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Bring Back 5 Man Ranked Que - Needs To Happen At This Point - Solo/Duo Failed

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:


> ATs are not equal, nor are they fair. If you've ever done an AT before, you'd realize this is the case in every single round (sometimes including the finals). Every single round ends in a blowout 500-0 until the finals, which can still end up 500-100 depending on who is playing.


> ATs are NOT division specific, hence, you'll have teams of bronze players going up against a team of legends. It's even less fair than a 5 man going against 2 duos and a solo in plat ranked.


> Any time anyone ever mentions ATs as being competitive, its easy to tell they have no concept of the word.


> > > Another way to think about it is: Anet rewards good players by forcing them to play solo. Does that make any sense? It shouldn't, and if it does... LUL

> > You are right on this one, duoq should be removed altogether. Currently it really makes no sense.


> Ah, because:

> - A 5 man team based gamemode should only allow players to play solo without the option to create their own teams (_/sarcasm_)

> - Randomness and RNG should decide if you win or lose a match (_/sarcasm_)

> - People like playing alone (_/sarcasm_)

> - People enjoy the fact that they can only play with their friends once every 6 hours (_/sarcasm_)

> - People who aren't above the solo que only threshold should not have an opinion on whether solo que is better than the freedom to play with your friends and make your own teams (_/serious_)

Without arguing further, removing 5 man queue was voted by the community. 80% to 20%. 95% of the pvpers play solo. You can try to argue with facts, but it makes no sense.


Anet might bring back a separated 5 man queue, which will be incredibly dead as noone really played 5 man teams

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Without arguing further, removing 5 man queue was voted by the community. 80% to 20%. 95% of the pvpers play solo. You can try to argue with facts, but it makes no sense.


> Anet might bring back a separated 5 man queue, which will be incredibly dead as noone really played 5 man teams


Basically this. There are far, FAR more solo players than there are team players, and if these solo players get thrown up against teams all the time, they'll eventually quit too, and ANet will have an even more dead PvP scene on its hands.


There is a solution to this, however. Bring back Solo and Team Queues, and then add an opt-in PvP option that says "Allow me to be matched against Team Queues". Now, to sweeten the deal, if you are a Solo player (and ONLY a Solo player. If you duo, trio etc. queue for PvP, you are not entitled to this bonus) and you have this option enabled, if you happen to get placed into a match versus a Team Queue group, you get DOUBLE the pips you normally would have gotten, regardless of whether you win or lose. So this entices Solo players to help fill out the matches of Team Queuers so they're not stuck waiting in queue for 30+mins, and if they still prefer to not see any teams at all, they have the option of doing so. Everybody wins.

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5v5 had to go because


* community voted it

* there were not enough 5v5 team ( low playerbase, and the following point ).

* not everybody was able to make a competitive 5v5 ( and it was a trollfeast for the slightly less skilled premade, compared to random pug premades ).

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@"rank eleven monk.9502"


1. The statistics you keep pointing out are botched man, so stop saying that they are facts. Again, that vote was taken BEFORE players understood the cause & effect of what solo/duo only would do to the ranked game mode. I even voted YES for it as example and I was excited about it, until I recognized what it had done to ranked spvp.


2. 95% of pvpers play solo? Where are you pulling these statistics from? 8/10 games I play in ranked have a duo on each side, which is 4 out of 10 players who are NOT playing solo. 1/10 matches I get may be all solos and another 1/10 matches I get sometimes have 3 duos in the que. Realistically, maybe 60% of players are doing solo only.


3. No one played 5 man teams? Were you not around during the guild league leaderboards? There were literally "hundreds of teams who participated who had hundreds of games played." Do you even play spvp? Do you even play in ATs? There is like a 25 minute interval of time to ready up for an AT, that happens once every 5 hours, and there is always an average of around 10 teams that join. Each team has 5 players on it, which means there are at least 50 players at any given time in any given time zone, that actually show up for this. Considering that there are only maybe 100 people to 200 people max, que'ing for spvp at any given moment during the day, that's a large margin of the community showing up for 5 man team play. They are doing this even with the pressed schedule of once per 5 hours, so stop tossing around false propaganda as to encourage the idea that "no one wants to play 5 man premade conquest" and that "no one cares anymore" because that couldn't be further from the truth.


I also don't get why all of these players keep coming in here and saying: "welp 5 man ranked had to go because there weren't enough teams". That is a bunch of bologna and I don't care what official statement that was said in, it just wasn't true. Anyone who played in the final days of the last guild league leaderboard will remember how many teams were still playing. You guys need to stop believing what you hear and start paying attention to your own experiences.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> >

> > ATs are not equal, nor are they fair. If you've ever done an AT before, you'd realize this is the case in every single round (sometimes including the finals). Every single round ends in a blowout 500-0 until the finals, which can still end up 500-100 depending on who is playing.

