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How do I deal with Mesmers


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Mesmers have many tells on their attacks. One big thing for players to learn with thief and mesmer both (in general really) is map presence. Swing your camera when possible to look at blind spots to see if they are going stealth. Number one thing I see work on players is I will stealth in their blind spot, and spike. Mesmers have really short stealths though, and only GENERALLY 2 on their bar, on decent cooldowns. Most of the time you can see them stealth, and know they have max 3 seconds before there is a spike, so be ready to dodge. They will blow most of their crap at once if they are on power. If you have ranged capability, a good tell of a shatter incoming is that their clones will just run for you. That is dodgeable as well. Their greatsword attacks show visible animations, GS2 you can see even while they are stealthed and dodge. As far as invulns, they mostly try to jaunt to avoid attacks when possible as many mesmers use their dodge offensively, and their F4 super defensively. If you see a ton of mirrors laying around, stop bursting as they are going to be invuln for a bit, and watch their tells and be ready to block/dodge. You can also force exhaust them by stunning. They will dodge, and be forced to burst then, or lose that opportunity to break stun. Those are mirage tricks in general, though power and condi play a bit differently, that should be a good start. A HUGE tip I can give for anyone reading this is to hit a 1v1 arena under custom arenas, and dual some in there. Ask them how their build works, spectate them and see how it works, and you'll do a ton better. Spellbreaker used to give me a nightmare of a time, but doing just that, I can kill them on several classes now because I know how they work. Another option is to watch streamers/youtubers even in WvW and see how they work, and what kills them. Yet ANOTHER option is to roll one, and try it out. I've learned how to counter classes doing each one of these things and it's made me a LOT better of a player. Going into a battle blind is the quickest way to lose a fight. Knowing the meta, how their builds work, and how maps work is what separates good players, from the ones complaining on the forums. I'm by no means the best, but I'd be much worse without this advice I'm giving to anyone who reads this.


TLDR: Watch/dual them in custom arenas, youtube, twitch ect

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Anticipate the quick combos, and doge shatters. Once they blow it they don't have much for a while just keep the pace.


> If they are phant spam you need to kite or cleave them.


> Would help if you let us know what you are playing.


I play core ranger, and I seem to do quite well against mirage mesmers 1v1, but I can’t seem to win

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One way I tend to deal with Mesmers is the waiting game and killing their phantasms. (I play Reaper.)

When they try to engage with a one-shot tactic or through spamming Phantasms- wait until the Phantasms are summoned and then kill them. As for the one-shot- just wait until you see a sword flying in the air or you get dazed... That typically means you have ~.3 seconds to evade or stun break. (It's purely luck until then.)

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> @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

> Mesmers have many tells on their attacks. One big thing for players to learn with thief and mesmer both (in general really) is map presence. Swing your camera when possible to look at blind spots to see if they are going stealth. Number one thing I see work on players is I will stealth in their blind spot, and spike. Mesmers have really short stealths though, and only GENERALLY 2 on their bar, on decent cooldowns. Most of the time you can see them stealth, and know they have max 3 seconds before there is a spike, so be ready to dodge. They will blow most of their crap at once if they are on power. If you have ranged capability, a good tell of a shatter incoming is that their clones will just run for you. That is dodgeable as well. Their greatsword attacks show visible animations, GS2 you can see even while they are stealthed and dodge. As far as invulns, they mostly try to jaunt to avoid attacks when possible as many mesmers use their dodge offensively, and their F4 super defensively. If you see a ton of mirrors laying around, stop bursting as they are going to be invuln for a bit, and watch their tells and be ready to block/dodge. You can also force exhaust them by stunning. They will dodge, and be forced to burst then, or lose that opportunity to break stun. Those are mirage tricks in general, though power and condi play a bit differently, that should be a good start. A HUGE tip I can give for anyone reading this is to hit a 1v1 arena under custom arenas, and dual some in there. Ask them how their build works, spectate them and see how it works, and you'll do a ton better. Spellbreaker used to give me a nightmare of a time, but doing just that, I can kill them on several classes now because I know how they work. Another option is to watch streamers/youtubers even in WvW and see how they work, and what kills them. Yet ANOTHER option is to roll one, and try it out. I've learned how to counter classes doing each one of these things and it's made me a LOT better of a player. Going into a battle blind is the quickest way to lose a fight. Knowing the meta, how their builds work, and how maps work is what separates good players, from the ones complaining on the forums. I'm by no means the best, but I'd be much worse without this advice I'm giving to anyone who reads this.


