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Playing Guild Wars 2 on Linux - Performance optimizations and more.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > @"luzonophir.7134" said:

> > what's the appeal of Linux compared to UNIX such that lots, i mean lots of people want virtually ALL Windows Programs to run on Linux?

> >

> > (given that Linux is a derivative or should I say, born because Stallman et al HATE UNIX)


> Well, the question asked here is the appeal Linux has over Unix, not versus Windows.


> As far as I know, it's about history. When Linus released Linux to the community, it was with the desire to have a community developed around it, and lots of programmers around the globe decided to work on that. Unix development wasn't as open, I'd say it was even stagnant. Thus, eventually Linux gained enough momentum that it became so much more popular than Unix.


the commercial unices moved at a glacial pace in the nineties and 2000s. That is why they are almost all dead now (Sun almost rescued Solaris, when they went OpenSolaris but Oracle put the final nail into it. AIX is a fringe product that only exists because IBM is still a pretty big shop. Unixware hasn't had any real improvements in what - 25 years? Some people are still stuck with it... and will until their hardware dies). BSD first suffered from the lawsuit and then from a) the licence - everybody come and take, nobody ever giving anything back AND a hardcore cabal at the centre who kept new people away. The linux kernel dropped into a hole. GNU was done except for the kernel, linux fit in. The development was pretty open. GPLv2 kept the parasites at bay and actually forced companies to work together. The rest is history.


I never was a fan of MS products and when I tried Linux for the first time over 20years ago, I fell in love. Finally a system with MEANINGFUL error messages. That I could toast AND REPAIR without the need of a total reinstall.. yay! A working shell! Costumizable! Something I could change to make it fit my needs! Loved it back then, still loving it.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"luzonophir.7134" said:

> > what's the appeal of Linux compared to UNIX such that lots, i mean lots of people want virtually ALL Windows Programs to run on Linux?

> >

> > (given that Linux is a derivative or should I say, born because Stallman et al HATE UNIX)


> what unix are you talking about? And have you ever used a unix (I have btw. And I don't mean Freebsd or Netbsd. Or Apple's perversion).


> Also, I don't want ALL windows programs to run on linux. In fact, I am happy that most don't. And I am exclusively using linux on my computers at home for ca 20 years.


Well, Apple made their OS UNIX-like or UNIX compliant (and are Currently in the List).


you can easily say that MacOS is UNIX (non-VanillaUNIX Version) coz of that..


So looks like GW2 is only supporting 2 OS'es - Windows and UNIX.

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and here you are failing into a trap many fell into before. They read the word 'unix' and 'apple is posix compliant' and boom, they think, macos is a unix.


Newsflash, it isn't. Its hardcore tries to hide everything unixlike and make interaction with the system as hard as possible, is a pretty good sign it isn't a unix.


Besides, even windows nt was posix compliant - and certainly not unix.

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> @VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618

> I've had that Kernel32.dll randomly appearing when the new Dragonfall map was released, a few updates later and I never encountered it again, however on a rare occasion I do get other crashes which might not be Wine's fault, the Technical Support forum is full of game crash reports.


> Just to be safe on your end, did you increase the Max file open limit? If not set correctly it causes issue with GW2 (and on rare occasions other Windows games in Wine too). The troubleshooting part on the 1st page covers how to solve this issue (works on every distro).


Yes, tried that too. "ulimit -Hn" and "ulimit -Sn" both print '1048576'. And as I said, your legacy packages works perfect, no crashes at all. But the vulkan package crashes every few minutes, no matter which map. So the chances are high, that something in the vulkan package triggers the crashes for me.


Thanks for your help anyway and your great pachages.

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> eh...

Yes, you are right, I didn't mean to adress my previous post to you :# . Sorry, copied your name by accicdent.


But anyway: Mesa: 19.1.2-224.1



And now the correct adressed one ;) :



> I've had that Kernel32.dll randomly appearing when the new Dragonfall map was released, a few updates later and I never encountered it again, however on a rare occasion I do get other crashes which might not be Wine's fault, the Technical Support forum is full of game crash reports.


> Just to be safe on your end, did you increase the Max file open limit? If not set correctly it causes issue with GW2 (and on rare occasions other Windows games in Wine too). The troubleshooting part on the 1st page covers how to solve this issue (works on every distro).


Yes, tried that too. "ulimit -Hn" and "ulimit -Sn" both print '1048576'. And as I said, your legacy packages works perfect, no crashes at all. But the vulkan package crashes every few minutes, no matter which map. So the chances are high, that something in the vulkan package triggers the crashes for me.