> >

> > ATs are NOT division specific, hence, you'll have teams of bronze players going up against a team of legends. It's even less fair than a 5 man going against 2 duos and a solo in plat ranked.

> >

> > Any time anyone ever mentions ATs as being competitive, its easy to tell they have no concept of the word.

> >

> > > > Another way to think about it is: Anet rewards good players by forcing them to play solo. Does that make any sense? It shouldn't, and if it does... LUL

> > > You are right on this one, duoq should be removed altogether. Currently it really makes no sense.

> >

> > Ah, because:

> > - A 5 man team based gamemode should only allow players to play solo without the option to create their own teams (_/sarcasm_)

> > - Randomness and RNG should decide if you win or lose a match (_/sarcasm_)

> > - People like playing alone (_/sarcasm_)

> > - People enjoy the fact that they can only play with their friends once every 6 hours (_/sarcasm_)

> > - People who aren't above the solo que only threshold should not have an opinion on whether solo que is better than the freedom to play with your friends and make your own teams (_/serious_)

> Without arguing further, removing 5 man queue was voted by the community. 80% to 20%. 95% of the pvpers play solo. You can try to argue with facts, but it makes no sense.


> Anet might bring back a separated 5 man queue, which will be incredibly dead as noone really played 5 man teams


At this point, the entire game mode is dead. It's a joke, they are letting people wintrade. People on EU are paying real money for the top spot. The same teams win every mAT, partly due to the fact that there's no platform in place for other 5 mans to improve. (Once every six hours is not enough)

Removing duoQ was the most stupid decision ArenaNet has ever done, more so than releasing scourge into a conquest game mode. And that says a lot.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I also don't get why all of these players keep coming in here and saying: "welp 5 man ranked had to go because there weren't enough teams". That is a bunch of bologna and I don't care what official statement that was said in, it just wasn't true. Anyone who played in the final days of the last guild league leaderboard will remember how many teams were still playing. You guys need to stop believing what you hear and start paying attention to your own experiences.


Partecipation for automated tournament is also for rewards ( if you happen to be on a spvp lobby minutes before automated tournament begin you can read people lfg or lfm, just for spvp potions ).


Also when the topic is **there are not enough 5v5 teams** it is if compared to soloq ( and maybe duoq ).

And there are way less players playing 5v5 premade than solo and duoq


And as said, among them, a good portion do a premade not with the same people in order to get skilled, but just to claim rewards.


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Solo/duoq is the best thing that happened to the system, and it’d work perfectly fine with punishments for traders (temp bans and strip titles or perma bans) and higher population.

Teamque is not enjoyable for anyone. If it’s a team vs team with current population it’ll be a stomp. The only way to create balanced matches is to put a premade against a bunch of solos that are much better individually than the premade’s members.

The loss for the solo guys will just be frustrating as they get beatwn by worse players due to an extreme advantage, such as willingness to listen and coordinate and easier rotations, target focus etc. also the premade has no risk of having a bad comp potentially, which is also massive.


Just another one of these posts of people asking to get easy games. Go play unr then, no reason for you to get skill rating for unfair games.


One thing though is that maybe duos should return but let solo players recieve more rating and lose less to balance out the advantage. Duoq was managable and still reflecred an individualized rating, while allowing the benefit of playing with a friend.



> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Or simply remove all rewards that exist in ranked queue and put all the rewards into monthlies where you can't wintrade


No wintraders should just get banned atleast temporarily and have titles stripped from them. No reason to let them ruin it for everyone else. More rewards for monthly and having weeklies aswell would be dank af though.



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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> Solo/duoq is the best thing that happened to the system, and it’d work perfectly fine with punishments for traders (temp bans and strip titles or perma bans) and higher population.

> Teamque is not enjoyable for anyone. If it’s a team vs team with current population it’ll be a stomp. The only way to create balanced matches is to put a premade against a bunch of solos that are much better individually than the premade’s members.

> The loss for the solo guys will just be frustrating as they get beatwn by worse players due to an extreme advantage, such as willingness to listen and coordinate and easier rotations, target focus etc. also the premade has no risk of having a bad comp potentially, which is also massive.


> Just another one of these posts of people asking to get easy games. Go play unr then, no reason for you to get skill rating for unfair games.


> One thing though is that maybe duos should return but let solo players recieve more rating and lose less to balance out the advantage. Duoq was managable and still reflecred an individualized rating, while allowing the benefit of playing with a friend.


> P.S.

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > Or simply remove all rewards that exist in ranked queue and put all the rewards into monthlies where you can't wintrade


> No wintraders should just get banned atleast temporarily and have titles stripped from them. No reason to let them ruin it for everyone else. More rewards for monthly and having weeklies aswell would be dank af though.




