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Harvesting nodes reset times


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I realize this is a very old thread but it is something that I wanted to contribute hopefully something of value. I understand that many are used to the current reset timer for these nodes. I also understand that player-base gets up in arms when change happens but consider for a moment in the interest of consistency a proposal that is a bit more standardized. Everyone is used to daily reset. When daily reset happens we all know that home instance is reset, hearts are reset, chests are reset, you get the idea. While it is not original at all, why not have those specialized nodes reset at the same time? My reasons for this are multi-fold like many above. I too lead a very busy life and when I play the game I don't want it to become a grind. The resource nodes currently are turning my game time into just that. Here's why. Say my guild wants to do a thing . If said thing conflicts with my harvest node timer, I have to choose between the fun thing my guild is doing and my grind (I mean special node harvest B) ). The reason I have to choose is because said thing is going to run for several hours and I will not be able to maintain my harvest nodes time. While one of my sayings is, "sleep is for the weak", unfortunately work, and school and other activities seem to prefer when I do get at least a few hours of sleep.


Yes, I do get that it may be just a few that feel this way, but maybe not. If I have the freedom to do the fun thing, the reason that I play, then it doesn't make the special node harvest such a grind. I love this game because it's not a grind. The only thing that should be ground imho is coffee, preferably french press please.


Note, one thing I did consider that maybe isn't standard, it may not be possible to code the events to reset then. Modern game engines handle those types of events alot better now and if that's the case, I understand. It would be great to hear if that is the case, to put this topic to rest. :)


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  • 1 month later...

> @"Gudy.3607" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > I still don't understand why they just don't reset at server reset?


> To prevent people from gathering shortly before the reset and then again shortly after the reset, i.e. twice in one - relatively short - session. That said, I agree with the OP in that some of those cooldowns seem a bit harsh (up to 22 hours, in my experience). I'd love to see all those gathering nodes unified to something like "daily reset or 12 hour cooldown, whichever comes later", or something similar.


If its applied to reset once after the daily reset, then it doesn't matter if people gather it shortly before the reset ( they would only be able to do that if they haven't already gathered that day), and then once reset happens and they gather, they won't be able to gather until next day, which is pretty plain and simple.

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> @"Shiv.5781" said:

> > @"Gudy.3607" said:

> > > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > I still don't understand why they just don't reset at server reset?

> >

> > To prevent people from gathering shortly before the reset and then again shortly after the reset, i.e. twice in one - relatively short - session. That said, I agree with the OP in that some of those cooldowns seem a bit harsh (up to 22 hours, in my experience). I'd love to see all those gathering nodes unified to something like "daily reset or 12 hour cooldown, whichever comes later", or something similar.


> If its applied to reset once after the daily reset, then it doesn't matter if people gather it shortly before the reset ( they would only be able to do that if they haven't already gathered that day), and then once reset happens and they gather, they won't be able to gather until next day, which is pretty plain and simple.


and the whole thing is bypassed if someone gets into a different instance from where they gathered anyway

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Menadena.7482" said:


> Since I am an altoholic I try to rotate my bitterfrost gathering by the character I have not used lately. Vexingly though, my infinite unbound gathering tool is usually on one of the more recent character slots so without doing the tool shuffle ...


I have the same issue with my infinite tools... It really would be nice if they came with their own shared tool slot so were usable on all of your characters. However, for now, I keep one of each orichalcum tool in a shared inventory slot and then simply double click to equip and unequip my unlimited tools between the shared inventory and their respective inventory slots.

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> @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > @"Gudy.3607" said:

> > > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > I still don't understand why they just don't reset at server reset?

> >

> > To prevent people from gathering shortly before the reset and then again shortly after the reset, i.e. twice in one - relatively short - session.


> Why is that something that needs preventing though?


> Also, these nodes have some really weird respawn times. For the last couple of days my gathering goes like this: Go to Bitterfrost, gather winterberries, rich mithril node is not there yet. Go to Lake Doric, gathering 4 nodes north, none of the other nodes are back yet. Now I have to go find something else to do and keep checking every 30 minutes or so to see if the rest of the stuff is back. And then I have to keep going back until I maybe locate the rich orichalcum node. "Wanna do some fractals?" - "nah, can't, I've been waiting for this node for 2h now and I don't wanna be looking for it for 4h tomorrow"



Its an intentional trapping with any form of time gating.... the habituation of the player. Mobile games build an entire ecosystem around this concept, with the intent of making sure that any attempts to "binge play" won't allow you to skip the daily schedule. They want you to login every day, and do certain tasks for a certain reason. In GW2's case, its to meter your daily activity to keep you playing over longer number of months, increasing your exposure to the gem store, and uses a reward cap to train that schedule into you.


