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Should I continue playing this game?


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Just a quick follow up. I completed the story last night using my trusted tempest build and Soldiers gear. Going ranged with staff helped a lot, and I believe sword on weaver is a bit weak currently.


Another thing I thought of on Saturday when struggling during missions was that my ping varied greatly. I usually have ping about 60ms in Europe, but on Saturday (and probably Friday night also) I had ping around 60ms at times but also 200-400ms and sometimes over 1 sec. Playing on Sunday morning with low and stable ping helped a lot avoiding damage.

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> @AstronomyD.8235 said:

> I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...


> I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?




You've only been playing PoF for a few days. You're learning a new specialization and weapon set and going up against enemies you've never seen before. You're almost certainly making errors that you won't make once you're comfortable with the spec, tweak your build, and familiarize yourself with the new moves each enemy brings to the fight and how to counter them.


It's also ANet's first look at PoF live. You can bet there will be some tuning and tweaking in the weeks and months to come.

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I feel like this game was designed to be played in P/T/V gear because when I try to solo outside of a P/T/V build on my guardian, I'm constantly downed and the game becomes very un-fun. I think the combat would have much more depth if there were actual healing roles in the combat so that players could feel more effective in specializing while playing solo. As it stands now, if you're soloing in anything but P/V/T gear, you're probably gonna have a bad time.

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> @AliamRationem.5172 said:

> You've only been playing PoF for a few days. You're learning a new specialization and weapon set and going up against enemies you've never seen before.

And yet, the forum seems to be full of players who easily got the griffon on day one and are doing the bounties blindfolded and in their sleep.


Dunno why I never see such players in-game, though. I've ran across plenty of failing bounties, and very few successful ones. Been watching as some players keep trying the legendary wyrm bounty (for the last four hours), and it's never been under 35% by the time it despawns. And there were only a couple of players who bothered to try to hit the blitz bonus pinata, everyone else has realized by now that it's not gonna die.


Just one failed event after an another everywhere, so you're probably not the only one who ends up feeling weak.

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I'd say if you feel like you're not very good at the game, especially in endgame PvE zones like PoF, you probably need a tankier build and/or class. Elementalists are inherently squishier than most classes, and berserker gear doesn't help that. Try something a bit more survivable, you might have more fun. :)

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Dunno about you, but PoF marked the end of my guardian for me. I'd definitely urge you to think about using a scourge instead. I use full trailblazer on my scourge and it's really effective at staying alive but also duking out condi damage in high numbers. Viper's unnecessary on scourge like it was on reaper because you have neither the greatsword or the reaper shroud to really benefit from it, and the scepter doesn't benefit at all.



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Huh...that's weird...Firebrand is probably going to get nerfed for its over-achieving DPS and defensive abilities. Our guild requires Firebrand in WvW now...it's that good.


Back on topic, I hear you OP...there were a lot of times in going through the HoT story that I'm thinking "this feels like a boss raid and I don't have backup!" Seriously...the amount of dodging, healing, and tankiness needed out of my characters made it so that I could only finish the story with either a core guardian or auramancer elementalist, and without much DPS, it took over an hour to do any of the chapters that featured boss fights. Just keep plugging away at it to figure out which class/spec works to get through the story. I do enjoy the stories, too, I just wish they didn't make the fights so gimmicky to get through, but I guess it's the only way they could come up with to stretch out the story so that people didn't burn through it and go play a different game so soon.

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> @AstronomyD.8235 said:

> I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...


> I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?



I totally understand how you feel. Back in 2012 my first class was a Thief. I leveled up to 80 and liked the class, but always felt so weak compared to other more beefier classes. Then one day I saw a Guardian plowing through mobs and I said "Wow! That class looks powerful and fun to play." So I created a Guardian and started the process again from level 1. I have to say switching to Guardian was the best decision I've made. It aligns with my play style. After 4 years here's what Guardian means to me:


- Power DPS to take on many mobs including Veterans

- Healing to stay in the fight longer and helps others when the need arises

- The ability to solo most content without being too reliant on others

- I'm not a raider

- I'm in a guild, but I don't really participate in guild events


I'm not an expert in all classes but I would say Guardian is great for solo play and self-reliance. With Firebrand, my character is noticeably more powerful. I can take on 2-3 veterans and random mobs with health to spare. I don't know if Arenanet intended this, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts! I hope they don't change Firebrand Guardians as they feel right in PVE.


