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What are the class roles in PVP?

Crab Fear.1624

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I honestly don't know 100%.

I mean if I am performing something else other than decapping team chat is filled up bye a scream-hard saying OMG THIEF! GET POINT X!


So I am gonna take a guess here at the rolls...roles...roals?:

* Thief - decap, +1 ,and kill everyone with low health except necro and ranger because they have divine intervention

* Warrior - Stun lock things, make noobs chase you. Big damage.

* Mesmer - Phase in and out of existence while exploding yourselves and psuedo-allies to hurt foes.

* Ranger - knockback, rapid fire, and never die. If downed, swap pets and down your foe, its over, pet rezzes.

* Elementalist - Special Beam Cannon, cc, and kill the same foes a thief can solo, or bunkerty bunkerson..then rush to forums saying your class is the worst ever

* Guardian - heal, kill, burn, revive, hard to kill, back up the necro, kill the thief

* Engineer - do all attaks from stealth or while invuln...run, zoom, and bounce away 2000+ units if the spike fails

* Necromancer - stand on a point and sperm...spam your skills instantly (or on the move....really))

* Revenant - add weight to your teams back, punching bag

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Let's look at this from a different point of view.


**Quintessential roles for Conquest gameplay, regardless of class played:**

* _Bruiser_ - These are builds meant to stay in the team fight. Wherever the bulk of the team is, these builds should be supporting them. They are generally builds that have lots of AoE DPS/CC support, and abilities that synergize well with other Bruisers on point. The priority is to stay in and win the larger team fights that more mobile 1v1 oriented builds have difficulty surviving in. Bruisers should not be concerned with doubling as a different conquest role unless the match is desperate and someone needs to fill in for the lack of presence of another role.

* _Team Support_ - These are builds meant to primarily follow around the Bruisers to greatly enhance the team fight presence. Team Support builds are typically healers with a lot of boon share and usually the builds are strong enough to survive a 1v2 for some time before being gutted off a node.

* _Side Node Bunkers_ - These are specifically designed for individual selfish survival rather than team support role. They are also typically designed to have knockbacks as CCs specifically so that they can forcefully decap nodes out from under someone else without needing to kill them. Side Node Bunkers place much less priority on DPS capability than Bruisers or the following Side Node Decap/+1s. Their strengths are within perpetually surviving 1v2s, winning 1v1s through attrition and out sustaining and stalling or decapping nodes. They should also have at least, mid range mobility, usually should have a bit more than that. The greatest strength to this role is that when it is 1v2ing or sometimes 1v3ing, the rest of its team can advantage 4v3 or 4v2 on the other two nodes. This role should be much less concerned with the team fight and more concerned with solo pushing enemy nodes or solo defending nodes for the team so that the rest of them can leave and DPS other nodes.

* _Side Node Decappers/+1ers_ - These play sort of like the Side Node Bunker but rather than try to hold the node it takes, it generally decaps and runs. The idea behind this is that, the very mobile Decapper doesn't take long to get to a node, decap it and run back to +1 a team fight or a different side node battle, but it takes the opponent at least twice as long to go where the Decapper has gone and full cap a node, then return to a team fight. In other words, the Decapper/+1ers main job REALLY is to omit an enemy from combat through decapping which in turn denies the enemy of equal numbers in combat where the Decapper's team is contesting 2 nodes. An example of this working perfectly is like this: Example - Say your team is in legacy and you have a Side Node Bunker defending your home against 1 opponent who cannot kill him. There is a 4v4 at neutral mid and far is the enemy's color. Your Side Node Decap runs to the far node and decaps it. Some Bruiser from mid tried to chase the mobile Decapper and by the time he gets there to fight the Decapper at far, the Decapper has decapped and is now returning to mid. The enemy Bruiser stays to recap the far node to his color while your Decapper is now back at mid, creating a 4v3 advantage situation. By the time the enemy Bruiser tries to go back to the mid fight for his team, your team has already downed 1 player and sent it on respawn, keeping the fight a winning 4v3 when the Bruiser arrives. Of course some matches may not present such opportune moments and game play gets more advanced at that point, but what is listed is the general theory behind playing a good Side Node Decap/+1.


So what we as players do, for every given patch, is identify which builds on each class are the best at these job roles. right now it looks something like this:

* Firebrand - Only applicable Team Support

* Scourge - #1 most important Bruiser. The perpetual boon conversion in to conditions and barriers that stop critical hits is too good to ignore. This isn't even to mention the extremely large AoE that its DPS lands in.