It just so happens this same model also stretches out the working life span of LS maps, keeping it alive for at least 2-3 weeks. This benefits the weekend warriors, by giving them enough time to clear activity based achievements before the "content tourists" and "achievement hunters" have blown through everything and leave. Because without that critical mass of population, some map metas aren't even possible.... and often times the meta is somehow involved in achievements. LS4 has been a bit better about separating navigation requirements so the Meta and Gathering routes aren't in competition with each other; but those are also the maps that see the least amount of traffic for anything but open world gathering.


Honestly the one flaw in Anet's implementation is the fact that parallel reward channels exist to reach a given outcome. This both a blessing and a boon, since it does force players to span game modes and activities if they want to achieve certain goals faster. But it also makes narrowly focused goals "appear" more frustrating then they actually are. You could realistically get a full set of trinkets in 3 days by maxing out currency farming routes based on item cost and relative difficulty. But the number of total man hours spent is roughly the same, or even less, if you casually gather them using only the home instance, the easiest dailies, and the easiest to reach nodes on a map. Total number of days to your goal is a higher, but effort spent is low enough that you can squeeze all the routes in, in as little as 3-4 hours for over 8-12 different currencies. Doing a total map clear of nodes/hearts for one currency takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on luck of output. So while I consider this a flaw in their design (they discovered this on accident), it actually does a better job of long term habituation; since players are much more tempted to do multiple routes per day, thinking they are "winning" in this arrangement by getting around some of the time gates. Yet, ultimately, Anet wins as it plays into their monetization model.



> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"TWMagimay.9057" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > give you something to do when you come back later or next day.. Tbh I wouldn't be at all put out if they either randomised the reset on all nodes or made them all 24hrs from gathered. I don't really see the issue. If they changed it to accommodate what you wanted then I guarantee someone else would be put out the other way, so once per 24hrs from gather seems like the best solution, but meehhh.

> > > > >

> > > > > The problem with reset times not being standardized is if your login availability changes you can not gather that day.

> > > >

> > > > But your availability is not the same as everyone else's availability.. so what might suit you doesn't necessarily suit others, so if its 24hrsa from when you last gathered, its for you to organise when you loot it.. if you want to be that precise.

> > > >

> > > > Bottom line is that there is no perfect solution that suits all, we all play with different game time availability. If you cant get to loot a certain node that day then you just have to grin and bare it until your next available time.

> > >

> > > Can you give an example of availability that would not work with nodes resetting at midnight? What would one have to do in order for that to not suit them exactly?

> >

> > Your absolutely right.. when I go back and read what I wrote.. I clearly got my panties twisted round my curlies.. I originally said I wouldn't be upset if nodes were either randomised or put on a timer, whether specific 00:00 reset or 24hr from last gather.. all can work while yes, having a gathered reset timer or randomised can cause availability issues with some.. apologies I should of been referring to the 00:00.. late night posting is not something I make a habit of :).. but yes having a normal reset eliminates one's inability to farm that day unless of course you just don't have that kind of availability day in day out.

> > When I get the time and urge I will go back and edit those posts to read correctly.


> Well:

> 24h-reset is basically what we have now, just a bit longer though at lats unified. But it creates the same availability issues that the current system does. Plus, it'd also be annoying for people who are around at the same time every day. Can you imagine feeling forced to gather at the exact same time every single day or risk your gathering being pushed to a time you can no longer attend?

> Randomised is just a terrible idea. If you want those things for a backpack or something, you'd have to, for days, keep going back to the map and looking for them -constantly-. Some of those days you won't even find them because their randomised spawning happens during a time when you are not able to play. A backpack that'd normally take you 10 days of 10 minute farms each can now turn into months of scouting a map and hoping you get lucky.

> Resetting at a specific time has no reasonable drawbacks, as far as I can tell.



The most ideal situation we can hope for is a 22-23 hour respawn timer on open world nodes, since that leaves some wiggle room for early scheduling. But they aren't going to get rid of time gates for LS chapters, now that those gathered currencies factor heavily into each chapter's unique reward set. The only real reason LS3 chapters are still even relevant are the trinkets, and easy access to Vipers and Minstrels. Notice how there have been no serious complaints about POF trinkets ever since Mist Trinkets came out. And most of the Koruna shard demand was directly due to people wanting to finish the backpiece collection, and the home node giving so little in relation to how many were needed to be spent.

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