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Power necro (reaper) any viability ?


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I joined around a month back, am at season 2 living worlds with a Power(precision, ferocity) specialized necro, my weapon of choice is the axe and the warhorn, and I did a t2 fractal last night with a party for the first time, I am lvl 80, I was doing close to 13k critical with the #2 skill of the axe and the basic attack was also dealing a lot of damage, if my PvP team is balanced I can do a good deal of kiting and baiting and eventually dealing a lot of damage, in the story mode I have rarely ever died, I have all Yellow/Orange gear now...Power Necro is legit...imo...

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^ ??

Full zerker

Spíte 3-2-2

Blood 1-3-1

Reaper 2-3-3

Gs+ Axe/Focus

Healing well

DPS well

Condiclearwell (well of Power i remember this one +1)

Power passive signet



Works great, good if you run with pugs. Excelent in pickup halfdead weavers on range.good boonhate thru focus5 And Axe 3 (big reveal=bosses die Faster if they dont have protection) LFgainer by Focus 4 And Axe 2. With golem, huge breakbar(cuz pugs dont know how to break IT). Rly Fast revival skills(snowcrow build weavers Will love you).

I do mainly T3 And T4only with friends(necro icon Is AIDS sign for rest of community). DPS Is shitty but you can help make run ezier.

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> @"Nilson.9865" said:

> > @"Courvoisier.1268" said:

> >i rly enjoyed the class but ppl say it is bad =(

> I don't understand you. How does other's person opinion gonna change your enjoyment of class? For example you like sushi, if i say that sushi is trash, would you question yourself (Is sushi rly trash???) or would ignore me and order even more sushi?


Love this example, let me make it more apple/apple though:

You enjoy going to sushi restaurants to eat sushi, but because you're [insert random human race/color here], you're simply not always allowed in them, cause it's run by ppl that have their reasons to not to...

That's what's happening to the Necro right now, with the only big difference that in GW2 you can _choose_ your main class.

Just as in real life, you cannot ignore other peoples opinions all the time, definitely if it affects your own enjoyment of life (or the game)! If it closes doors for you that would be open if you've chosen a different class as your main, etc.


Love all the positivism, don't get me wrong, but if we just blatantly keep ignoring the real issue at hand, ANet doesnt have a _real_ incentive to do anything about it either!

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:


> no, power reaper is not good.

> if by viable you mean can you complete the content, then yes it's viable. expect getting kicked though :)


Isn't that actually supposed to be the definition of viable? Won't be the best but it will work? I mean, let's say you have a drink that needs sweetened. Best bet would be honey since it is sweet and healthy too but if you don't have honey then sugar is a **viable** alternative.

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> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:


> > no, power reaper is not good.

> > if by viable you mean can you complete the content, then yes it's viable. expect getting kicked though :)


> Isn't that actually supposed to be the definition of viable? Won't be the best but it will work? I mean, let's say you have a drink that needs sweetened. Best bet would be honey since it is sweet and healthy too but if you don't have honey then sugar is a **viable** alternative.


sugar isn't healthy (and honey is 82% sugar, from which only 40% is fructose), i prefer to use artificial sweeteners because they have a neutral effect on your body. but all options are viable. the word viable contains also the optimal choice within itself. it means - anything that will do the job.

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> @"LEGENT.9780" said:

> I joined around a month back, am at season 2 living worlds with a Power(precision, ferocity) specialized necro, my weapon of choice is the axe and the warhorn, and I did a t2 fractal last night with a party for the first time, I am lvl 80, I was doing close to 13k critical with the #2 skill of the axe and the basic attack was also dealing a lot of damage, if my PvP team is balanced I can do a good deal of kiting and baiting and eventually dealing a lot of damage, in the story mode I have rarely ever died, I have all Yellow/Orange gear now...Power Necro is legit...imo...


The problem is that other profession can reach 13k hits with autoattacks and even way higher hits during breakbars. I had 300k LH 4 hits with weaver. Reaper is fine until you meet good players in t3-4 and notice how much power necro lacks burst or interactive gameplay below 50%. It just becomes a press 2 fest at that point.

Power necro really needs a rework like mesmer. Even if it had good dps the gameplay is press 2 most of the time. That can become boring really fast.