Of course, ideally they should permanently dishonor every wintrader and strip titles/rewards but they do not have the possibility afaik. Similar to any pve title/mAT title that were glitched and "bought" they had to remove the old one just to replace with a new one because they cannot simply change existing title or remove it from just certain players.


Example being abjured playing on those NA accounts and monthly tournament title was Flavour of the Month so the best way would have been to remove it from the players who bought abjured playing for them, but they do not have that possibility so what they had to do was simply remove Flavour of the Month (including from us) and send out a new one called Best of the Best. Same goes for Demon's Demise I think it was something else before but it got exploited. Same should have been done with dhuum cm which literally had no change whatsoever and they just let it be. So if they let the PvE exploit and won't change titles there you can bet your ass they will never touch PvP rewards.


So what we will end up with is simply minor bans that we have seen (72h) and they get to keep all the rewards which is laughable. And not to mention as you saw last season people who didn't wintrade got a 72h ban but no rewards stripped. And lastly they won't ever go back and ban/remove rewards from previous offenders so literally it's already too late and that is why I'm saying straight out remove the titles all together and remove the possibility of getting it from ranked.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"rank eleven monk.9502"


> 1. The statistics you keep pointing out are botched man, so stop saying that they are facts. Again, that vote was taken BEFORE players understood the cause & effect of what solo/duo only would do to the ranked game mode. I even voted YES for it as example and I was excited about it, until I recognized what it had done to ranked spvp.

They are not botched. They are hard numbers from Arenanet, something you keep ignoring and not providing anything instead. I have actually taken my time to search for the numbers because you are just splashing words here.


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:>

> The problem with splitting the queue is that our data doesn't show that 2 separate queues for ranked would work. To put things in perspective, 92% someone queues it's queuing solo. The team queue would have horrendous wait times. And when a match finally popped, difference in team skill would likely be rage inducing.


Here are the official numbers for the vote:

You are implying that a 80-20% vote is not an overwhelming majority. Even if some people changed their mind like you, it's downright obvious you are still in a small minority.



> 2. 95% of pvpers play solo? Where are you pulling these statistics from? 8/10 games I play in ranked have a duo on each side, which is 4 out of 10 players who are NOT playing solo. 1/10 matches I get may be all solos and another 1/10 matches I get sometimes have 3 duos in the que. Realistically, maybe 60% of players are doing solo only.


You are telling me my statistics are botched while you are basing your opinion on your own stories (and obvious confirmation-bias, if someone actually looked up your match data it would still be different) :D you must be joking. If you ever came across statistics you would know that your experience is totally irrelevant, you can play all your games against duoq forever in your life and it will be still irrelevant considering the number of total matches played.


So, official Anet statistics vs. your stories? Think about this for a second.


> 3. No one played 5 man teams? Were you not around during the guild league leaderboards? There were literally "hundreds of teams who participated who had hundreds of games played." Do you even play spvp? Do you even play in ATs? There is like a 25 minute interval of time to ready up for an AT, that happens once every 5 hours, and there is always an average of around 10 teams that join. Each team has 5 players on it, which means there are at least 50 players at any given time in any given time zone, that actually show up for this. Considering that there are only maybe 100 people to 200 people max, que'ing for spvp at any given moment during the day, that's a large margin of the community showing up for 5 man team play. They are doing this even with the pressed schedule of once per 5 hours, so stop tossing around false propaganda as to encourage the idea that "no one wants to play 5 man premade conquest" and that "no one cares anymore" because that couldn't be further from the truth.

I can't recall seeing hundreds of teams who participated, so most likely I wasn't playing at that time. Maybe I just wasn't focused on it. Regardless, I'm pretty sure it was before removing 5 man queue, therefore the two are likely not connected. I have been playing spvp since S3, lately T2-low T3 platinum, because that will be your next question. And no, I'm obviously not playing AT-s as I'm a soloq-er pretty much forever (if you haven't realized this already lol).


You contradicted yourself here as well , the number of teams in AT pretty much represents the population problems for 5 man teamplay. Even when we last had 5 man queue, the number of queued teams were just marginally higher.

I see and understand the concept and problems with AT though, but as Ben said, there are a lot of improvements coming in, which should also raise the number of teams participated.


> I also don't get why all of these players keep coming in here and saying: "welp 5 man ranked had to go because there weren't enough teams". That is a bunch of bologna and I don't care what official statement that was said in, it just wasn't true. Anyone who played in the final days of the last guild league leaderboard will remember how many teams were still playing. You guys need to stop believing what you hear and start paying attention to your own experiences.

It had to go because most people play soloq and putting them in the same matches with 5 man premades resulted in blowouts and farms 24/7.

