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Living Word Season 4 Episode 2 - "A Bug in the System" Trailer [merged]


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This is an excellent piece of work and the team needs to be congratulated it is outstanding and the editing is sublime, well done all! Really loved the change in tone midway through it and the effects gained by not fully seeing thee creature behind the wall as well as Joko and even the bug walking through the end of the trailer, hot damn that was fun to watch (several times now)!

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


> Shining blade is in no way as important as Claw.


I guess I have to grant you that. When it comes to easily recognizable weapons from history, though, the charr have far fewer than the humans do. (At least ones that we, the players, can recognize.) And yet, we all know what that weapon is, even without being told the name of it anywhere in the video. It is THE Legendary Weapon of charr history. And unlike almost all of the other legendaries, it has a known backstory to it. That lack of backstory/history is something people have complained about before, but addressing it means that they have to use known weapons.


I don't think anyone carrying around a legendary weapon is supposed to be carrying THE one and only original of that weapon, but rather a 100% exact copy. So, I have no problems with it. With the history on it, though, maybe this is Smodur the Unflinching's answer to the the whole problem of the Claw being seen as carrying the authority of the Kahn Ur. I believe it's stated somewhere that he actually has considered destroying it to break free from that, but a flood of flawless copies would do the same without upsetting anyone by destroying the original artifact.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> >

> > Shining blade is in no way as important as Claw.


> I guess I have to grant you that. When it comes to easily recognizable weapons from history, though, the charr have far fewer than the humans do. (At least ones that we, the players, can recognize.) And yet, we all know what that weapon is, even without being told the name of it anywhere in the video. It is THE Legendary Weapon of charr history. And unlike almost all of the other legendaries, it has a known backstory to it. That lack of backstory/history is something people have complained about before, but addressing it means that they have to use known weapons.


> I don't think anyone carrying around a legendary weapon is supposed to be carrying THE one and only original of that weapon, but rather a 100% exact copy. So, I have no problems with it. With the history on it, though, maybe this is Smodur the Unflinching's answer to the the whole problem of the Claw being seen as carrying the authority of the Kahn Ur. I believe it's stated somewhere that he actually has considered destroying it to break free from that, but a flood of flawless copies would do the same without upsetting anyone by destroying the original artifact.


My problem is not that the Claw is becoming legendary but the fact that actual acquisition of very true legendary artifact (not so many within a game) is going to be made via crafting. You know, 10k wood and mithril, crafting desk - boom - you are now khan ur. COME ON!


I fear next time they're going to give us scepter of orr via Black Lion Chest.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Great trailer. Look forward to this patch.

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > Can we please stop with the “angry”-angle with Braham?

> > >

> > > It just isn’t working.

> >

> > Agreed. Braham needs a redemption story arc.


> Braham needs to die. Together with Rox and Kasmeer. They already introduced too many flavourless characters and have no idea what to do with them.


> Oh and Taimi. Please kill her finally.


"I don't like the characters, so kill them off". That's quite immature and childish, dude.

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They can't... yet.


Just that little bit of it really sets the mood, but I'm betting they want to use the full thing (assuming there is a full version) at some point in the story. To keep the impact it should have, they can't release the whole thing until after that part of the story has come and gone.

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I'm just going to assume I don't 'get' trailers. I can't see what makes this one so much better than all the previous ones which people complained about, or what made those so bad. The only thing which stood out to me as any different to what they've done before was the jokey character introductions, and since apparently the humour is one of the things a lot of people hate about the Living Story I doubt that's what made it so much better.


But the episode itself looks interesting. Seems like maybe the Inquest are working with Joko, and possibly continuing their experiments with dragon magic. It's good to see Rox and Braham are actually making a proper appearance too, maybe we'll finally get some development on that front rather than Braham and the Commander having a go at each other at a really inappropriate time and then having to drop it before anything can be resolved or even discussed.


The new dagger looks interesting too, like an upgraded version of the Centurion's Claw (the HoM dagger) and since that's what my thief is currently using I might well end up making this new one, eventually.

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> @"Mahou.3924" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > Great trailer. Look forward to this patch.

> > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > Can we please stop with the “angry”-angle with Braham?

> > > >

> > > > It just isn’t working.

> > >

> > > Agreed. Braham needs a redemption story arc.

> >

> > Braham needs to die. Together with Rox and Kasmeer. They already introduced too many flavourless characters and have no idea what to do with them.

> >

> > Oh and Taimi. Please kill her finally.


> "I don't like the characters, so kill them off". That's quite immature and childish, dude.


That's the only way to get rid of them without breaking the lore. If you don't do this, you gonna get Zojja's case which is great solution as we can experience this for 2 years already.

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> @"Professor Sprout.1560" said:


> Instead this is my current tinfoil hat theory for the mastery introduced in this episode: I think it might be the D.Coy golem suit! Notice the animation that plays when the commander "suits up" - for previous one-off story instance transformations the game has done a simple instantaneous model swap. The level of detail shown this time suggests to me that the player might be able to transform into golem mode multiple times. That is unless this is just a visual trick of the trailer of course.



That would be awesome! Maybe we can use the suit to sneak into enemy territory without being detected? That would be pretty sweet :D


So excited for this episode to come out!!! The fact that we're using Braham as bait is hilarious, and hopefully he and the commander can resolve their issues (mostly Braham issues). Glad we're seeing more of Rox too - we need more of her character!


And I really hope we can visit Zojia to see how she's doing - I feel like she's been neglected, but then maybe Taimi has her stashed in a closet in her secret lab ;)

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I prefer the original one, this one seemed off


I think it's _supposed_ to seem "off." The original version is beautiful, sweet, and soaring. This one is _meant_ to be creepy as all get-out. :tongue: I really loved it. Especially the twisted words near the end: _"Who needs the light...fear not this night..."_ Instant shivers.


That said, I agree with not releasing the full version yet because of something story-related. The choice of song seems...odd, really. Why use a song that's normally associated with the sylvari/the Grove for [spoilers for those who haven't seen the trailer]

>! an Inquest lab and Palawa Joko?

Hmmmm. I wonder if there really is a story reason for that, and if there is, I hope we'll hear the full version of the song in the story itself, when the time is right.

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At first I was like "Yes we're going to get a full on futuristic "inquest base" themed map." but then I saw the desert and was like "Nooooooooooooo just another desert themed map". I guess points for consistency but I liked how S3 maps all had a compleatly different feel to them.


Hopefully the new mastery is a golem themed "battle mount" but thats just wishfull thinking, it's most likely just going to be a crappier version of the Golem Battle Suit Prototype from Air Drop for the new story quest.

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So was anet being sneaky when they said last week they couldn't release the trailer because they had to work out a bug? Or maybe it was a legitimate quality concern. Anyway really interested in this chapter. Great trailer. Guess we will be going to that area by istan that looks like an asuran city.

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