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Well actually, im running wellomancer meme in pvp as well. Healwell, corrupiton well , suffering well, power well, elite shout


Blood 1-3-1

Spite 2-2-3

Reaper 3-2-1


Works just fine and i always get at least a minimum of 2 topstats on my reaper. Sometimes you will even get the healing topstat.


For pve i recommend playing meta condi pve scrourge

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> Love all the positivism, don't get me wrong, but if we just blatantly keep ignoring the real issue at hand, ANet doesnt have a _real_ incentive to do anything about it either!


So being negative and complaining about performance IS a real incentive? What game have you been playing?


And yes, reaper is viable ... whatever that means. Play what you like OP ... the game is made for it.

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Necro itself is not a team profession. Many think ppl dont want necro because of lack if dmg but mainly its because of lack of utility.

Condi necro can atleast spread condis from enemy to enemy.

Power necro can mainly deal dmg and because many classes out dmg necro it isnt chosen often into groups.

Reaper itself is fun to play and i like its mechanic over scourge. Its just awesome to reap thru enemy lines with its big scythe.

For T1 and T2 fractals it should work fine. After that it will get outperformed fast.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Necro itself is not a team profession. Many think ppl dont want necro because of lack if dmg but mainly its because of lack of utility.

> Condi necro can atleast spread condis from enemy to enemy.

> Power necro can mainly deal dmg and because many classes out dmg necro it isnt chosen often into groups.

> Reaper itself is fun to play and i like its mechanic over scourge. Its just awesome to reap thru enemy lines with its big scythe.

> For T1 and T2 fractals it should work fine. After that it will get outperformed fast.


I am not sure I agree with this. I run power reaper with blood magic and wells. I deal very good damage and am able to not only revive faster (and get an extra heal out of it) but I can revive with Well of Blood itself, bring MINOR healing and attack boost via Vampiric Presence (a lot of people underestimate this in PvE; I have often healed a third of my health back with one RS4 albeit with lots of enemies around) provide protection and convert condis to boons with Well of Power. Sure other classes, even Scourge, can do it and mostly better, but I wouldn't say that power reaper has absolutely 0 utility. All this on T4.

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Necro itself is not a team profession. Many think ppl dont want necro because of lack if dmg but mainly its because of lack of utility.

> > Condi necro can atleast spread condis from enemy to enemy.

> > Power necro can mainly deal dmg and because many classes out dmg necro it isnt chosen often into groups.

> > Reaper itself is fun to play and i like its mechanic over scourge. Its just awesome to reap thru enemy lines with its big scythe.

> > For T1 and T2 fractals it should work fine. After that it will get outperformed fast.


> I am not sure I agree with this. I run power reaper with blood magic and wells. I deal very good damage and am able to not only revive faster (and get an extra heal out of it) but I can revive with Well of Blood itself, bring MINOR healing and attack boost via Vampiric Presence (a lot of people underestimate this in PvE; I have often healed a third of my health back with one RS4 albeit with lots of enemies around) provide protection and convert condis to boons with Well of Power. Sure other classes, even Scourge, can do it and mostly better, but I wouldn't say that power reaper has absolutely 0 utility. All this on T4.


Yeah no utility is kinda an exaggeration.

But other classes bring more utility most of the time, thats basically what i ment.

Life steal reaper is something thats very nice for Pugs i have to say, for an organized group it doesnt seemed to neccesary though.

My guild leader is running a zealit gear scourge just for the lulz, but it works surprizingly well to rez ppl and sustain them.

A bit more utility to necro would be gret though.

Overhauling minions, spectrals, and other akills and tinker with traits to hive necro more CC abbilities or just more mobility and stability would be great too.

In general necro suffers from the "core needs an update" syndrome also other professions are going thru right now. Its especially noticable after mesmer got its core overhaul.


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I have been having a renewed blast in PvP with power reaper. We got mostly buffed in the last patch (none of the nerfs hit my build) and most other specs did get hit, making power reaper even stronger. We don't really suffer at all from a straight-up design perspective. We survive well, we do damage well, and we can rez downed allies very very well.


But in Conquest, we just don't have a clear-cut role like many other classes. This just means you have to play extra hard to make sure you are adding value to the match. Low mobility and, other than rezzing (allies usually do NOT stand in your healing well lol), low group support, make it hard to be "meta" because other specs will specialize in the Conquest meta better and have more defined roles.


If the PvP system was more like battelgrounds from WoW (a random selection of maps / game modes when queuing), I think Reaper would be without a doubt the preferred necro eSpec. Scourge is just a disgustingly designed class because conquest-only PvP.


Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. Like always, you're USUALLY better off sticking with one spec/build and mastering it, rather than chasing the fotm.

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> @"pah.4931" said:



> Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. Like always, you're USUALLY better off sticking with one spec/build and mastering it, rather than chasing the fotm.



Not really. Cause class cannon would mean, that everyone would just oneshot necro, because of zero good defensive abilities, while others still have many evades or mobility on weapon skills. Or some unvulnerable traits/abilities.



Well i played a well reaper and it worked just fine for my placements. But in wvw that would rlly suck. And pvp doesnt count. There is no build diversity at all, because i cannot combine stats as i want to.



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Im running the wellomancer like Nimons and ill say that its pretty decent. Youll always cop some top stats & be a solid gold player and more if you avoid the derps. Scourge just isnt as engaging if you ask me. Ive been bagged prior to start to go meta heaps but at the end of the match they went silent at stat screen. Keep the reaper going.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> >

> >

> > Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. Like always, you're USUALLY better off sticking with one spec/build and mastering it, rather than chasing the fotm.



> Not really. Cause class cannon would mean, that everyone would just oneshot necro, because of zero good defensive abilities, while others still have many evades or mobility on weapon skills. Or some unvulnerable traits/abilities.



> Well i played a well reaper and it worked just fine for my placements. But in wvw that would rlly suck. And pvp doesnt count. There is no build diversity at all, because i cannot combine stats as i want to.




If you're getting one-shot as a Power Reaper, then you're doing it wrong. Sure, if you get focused by 3 players, you will melt, but I am almost NEVER 1v1 ganked (if I get jumped on the road with 0 LF and the opponent lands all crits then MAYBE). Paladin amulet is your friend. You SHOULD be able to face tank a lot of that burst, then killing your opponent is pretty easy (because they are a glass canon). With that said, I would LOVE a block/invuln/teleport :D


Ranged attacks are your only real weakness. A cheese deadeye can wreck you if you are totally unaware, but deadeyes are usually easy, especially if you're team isn't terrible.


I don't play WvW.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

>Paladin amulet is your friend.

This and cavalier... the last is the most underrated stat / amulet for power reaper in a power burst / glass canon meta! Just go for Bitter Chill, Death Perception and Decimate Defenses in a Axe+Focus/GS build and stack vulnerability like crazy. You end up with marauder like damage on 3k+ armor.


Since they ignore our shroud cd requests I guess this is how Anet wants us to play reaper in PvP/WvW as the cavalier armor overkill lets us survive the 10s shroud cd with ease even when facing a thief.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. Like always, you're USUALLY better off sticking with one spec/build and mastering it, rather than chasing the fotm.

> >

> >

> > Not really. Cause class cannon would mean, that everyone would just oneshot necro, because of zero good defensive abilities, while others still have many evades or mobility on weapon skills. Or some unvulnerable traits/abilities.

> >

> >

> > Well i played a well reaper and it worked just fine for my placements. But in wvw that would rlly suck. And pvp doesnt count. There is no build diversity at all, because i cannot combine stats as i want to.

> >

> >


> If you're getting one-shot as a Power Reaper, then you're doing it wrong. Sure, if you get focused by 3 players, you will melt, but I am almost NEVER 1v1 ganked (if I get jumped on the road with 0 LF and the opponent lands all crits then MAYBE). Paladin amulet is your friend. You SHOULD be able to face tank a lot of that burst, then killing your opponent is pretty easy (because they are a glass canon). With that said, I would LOVE a block/invuln/teleport :D


> Ranged attacks are your only real weakness. A cheese deadeye can wreck you if you are totally unaware, but deadeyes are usually easy, especially if you're team isn't terrible.


> I don't play WvW.


See. Thats exactly the problem.


In wvw its complete opposite.

If you get ganked, you will most likely loose to 80% of your opponents.

The rest is either bad players or people, who think that they dont have to dodge necro attacks, because its weak or because they think, reaper players are bad because they dont play scourge.



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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> >Paladin amulet is your friend.

> This and cavalier... the last is the most underrated stat / amulet for power reaper in a power burst / glass canon meta! Just go for Bitter Chill, Death Perception and Decimate Defenses in a Axe+Focus/GS build and stack vulnerability like crazy. You end up with marauder like damage on 3k+ armor.