Again, read Ben's post the third time, it also notes the population problem. And you are implying that YOU know better than Arenanet itself lmao

They have the data, you don't. You have emotions and experiences -> useless.


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Im fine with ranked being Solo Q as long as we get some alternative for competitive (=/= unranked) teamplay.

The way daily ATs are designed atm just dont proivde the necessary structures for new teams to form. At avarage you get about 2-4 games every SIX hours you can play together...at worst 1 game per six hours. You can't really practice in unranked (for obvious reasons) nor work on your teamplay in ranked, nor do so in ATs (because of super long timegates).


But at the same time I think soloQ for ranked is about the fairest it can get. Considering multiple leaderboards (2s, 3s, 5s) are not supported by the current population, SoloQ is about the fairest environment that can be given. Just think a few seasons back. Roflstomps and 500-<100 blowouts were far more common due to the highest players on the leaderboards teaming up. And even with Team Qs match manipulation would still be just as easy.

After everything considered, I think - as already said above - just a matter of lacking any alternatives for teamplay. But since Anet said, that they are working on improving ATs (more frequent; swiss-style), I hope this will provide said alternative.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:


> Without arguing further, removing 5 man queue was voted by the community. 80% to 20%. 95% of the pvpers play solo. You can try to argue with facts, but it makes no sense.

That poll was incredibly misleading. The numbers were gathered with the premise that it was a trial, and a vote on a permanent change would come after the trial. That second vote never came.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502"

> >

> > 1. The statistics you keep pointing out are botched man, so stop saying that they are facts. Again, that vote was taken BEFORE players understood the cause & effect of what solo/duo only would do to the ranked game mode. I even voted YES for it as example and I was excited about it, until I recognized what it had done to ranked spvp.

> They are not botched. They are hard numbers from Arenanet, something you keep ignoring and not providing anything instead. I have actually taken my time to search for the numbers because you are just splashing words here.


> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:>

> > The problem with splitting the queue is that our data doesn't show that 2 separate queues for ranked would work. To put things in perspective, 92% someone queues it's queuing solo. The team queue would have horrendous wait times. And when a match finally popped, difference in team skill would likely be rage inducing.


> Here are the official numbers for the vote:


> You are implying that a 80-20% vote is not an overwhelming majority. Even if some people changed their mind like you, it's downright obvious you are still in a small minority.



> > 2. 95% of pvpers play solo? Where are you pulling these statistics from? 8/10 games I play in ranked have a duo on each side, which is 4 out of 10 players who are NOT playing solo. 1/10 matches I get may be all solos and another 1/10 matches I get sometimes have 3 duos in the que. Realistically, maybe 60% of players are doing solo only.


> You are telling me my statistics are botched while you are basing your opinion on your own stories (and obvious confirmation-bias, if someone actually looked up your match data it would still be different) :D you must be joking. If you ever came across statistics you would know that your experience is totally irrelevant, you can play all your games against duoq forever in your life and it will be still irrelevant considering the number of total matches played.


> So, official Anet statistics vs. your stories? Think about this for a second.


> > 3. No one played 5 man teams? Were you not around during the guild league leaderboards? There were literally "hundreds of teams who participated who had hundreds of games played." Do you even play spvp? Do you even play in ATs? There is like a 25 minute interval of time to ready up for an AT, that happens once every 5 hours, and there is always an average of around 10 teams that join. Each team has 5 players on it, which means there are at least 50 players at any given time in any given time zone, that actually show up for this. Considering that there are only maybe 100 people to 200 people max, que'ing for spvp at any given moment during the day, that's a large margin of the community showing up for 5 man team play. They are doing this even with the pressed schedule of once per 5 hours, so stop tossing around false propaganda as to encourage the idea that "no one wants to play 5 man premade conquest" and that "no one cares anymore" because that couldn't be further from the truth.

> I can't recall seeing hundreds of teams who participated, so most likely I wasn't playing at that time. Maybe I just wasn't focused on it. Regardless, I'm pretty sure it was before removing 5 man queue, therefore the two are likely not connected. I have been playing spvp since S3, lately T2-low T3 platinum, because that will be your next question. And no, I'm obviously not playing AT-s as I'm a soloq-er pretty much forever (if you haven't realized this already lol).


> You contradicted yourself here as well , the number of teams in AT pretty much represents the population problems for 5 man teamplay. Even when we last had 5 man queue, the number of queued teams were just marginally higher.

> I see and understand the concept and problems with AT though, but as Ben said, there are a lot of improvements coming in, which should also raise the number of teams participated.

> >

> > I also don't get why all of these players keep coming in here and saying: "welp 5 man ranked had to go because there weren't enough teams". That is a bunch of bologna and I don't care what official statement that was said in, it just wasn't true. Anyone who played in the final days of the last guild league leaderboard will remember how many teams were still playing. You guys need to stop believing what you hear and start paying attention to your own experiences.