I can't tell what your class is but the TL;DR is to try Guardian and see if this class makes you love GW2 again.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As other players have said, one of the great things about Guild Wars 2 is the ability to take a break and not worry that your account will go away or be concerned that you're paying a subscription fee and wasting your money. You can take a few weeks off, even a few months, and come back refreshed and reinvigorated.


The one thing I would suggest if you take a break, though is that when Living World episodes come out, you log in to "bank" them. But even those episodes are forgiving, and as long as you log in and click the little "bouncy icon" for each episode, you'll have the episode to play then.. or later!


Edit to add:


I'm would not call myself a super player, either. I fail pretty regularly at jumping puzzles, high-end fractals make me antsy, and I haven't taken on a raid yet. But I love --

truly **love** -- the game, the world, the community, the festivals, my character...


There are times I log in just because I want to **be** there, in Tyria. So don't worry -- a lot of us play as you do, and I don't for a minute let it bother me that others are doing challenges I cannot undertake, or succeeding where I fail. The things I want to do, I do. If I need help, I ask. If I want to solo, I do it. If I want to join a group, there's always one around to join. There's so much to do, and so much to experience! I can -- we all can -- take it at our own pace, and with our own sense of achievement and accomplishment.

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That is up to you. If your having fun. Then play. If not then don't. But advice for you. The reason many people know how to not die is because we usually look up builds of our class. And ideas what to do. However the build should be based on how we like to play. The way your build is designed is so you get the best performance without being killed all the time. Check those out on your classes. Or find friends to play with Which makes the game plenty easier.

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@OP After around 6000 hours, I've asked similar questions. It's difficult to stay interested. In the long run, I spend most of my time working on legendary weapons, ascended gear, and map completion.

Path of Fire looks great, but I haven't purchased it yet, which stems from this sort of boredom. I am looking forward to mounts and new zones to explore, but if you aren't into raids, WvW, PvP and such, open world content gets stale after a while. Best way I've found to break up the boredom is help other people with getting achievements etc. Even if it's just helping with Hero Points, or having a mesmer to port people around when they need it.

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The thing I like most about gw2 is the fact I can go at my own pace. The game is gorgeous and very distracting. This is a good thing. I'll log on with a goal in mind. Do dailies, work on achieves, work on world completion on an alt whatever it is it never fails that I get sidetracked and end up not doin what I had intended to do when I first logged on. I do not raid. I've never done a fractal. I just like to immerse myself in the world and whatever happens happens and to me that is super fun.

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Paraphrasing you...

"I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but..."


I have 297840 hours in Life, on my single character and I'm still not good ad this game. I haven't reached any of the end zones, have almost zero achievements and don't feel like I can handle most things. Unlike Tyria, I don't like Life's story too much; even less the plot, but I really love some characters and I really want to see the end of it so that's enough for me to keep pushing it forward. It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't have any challenges, I guess; even though they seem too much at times.


Analogies aside, I don't think this is a reason to quit a game. If you plan to be competitive, you go to training, you read, you theorycraft, you watch and you push yourself harder. If not, you talk to people, you sit on beautiful location, you travel, you enjoy, you learn. There's room for everything. As @"Gaile Gray.6029" said, GW2 is the kind of game that welcomes you in open arms with you take a break from it occasionally. In other MMOs if you quit for a while when you come back you find yourself useless and not welcome in the majority of new content, because the games are 'gear-based/button-smashing' and if you do not have the best gear or have grinded for tons of hours no one wants you. GW2 is skill-based so it only takes a little practice for you to fell home again without the need of any grind or massive rejection.