> Since they ignore our shroud cd requests I guess this is how Anet wants us to play reaper in PvP/WvW as the cavalier armor overkill lets us survive the 10s shroud cd with ease even when facing a thief.


I'll have to give Cavalier a try!


I like the extra power and balance of Paladin (cuz there are still some condi builds), but I could see how having tons of toughness might help out quite a bit.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > >Paladin amulet is your friend.

> > This and cavalier... the last is the most underrated stat / amulet for power reaper in a power burst / glass canon meta! Just go for Bitter Chill, Death Perception and Decimate Defenses in a Axe+Focus/GS build and stack vulnerability like crazy. You end up with marauder like damage on 3k+ armor.

> >

> > Since they ignore our shroud cd requests I guess this is how Anet wants us to play reaper in PvP/WvW as the cavalier armor overkill lets us survive the 10s shroud cd with ease even when facing a thief.


> I'll have to give Cavalier a try!


> I like the extra power and balance of Paladin (cuz there are still some condi builds), but I could see how having tons of toughness might help out quite a bit.

Paladin is good and suitable for most scenarios - esp. if you don't like the Axe+Focus/GS weaponset which is a key component for cavalier.


Cavalier is further a good option if you run Spite/SR/Reaper because you don't nessessarily need the vitality Paladin gives you because SR and Vital Persistance boost your LF. The second reason is that the alternative traits to Bitter Chill, Death Perception and Decimate Defenses are pretty underwhelming on power reaper. So traiting massively into critical chance is a viable option without many drawbacks.


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> >Paladin amulet is your friend.

> This and cavalier... the last is the most underrated stat / amulet for power reaper in a power burst / glass canon meta! Just go for Bitter Chill, Death Perception and Decimate Defenses in a Axe+Focus/GS build and stack vulnerability like crazy. You end up with marauder like damage on 3k+ armor.


> Since they ignore our shroud cd requests I guess this is how Anet wants us to play reaper in PvP/WvW as the cavalier armor overkill lets us survive the 10s shroud cd with ease even when facing a thief.




You know what class cannon means?

Its not investing in defensive stats. And cavalier does a lot.


And with the things mentioned above, you will loose so much lf generation, or defensive options, that you will die to any condibuild.


Vitality i good against power and condi.

Toughness only against power, so why would i pick toughness?

Esp while scourge is still meta


And tbh. That would change nothing.

Cause everyone else would run class cannon as well.

Do u rlly think you can survive thief burst?


Sure u can activate shroud, but then ur lf is gone

And if you dont activate shroud, you will die.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. .


No, Reaper performs worse the higher the damage getting thrown around is. Shroud is a non-scaling defense mechanic, the size of your LF bar and your LF generation do not in any way scale with incoming damage. This means the higher the incoming damage is the less and less effective Reaper is, and the lower the incoming damage the more effective reaper is. This is contrast to avoidance mechanics like dodges, blocks, or invulns, which scale perfectly regardless of how much damage is getting thrown around.


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Vitality i good against power and condi.

> Toughness only against power, so why would i pick toughness?

> Esp while scourge is still meta


Because you're a T3 health class with trash tier self-healing, which means you can't effectively refill your giant health bar which means your vitality has little value beyond the first few seconds of a fight. Toughness actually reduces the damage you take which is vastly more important in a protracted fight.


The only reason necromancers run vitality is because our Life Force bar scales with it, outside of that vitality has little to no value to necromancers.


As for toughness not working against condi, that fact is irrelevant. 90% of the damage you take in the current meta is going to be power damage. Even Scourge puts out a decent amount of power damage. Besides you shouldn't be taking a engage against a Scourge as a Reaper since Scourge will mop the floor with you regardless of how much vitality you stack, and nobody outside of Scourge runs condi in this meta.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. .


> No, Reaper performs worse the higher the damage getting thrown around is. Shroud is a non-scaling defense mechanic, the size of your LF bar and your LF generation do not in any way scale with incoming damage. This means the higher the incoming damage is the less and less effective Reaper is, and the lower the incoming damage the more effective reaper is. This is contrast to avoidance mechanics like dodges, blocks, or invulns, which scale perfectly regardless of how much damage is getting thrown around.


> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Vitality i good against power and condi.

> > Toughness only against power, so why would i pick toughness?