> It had to go because most people play soloq and putting them in the same matches with 5 man premades resulted in blowouts and farms 24/7.

> Again, read Ben's post the third time, it also notes the population problem. And you are implying that YOU know better than Arenanet itself lmao

> They have the data, you don't. You have emotions and experiences -> useless.



You are seriously in here on the forum using dirty politician tactics, saying the same things over and over to reinforce the theory behind commercialism: "If people hear it enough, it gets in their head. If they only hear this, this is all they know." Let me go ahead, counter act your propaganda, and point out how transparent your posts are, again:


1. Any active spvp player who plays unranked/ranked/ATs and who has half a brain to pay attention to the living demographical statistics that are being exhibited around them each and every day, can clearly see that your statistics are botched.


2. I am not "splashing" words. I have given extremely realistic numbers based from a recent and actual observation of the actual environment, an observation that I am sure most other active spvp players who pay attention, would agree with.


3. Stop posting off topic Arenanet quotes as a sword. That quote from Ben was about "splitting solo and team ques". That is irrelevant to the discussion of returning a single ranked mode where solos, duos, triples, quadruples and 5 man premades are all in the same que system together.


4. STOP QUOTING THAT POLL - Seriously bro, it was taken before any of us understood what was going to happen to ranked spvp. Furthermore, never once did I imply anything about 80% to 20% not being a majority vote. I don't know where you're getting that, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't put words into my mouth with your statements. Also, once this thread stays up at the top of the forum for awhile, I can guarantee you that I'll post a new poll myself, after the community has had a bit more time to read this thread and educate themselves on a broader point of view concerning this topic.


5. You keep leaning on the foundation of your statements being supported by off topic Arenanet quotes. This is about as effective as someone on the television telling us all that global warming isn't real, as we sit year to year, watching our winters get shorter & weaker, and our summers get longer & hotter.


6. I contradicted myself? You're saying that AT activity implies a lack of participation on the end of 5 man ques? lol, ok bud. For some reason, the first thing that came to my mind when I read this, was when Donald Trump put up a false picture of his inauguration and then claimed he had a larger population outcome than Obama, then it took like less than an hour for everyone in the world to recognize the completely obvious lie.


7. Wanna know what causes farms in pvp? People not being able to block win trading on their team.


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LOL @ theirs no "TEAMS" for 5man ques, i mean we had over 30 teams for monthly and we were still missing over 20 more compared to the other few months lol, NOT including ALL these new pvp guilds randomly coming up from the shed work who hasn't even been playing in AT's or MONTHLY.


i laugh when peeps say shit like "5man pre made ques are dead or dying". Zero clue on what's happening or going on within the circle of competitive team match ups that goes wrong discord/team speak.


FYI we got teams going to EU for better match ups, and people from EU coming to NA to test NA players out.

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> @"Ioras Dagnir.3927" said:

> I'm back from my hiatus to break this down real simple.


> ranked = competitive = teamq

> unranked = casual = soloq


> It should not be the other way round.


> And yes AT's are great, but impractical 80% of the time for any group who actually have lives outside the game.



Why does soloq=casual?

If someone plays by themselves they are getting just as much skill as the cucks in a team?


So let me ask this:


Why should soloqers basically receive the short end of the stick if we learn better and probably more competitive if play on our own? Because good soloquers just tell me they know their mechanics very well, but they don't want to deal with the bullcrap of team or don't care about being 'pro'. (Just saying pro in this game is laughable).


Both ways can be competitive. And games very much like League (using this loosely since this game shares their matchmaking system) have it so you que by yourself and can climb into the big boy ranks just like a duo, trio, etc.


> @"bluri.2653" said:

> Or simply remove all rewards that exist in ranked queue and put all the rewards into monthlies where you can't wintrade


This ^


Put the rewards in monthlies, put team ques back.


Let's see how many people would talk big with their friends and do ranked ques after that.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


> You are seriously in here on the forum using dirty politician tactics, saying the same things over and over to reinforce the theory behind commercialism: "If people hear it enough, it gets in their head. If they only hear this, this is all they know." Let me go ahead, counter act your propaganda, and point out how transparent your posts are, again:

No, I'm telling you facts that you don't want to accept.


> 1. Any active spvp player who plays unranked/ranked/ATs and who has half a brain to pay attention to the living demographical statistics that are being exhibited around them each and every day, can clearly see that your statistics are botched.

What the actual ... is this :dizzy: lmao


> 2. I am not "splashing" words. I have given extremely realistic numbers based from a recent and actual observation of the actual environment, an observation that I am sure most other active spvp players who pay attention, would agree with.