* Spellbreaker - #2 most important Bruiser. Big DPS, unblockable CCs, lots of damage mitigation, lots of health regeneration that stacks with regeneration boons and hard heals from the Firebrand. The other thing that makes a Spellbreaker good is that its mobility is decent and it is capable of doubling as a Side Node Bunker at times when it is necessary.

* Holosmith - #3 most important Bruiser. Enormous DPS but sustain is significantly weaker than a Spellbreaker. This class should never attempt to 1v2. It is however, an excellent Bruiser that can double as a Decap/+1 role.

* Core Thief S/D - Any Thief with a Shortbow can play the traditional Decap/+1 role that the Thief has always been cast as. It has the highest mobility in the game and can out rotate anything. Other thief builds are gimmicky and won't take a player past plat 1-2ish "Aside from D/P which I still feel is viable."

* Mesmers of all kinds - Not as fast as a Thief but still gets the job done in terms of Side Node Decap/+1. It can however win more 1v1s than a Thief can and is generally viewed as the dominant 1v1 class and jack of all trades "Anet's favorite child". It's 1v1 strength is only contested by Druid.

* Druid - The only real Side Node Bunker as a primary attribute. A good Druid should win all of its 1v1s with exception for very good Mesmers which can contest it. The Druid may have to leave the node and sacrifice the cap vs. a Scourge but the Druid will be able to kill the Scourge at range 1v1 and retake the node. With no Mesmers or Scourges present, the Druid should be able to 1v2 hold nodes and sometimes 1v3 if situations are advantageous.


Playing any other class/build that is not listed in the above is a liability in this current meta. Before a player should ever attempt to customize and play their own spec within a given meta, they should understand the 4 basic conquest roles and make sure the customized spec is designed to function as one of them. The customized spec "let's say is a support spec" doesn't need to be as good as the Firebrand but it should be able to fill in for his role in some adequate fashion within a team comp. The roles are important and attempting to play outside of these 4 roles never seems to yield good results.


Again, there are times when a player must perform out of role rotations due to a team wipe or lack of presence of another role. Just use common sense as to when this is advantageous and when it is not. Remember Conquest is about holding 2 nodes for winning, not 3. The 3rd node is really for decapping and making the enemy waste time to recap. It is rarely advantageous to actually attempt to cap and hold 3 nodes. The above simple basics, if followed, should bring even a new player to a gold 2ish or higher level by the end of the week.


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:


> * Thief - decap, +1 ,and kill everyone with low health except necro and ranger because they have divine intervention


> * Engineer - do all attaks from stealth or while invuln...run, zoom, and bounce away 2000+ units if the spike fails


>"Yep, I main thief, and I am biased. Who isn't?"


Checks out


To be perfectly honest though more than we need a "muh passives rework" i would appreciate more if they could instead release a patch focusing on defining roles and weaknesses instead of just trying to figure ways for everyone to fill the gaps. I remember when the hard counter to engi was conditions.


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> I honestly don't know 100%.

> I mean if I am performing something else other than decapping team chat is filled up bye a scream-hard saying OMG THIEF! GET POINT X!


> So I am gonna take a guess here at the rolls...roles...roals?:

> * Thief - decap, +1 ,and kill everyone with low health except necro and ranger because they have divine intervention

> * Warrior - Stun lock things, make noobs chase you. Big damage.

> * Mesmer - Phase in and out of existence while exploding yourselves and psuedo-allies to hurt foes.

> * Ranger - knockback, rapid fire, and never die. If downed, swap pets and down your foe, its over, pet rezzes.

> * Elementalist - Special Beam Cannon, cc, and kill the same foes a thief can solo, or bunkerty bunkerson..then rush to forums saying your class is the worst ever

> * Guardian - heal, kill, burn, revive, hard to kill, back up the necro, kill the thief

> * Engineer - do all attaks from stealth or while invuln...run, zoom, and bounce away 2000+ units if the spike fails

> * Necromancer - stand on a point and kitten...spam your skills instantly (or on the move....really))

> * Revenant - add weight to your teams back, punching bag


Pretty much for that on necro cept if we roam we die and we need to be babysat 24/7 and pampered to be kept alive, because we lack defensive tools.

Rangers well yeah cept on druids, because we are very tough to kill and we pretty much stay on area and do next to no damage, but we heal lots, so we are annoying as all heck.