> TLDR: Watch/dual them in custom arenas, youtube, twitch ect


Is.. is this actually the PvP forums? Actual advice given rather than someone complaining?


Then I read further down in the other post and am quickly reminded yes I am in the PvP forums. Sigh

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Try TAB target, I'm surprised by how many people don't do this.


> If you give us your class and build via http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ the cummunity might be able to give you a more in depth guide to your class and how to vs a Mesmer or you could always play Mesmer and take note of the times you die yourself.


Here's my build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTjEqQDLWyCusAXLG+DKv37hgff9MIA6UoG2hCW1A-jpBHQBP8IAotyAE8QAAgHAAA3fQcXAAA


I play more defensive until my Quickness Zephyr renews, that's when I go for attack.



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> @"MiGFiD.1760" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Try TAB target, I'm surprised by how many people don't do this.

> >

> > If you give us your class and build via http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ the cummunity might be able to give you a more in depth guide to your class and how to vs a Mesmer or you could always play Mesmer and take note of the times you die yourself.


> Here's my build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJARTjEqQDLWyCusAXLG+DKv37hgff9MIA6UoG2hCW1A-jpBHQBP8IAotyAE8QAAgHAAA3fQcXAAA


> I play more defensive until my Quickness Zephyr renews, that's when I go for attack.


> Thanks,


You should have few issues. I can't directly comment as I don't play ranger, but what I can tell you is that this guys is will known, and players ranger, including core in plat2 solo queue and while may be an interesting character, makes great content on ranger, and I suggest watching him. You can learn a ton about your class, including how to deal with most classes in the game on ranger from him.

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> @"skeletonman.5348" said:

> only way to deal w mesmers is ranting on forums asking anet to nerf them. a good mesmer does not die. too many ports invulns evades stunnbreaks stealth etc.

> he can simply disengage from any fight whenever he feels like :3


I think this is the problem. The fact that they can almost always run away, there is little risk in engaging. I don't mind glass cannons (in fact, I think they are good for a decent meta) ... but when they are THAT slippery, it just doesn't work. They can engage, blow their cooldowns, if things go south, they can just ZIP away and try again somewhere else. Nothing more annoying that "outplaying" a burst mesmer for them to just get away that easily ("outplay" here is in quotes because I guess TECHNICALLY outplaying them would be not letting them get away lol.... but sometimes surviving is good enough!)

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No expert, maybe try drop Nature Magic and take Beastmastery 3,2,2.

Also try "We heal as one" and may have to add Sigil of Energy for an extra dodge.

Your runes seems out of wack, if want to be glass, take Pack or Scholar. If need more toughness then take Durability but not sure if it in pvp but i use it in wvw.

Just remember, your pet swap will now give superspeed and quickness, abuse it when on longbow.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> No expert, maybe try drop Nature Magic and take Beastmastery 3,2,2.

> Also try "We heal as one" and may have to add Sigil of Energy for an extra dodge.

> Your runes seems out of wack, if want to be glass, take Pack or Scholar. If need more toughness then take Durability but not sure if it in pvp but i use it in wvw.

> Just remember, your pet swap will now give superspeed and quickness, abuse it when on longbow.


He could take lesser stone form and Brutish Seals and probably be fine as well.

@"MiGFiD.1760" you’re runes really do need changed. Lynx doesn’t benefit you. You’ll lose some power but if you have to have the movement bonus take Travelers. Not only will you still have +25 movement but you’ll make up for the power loss with boon duration and condi duration. A 1/4 or 1/2 second duration can add up pretty quick.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > No expert, maybe try drop Nature Magic and take Beastmastery 3,2,2.

> > Also try "We heal as one" and may have to add Sigil of Energy for an extra dodge.

> > Your runes seems out of wack, if want to be glass, take Pack or Scholar. If need more toughness then take Durability but not sure if it in pvp but i use it in wvw.

> > Just remember, your pet swap will now give superspeed and quickness, abuse it when on longbow.


> He could take lesser stone form and Brutish Seals and probably be fine as well.

> @"MiGFiD.1760" you’re runes really do need changed. Lynx doesn’t benefit you. You’ll lose some power but if you have to have the movement bonus take Travelers. Not only will you still have +25 movement but you’ll make up for the power loss with boon duration and condi duration. A 1/4 or 1/2 second duration can add up pretty quick.


Doesn't Rune of the Lynx have a +25 speed bonus?

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> @"MiGFiD.1760" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > No expert, maybe try drop Nature Magic and take Beastmastery 3,2,2.