Still no clue about statistics


> 3. Stop posting off topic Arenanet quotes as a sword. That quote from Ben was about "splitting solo and team ques". That is irrelevant to the discussion of returning a single ranked mode where solos, duos, triples, quadruples and 5 man premades are all in the same que system together.

It's not irrelevant at all because it reflects the low population problem of 5 man queue.

Also, you deliberately ignoring the most important fact, or failed to read it: 92% of players soloq. Soloq-ers don't want duoq and teamq, why would they?


> 4. STOP QUOTING THAT POLL - Seriously bro, it was taken before any of us understood what was going to happen to ranked spvp. Furthermore, never once did I imply anything about 80% to 20% not being a majority vote. I don't know where you're getting that, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't put words into my mouth with your statements. Also, once this thread stays up at the top of the forum for awhile, I can guarantee you that I'll post a new poll myself, after the community has had a bit more time to read this thread and educate themselves on a broader point of view concerning this topic.

Again, you failed to 'observe your environment' :D



Even duoq was slightly voted down. And when looking at the numbers, remember that it's not representative, most top players are on the forums so they distort the results a lot (as they regularly promote duoq obviously). Even like that, the voting goes slightly in favor of keeping the system like that. Now imagine if it was extended to all players..



> 5. You keep leaning on the foundation of your statements being supported by off topic Arenanet quotes. This is about as effective as someone on the television telling us all that global warming isn't real, as we sit year to year, watching our winters get shorter & weaker, and our summers get longer & hotter.

92% of players soloq. Vast majority of soloq-ers would never want duo and 5 man to come back just to get themselves roflstomped. It's not my problem that you have basic reading comprehension and logical problems.


> 6. I contradicted myself? You're saying that AT activity implies a lack of participation on the end of 5 man ques? lol, ok bud. For some reason, the first thing that came to my mind when I read this, was when Donald Trump put up a false picture of his inauguration and then claimed he had a larger population outcome than Obama, then it took like less than an hour for everyone in the world to recognize the completely obvious lie.

I think you are getting overwhelmed with politics mate, maybe take a break with the news.


> 7. Wanna know what causes farms in pvp? People not being able to block win trading on their team.

I agree on this one. And also duoq + 5 man que :P


This is getting really pointless now.. I will stop now, your turn to convince Arenanet that you know better what PvP needs because of your experience.

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The real problem is low PvP population. 5 person queues aren’t sustainable because you won’t have enough teams of 5 people at near same skill level queueing at the same time throughout most of the day.


Lower populations also make win trading more possible.


But there’s no easy way to boost the population. GW2 is no spring chicken and it’s not getting any younger. The best we can do is to just foster that makes people want to play. That means people have to be less toxic and experienced players need to invest more in things like creating guides, making videos, streaming, etc.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> >

> > You are seriously in here on the forum using dirty politician tactics, saying the same things over and over to reinforce the theory behind commercialism: "If people hear it enough, it gets in their head. If they only hear this, this is all they know." Let me go ahead, counter act your propaganda, and point out how transparent your posts are, again:

> No, I'm telling you facts that you don't want to accept.

> >

> > 1. Any active spvp player who plays unranked/ranked/ATs and who has half a brain to pay attention to the living demographical statistics that are being exhibited around them each and every day, can clearly see that your statistics are botched.

> What the actual ... is this :dizzy: lmao

> >

> > 2. I am not "splashing" words. I have given extremely realistic numbers based from a recent and actual observation of the actual environment, an observation that I am sure most other active spvp players who pay attention, would agree with.

> Still no clue about statistics

> >

> > 3. Stop posting off topic Arenanet quotes as a sword. That quote from Ben was about "splitting solo and team ques". That is irrelevant to the discussion of returning a single ranked mode where solos, duos, triples, quadruples and 5 man premades are all in the same que system together.

> It's not irrelevant at all because it reflects the low population problem of 5 man queue.

> Also, you deliberately ignoring the most important fact, or failed to read it: 92% of players soloq. Soloq-ers don't want duoq and teamq, why would they?

> >

> > 4. STOP QUOTING THAT POLL - Seriously bro, it was taken before any of us understood what was going to happen to ranked spvp. Furthermore, never once did I imply anything about 80% to 20% not being a majority vote. I don't know where you're getting that, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't put words into my mouth with your statements. Also, once this thread stays up at the top of the forum for awhile, I can guarantee you that I'll post a new poll myself, after the community has had a bit more time to read this thread and educate themselves on a broader point of view concerning this topic.

> Again, you failed to 'observe your environment' :D


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28891/should-duoq-return-for-1600#latest

> Even duoq was slightly voted down. And when looking at the numbers, remember that it's not representative, most top players are on the forums so they distort the results a lot (as they regularly promote duoq obviously). Even like that, the voting goes slightly in favor of keeping the system like that. Now imagine if it was extended to all players..