Thieves:YEP thats accurate.Decap +1 run from players if there is 1 or more and wait till there is 1 or 2 players then down them and kill them and then go running between points.


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  • 7 months later...

> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Let's look at this from a different point of view.


> **Quintessential roles for Conquest gameplay, regardless of class played:**

> * _Bruiser_ - These are builds meant to stay in the team fight. Wherever the bulk of the team is, these builds should be supporting them. They are generally builds that have lots of AoE DPS/CC support, and abilities that synergize well with other Bruisers on point. The priority is to stay in and win the larger team fights that more mobile 1v1 oriented builds have difficulty surviving in. Bruisers should not be concerned with doubling as a different conquest role unless the match is desperate and someone needs to fill in for the lack of presence of another role.

> * _Team Support_ - These are builds meant to primarily follow around the Bruisers to greatly enhance the team fight presence. Team Support builds are typically healers with a lot of boon share and usually the builds are strong enough to survive a 1v2 for some time before being gutted off a node.

> * _Side Node Bunkers_ - These are specifically designed for individual selfish survival rather than team support role. They are also typically designed to have knockbacks as CCs specifically so that they can forcefully decap nodes out from under someone else without needing to kill them. Side Node Bunkers place much less priority on DPS capability than Bruisers or the following Side Node Decap/+1s. Their strengths are within perpetually surviving 1v2s, winning 1v1s through attrition and out sustaining and stalling or decapping nodes. They should also have at least, mid range mobility, usually should have a bit more than that. The greatest strength to this role is that when it is 1v2ing or sometimes 1v3ing, the rest of its team can advantage 4v3 or 4v2 on the other two nodes. This role should be much less concerned with the team fight and more concerned with solo pushing enemy nodes or solo defending nodes for the team so that the rest of them can leave and DPS other nodes.

> * _Side Node Decappers/+1ers_ - These play sort of like the Side Node Bunker but rather than try to hold the node it takes, it generally decaps and runs. The idea behind this is that, the very mobile Decapper doesn't take long to get to a node, decap it and run back to +1 a team fight or a different side node battle, but it takes the opponent at least twice as long to go where the Decapper has gone and full cap a node, then return to a team fight. In other words, the Decapper/+1ers main job REALLY is to omit an enemy from combat through decapping which in turn denies the enemy of equal numbers in combat where the Decapper's team is contesting 2 nodes. An example of this working perfectly is like this: Example - Say your team is in legacy and you have a Side Node Bunker defending your home against 1 opponent who cannot kill him. There is a 4v4 at neutral mid and far is the enemy's color. Your Side Node Decap runs to the far node and decaps it. Some Bruiser from mid tried to chase the mobile Decapper and by the time he gets there to fight the Decapper at far, the Decapper has decapped and is now returning to mid. The enemy Bruiser stays to recap the far node to his color while your Decapper is now back at mid, creating a 4v3 advantage situation. By the time the enemy Bruiser tries to go back to the mid fight for his team, your team has already downed 1 player and sent it on respawn, keeping the fight a winning 4v3 when the Bruiser arrives. Of course some matches may not present such opportune moments and game play gets more advanced at that point, but what is listed is the general theory behind playing a good Side Node Decap/+1.


> So what we as players do, for every given patch, is identify which builds on each class are the best at these job roles. right now it looks something like this:

> * Firebrand - Only applicable Team Support

> * Scourge - #1 most important Bruiser. The perpetual boon conversion in to conditions and barriers that stop critical hits is too good to ignore. This isn't even to mention the extremely large AoE that its DPS lands in.

> * Spellbreaker - #2 most important Bruiser. Big DPS, unblockable CCs, lots of damage mitigation, lots of health regeneration that stacks with regeneration boons and hard heals from the Firebrand. The other thing that makes a Spellbreaker good is that its mobility is decent and it is capable of doubling as a Side Node Bunker at times when it is necessary.

> * Holosmith - #3 most important Bruiser. Enormous DPS but sustain is significantly weaker than a Spellbreaker. This class should never attempt to 1v2. It is however, an excellent Bruiser that can double as a Decap/+1 role.

> * Core Thief S/D - Any Thief with a Shortbow can play the traditional Decap/+1 role that the Thief has always been cast as. It has the highest mobility in the game and can out rotate anything. Other thief builds are gimmicky and won't take a player past plat 1-2ish "Aside from D/P which I still feel is viable."

