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Bought Game in 2012 -- Want Reduced Prices on Expansions

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> >

> > > That's not a reason to reward someone. **That's entitlement to the most extreme.** You're reward was access to play since the time you purchased it.

> >

> > Not really. Getting access to all char slots in definitely not that. I expect that when I purchase the core game it seems cut down and money grabby the way it is atm with micro transaction to unlock the ability have access to all professions.

> >

> >


> Yes really. You don't understand what you are paying for if this is how you think. You pay for access, not ownership (Have a GOOD look at the EULA). You paid for access based on it's value to YOU at the time you made the purchase, not based on the value to someone else in the future based on their purchase. That's nonsense.


This is when people get all righteous about not reading legal documents they agree to. Yes, that is the complaint I typically see.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> I bought the game initially when it first came out for the whopping price of 59.99. I didn't play long because the group I was playing with moved on to something else. But recently a new group of friends decided to try the game out and they bought the Path of Fire DLC for 29.99. I hopped back on with them thinking that there must be a lower priced upgrade option for players who had the audacity to support the company at the release date or even a reward for being one of the early players who forked over 60 dollars. That is not the case at all I must pay the full price for the game meaning that in order for me to get the full content on the game I will have to have invested 110 dollars compared to the brand new player who only pays 50. Why would you mock the players who invested early, it is beyond me.


what about the gw1 players who went crazy over acheivments and to get the Hall of monuments stuff but have a HoM thats the same old crap as launch? HoM was like a secondary home instance and turned to a dead wtf space in game?

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> @"Tman.6349" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

> > >

> > > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)

> >

> > As much as that's loyal and decent of you (I too have invested lots of money.. and time into the game since pre-launch) that is a choice thing that is not forced on you. Purchasing the game is the investment, the support and is what the business model is primarily designed around. The gemstore is added extra.. much needed no doubt but its optional as is purchasing expansions. That said if players choose not to buy expansions then they stand a chance of being left behind and placed at a disadvantage.. but that again is the choice put to us all, they have still supported this game by purchasing the core product.

> > Just because we choose to spend money in the store does not mean others have not supported the game.. so your counter is in fact moot.


> How much money do you imagine goes into 4 years of creating a triple a game w/o seeing any returns? Your 'investment' paid a bunch of investors. The cash shop is the business model for any such game that hopes to be around for more than 100 hrs play time.


Sorry I disagree.

Where does it state that you must use the gemstore to play the game.

ANET to my knowledge have never stated anything after initial purchase would be free but they do push out quite a bit of additional free stuff by way of updates, patches, QoL stuff, but nowhere have they said things like expansions would be free and rightly so.


That said they also do not state players must use the cashcow store, but like any business they need to find ways to make money, which in turn pays for ongoing development, and increasing costs, but those are choices we make not what are forced on us.

Do I like the cashcow approach in GW2.. not really, but it was inevitable it was going to play a major part in supporting the game going forward once initial costs had been covered/repaid and more so after F2P accounts were brought in.

So yeah I expected expansions to cost money, though for a first expansion I do believe they handled it poorly and annoyed a lot of players with their costing strategy, but they did something that few companies do and that is try to appease the situation by offering players a little extra after the forum furore, sure it was only an extra toon slot but it was more about the gesture, they took ownership of their mistake to a degree. The next expansion didn't make the same mistake.

We would all like things for free but as someone who has ran their own company for just short of twenty years currently, it's sadly just not possible so we have to keep dangling the worms in the pond in the hope we can snare a few whales to help sustain us through the next business cycle while efforts are focused on bringing the next phase of evolution to fruition


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> @"Scolix.4879" said:

> I don't understood this you bought the game 5 or 6 years ago and you are complaining about 60 bucks during that time you should have made that money back many times over by doing even the most minimum amount of work.


I worked it out, I have saved around £5000 in beer money by playing GW2.. I guess that's made me an Altoholic :(

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I don't understand how/what you are disagreeing with tbh. Seems like we're on the same page from what you quoted.


Also, the character slot with Hot wasn't about getting a freebie or anything extra (and def has nothing to do with veteran players). It was about Anet releasing an expansion with a new profession with HoT (which sold in the upper end of normal expac prices) and many people feeling like they we're 'double dipping' by not including a char slot as folks would feel obligated to buy one. It had nothing to do with entitled people years down the road.

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> @"Tman.6349" said:

> Also, the character slot with Hot wasn't about getting a freebie or anything extra (and def has nothing to do with veteran players). It was about Anet releasing an expansion with a new profession with HoT (which sold in the upper end of normal expac prices) and many people feeling like they we're 'double dipping' by not including a char slot as folks would feel obligated to buy one. It had nothing to do with entitled people years down the road.


