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Dead in 1.5 seconds - all crits. you call this fair?


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The screen shot speaks for itself. Devs, do you even test this game? These kinds of numbers and absurd crit chances on certain builds make the game not fun period. Nobody enjoys it when it feels like others are cheating or you're dead in 1 second. Every build should have strengths and weaknesses, but any build that can push out 30k damage in 1.5 seconds at 100% crit rate is BROKEN. This feels like a cheat, not proper game play.

Screenshot for proof: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shHKbaQs2I5Z9nt6-To1_qqxyTGdt_lo/view?usp=sharing

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> @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> The screen shot speaks for itself. Devs, do you even test this game? These kinds of numbers and absurd crit chances on certain builds make the game not fun period. Nobody enjoys it when it feels like others are cheating or you're dead in 1 second. Every build should have strengths and weaknesses, but any build that can push out 30k damage in 1.5 seconds at 100% crit rate is BROKEN. This feels like a cheat, not proper game play.

> Screenshot for proof: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shHKbaQs2I5Z9nt6-To1_qqxyTGdt_lo/view?usp=sharing

Not impressed. Joking :P. I got a 17,5k Crit from a deadeye the other day. Insta downed. Literal one shot. I should have taken a picture to post it here on the forums but I was just in shock :D..So yeah, it happens. Roll Deadeye and play with it and then learn how to counter it. I was unable to counter the 17,5 k crit but maybe you will learn :D

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It seems that given how many attacks hit you there, it was probably more than 1.5 seconds.

Each cast of _deadly aim_ or _spotter's shot_ is .75 seconds. _Three round burst_ is 1 second cast.


Also it's important to factor in the _Malice_ ramp up time is 5-5.75 seconds after marking, so a DE won't be doing such high damage from initial engagement.


The high critical chance can be down to assassins amulet, sigil, runes and a number of thief traits.



**Keen Observer** - Critical-hit chance is increased while your health is above the threshold.

Health Threshold: 90% ~ Critical Chance Increase: 5%



**Hidden Killer** - Gain bonus critical-hit chance while stealthed. This bonus lingers for a short duration after you've been revealed.

Hidden Killer (2s): 100% Critical Chance ~ Critical Chance Increase: 100%



**Twin Fangs** - Deal increased critical damage while your health is above the threshold. Gain bonus critical-hit chance when hitting a foe from behind or the side.

Health Threshold: 90% ~ Critical Damage Increase: 7% // Critical Chance Increase: 7%



**Silent Scope** - Kneel becomes Sniper's Cover, which has an increased initiative cost and grants stealth. Rifle skill critical hit chance increased while kneeling.

Stealth (3s): Currently invisible. Ends if you deal damage. ~ Critical Chance Increase: 20%



**Perfectionist** - Gain boons upon reaching maximum malice stacks.

Fury (10s): 20% Critical Chance (and other boons)


This is a high risk, high reward, glass cannon build - probably the lowest healthpool of any build and fewer condi-cleanses, anti-CC skills than most. It's perfectly understandable why it hits as hard as it does, which is not a problem if you just remember that in PvP arena you might get attacked by other players.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> It seems that given how many attacks hit you there, it was probably more than 1.5 seconds.

> Each cast of _deadly aim_ or _spotter's shot_ is .75 seconds. _Three round burst_ is 1 second cast.


> Also it's important to factor in the _Malice_ ramp up time is 5-5.75 seconds after marking, so a DE won't be doing such high damage from initial engagement.


> The high critical chance can be down to assassins amulet, sigil, runes and a number of thief traits.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Keen_Observer

> **Keen Observer** - Critical-hit chance is increased while your health is above the threshold.

> Health Threshold: 90% ~ Critical Chance Increase: 5%


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Killer

> **Hidden Killer** - Gain bonus critical-hit chance while stealthed. This bonus lingers for a short duration after you've been revealed.

> Hidden Killer (2s): 100% Critical Chance ~ Critical Chance Increase: 100%


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twin_Fangs

> **Twin Fangs** - Deal increased critical damage while your health is above the threshold. Gain bonus critical-hit chance when hitting a foe from behind or the side.

> Health Threshold: 90% ~ Critical Damage Increase: 7% // Critical Chance Increase: 7%


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silent_Scope

> **Silent Scope** - Kneel becomes Sniper's Cover, which has an increased initiative cost and grants stealth. Rifle skill critical hit chance increased while kneeling.