> * Mesmers of all kinds - Not as fast as a Thief but still gets the job done in terms of Side Node Decap/+1. It can however win more 1v1s than a Thief can and is generally viewed as the dominant 1v1 class and jack of all trades "Anet's favorite child". It's 1v1 strength is only contested by Druid.

> * Druid - The only real Side Node Bunker as a primary attribute. A good Druid should win all of its 1v1s with exception for very good Mesmers which can contest it. The Druid may have to leave the node and sacrifice the cap vs. a Scourge but the Druid will be able to kill the Scourge at range 1v1 and retake the node. With no Mesmers or Scourges present, the Druid should be able to 1v2 hold nodes and sometimes 1v3 if situations are advantageous.


> Playing any other class/build that is not listed in the above is a liability in this current meta. Before a player should ever attempt to customize and play their own spec within a given meta, they should understand the 4 basic conquest roles and make sure the customized spec is designed to function as one of them. The customized spec "let's say is a support spec" doesn't need to be as good as the Firebrand but it should be able to fill in for his role in some adequate fashion within a team comp. The roles are important and attempting to play outside of these 4 roles never seems to yield good results.


> Again, there are times when a player must perform out of role rotations due to a team wipe or lack of presence of another role. Just use common sense as to when this is advantageous and when it is not. Remember Conquest is about holding 2 nodes for winning, not 3. The 3rd node is really for decapping and making the enemy waste time to recap. It is rarely advantageous to actually attempt to cap and hold 3 nodes. The above simple basics, if followed, should bring even a new player to a gold 2ish or higher level by the end of the week.



some of the best pvp advice i have come accross anywhere. Thanks.

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Let's look at this from a different point of view.

> >

> > **Quintessential roles for Conquest gameplay, regardless of class played:**

> > * _Bruiser_ - These are builds meant to stay in the team fight. Wherever the bulk of the team is, these builds should be supporting them. They are generally builds that have lots of AoE DPS/CC support, and abilities that synergize well with other Bruisers on point. The priority is to stay in and win the larger team fights that more mobile 1v1 oriented builds have difficulty surviving in. Bruisers should not be concerned with doubling as a different conquest role unless the match is desperate and someone needs to fill in for the lack of presence of another role.

> > * _Team Support_ - These are builds meant to primarily follow around the Bruisers to greatly enhance the team fight presence. Team Support builds are typically healers with a lot of boon share and usually the builds are strong enough to survive a 1v2 for some time before being gutted off a node.

> > * _Side Node Bunkers_ - These are specifically designed for individual selfish survival rather than team support role. They are also typically designed to have knockbacks as CCs specifically so that they can forcefully decap nodes out from under someone else without needing to kill them. Side Node Bunkers place much less priority on DPS capability than Bruisers or the following Side Node Decap/+1s. Their strengths are within perpetually surviving 1v2s, winning 1v1s through attrition and out sustaining and stalling or decapping nodes. They should also have at least, mid range mobility, usually should have a bit more than that. The greatest strength to this role is that when it is 1v2ing or sometimes 1v3ing, the rest of its team can advantage 4v3 or 4v2 on the other two nodes. This role should be much less concerned with the team fight and more concerned with solo pushing enemy nodes or solo defending nodes for the team so that the rest of them can leave and DPS other nodes.

> > * _Side Node Decappers/+1ers_ - These play sort of like the Side Node Bunker but rather than try to hold the node it takes, it generally decaps and runs. The idea behind this is that, the very mobile Decapper doesn't take long to get to a node, decap it and run back to +1 a team fight or a different side node battle, but it takes the opponent at least twice as long to go where the Decapper has gone and full cap a node, then return to a team fight. In other words, the Decapper/+1ers main job REALLY is to omit an enemy from combat through decapping which in turn denies the enemy of equal numbers in combat where the Decapper's team is contesting 2 nodes. An example of this working perfectly is like this: Example - Say your team is in legacy and you have a Side Node Bunker defending your home against 1 opponent who cannot kill him. There is a 4v4 at neutral mid and far is the enemy's color. Your Side Node Decap runs to the far node and decaps it. Some Bruiser from mid tried to chase the mobile Decapper and by the time he gets there to fight the Decapper at far, the Decapper has decapped and is now returning to mid. The enemy Bruiser stays to recap the far node to his color while your Decapper is now back at mid, creating a 4v3 advantage situation. By the time the enemy Bruiser tries to go back to the mid fight for his team, your team has already downed 1 player and sent it on respawn, keeping the fight a winning 4v3 when the Bruiser arrives. Of course some matches may not present such opportune moments and game play gets more advanced at that point, but what is listed is the general theory behind playing a good Side Node Decap/+1.