I don’t know what other people think about that and the character slot that didn’t come with HoT until that huge thread about it, which eventually went to people who pre-purchased got a free character slot. I pre-purchased HoT, and bought my own character slot before Anet decided to succumb to the complaining.

I honestly think Anet didn’t originally include the slot because it would mean increasing the maximum allowance, it is a lot of data to store for an account if you think about it. Those complaints were also ‘entitlement’ expectations from players towards Anet.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).


> One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.


> Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.


Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).


> One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.


> Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.


I think you need to redefine scummy practice, before using the term.


Let's take a couple of triple A examples.


Guild Wars 2, you can pay $90 or so, and get every single piece of content available. That's HoT, PoF, obviously the core game and both seasons of Living story.


WoW would cost you about the same amount, and $15 a month, every single month you play. I'm pretty sure FF XIV would be more, and $15 a month.


But a lot of companies charged a $15 fee when they launched, and people paid that fee for a year or six months or whatever, afterwhich it went buy to play for everyone who wasn't there. And some of those companies still have an "optional" subscription.


Other games are simply pay to win, or have prices in the cash shop that make the prices here look ridiculous. $20 for an outfit in BDO that you can only use on one character is a good example.


If you want to get five years worth of content, you're paying $90 all up. Not sure on what planet anyone would consider that scummy.



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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> >

> > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> >

> > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.


> I think you need to redefine scummy practice, before using the term.


> Let's take a couple of triple A examples.


> Guild Wars 2, you can pay $90 or so, and get every single piece of content available. That's HoT, PoF, obviously the core game and both seasons of Living story.


> WoW would cost you about the same amount, and $15 a month, every single month you play. I'm pretty sure FF XIV would be more, and $15 a month.


> But a lot of companies charged a $15 fee when they launched, and people paid that fee for a year or six months or whatever, afterwhich it went buy to play for everyone who wasn't there. And some of those companies still have an "optional" subscription.


> Other games are simply pay to win, or have prices in the cash shop that make the prices here look ridiculous. $20 for an outfit in BDO that you can only use on one character is a good example.


> If you want to get five years worth of content, you're paying $90 all up. Not sure on what planet anyone would consider that scummy.




I had just woken up and not had my coffee yet, cut me some slack you know I'm a bit melodramatic.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> >

> > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> >

> > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.


> Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.


That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> > >

> > > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> > >

> > > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.

> >

> > Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.


> That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".


> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> > >

> > > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> > >

> > > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.

> >

> > Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.


> That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".


Becouse unlike any of these 3 gw2 dont have a sub or optional sub with restrictions.

Would you be happy to get it bundled but having to pay 15 bucks a month?

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> > >

> > > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> > >

> > > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.

> >

> > Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.


> That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".


Old content in wow is irrelevant. In gw2 hardly any content is irrelevant. And besides 10 for the entirety of a season seems fair since its a 1 time purchase.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> > > >

> > > > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> > > >

> > > > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.

> > >

> > > Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.

> >

> > That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".


> Old content in wow is irrelevant. In gw2 hardly any content is irrelevant. And besides 10 for the entirety of a season seems fair since its a 1 time purchase.


They could have a gold edition like the one eso has but that already higher than buying the base game alone so i dont see a diff with paying 50€ in a bulk and paying 30 from the start then another 10 or so down the line.

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Whatever consume-good you buy, will have (nearly) no value left after 5 years, that's normal.

E.g. look at the game prices at steam, 60$if new, 5$ if a few years old.

It was just your decision to buy at release and not play 5 years ago that wasted your 60$, if you bought Gw2 2 years later in a special price champaign and did not play you would have wasted only 10$ ;)


Now this money is long gone and is completely irrelevant for buying an expansion.

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Quote from a movie of the 90's:

> Kevin McCallister: **" ... I had a nice pair of rollerblades. I was afraid to wreck them, so I kept them in a box. Do you know what happened? I outgrew them. I never wore them outside. Only in my room a few times."**


That's just what happened, and now, if Kevin would ask for some new fitting rollerblades for lesser money than what they are worth; I ask you, dear OP, would he get them cheaper?

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> @"Kitty.6219" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I'd be interested to see the statement where ArenaNet said "_all future_ content will be free".


> Careful what you wish for, then we will get gathering tools, salvage kits, waypoint tokens in rng loot boxes x3


The only 'wish' in the quoted statement is proof of ArenaNet claiming, "All future content would be free".

Pretty sure there is no such thing.


(p.s. We, fyi, already get 2 of the 3 as random loot in bags, chests, etc.)

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> @"Tman.6349" said:

> I don't understand how/what you are disagreeing with tbh. Seems like we're on the same page from what you quoted.


> Also, the character slot with Hot wasn't about getting a freebie or anything extra (and def has nothing to do with veteran players). It was about Anet releasing an expansion with a new profession with HoT (which sold in the upper end of normal expac prices) and many people feeling like they we're 'double dipping' by not including a char slot as folks would feel obligated to buy one. It had nothing to do with entitled people years down the road.