> Stealth (3s): Currently invisible. Ends if you deal damage. ~ Critical Chance Increase: 20%


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perfectionist

> **Perfectionist** - Gain boons upon reaching maximum malice stacks.

> Fury (10s): 20% Critical Chance (and other boons)


> This is a high risk, high reward, glass cannon build - probably the lowest healthpool of any build and fewer condi-cleanses, anti-CC skills than most. It's perfectly understandable why it hits as hard as it does, which is not a problem if you just remember that in PvP arena you might get attacked by other players.


Ive gotta disagree with DE not doing high damage without Malice stacks. I got hit multiple times with 10-14k deaths judgements last night while playing. Each time I was unmarked, an ele that was playing in a match got insta downed, an engi insta downed. You get the point.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > As a ranger you have enough options to defend yourself and/or run away.


> That's what people want to do signing up for pvp games, to run away from fights...


> Think its terrible design to give classes 1 shot combos in mmo pvp. It's not a fps yo.


Deadeye is one pony trick. It's even easier to kill De before it kills you.

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People cry about weakness, people cry about critical rate... Ok, let's remove them both and play!

That DE build is really weak in teamfights because if anyone see you or spamAoE where you are and you're kneel, you have really few chances to survive.

High risk/High reward build. If you active any defensive skill or have a passive that grant you survavibility, you make him waste his attack and then he's easy to kill. You're a ranger, then some good dodges or a invulnerability skill will grant you enough time to kill him with a LB2, even better if you knock him back with the LBx to make your burst hit easier.


That build is really strong in 1v1 if the enemy don't see you come. If the enemy know you're there and is prepared to your burst that build is not so hard to defeat.

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> @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> The screen shot speaks for itself. Devs, do you even test this game? These kinds of numbers and absurd crit chances on certain builds make the game not fun period. Nobody enjoys it when it feels like others are cheating or you're dead in 1 second. Every build should have strengths and weaknesses, but any build that can push out 30k damage in 1.5 seconds at 100% crit rate is BROKEN. This feels like a cheat, not proper game play.

> Screenshot for proof: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shHKbaQs2I5Z9nt6-To1_qqxyTGdt_lo/view?usp=sharing


If they truly did all of that in the 1.5 seconds, as you claimed, it’s hacking. Otherwise, this occurred over what appears to have been about 5 seconds at minimum. As others have stated, they’re playing a very glassy build.

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> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> Can't they just flat out nerf damage done by...I don't know - half by all professions?


Sustain would then become too strong relatively. The game pace would just slow down as many professions would be able to tank the damage dealt. Consider bunker builds now - many can clear condis quickly and provide aegis, blocks, blinds, protection. These are currently more susceptible to boon removal/corruption and burst - however if you take away the burst, builds can be made to deal with condis even better, until it becomes practically impossible to take that player down on equal terms (same number of players, same relative skill).

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Enemy deadeye used:

1. Three Round Burst X3 (3X3)

2. one autoatack

3. spotter shot


All of tyhis takes minimum 6 seconds or 4 seconds with quickness. Its is a lot of time to press any atack on enemy deadeye which probably used zerk amul. One hit on that kind of enemy and he is dead.


In summary u had plenty of time to react yet u chose to sit in place and die

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Even though it's a poor build at higher levels of play, no build should be capable of one shotting even the squishiest specs without being able to see the attack coming. Yes, being marked is a tell, but a thief can wait as long as they want in stealth until you come out of LoS. Nothing should be able to do that in any game mode. Now, once again, this is more a problem with stealth than anything else. Stealth is massively unfun to play against.


This is going to get a lot of hate, but here's what I want to see happen to stealth: You can now see a stealthed enemies as a faint blur that hides all animations and only reveals the location of a stealthed target. But it won't be easy to see them in the midst of combat or if they're sneaky. This allows players to counter stealth by looking carefully instead of relying on revealing attacks or attacking random where they think someone is. Now, even when you find a stealthed player, they cannot be targeted and they also gain a significant defence to all attacks. All power damage glances, and all conditions are 75% less effective (that number is pulled out of my ass and can be balanced however is fair). In addition to all this, skills that grant stealth are longer, but you cannot gain more stealth while stealthed. These changes will give thieves a legitimate defence outside of evading, while also giving counterplay to that defence. Mesmers will also be a little less confusing to play against when a player can look for the real, stealthed, mesmer. But beware! You can still be heavily bursted if you aren't careful!

