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Repeatable hearts - do you do them?

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To be fair, I don't do unrepeatable hearts either. There aren't any hearts that I enjoy enough to do once except that they gate something else: the vendor, story progress, map completion, collections, etc.


There are some cool aspects of a huge number of hearts, but I object to having to remain in the same location for the amount of time required to complete them. I like helping the actors, cleaning up the dishes was hilarious, going stealth mode for the charr in Vanilla Tyria was fun... but none of that was fun doing it a dozen times in some cases (or 'several' times for stealth mode). It's like hearing your dad tell your sibling the same story he just told you... for the second time this week.

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I sometimes do them just as a to help the NPCs out. As a sort of role play aspect, or when I don't find any events. I can't say I would ever do them to unlock the merchant. Maybe the first time, then I see what I want, which is mostly nothing in particular. Sometimes I just do them for the fun of it, like catching all the bugs in the raptor camp at the start of PoF. It beats the running around a city or other random location trying to find out what to do.


I wish that hearts would branch out towards events, or would lead to events a bit more though. Or a bit have more persistence in the things that I just did. If I build up defenses I rather have that eventually lead to a defense event with some more rewards and scale, than just build up defenses, nothing really makes a difference no one really cares, even though they send out the same thank you letter again. I wouldn't mind if players doing hearts would permanently upgrade the area they are at. (In whichever way that makes sense. Either leading to interesting events or to more services, better defenses. Or something where it all blows up in our faces and starts over from the beginning. At least leading to something that moves away from the chores, as in you did some chores, have some epic events as a result, or now you gave people access to a tradingpost/bank/waypoint/special merchant/special bounty for the map instance for the next x minutes.



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I do hearts for map completion, to get a specific vendor and to get a vendor to sell junk to in areas I go to often. I can’t say I do them for the lulz, not after all these years although a couple of them are enjoyable.


Basically this but burdened with unnecessary sarcastic remarks

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I think Siren's landing did repeatable hearts the best since completing all 5 actually rewarded you with something. I did those hearts a lot since I wanted the pearls to get all the backpieces, and they were also fun and quick to do. Other than that repeatable hearts have not really captured that interest before or since, you can't really purchase anything regularly for completing them, get nothing from completing all the hearts in a map, and many of them are way overtuned.

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> @"autumnfrosts.6318" said:

> I do them once for the map completion, and after that only to get to the vendor... It's a bit frustrating if all I want to do is quickly buy something.


It makes sense for using karma to buy the map currency I suppose so you can buy it once a day, no more and no less. Where it breaks down is buying gathering tools or whatever. Just put that stuff in the zone's open vendor(s).

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I do hearts initially for map completion, to get access to the vendors (some of which sell items, such as spoons, needed for collections), and for the karma. I don't repeat them, at least not deliberately, except on alts going through the same maps for the first time. Too often, however, I find (and I think this is a result of the so-called "New Player Experience" redesign) I have completed hearts without even knowing I was doing them... that's like sneezing in the middle of swallowing my Scotch.

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I did all Tyria hearts once on my guardian. Now I don't do hearts, period.


I may sometimes stumble across an old heart I remember had some fun mechanics (the Charr Stealth one for example) and do it a bit for old laughs, but I never try to fill a heart, ever. The only heart completes I get is if I do the event that belongs to the heart.


I find Hearts a horrible design that should have been kept in the starter maps, perhaps in the 15-25 maps as well (in limited numbers), and then removed. The Orr maps have become my favorite Core maps for just that reason, and also one of the reasons I like the HOT maps.


I honestly thought it was the worst 1st April joke ever when someone told me they where adding "Repeatable Hearts". But ah well, I understand that others enjoy them, so more power to them, personally I'll just never bother with them.


Edit: Really hearts should just be a way to activate some local small Events or trigger specific events instead of the current iteration. Basically repeatable/trigger-able events.

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I do them "on purpose" if I need the vendor, but I also will finish them out if I've happened to do a nearby event and accidentally progressed it far enough to be worth it for the trickle of karma and opportunity to sell some junk. Except the raptor training one, which I sometimes do for no other reason than because it amuses me.

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Almost never. The one exception is in Bitterfrost, when I'm collecting berries. I usually finish the Grawl mission just because I'm there anyway and it only takes a few minutes to kill enough trolls and rock dogs to complete it. I usually don't bother buying the extra berries from the vendor though. I just take my 625 karma and go.

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