> >

> > 5. You keep leaning on the foundation of your statements being supported by off topic Arenanet quotes. This is about as effective as someone on the television telling us all that global warming isn't real, as we sit year to year, watching our winters get shorter & weaker, and our summers get longer & hotter.

> 92% of players soloq. Vast majority of soloq-ers would never want duo and 5 man to come back just to get themselves roflstomped. It's not my problem that you have basic reading comprehension and logical problems.

> >

> > 6. I contradicted myself? You're saying that AT activity implies a lack of participation on the end of 5 man ques? lol, ok bud. For some reason, the first thing that came to my mind when I read this, was when Donald Trump put up a false picture of his inauguration and then claimed he had a larger population outcome than Obama, then it took like less than an hour for everyone in the world to recognize the completely obvious lie.

> I think you are getting overwhelmed with politics mate, maybe take a break with the news.

> >

> > 7. Wanna know what causes farms in pvp? People not being able to block win trading on their team.

> I agree on this one. And also duoq + 5 man que :P


> This is getting really pointless now.. I will stop now, your turn to convince Arenanet that you know better what PvP needs because of your experience.


They should remake the poll and only let people with 1600 MMR or more vote. Because we are the people that it effects.

Ofc 1400s don't want to get farmed by 1650 duos and they'll vote for soloQ only in order to make their games as easy as possible. I can almost guarantee that at least 65% of the people voting on that were unaffected by the outcome.


Edit: that's like letting soccer players decide how hockey players should be punished.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> The real problem is low PvP population. 5 person queues aren’t sustainable because you won’t have enough teams of 5 people at near same skill level queueing at the same time throughout most of the day.


> Lower populations also make win trading more possible.


> But there’s no easy way to boost the population. GW2 is no spring chicken and it’s not getting any younger. The best we can do is to just foster that makes people want to play. That means people have to be less toxic and experienced players need to invest more in things like creating guides, making videos, streaming, etc.


removing 5 man, then duo were the two main factors alongside poor balance that got my entire guild (40+ people) and myself to quit the game.


I did a breakdown of what I think of gw2 PvP right now on the last page, but I'll lay out the base level. bad balance in a PvP game is one thing, but bad balance plus no way to play with friends is another. it's what gets people in discord saying "we need to find a new game to play together".


the fact you bring up the community making guides and becoming less toxic makes me laugh. that will never happen in a solo queue world.


here's why- there is no reason to train people or bring new blood into GW2- because apart from the occasional AT you can't even play w them. why teach somone to play when you can't team up with them?


as far as toxicity, lol. solo queue makes it worse. since you can't party with anyone there is no reason to be nice, you don't get any benefits from making friends because you can't choose to play w them. furthermore with teammate RNG and low population (ie silvers w plat) the solo queue experience is really frustrating. no wonder everyone is salty.


to close, I can say for sure me and my guild are not keen to reinstall with solo queue only.


why play gw2 alone, when we could play one of countless other games- together?

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> >

> > I guess **you** can't have been playing for that long to say that.

> > Before that change there was a pretty competitive Guild team ranked competition (which actually was used for access to the invitationals for the world championships).

> > The competitive scene for this game lasted a season or 2 after they got rid of ranked teams, that's how important they were.

> That's very untrue, actually the competitive part of the game died way before they removed team ranked queue.. It was more like a final nail in the coffin.


The final nail in the coffin for any revival of competitiveness was the whole first AT clown fiasco, and Anet really showing they don't give a skritt's behind about competative integrity, considering the 'punishment' given to repeat offenders. The whole solo/duo queue failed topic is bs. No one wants to compete because of win traders, and the fact people have lost faith in Anet actually taking any meaningful action on cracking down on system abusers/exploiters, their message is basically telling the player base "This is acceptable supported behavior". It's more so Anet's fault in why Spvp's health state, is the way it is, rather than the system. 5 man queues is not a solution, but I'd support it, having it's own separate queue(Multi party Queue 1-5) and leaderboard.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"rank eleven monk.9502"


> 1. The statistics you keep pointing out are botched man, so stop saying that they are facts. Again, that vote was taken BEFORE players understood the cause & effect of what solo/duo only would do to the ranked game mode. I even voted YES for it as example and I was excited about it, until I recognized what it had done to ranked spvp.


> 2. 95% of pvpers play solo? Where are you pulling these statistics from? 8/10 games I play in ranked have a duo on each side, which is 4 out of 10 players who are NOT playing solo. 1/10 matches I get may be all solos and another 1/10 matches I get sometimes have 3 duos in the que. Realistically, maybe 60% of players are doing solo only.