> >

> > So what we as players do, for every given patch, is identify which builds on each class are the best at these job roles. right now it looks something like this:

> > * Firebrand - Only applicable Team Support

> > * Scourge - #1 most important Bruiser. The perpetual boon conversion in to conditions and barriers that stop critical hits is too good to ignore. This isn't even to mention the extremely large AoE that its DPS lands in.

> > * Spellbreaker - #2 most important Bruiser. Big DPS, unblockable CCs, lots of damage mitigation, lots of health regeneration that stacks with regeneration boons and hard heals from the Firebrand. The other thing that makes a Spellbreaker good is that its mobility is decent and it is capable of doubling as a Side Node Bunker at times when it is necessary.

> > * Holosmith - #3 most important Bruiser. Enormous DPS but sustain is significantly weaker than a Spellbreaker. This class should never attempt to 1v2. It is however, an excellent Bruiser that can double as a Decap/+1 role.

> > * Core Thief S/D - Any Thief with a Shortbow can play the traditional Decap/+1 role that the Thief has always been cast as. It has the highest mobility in the game and can out rotate anything. Other thief builds are gimmicky and won't take a player past plat 1-2ish "Aside from D/P which I still feel is viable."

> > * Mesmers of all kinds - Not as fast as a Thief but still gets the job done in terms of Side Node Decap/+1. It can however win more 1v1s than a Thief can and is generally viewed as the dominant 1v1 class and jack of all trades "Anet's favorite child". It's 1v1 strength is only contested by Druid.

> > * Druid - The only real Side Node Bunker as a primary attribute. A good Druid should win all of its 1v1s with exception for very good Mesmers which can contest it. The Druid may have to leave the node and sacrifice the cap vs. a Scourge but the Druid will be able to kill the Scourge at range 1v1 and retake the node. With no Mesmers or Scourges present, the Druid should be able to 1v2 hold nodes and sometimes 1v3 if situations are advantageous.

> >

> > Playing any other class/build that is not listed in the above is a liability in this current meta. Before a player should ever attempt to customize and play their own spec within a given meta, they should understand the 4 basic conquest roles and make sure the customized spec is designed to function as one of them. The customized spec "let's say is a support spec" doesn't need to be as good as the Firebrand but it should be able to fill in for his role in some adequate fashion within a team comp. The roles are important and attempting to play outside of these 4 roles never seems to yield good results.

> >

> > Again, there are times when a player must perform out of role rotations due to a team wipe or lack of presence of another role. Just use common sense as to when this is advantageous and when it is not. Remember Conquest is about holding 2 nodes for winning, not 3. The 3rd node is really for decapping and making the enemy waste time to recap. It is rarely advantageous to actually attempt to cap and hold 3 nodes. The above simple basics, if followed, should bring even a new player to a gold 2ish or higher level by the end of the week.

> >


> some of the best pvp advice i have come accross anywhere. Thanks.


2nd this

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Let's look at this from a different point of view.


> **Quintessential roles for Conquest gameplay, regardless of class played:**

> * _Bruiser_ - These are builds meant to stay in the team fight. Wherever the bulk of the team is, these builds should be supporting them. They are generally builds that have lots of AoE DPS/CC support, and abilities that synergize well with other Bruisers on point. The priority is to stay in and win the larger team fights that more mobile 1v1 oriented builds have difficulty surviving in. Bruisers should not be concerned with doubling as a different conquest role unless the match is desperate and someone needs to fill in for the lack of presence of another role.

> * _Team Support_ - These are builds meant to primarily follow around the Bruisers to greatly enhance the team fight presence. Team Support builds are typically healers with a lot of boon share and usually the builds are strong enough to survive a 1v2 for some time before being gutted off a node.

> * _Side Node Bunkers_ - These are specifically designed for individual selfish survival rather than team support role. They are also typically designed to have knockbacks as CCs specifically so that they can forcefully decap nodes out from under someone else without needing to kill them. Side Node Bunkers place much less priority on DPS capability than Bruisers or the following Side Node Decap/+1s. Their strengths are within perpetually surviving 1v2s, winning 1v1s through attrition and out sustaining and stalling or decapping nodes. They should also have at least, mid range mobility, usually should have a bit more than that. The greatest strength to this role is that when it is 1v2ing or sometimes 1v3ing, the rest of its team can advantage 4v3 or 4v2 on the other two nodes. This role should be much less concerned with the team fight and more concerned with solo pushing enemy nodes or solo defending nodes for the team so that the rest of them can leave and DPS other nodes.

