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How do you get black lion key's?

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I stopped trying to farm them in game when I noticed it was boring to do.

> I realized:

> 1- Keys themselves weren't truly valuable, due RNG nature.

> 2- Farming them was a repetitive chore, a work I have to do when I should be getting fun.

> 3- The time invested "working" to get a key from the game was relevant.

> 4- My own pay per hour in my real work allowed me to get the cost of a key in less work-time.


> So now I buy them with cash because I requires less work-time from me and is more fun. I buy them in small batches (5) whenever they add a new patch, to support the game and try my luck. It has worked quite well so far.


> If I couldn't buy them with cash I wouldn't get them at all. They don't deserve such involvement.


So many times this! I saw it in many games where you can get something from store or farm yourself in game. And people spending many hours just to get *"free"* item from the store worth 3-5 bucks. Dude, even on minimal wage job you will get 5-10 bucks in one hour. Ok, in some games like WoW making billions of gold is fun on itself, I get it, but doing boring farm for 8 hours to get 5 bucks worth item? Could you please respect your own time and do something fun with it?


(and I'm sorry for necro)

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> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.


Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?

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> @"toyz.2450" said:

> > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.


> Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?


I hate RNG in general and will not pay for RNG items. I will support them by buying accounts upgrades, skins, and things like permanent harvesting tools, NOT stupid loot boxes with crappy drop rates.


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> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > @"toyz.2450" said:

> > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > > I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.

> >

> > Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?


> I hate RNG in general and will not pay for RNG items. I will support them by buying accounts upgrades, skins, and things like permanent harvesting tools, NOT stupid loot boxes with crappy drop rates.



TBH i dont know why the owner didn't drop this thread ; its been 2 years!

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> @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > > @"toyz.2450" said:

> > > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > > > I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.

> > >

> > > Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?

> >

> > I hate RNG in general and will not pay for RNG items. I will support them by buying accounts upgrades, skins, and things like permanent harvesting tools, NOT stupid loot boxes with crappy drop rates.

> >


> TBH i dont know why the owner didn't drop this thread ; its been 2 years!


The person who started the topic hasn't replied since the first post, so it looks like they have dropped it. And even if they wanted to most users can't lock topics, only moderators can do that.


Instead the way it usually works is that once a topic is old and irrelevant, or has been answered to the point where there's nothing else to say, everyone will stop replying to it without it having to be closed.

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> @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > > @"toyz.2450" said:

> > > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > > > I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.

> > >

> > > Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?

> >

> > I hate RNG in general and will not pay for RNG items. I will support them by buying accounts upgrades, skins, and things like permanent harvesting tools, NOT stupid loot boxes with crappy drop rates.

> >


> TBH i dont know why the owner didn't drop this thread ; its been 2 years!


To be fair you were the one who necroed this thread last, after it had been forgotten for 8 months. ( some other did nice necros aswell to be fair)

Should you really complain about the OP mate?

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> @"toyz.2450" said:

> > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > I refuse to pay RL money for keys. I will not encourage this practice, but i will do the weekly key run or if I have gold burning a hole in my wallet I will exchange it for gems when the keys are on sale.


> Why though? Game has no subscription, and it's really good game, why not drop like $5 bucks to support A.net?


Because it's gambling and the game sucks.

People stop paying cash for a good reason. A-Net should put all effort into the playable part of the game, not into "how to get money without putting effort into the game"

People are on rage fort a long time but were silenced by new players coming in, making up for that rage. But now when those guys are grown up

and no new people are coming A-Net faces double the rage.


I see it that way: If i play real money for a game i want all armour or weapons or whatever available and just focus on playing. And the huge majority in this game sees it the same way. If A-net wants my money, give me more playing or get lost. GW1 had it perfectly figured out.


But i don't handle only A-Net like that. I stay away from any game with that behaviour, i was just tricked by A-Net as a GW1 player with thousands of broken promises.

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  • 10 months later...

> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > @"silverfox.1056" said:

> > I know you use to be able to farm them by doing the beginning story over and over, but if I'm not mistaken they nerfed it so you could only do it once a week or something like that. Is buying them really the only (efficient) way?


> My advice to you is to NOT get them. They are absolutely worthless. Got myself 100 keys for Christmas and got nothing but junk. Only 7 keys yielded a 5th slot and of that only one got a skin worth about 20 gold... 5th slot drop rate is absolutely atrocious. It is just a waste of money. On the subject of rare drops, the same seems to go for dyes, their drop rate is stupidly low too. I don't mind spending money but this is just ridiculous.


I think the black lion chests are meant to reward you the secure things like black lion statuettes and they are “valuable in a way” if you didn’t previously buy the upgradable items that can be brought with statuettes like for example miner tron or logger tron, that permanently upgrades your mining pick and so and so, or nodes, with 100 of these you can afford a new node, out of several nodes that are available to buy so it would mean you need to open a lot of black lion chest to get each of these nodes. Plus if what you wanted was a good drop, you would be able to buy a gold key worth I believe 50 statuettes, so every 50 chest you have a chance at getting a good drop for sure, that’s before the 50 where you could probably drop something good from them first. They are just meant to be a not so hardcore item that if done over and over again can be rewarded immensely in the long run, but when I read comments like that I think that they don’t understand it’s a lot more effort than just “100” openings to reap the real possible rewards that could be retrieved from this item in particular. Someone pushing they’re luck with a finite number that “seems” high is not gonna get “that reward” as someone who is cool with opening 101 if that is “enough” to get the item they are looking forward to getting.


So opening 100 black lion chest does reward you well no matter if you open 1 or 100, it’s the same drop chance, there is no more or less chance the more you open. I mean I am well happy enough to just have black lion statuettes that I can trade in for something of value, and if I was looking at really trying to get something valuable out of the chest, I will no doubt you can bet your bottom dollar be trading statuettes for that golden key, as I am sure you don’t get people saying, I opened 100 golden key worth of black lion chest and didn’t get what I wanted.

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