> 3. No one played 5 man teams? Were you not around during the guild league leaderboards? There were literally "hundreds of teams who participated who had hundreds of games played." Do you even play spvp? Do you even play in ATs? There is like a 25 minute interval of time to ready up for an AT, that happens once every 5 hours, and there is always an average of around 10 teams that join. Each team has 5 players on it, which means there are at least 50 players at any given time in any given time zone, that actually show up for this. Considering that there are only maybe 100 people to 200 people max, que'ing for spvp at any given moment during the day, that's a large margin of the community showing up for 5 man team play. They are doing this even with the pressed schedule of once per 5 hours, so stop tossing around false propaganda as to encourage the idea that "no one wants to play 5 man premade conquest" and that "no one cares anymore" because that couldn't be further from the truth.


> I also don't get why all of these players keep coming in here and saying: "welp 5 man ranked had to go because there weren't enough teams". That is a bunch of bologna and I don't care what official statement that was said in, it just wasn't true. Anyone who played in the final days of the last guild league leaderboard will remember how many teams were still playing. You guys need to stop believing what you hear and start paying attention to your own experiences.



I voted yes to thinking we would have 2 separate queues but instead they just replaced one with the other.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> >

> > You are seriously in here on the forum using dirty politician tactics, saying the same things over and over to reinforce the theory behind commercialism: "If people hear it enough, it gets in their head. If they only hear this, this is all they know." Let me go ahead, counter act your propaganda, and point out how transparent your posts are, again:

> No, I'm telling you facts that you don't want to accept.

> >

> > 1. Any active spvp player who plays unranked/ranked/ATs and who has half a brain to pay attention to the living demographical statistics that are being exhibited around them each and every day, can clearly see that your statistics are botched.

> What the actual ... is this :dizzy: lmao

> >

> > 2. I am not "splashing" words. I have given extremely realistic numbers based from a recent and actual observation of the actual environment, an observation that I am sure most other active spvp players who pay attention, would agree with.

> Still no clue about statistics

> >

> > 3. Stop posting off topic Arenanet quotes as a sword. That quote from Ben was about "splitting solo and team ques". That is irrelevant to the discussion of returning a single ranked mode where solos, duos, triples, quadruples and 5 man premades are all in the same que system together.

> It's not irrelevant at all because it reflects the low population problem of 5 man queue.

> Also, you deliberately ignoring the most important fact, or failed to read it: 92% of players soloq. Soloq-ers don't want duoq and teamq, why would they?

> >

> > 4. STOP QUOTING THAT POLL - Seriously bro, it was taken before any of us understood what was going to happen to ranked spvp. Furthermore, never once did I imply anything about 80% to 20% not being a majority vote. I don't know where you're getting that, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't put words into my mouth with your statements. Also, once this thread stays up at the top of the forum for awhile, I can guarantee you that I'll post a new poll myself, after the community has had a bit more time to read this thread and educate themselves on a broader point of view concerning this topic.

> Again, you failed to 'observe your environment' :D


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28891/should-duoq-return-for-1600#latest

> Even duoq was slightly voted down. And when looking at the numbers, remember that it's not representative, most top players are on the forums so they distort the results a lot (as they regularly promote duoq obviously). Even like that, the voting goes slightly in favor of keeping the system like that. Now imagine if it was extended to all players..


> >

> > 5. You keep leaning on the foundation of your statements being supported by off topic Arenanet quotes. This is about as effective as someone on the television telling us all that global warming isn't real, as we sit year to year, watching our winters get shorter & weaker, and our summers get longer & hotter.

> 92% of players soloq. Vast majority of soloq-ers would never want duo and 5 man to come back just to get themselves roflstomped. It's not my problem that you have basic reading comprehension and logical problems.

> >

> > 6. I contradicted myself? You're saying that AT activity implies a lack of participation on the end of 5 man ques? lol, ok bud. For some reason, the first thing that came to my mind when I read this, was when Donald Trump put up a false picture of his inauguration and then claimed he had a larger population outcome than Obama, then it took like less than an hour for everyone in the world to recognize the completely obvious lie.

> I think you are getting overwhelmed with politics mate, maybe take a break with the news.

> >

> > 7. Wanna know what causes farms in pvp? People not being able to block win trading on their team.

> I agree on this one. And also duoq + 5 man que :P


> This is getting really pointless now.. I will stop now, your turn to convince Arenanet that you know better what PvP needs because of your experience.


I don't think you are player in pvp.

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> @"Badcat.7320" said:

> I don't think you are player in pvp.

Based on what? Just curious


> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I voted yes to thinking we would have 2 separate queues but instead they just replaced one with the other.

Well, the question was 'restricting ranked to duoq and soloq only'. Anyways, I see your point, I think it wasn't really well thought by Anet, they should have added 5 man queue at the same time, while we had better population. Since then there is less and less point to add it.

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