> * _Side Node Decappers/+1ers_ - These play sort of like the Side Node Bunker but rather than try to hold the node it takes, it generally decaps and runs. The idea behind this is that, the very mobile Decapper doesn't take long to get to a node, decap it and run back to +1 a team fight or a different side node battle, but it takes the opponent at least twice as long to go where the Decapper has gone and full cap a node, then return to a team fight. In other words, the Decapper/+1ers main job REALLY is to omit an enemy from combat through decapping which in turn denies the enemy of equal numbers in combat where the Decapper's team is contesting 2 nodes. An example of this working perfectly is like this: Example - Say your team is in legacy and you have a Side Node Bunker defending your home against 1 opponent who cannot kill him. There is a 4v4 at neutral mid and far is the enemy's color. Your Side Node Decap runs to the far node and decaps it. Some Bruiser from mid tried to chase the mobile Decapper and by the time he gets there to fight the Decapper at far, the Decapper has decapped and is now returning to mid. The enemy Bruiser stays to recap the far node to his color while your Decapper is now back at mid, creating a 4v3 advantage situation. By the time the enemy Bruiser tries to go back to the mid fight for his team, your team has already downed 1 player and sent it on respawn, keeping the fight a winning 4v3 when the Bruiser arrives. Of course some matches may not present such opportune moments and game play gets more advanced at that point, but what is listed is the general theory behind playing a good Side Node Decap/+1.


> So what we as players do, for every given patch, is identify which builds on each class are the best at these job roles. right now it looks something like this:

> * Firebrand - Only applicable Team Support

> * Scourge - #1 most important Bruiser. The perpetual boon conversion in to conditions and barriers that stop critical hits is too good to ignore. This isn't even to mention the extremely large AoE that its DPS lands in.

> * Spellbreaker - #2 most important Bruiser. Big DPS, unblockable CCs, lots of damage mitigation, lots of health regeneration that stacks with regeneration boons and hard heals from the Firebrand. The other thing that makes a Spellbreaker good is that its mobility is decent and it is capable of doubling as a Side Node Bunker at times when it is necessary.

> * Holosmith - #3 most important Bruiser. Enormous DPS but sustain is significantly weaker than a Spellbreaker. This class should never attempt to 1v2. It is however, an excellent Bruiser that can double as a Decap/+1 role.

> * Core Thief S/D - Any Thief with a Shortbow can play the traditional Decap/+1 role that the Thief has always been cast as. It has the highest mobility in the game and can out rotate anything. Other thief builds are gimmicky and won't take a player past plat 1-2ish "Aside from D/P which I still feel is viable."

> * Mesmers of all kinds - Not as fast as a Thief but still gets the job done in terms of Side Node Decap/+1. It can however win more 1v1s than a Thief can and is generally viewed as the dominant 1v1 class and jack of all trades "Anet's favorite child". It's 1v1 strength is only contested by Druid.

> * Druid - The only real Side Node Bunker as a primary attribute. A good Druid should win all of its 1v1s with exception for very good Mesmers which can contest it. The Druid may have to leave the node and sacrifice the cap vs. a Scourge but the Druid will be able to kill the Scourge at range 1v1 and retake the node. With no Mesmers or Scourges present, the Druid should be able to 1v2 hold nodes and sometimes 1v3 if situations are advantageous.


> Playing any other class/build that is not listed in the above is a liability in this current meta. Before a player should ever attempt to customize and play their own spec within a given meta, they should understand the 4 basic conquest roles and make sure the customized spec is designed to function as one of them. The customized spec "let's say is a support spec" doesn't need to be as good as the Firebrand but it should be able to fill in for his role in some adequate fashion within a team comp. The roles are important and attempting to play outside of these 4 roles never seems to yield good results.


> Again, there are times when a player must perform out of role rotations due to a team wipe or lack of presence of another role. Just use common sense as to when this is advantageous and when it is not. Remember Conquest is about holding 2 nodes for winning, not 3. The 3rd node is really for decapping and making the enemy waste time to recap. It is rarely advantageous to actually attempt to cap and hold 3 nodes. The above simple basics, if followed, should bring even a new player to a gold 2ish or higher level by the end of the week.



Im an idiot..this is to many words. I need this in video format please.

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