> > Esp while scourge is still meta


> Because you're a T3 health class with trash tier self-healing, which means you can't effectively refill your giant health bar which means your vitality has little value beyond the first few seconds of a fight. Toughness actually reduces the damage you take which is vastly more important in a protracted fight.


> The only reason necromancers run vitality is because our Life Force bar scales with it, outside of that vitality has little to no value to necromancers.


> As for toughness not working against condi, that fact is irrelevant. 90% of the damage you take in the current meta is going to be power damage. Even Scourge puts out a decent amount of power damage. Besides you shouldn't be taking a engage against a Scourge as a Reaper since Scourge will mop the floor with you regardless of how much vitality you stack, and nobody outside of Scourge runs condi in this meta.



I definetly will try that power,precision,toughness, ferocity then. Right now i played marauder with wells and it worked perfectly fine. I could easy 1v1 any scourge.

But most of the times they have someone else with them.


But i think i might be too squishy then:





Oh and btw. I met a lot of condi-druids im my last 10 matches

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > Anyways. In a glass canon meta, power reaper can really shine. .


> No, Reaper performs worse the higher the damage getting thrown around is. Shroud is a non-scaling defense mechanic, the size of your LF bar and your LF generation do not in any way scale with incoming damage. This means the higher the incoming damage is the less and less effective Reaper is, and the lower the incoming damage the more effective reaper is. This is contrast to avoidance mechanics like dodges, blocks, or invulns, which scale perfectly regardless of how much damage is getting thrown around.


> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Vitality i good against power and condi.

> > Toughness only against power, so why would i pick toughness?

> > Esp while scourge is still meta


> Because you're a T3 health class with trash tier self-healing, which means you can't effectively refill your giant health bar which means your vitality has little value beyond the first few seconds of a fight. Toughness actually reduces the damage you take which is vastly more important in a protracted fight.


> The only reason necromancers run vitality is because our Life Force bar scales with it, outside of that vitality has little to no value to necromancers.


> As for toughness not working against condi, that fact is irrelevant. 90% of the damage you take in the current meta is going to be power damage. Even Scourge puts out a decent amount of power damage. Besides you shouldn't be taking a engage against a Scourge as a Reaper since Scourge will mop the floor with you regardless of how much vitality you stack, and nobody outside of Scourge runs condi in this meta.



The point is that because other specs are building around doing as much damage as possible, Reapers are able to play more defensively while still pumping out a decent amount of damage. When the other team is made up of squishy bursters, you play around their burst and then DESTROY them with ease. The recent patch reduces damage (on some classes) and defenses, both good things for Reaper -- and many people overcompensated the loss of damage by going even glassier, which makes a Power Reaper drool. We still suffer from not having a role in this lame Conquest-Only design, and our only problem is burst from range (which shouldn't really be a thing... melee SHOULD always do more damage than range, but Anet has some really odd design principles).

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > >Paladin amulet is your friend.

> > This and cavalier... the last is the most underrated stat / amulet for power reaper in a power burst / glass canon meta! Just go for Bitter Chill, Death Perception and Decimate Defenses in a Axe+Focus/GS build and stack vulnerability like crazy. You end up with marauder like damage on 3k+ armor.

> >

> > Since they ignore our shroud cd requests I guess this is how Anet wants us to play reaper in PvP/WvW as the cavalier armor overkill lets us survive the 10s shroud cd with ease even when facing a thief.


> LoL


> You know what class cannon means?

> Its not investing in defensive stats. And cavalier does a lot.


> And with the things mentioned above, you will loose so much lf generation, or defensive options, that you will die to any condibuild.


> Vitality i good against power and condi.

> Toughness only against power, so why would i pick toughness?

> Esp while scourge is still meta


> And tbh. That would change nothing.

> Cause everyone else would run class cannon as well.

> Do u rlly think you can survive thief burst?


> Sure u can activate shroud, but then ur lf is gone

> And if you dont activate shroud, you will die.

I play the builds I am posting here in this forum on a daily basis and with success against way above average players. That's something you can't say about yourself. All you do all day is complain about necro - over and over again. And there is a lot of theoycrafting in your posts which is just wrong and shows your lack of understanding of game mechanics. You would have noticed that if you actually would play necro on a high skill level.


Following your post history I ask myself why you play the class at all as you seem to be pretty bad at it since you don't seem to understrand the necro's mechanical characteristics and how to use them properly.


Sorry but remarks from you can't be taken seriously.


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