The 5s is more than enough of a nerf and I hope they take a different route. Something more like this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27812/druid-post-2-6-2018-patch-druid-players-give-feedback/p1

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