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Current state of Dragonhunter


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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Probably most fitting word for DH is: Decent

> Its good in all game modes. Not totally over the top but decent.

> Still awesome to play a permablock build to troll some ppl and i had a blast last week in a 2v2 match.


Not hard to beat when u have unblockables uptime on your side xD with some powercreep to melt it.

When u see the F2 wing interrupt it, DH player will be kittened.

Permablock only works against pve players that want to be carried with output damage on pvp....and dont know much about the game or the class they are playing.


Guard class has to many counters, due low mobility, low hp, defenses and utilities easy to ovewhelm, to much boon dependant while some classes have more and better boons for self sustain.


Imo they are the easyest class to call a free bag.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Probably most fitting word for DH is: Decent

> > Its good in all game modes. Not totally over the top but decent.

> > Still awesome to play a permablock build to troll some ppl and i had a blast last week in a 2v2 match.


> Not hard to beat when u have unblockables uptime on your side xD with some powercreep to melt it.

> When u see the F2 wing interrupt it, DH player will be kittened.

> Permablock only works against pve players that want to be carried with output damage on pvp....and dont know much about the game or the class they are playing.


> Guard class has to many counters, due low mobility, low hp, defenses and utilities easy to ovewhelm, to much boon dependant while some classes have more and better boons for self sustain.


> Imo they are the easyest class to call a free bag.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unblockable


One issue since PoF: "boon dependent." This has been a significant issue for both guardian, ele and to some extent rev. The boon removal/corruption is a major balance breaking issue. When a good portion of classes functionality is woven into boons, then you create builds that can so easily remove boons, you just deleted these classes from sPvP. There is a reason why no ele build is currently meta and guardian dps builds have been severely struggling. Power rev is a bit better, since much of your effectiveness relies on mobility, so you can avoid damage, but condi rev suffers from the same issues.


Anet solution: buff SW CD :/

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Probably most fitting word for DH is: Decent

> > Its good in all game modes. Not totally over the top but decent.

> > Still awesome to play a permablock build to troll some ppl and i had a blast last week in a 2v2 match.


> Not hard to beat when u have unblockables uptime on your side xD with some powercreep to melt it.

> When u see the F2 wing interrupt it, DH player will be kittened.

> Permablock only works against pve players that want to be carried with output damage on pvp....and dont know much about the game or the class they are playing.


> Guard class has to many counters, due low mobility, low hp, defenses and utilities easy to ovewhelm, to much boon dependant while some classes have more and better boons for self sustain.


> Imo they are the easyest class to call a free bag.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unblockable


Yeah i know its not real meta but i havent seen real meta stuff in 2v2. Most often i just mess arround with guildies. Its fun to play and a fantastic noob filter.

A nice trait like the weaver sword trait would be nice, so you would get some vitality depending on power or so. An adept tier would be good.

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> @"Darknicrofia.2604" said:

> DH could probably be decent if one of the minor DH traits buffed base health to 17k where you could get away with running Demolisher or Berserker amulet.


I started playing GW2 couple of month before HoT release. I never managed to understand the purpose of HP pools. They do not seem to have much logical reasoning.


My guess is that in the original design, ele and guardian had lower HP pools, but closed the gaps through boons accessibility, while thief relied on mobility and boon steal. And all three had slightly higher damage output.


As balance in PoF currently stands, HP pools make no sense at all. Just compare warrior and guardian, since both are heavy armor and mostly melee. We can give a slight edge to guardian in damage (though warrior has better burst in PvP). warrior has much better mobility, stronger sustainability, including better capability to avoid damage and better control options (daze, stun, cripple and boon removal). And of course 8k more HP. Also, as of the last current patch, better end game PvE dps.


And the above is not an isolated incident. Ele suffers from the exact same issues, and to a large extent rev too. No worries though, Anet is going to buff SW ammo reduction by an additional 5 secs next patch ?.





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> @"otto.5684" said:

> As balance in PoF currently stands, HP pools make no sense at all. Just compare warrior and guardian, since both are heavy armor and mostly melee. We can give a slight edge to guardian in damage (though warrior has better burst in PvP). warrior has much better mobility, stronger sustainability, including better capability to avoid damage and better control options (daze, stun, cripple and boon removal). And of course 8k more HP. Also, as of the last current patch, better end game PvE dps.


Guard can heal so much more however. In addition, although I agree that warrior has plenty of ways to block and evade, but guard has access to aegis which is arguably more forgiving than block because it "blocks the next attack within the next Xseconds". This means that a warrior can block everything for 3 seconds but guard can extend this to block _the next incoming attack_ for 10-20 seconds.

Guards can also benefit their party with aegis which is more than warriors are capable of.


In short - health pool base could be improved but nowhere near a warriors.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > As balance in PoF currently stands, HP pools make no sense at all. Just compare warrior and guardian, since both are heavy armor and mostly melee. We can give a slight edge to guardian in damage (though warrior has better burst in PvP). warrior has much better mobility, stronger sustainability, including better capability to avoid damage and better control options (daze, stun, cripple and boon removal). And of course 8k more HP. Also, as of the last current patch, better end game PvE dps.


> Guard can heal so much more however. In addition, although I agree that warrior has plenty of ways to block and evade, but guard has access to aegis which is arguably more forgiving than block because it "blocks the next attack within the next Xseconds". This means that a warrior can block everything for 3 seconds but guard can extend this to block _the next incoming attack_ for 10-20 seconds.

> Guards can also benefit their party with aegis which is more than warriors are capable of.


> In short - health pool base could be improved but nowhere near a warriors.


Other than bunker builds, sustainability is not a question of your healing capacity. It is usually a question of damage avoidance, while being able to heal without interruption (passive or otherwise), and your ability to just.. leave combat to reset the fight. Aegis might have been a big thing like 6 years ago, but now it is extremely limited. FB drops Aegis like candy on Halloween, yet FB dps is almost none existent.


I mentioned this in earlier post in this thread, but it is worth repeating. In terms of damage avoidance, guardian is the second worst, only ahead of necro. This is factoring Aegis and all possible blocks. I might be able to lead the score board in healing, but that means very little, because it does not count the tons of damage that other classes avoided.


And honest question here, lets say hypothetically that guardian has a large HP pool tomorrow, does that mean DH and core dps will dominate sPvP? Hell, no. They surely will be better, and have much better diversity as this opens up using Berserker, Demolisher and Griver amulets/builds. But again, the inability to avoid damage or drop out of combat is still there. Though DH damage will be no joke.


I do not have resolutions and I am not suggesting that guardian needs a large HP pool. But whatever the purpose of the original class designs regarding HP pools (among other things) is currently not applicable. As the game currently stands, guardian low HP pool + over reliance on boons for sustainability (and damage fore core) + lack of mobility, hold the class from being effective. It is not the worst, but buffing GS damage by 5% through a trait in Zeal line or ammo of SWs by 5 secs surely is not the answer.

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