I know ppl like different games and there are those that love gear-based sitting-ducks MMOs where you can sit in front of a mob and auto-attack him to death if you have enough gear but GW2 is more than that. Those MMOs feels to me like teenage passions that you think is love but they don't last cause if you don't offer 100% of your life and soul to it, you're out. GW feels like true love: it enables you to live your life, it doesn't restrain you or consume you. You can be with it and take your time when needed, than when you come back all it wants of you is that you understand it, look into it and take a moment to feel it back again.


PoF just launched and you're playing THE MOST difficult spec to play atm so you can take a break or play another easier spec for a while, until you get the hang of it. Watch some videos, hear feedback, read the description of your skills and then practice.


GW2 is a great game and IMHO it's THE BEST MMORPG out there. Of course, regarding competitive gameplay it has a truckload of problems and ANet is just making it worse time and time again by turning it into a P2W scheme with overpowered Elite Specs on xpacs. We even got a kick in the bu*t from the ESL but ANet doesn't seem to give a **F** about that and it seems we're diving into the whole of oblivion for the competitive path, which is a shame. That aside and since competitive is not your style, I would say you have a jewel in your hands; you just need to turn your light on so you can see it shine again.

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Couple of suggestions: 1. Drop the soldier's trinkets for something that gives you more vitality. Soldiers gives you toughness which mitigates direct damage, does nothing for condi damage, and insures everything and it's brother aggro's on you and ignores everyone else that has even 1 point less toughness. I've even gone to marauder's trinkets on my power berserker (and I like marauder's even more on my power reaper).

2. Ele - whether power or condi, whether core ele, tempest, or weaver, is tough to play (especially full glass...which I did for a while). You have 5 character slots. Use them. Try out different professions. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun when you're playing it, change something up!

3. Corollary to #2: Engineer is probably not the best selection to make for a second character - I personally think it is even more difficult than Ele.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


> Edit to add:


> I'm would not call myself a super player, either. I fail pretty regularly at jumping puzzles, high-end fractals make me antsy, and I haven't taken on a raid yet. But I love --

> truly **love** -- the game, the world, the community, the festivals, my character...


But but you have gamemaster mode so u can fly trough the jumping puzzles.....hehe



Take a break. Guild Wars 2 is the only MMO i know where u can take breaks so many u want and never lost ur connection to the other players. I play since GW 1 & Gw 2 Headstart and i took many breaks because there are also many other great games out there (Witcher 3, Divinity Original Sin 2 says hello to me) or the RL Nature. You loosing only some AP Points nothing more. That is one of the great Aspects of this game hey i even say many times it is a feature of Guild Wars 2.

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> @AstronomyD.8235 said:

> Thanks for all of the great feedback. GW2 community is another reason to continue playing :)


> I'll try going back to staff tempest and full soldiers armor set for more survivability (this is what ArenaNet give you after using the level 80 booster). Alternatively I'll give other classes a shot to see if learning the content make things easier as some of you have suggested.


This. Definately try some of the other classes. Elementalist can be quite challenging. Try the ranger with pet, or necromancer with minions.


If you really feel like taking a break: take a break. The game has no subscription and since gear does not deappreciate, once you come back you'll be able to go on without having lost any progress or power.



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I'm right there with you. Been 'playing' for 5 years but I feel like I'm horrible. PoF just isn't fun for me at all. My Eng/Holo is just not my style anymore and getting owned left and right (Scrapper runed at that). Tried my guardian tonight, not much better. I think it's time to take a break, for me. Wife has told me several times since PoF came out to find a new game. She can tell it ruins my mood nowadays.

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Thanks again for all of the positive feedback. GW2 Community is the best :)

After finishing story on staff tempest and full Soldiers gear, I'm now running a Scourge like suggested above, and I'm quite comfortable running a combination of Vipers and Trailblazer.


As I mentioned earlier, having a steady average ping of about 60ms helps a lot to avoid damage in most of the story instances (except one that I had to look up on the forum and use the recommended "Brave Sir Robin" tactics to beat).

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