I believe it _did_ have to do with veteran players, as one must have owned the Core game before Heart of Thorns was announced to be eligible for the free character slot.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> > >

> > > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> > >

> > > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.

> >

> > Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.


> That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".


It would seem more consumer-friendly to offer the ability to acquire past Living World Seasons with in-game Gold, than a bundle offer at initial purchase (even though that is available for Season Two at check-out). Probably avoids all those threads/posts that would appear on the forum condemning ArenaNet for not pushing the ability to acquire the content at no real money cost before purchasing the game.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Tman.6349" said:

> > I don't understand how/what you are disagreeing with tbh. Seems like we're on the same page from what you quoted.

> >

> > Also, the character slot with Hot wasn't about getting a freebie or anything extra (and def has nothing to do with veteran players). It was about Anet releasing an expansion with a new profession with HoT (which sold in the upper end of normal expac prices) and many people feeling like they we're 'double dipping' by not including a char slot as folks would feel obligated to buy one. It had nothing to do with entitled people years down the road.


> I believe it _did_ have to do with veteran players, as one must have owned the Core game before Heart of Thorns was announced to be eligible for the free character slot.


I was referring to the context of the thread, not the tangent. Of course it was applicable to veterans, but not because some sense of entitlement b/c 'I invested in the game years ago'. I guess I thought the quote made that clearer than it did...

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> Its poor business practice to go that game you payed 60 dollars for we're gonna make free and kitten you guys for buying early we're all about the new players kitten the old


I suppose you're sourcing this from your extensive time leading a MMO studio?


Because the rest if the industry disagrees with you, so you should tutor them!

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Don't most games go down in price within a few months after release? Why should this be any different?

This is the only game I pay full price up front for. The rest I wait until they are cheaper. Being this is an MMO, I like to say current.

Don't want to get the feel of being left behind. I have seen one game in the past, it was almost half price within two weeks of release.

I don't think its punishment. In the gaming industry it just the way it is.

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> @"Tman.6349" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Tman.6349" said:

> > > I don't understand how/what you are disagreeing with tbh. Seems like we're on the same page from what you quoted.

> > >

> > > Also, the character slot with Hot wasn't about getting a freebie or anything extra (and def has nothing to do with veteran players). It was about Anet releasing an expansion with a new profession with HoT (which sold in the upper end of normal expac prices) and many people feeling like they we're 'double dipping' by not including a char slot as folks would feel obligated to buy one. It had nothing to do with entitled people years down the road.

> >

> > I believe it _did_ have to do with veteran players, as one must have owned the Core game before Heart of Thorns was announced to be eligible for the free character slot.


> I was referring to the context of the thread, not the tangent. Of course it was applicable to veterans, but not because some sense of entitlement b/c 'I invested in the game years ago'. I guess I thought the quote made that clearer than it did...


Well, since only veteran players could take advantage of the offer, I guess it _did_ have something to do with veteran players. I believe many, if not a majority, of the laments at the time had to do with veterans feeling unappreciated, as well.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > > Because that's the way it is in a normal MMO business model, the reason the two expansions are still sold as seperate entities is because you do not need one to play the other (they are more like GW1 campaigns in that regard).

> > >

> > > One thing you haven't mentioned or discovered yet is the additional 10 to 20 dollars for each Living World Season. That right there is scummy because in order to even play them you need to have bought the corresponding game/expansion. In the industry standard content patches are included with the corresponding expansion or game in MMOs for example season 2 should be bundled with the game and season 3 with Heart of Thorns. Personally I think Heart of Thorns should include both of the previous seasons because quite frankly it was rediculously light on story content.

> > >

> > > Thankfully this is irrelevant to my wife and I because I was around to unlock it for free while it was current. For a new player though it is pretty crumby.

> >

> > Oh ye because no mmo locks their post launch content behind paywalls. Also each ep is 200gold on the gemstore and u can log in once every three months to save said ep for free.


> That practice is a slap in the face to any one that wants to come in as a new player. There's a reason why Cable Companies give you dirt cheap deals to get you to sign up because they charge you at normal rates later, most normal people will look at these tiny content patches for at least $10 a pop and say "why wasn't this bundled together with previous expansions like WoW does with it's Battle Chest, or Everquest does by bundling all of the previous content into the most recent iteration, just come up with a Gold Edition at a $60 price that has everything like Elder Scrolls Online offers?".


Everquest is a much older game and probably has little choice. WoW can afford to give you something for free since you pay $15 a month. You're still using words like a "slap in the face". No one is being slapped in the face. $90 for five years of content is fair anyway. And many current players have gotten $40 of that content for free. I'm not seeing a problem here.

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