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Can we have appearance change for gold?

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But **without** exclusive hair/colors/faces etc.


It definitely good thing to have in the game.


It came to my mind because my character need only slightly eye shape change, and it will be totally waste to buy Total makeover kit just for it. And i bet i am not only one.



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There was a topic not long ago where someone suggested the price of makeovers should be based on the number and type of changes made. So something small like changing 1 slider or your eye colour would be very cheap, bigger changes like a new hair style would be a bit more expensive and multiple changes would be added together - but with a maximum price of 350 gems - the current price of a total makeover kit.


You'd still have to pay in gems, but you can buy those with gold so it comes to the same thing.

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I have the permanent hair contract, but I still think it'd be a good idea to let players do it for gold directly. Converting gold to gems will cost a player ~67g just to get a haircut. A makeover would be around 95g. Adding this without making the exclusives available will additionally preserve some of the value of the gem kits. Heck, you could even put a limit on how frequently it can be used. I think this would be a great feature to add.

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Maybe they should just sell 'tokens'

and every aspect change in appearance costs a token

1. Face+Eyes (any face, any eyes, and the use of the sliders that shape the eyes and face)

2. Hair (style and/or colour)

3. Body (size, skin-colour, physique)


so a full make-over costs 3 tokens, and any one aspect costs 1 token.


does that sound logical?

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Can we have nickname change for gold?

But without exclusive letters such as A,O,E,I,Y, U.

It definitely good thing to have in the game.

It came to my mind because my character need only slightly 2nd name change, and it will be totally waste to buy name change contract just for it.



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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I think their current business practice is more beneficial to them.


Not necessarily. If everyone who wants to make a small change is currently buying a Total Makeover Kit to do it then yes, it's absolutely better for Anet not to add more options. But if instead they're going without making those changes - and therefore going without spending any money - then it's a loss for Anet too.


Getting 50 gems is better than _not_ getting 350 gems.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I think their current business practice is more beneficial to them.


> Not necessarily. If everyone who wants to make a small change is currently buying a Total Makeover Kit to do it then yes, it's absolutely better for Anet not to add more options. But if instead they're going without making those changes - and therefore going without spending any money - then it's a loss for Anet too.


> Getting 50 gems is better than _not_ getting 350 gems.


That's common argument that appears every time people complain about bundles. I'm pretty sure they ran simulations and they know what's better for their wallets.

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Possibly a dumb question here. People who spend gold to purchase gems are buying gems that others have already purchased as far as I am aware. This being the case, wouldn't small gem transactions like the one proposed only drive up the price of gems in the gem to gold market?

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> @"Nilson.9865" said:

> Can we have nickname change for gold?

> But without exclusive letters such as A,O,E,I,Y, U.

> It definitely good thing to have in the game.

> It came to my mind because my character need only slightly 2nd name change, and it will be totally waste to buy name change contract just for it.



Looks like you very smart and educated.


Character appearance is much more complicated than just a nickname. They are not comparable.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I think their current business practice is more beneficial to them.

> >

> > Not necessarily. If everyone who wants to make a small change is currently buying a Total Makeover Kit to do it then yes, it's absolutely better for Anet not to add more options. But if instead they're going without making those changes - and therefore going without spending any money - then it's a loss for Anet too.

> >

> > Getting 50 gems is better than _not_ getting 350 gems.


> That's common argument that appears every time people complain about bundles. I'm pretty sure they ran simulations and they know what's better for their wallets.


I'm sure they did consider many different options and where they had data on likely purchase patterns available that will have been used to decide (alongside other factors like making the system clear and easy to use).


But I work with similar data and trying to work out what people _aren't_ buying because it's not currently available isn't easy. There's very few ways to track a decision people did not make, especially without asking them. Maybe you can look at things like how many people use the Aesthetician, preview one or two small changes (if it's possible to track that), then look at the utility tab on the gem store (again, not sure they can tell that) and then do **not** buy a total make-over kit. But even then it's conjecture.


The best way is to get feedback from people on what they want to buy which isn't currently available. Of course that doesn't mean it's worth making. It might be too expensive, or there might not be enough people who want it, or it might actually be impossible (probably less of an issue in this case, but you never know). But at least they're aware of the desire, which they may not be if they rely purely on data about purchase patterns.


> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> Possibly a dumb question here. People who spend gold to purchase gems are buying gems that others have already purchased as far as I am aware. This being the case, wouldn't small gem transactions like the one proposed only drive up the price of gems in the gem to gold market?


Technically yes, but the gem/gold exchange rates fluctuate all the time, because people are always buying and selling gems. It takes something big to make a big change, like a sale in the gem store or the griffon mount, which lead to a lot of people exchanging gems for gold.


It would take a lot of people making a lot of changes to their character at once to shift the exchange rate.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I think their current business practice is more beneficial to them.


> Not necessarily. If everyone who wants to make a small change is currently buying a Total Makeover Kit to do it then yes, it's absolutely better for Anet not to add more options. But if instead they're going without making those changes - and therefore going without spending any money - then it's a loss for Anet too.


> Getting 50 gems is better than _not_ getting 350 gems.


Totally agree. I would definitely buy minor changes if they were available, but I don’t buy the total makeover unless I’m changing multiple things. There are a number of changes I would make right now if I could buy little tweaks.

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I've used a few of those kits for silly things, like changing the height of my Norn, just because I was sick of doing JP with a big norn (before the mini tonic). Or to change a single hairstyle (because I love those ponytails) etc.


As said above, I can understand a good bit of the things to be locked to the make-overs, but I think it feels a bit strange that my characters can't change their hair (or in the case of my Norn, actually grow some!)

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> I have the permanent hair contract, but I still think it'd be a good idea to let players do it for gold directly. Converting gold to gems will cost a player ~67g just to get a haircut. A makeover would be around 95g. Adding this without making the exclusives available will additionally preserve some of the value of the gem kits. Heck, you could even put a limit on how frequently it can be used. I think this would be a great feature to add.


This is a really great idea! Because 95 to even 100g isn't anything to shake at (unless you're one of those players who has gold making down to a science) and limiting how much it can be used still makes it a "premium" type of thing. Maybe like once a week? I don't know, I like this though because there's always times in my characters "stories" where they change their hair or "grow up" or something and I'd like to be able to do this more casually than seeing if I want to buy gems or hoping I get lucky with a black lion chest

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I know, right? The only thing I want to change is my skin color but wasting a total makeover kit on it feels silly. :c


Yes, I have a lot of those .... too short, color, face just looks eek. Things not worth an entire kit to change. Most of them I only saw after they were wearing their normal armor and/or were under different lighting than the character builder has.

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