> > > Also try "We heal as one" and may have to add Sigil of Energy for an extra dodge.

> > > Your runes seems out of wack, if want to be glass, take Pack or Scholar. If need more toughness then take Durability but not sure if it in pvp but i use it in wvw.

> > > Just remember, your pet swap will now give superspeed and quickness, abuse it when on longbow.

> >

> > He could take lesser stone form and Brutish Seals and probably be fine as well.

> > @"MiGFiD.1760" you’re runes really do need changed. Lynx doesn’t benefit you. You’ll lose some power but if you have to have the movement bonus take Travelers. Not only will you still have +25 movement but you’ll make up for the power loss with boon duration and condi duration. A 1/4 or 1/2 second duration can add up pretty quick.


> Doesn't Rune of the Lynx have a +25 speed bonus?


Yes. You showed running it and I assume it’s mainly for that. Travelers in my opinion would be better since you don’t get any benefit from condition damage. The boon and condition duration from travelers will benefit you greatly and still have the movement bonus.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"MiGFiD.1760" said:

> > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > > No expert, maybe try drop Nature Magic and take Beastmastery 3,2,2.

> > > > Also try "We heal as one" and may have to add Sigil of Energy for an extra dodge.

> > > > Your runes seems out of wack, if want to be glass, take Pack or Scholar. If need more toughness then take Durability but not sure if it in pvp but i use it in wvw.

> > > > Just remember, your pet swap will now give superspeed and quickness, abuse it when on longbow.

> > >

> > > He could take lesser stone form and Brutish Seals and probably be fine as well.

> > > @"MiGFiD.1760" you’re runes really do need changed. Lynx doesn’t benefit you. You’ll lose some power but if you have to have the movement bonus take Travelers. Not only will you still have +25 movement but you’ll make up for the power loss with boon duration and condi duration. A 1/4 or 1/2 second duration can add up pretty quick.

> >

> > Doesn't Rune of the Lynx have a +25 speed bonus?


> Yes. You showed running it and I assume it’s mainly for that. Travelers in my opinion would be better since you don’t get any benefit from condition damage. The boon and condition duration from travelers will benefit you greatly and still have the movement bonus.


good point

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Pro-tip from the latest update:

If you go to your General Settings and enable "Thick Health Bars for Party", then it will show the full thick healthbar for the real enemy Mesmer.


It shows only above the real mesmer, and uses small healthbars for the clones. That way you are instantly able to tell which is the real one and makes the fight much less annoying.

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As a Necro, I do the following, but should work for any class really. Once I see a Mesmer stealth, I usually wait 1 second then double dodge. Usually half of the mesmer spike damage is either minimized or only kills me halfway. Which is a huge improvement from dying instantly.


From there it's easy to either nuke the mesmer or run to teammates for help.

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Area damage against condi Mesmer. Warriors, guardians and holo should not have a lot of issues with Mesmer.


Power Mesmer is generally more dangerous, cuz if you do not have cc break and dodge you can be downed with 60% Hp or less. Though it is not a build that should be a struggle fighting the Mesmer solo, as long as you understand what is going on.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> As a Necro, I do the following, but should work for any class really. Once I see a Mesmer stealth, I usually wait 1 second then double dodge.


Dont ever do that please. Double dodging is almost always a really bad idea, especially as a nec. Try to eat their burst with either shroud or barrier instead.

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  • 4 months later...

I am with you, OP. My strategy against Mesmers is to simply use all my dodges and escapes to gain as much distance as I can as soon as I see one from afar. I just run as far away as I can. To me the Mesmer is so overpowered that the best strategy is to avoid them at all costs. Leave them the points, avoid all fights, just run. Our only hope is that ANet brings the Mesmer down to the level of the other classes. There is nothing else we can do at this point.

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> @"Jannie.2975" said:

> I am with you, OP. My strategy against Mesmers is to simply use all my dodges and escapes to gain as much distance as I can as soon as I see one from afar. I just run as far away as I can. To me the Mesmer is so overpowered that the best strategy is to avoid them at all costs. Leave them the points, avoid all fights, just run. Our only hope is that ANet brings the Mesmer down to the level of the other classes. There is nothing else we can do at this point.


If you’re having problem with Mesmers in their current state, I’m sorry to say this but it’s an l2p issue. I recommend you make one and play it for a few months. Study your enemy don’t just come here to complain.

Your comment history shows obvious bias against Mesmer cuz you’d rather come here and troll over and over, instead of learning how to play against it.

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