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I do not want to hear that you should of dodged, targeted or any of those garbage excuses that players here try to make. Lets look at it from a design stand point:


There are three base health tiers. 11k, 15k and 19k.


There is a skill that wipes two of those health tiers out in one hit. While leaving the highest health tier with only a fraction of health left. This is a problem and bad for the game. Yes there is some decision making like dodge. But it should not be dodge or die. Which is what the power creep has brought to the game. You dodge or die. Not you take a large chunk of unnecessary damage but you are still alive. No its dodge or die.


I think most players are so disillusioned on what is healthy for the game and what isn't that they believe this type of occurrence is ok. Look guys, damage is so out of control that even with max toughness, damage reduction modifiers from traits and protection, you still die in pretty much one hit. If that isn't a problem I don't know what is.



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> @"Zintrothen.1056" said:

> Even though it's a poor build at higher levels of play, no build should be capable of one shotting even the squishiest specs without being able to see the attack coming. Yes, being marked is a tell, but a thief can wait as long as they want in stealth until you come out of LoS. Nothing should be able to do that in any game mode. Now, once again, this is more a problem with stealth than anything else. Stealth is massively unfun to play against.


> This is going to get a lot of hate, but here's what I want to see happen to stealth: You can now see a stealthed enemies as a faint blur that hides all animations and only reveals the location of a stealthed target. But it won't be easy to see them in the midst of combat or if they're sneaky. This allows players to counter stealth by looking carefully instead of relying on revealing attacks or attacking random where they think someone is. Now, even when you find a stealthed player, they cannot be targeted and they also gain a significant defence to all attacks. All power damage glances, and all conditions are 75% less effective (that number is pulled out of my kitten and can be balanced however is fair). In addition to all this, skills that grant stealth are longer, but you cannot gain more stealth while stealthed. These changes will give thieves a legitimate defence outside of evading, while also giving counterplay to that defence. Mesmers will also be a little less confusing to play against when a player can look for the real, stealthed, mesmer. But beware! You can still be heavily bursted if you aren't careful!


That's not 1-shot. It used multiple skills within few seconds brackets. Enough time to react. It's L2P issue. Even I know that and I'm trash.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"kittyfur.6459" said:

> > The screen shot speaks for itself. Devs, do you even test this game? These kinds of numbers and absurd crit chances on certain builds make the game not fun period. Nobody enjoys it when it feels like others are cheating or you're dead in 1 second. Every build should have strengths and weaknesses, but any build that can push out 30k damage in 1.5 seconds at 100% crit rate is BROKEN. This feels like a cheat, not proper game play.

> > Screenshot for proof: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shHKbaQs2I5Z9nt6-To1_qqxyTGdt_lo/view?usp=sharing


> If they truly did all of that in the 1.5 seconds, as you claimed, it’s hacking. Otherwise, this occurred over what appears to have been about 5 seconds at minimum. As others have stated, they’re playing a very glassy build.


If that happen to me within 1.5secs, I go and check my ping ;), i.e. he attcked you for 5+ secs, but you got all the attacks delivered within 1.5secs.

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I will never like critical hits depending on a stat.


I would have preferred if all attacks were slower on average, but instead Precision we would have an Agility stat that increases attack speed. So with the base 1000 Agility we'd have less attack speed than now with 1500 agility almost like now, more than now with 2000, and so on.


Then Quickness would instead give Agility like Might gives power, and Fury would give Ferocity instead crit chance, or work like a stacking inverse blindness and deal a crit whenever you get it, but whenever it makes you crit you lose a stack.


Then criticals would come from traits, sigils, skills, effects and the way players fight. So instead having something like a trait that gives +7% critical chance from the back and trying to get 100% cirt chance upkeep, you'd get a things like a trait that gives a critical once every 10s when you hit from the back, or a critical every X hits from the back, or have warrior sword trait deal always a critical every 9 times you hit with any sword attack, or have skills that always a critical (e.g.: the 3rd hit in warrior axe would have always a critical in the 3rd chop, hundred blades would always have a critical on the last attack, have the last hit from daredevil staff autoattack always be critical, etc) letting you control more when exactly you are going to deal a critical, and giving the enemy the opportunity to predict when you are going to deal a critical.

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