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Best/Notable WvW Havoc guilds, EU and NA?


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Hey nice murderpeople,


I recently returned to WvW, and in the past would usually run in zerg k-trains or smaller zerg k-trains, occasionally solo so I could get destroyed as the shitter I was. However, this time I've come back with the intention of finding a decent havoc/small numbers group to ruin k-trains with. I've found a decent one, not without faults, but one that makes for fun nights, some decent bag counts, and a focus on fights before PPT bullshit, even when it's typically 15v30+.


That being said, I'm curious as to what the community feels some of the more notable havoc groups are out there, as well as the best tiers for them to play in. I'm currently attached to a horrible t4 server whose most well known guilds are filled to the brim with anyone who will accept a random spam invite and are consistently outperformed by guilds on a server that hasn't been relevant for 2+ years.


I know guilds like CAKE or ZEN are somewhat popular EU because of a few notable YouTube personalities, but I have no idea if they're actually any good or just show fights that make them appear as such. Are there any similar US guilds that really thrive on being "elite?" I know the havoc group meta is dying with how broken WoD is in combination with Scourge/Weaver/Rev damage, but surely someone is still out there fighting the good fight?

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> vT is about the only guild I come across that I actively avoid, and I'm crazy levels of don't give a kitten about dying.


I've dealt with a few vT in the past, they definitely know what they're doing out there. I've actually got a couple of them with alts in my current guild, I think.

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Does vT move around a bit? I don't remember what server they were on at the time but I recall playing against them when IOJ was previously paired with SoS. At the time I forget who it was in vT was testing out holo in that matchup but it was fun fighting them. Only came across 2-3 at the time. By NS do you mean northern shiverpeaks? I didn't see them when we played against them and hod in the last pairing, maybe they didn't play eb at the time.


> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

Off topic but everytime I see your name I am always thinking of VegemiteAngel hehe. Have you ever tried it?

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I must have a different definition of "havoc" because in my mind a havoc guild is one that desieges things and tries to take objectives with a small number of people. I think what you're asking about are roaming guilds and they have mostly ceased to exist in NA. YB has one called Brotherhood of Zetara but they mostly just try to spawn camp.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> I must have a different definition of "havoc" because in my mind a havoc guild is one that desieges things and tries to take objectives with a small number of people. I think what you're asking about are roaming guilds and they have mostly ceased to exist in NA. YB has one called Brotherhood of Zetara but they mostly just try to spawn camp.


Was thinking the same thing.


Havoc by definition creates havoc by hitting objectives to pull the enemy Zerg in different directions, while allowing your Zerg to finish what they are doing.


They are still running on NA, but they are few.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> If that's the same BOZ in yb that I came across - I'm not sure what to say. We killed them off a bunch of times one night (end of nov last year) and I guess they got mad cos they came back jumping over gate at briar using a hack or exploit. Yup, just checked the video I recorded, it is the same BOZ guild.


Yeah, their skill level is above average, but the number of exploits/hacks I have seen them use would kind of eliminate them from any "best" list.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> oh just to add, if you aspire to join a group with top individual roamers, then possibly consider Fear guild.

> They are pretty much the best of the best.


I've seen several different guilds with a Fear tag. None of them had any noteworthy roamers ;\

There were a few from a tag that looked like "prx" that were pretty good tho, not sure the server.


> @"MountainRunner.3576" said:

> vT for sure. Since you're in the land of t4 (and potential links) i'd add MAGA to the top of the list too. depending on your t4 server, honorable mentions to Os, Lgnd, RDRM, and HONR if it might help you find a happy place.


LOL "lgnd"

The only reason I even recognize that guild tag is because one guy kept giving me the ragey-est salt whispers I've ever seen every single time I effortlessly took him out. Not sure about their other members, haven't seen any but this really salty guy haha.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> LOL "lgnd"

> The only reason I even recognize that guild tag is because one guy kept giving me the ragey-est salt whispers I've ever seen every single time I effortlessly took him out. Not sure about their other members, haven't seen any but this really salty guy haha.


I was on an alt acct in the JP one day during Wintersday and saw that guy get taken out by a snowball in the last part of the JP. I must admit, I ran out of time because I was laughing so hard, but it doesn't matter, it was well worth it, considering I believe, I'm the first person he whispered on my server, it felt like it was fate that I saw that :)

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > LOL "lgnd"

> > The only reason I even recognize that guild tag is because one guy kept giving me the ragey-est salt whispers I've ever seen every single time I effortlessly took him out. Not sure about their other members, haven't seen any but this really salty guy haha.


> ... it felt like it was fate that I saw that :)


![](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/348/126/415.png "")


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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> Cake Walk in EU comes to mind, i've seen them 8v20, they have a very solid comp, although I might consider them more of a zerg busting group rather than havok. vT, definitely havok.


> BTW, what ever happened to tRex?


Zerg buster is probably far better for what I'm referring to than havoc. Apologies for the incorrect term.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> Cake Walk in EU comes to mind, i've seen them 8v20, they have a very solid comp, although I might consider them more of a zerg busting group rather than havok. vT, definitely havok.


> BTW, what ever happened to tRex?


tRex got a bit tired of the game and split, we still play some other games with each other now and again but most just don't find GW2 fun anymore.

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