Thanks for your help anyway and your great packages.

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I am at wits end on this one so asking the community. I recently updated to a AMD RX 570 on my HP Z420 (spec sheet https://www.support.hp.com/id-en/document/c03277050 )) Performed a Complete reinstall of Ubuntu 19.04 and installed the latest D9Vk wrapper from the thread.


My issue is the Login screen is completely unresponsive. Logon feilds taking 10 to 15 minute to respond to typing does anyone have a fix for this ?

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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> I am at wits end on this one so asking the community. I recently updated to a AMD RX 570 on my HP Z420 (spec sheet https://www.support.hp.com/id-en/document/c03277050 )) Performed a Complete reinstall of Ubuntu 19.04 and installed the latest D9Vk wrapper from the thread.


> My issue is the Login screen is completely unresponsive. Logon feilds taking 10 to 15 minute to respond to typing does anyone have a fix for this ?


Have you done all the steps as shown in the video on page 1? The video I recorded shows the game's installation from start to end and it was done on a freshly installed 19.04.

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> @"luzonophir.7134" said:

> what's the appeal of Linux compared to UNIX such that lots, i mean lots of people want virtually ALL Windows Programs to run on Linux?


> (given that Linux is a derivative or should I say, born because Stallman et al HATE UNIX)


It seems like people who want to use Linux certainly would like their preferred apps to run in Linux. I found the more I used Linux over the last few years the more I wanted to use apps that were created for use in Linux rather than the MS or windows alternatives.


There is stuff I don't like about some of those apps but I choose to overlook those things in that I pay MS no money at all. That is a motivating factor for me to use it. It is either pirate Windows or legally use Linux. I could certainly and easily just take what I want but why do that when I have a totally viable alternative that allows me gain better advantage?


The appeal is also that UNIX is how far behind the curve now? Linux depending on your distro is well maintained. The kernel itself is constantly being worked on and at least for OpenSuse Tumbleweed runs great and I have almost zero issues at this point with the current packages and I just just "dup'd" it last week with zero issues and overall about 15% better performance in this round of updates.


It is personal choice for most people in the end. I am sure others have many other reasons that I don't or am not mentioning.


Oh and GW2 runs like a champ in here now. I run both armor's package and raw WINE that I configured using Gallium Nine standalone. Armor package runs better in large group events for me like world bosses and G9standalone runs better in open world just moving about and doing random stuff. Runs pretty well on this old PC setup with a phenom II 955.

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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> yes i did those steps also resolved a warning about missing libncurses5


You should try this straight in WINE and not the package and see what happens. Does it error does it play? Do you get exactly the same issue?


You might also try using the gallium nine standalone with that card.

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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> I am at wits end on this one so asking the community. I recently updated to a AMD RX 570 on my HP Z420 (spec sheet https://www.support.hp.com/id-en/document/c03277050 )) Performed a Complete reinstall of Ubuntu 19.04 and installed the latest D9Vk wrapper from the thread.


> My issue is the Login screen is completely unresponsive. Logon feilds taking 10 to 15 minute to respond to typing does anyone have a fix for this ?


a) use virtual desktop

b) use a different window manager. Had horrible experiences with some. Some are better when hardware acceleration is used some are worse. Using lxqt with openbox and login screen is pretty good UNLESS I put chrome playing a video in front. That can screw things up.

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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Forgive the silly question, but I was wondering since Vulkan is much more optimized than Dx9, would it make a difference on Windows PCs to run something similar?

> >


> D9VK can also be ran on Windows however if you come across any issues I don't think the dev will fix them. As for how it performs, I really can't tell as I never tried.


Funny thing you said there.

While this is true DXVK officially supports only linux,

Joshua (D9VK author) is working on windows himself and takes much more care of windows issues then anything that might be related to wine XD

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> @"DxCx.8653" said:

> > @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Forgive the silly question, but I was wondering since Vulkan is much more optimized than Dx9, would it make a difference on Windows PCs to run something similar?

> > >

> >

> > D9VK can also be ran on Windows however if you come across any issues I don't think the dev will fix them. As for how it performs, I really can't tell as I never tried.


> Funny thing you said there.

> While this is true DXVK officially supports only linux,

> Joshua (D9VK author) is working on windows himself and takes much more care of windows issues then anything that might be related to wine XD


I was clearly wrong there, Just a couple of days ago I read a comment from Joshua saying he actually cares about fixing issues in Windows too. ;)

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Once I finished installing and launched the client to begin downloading. My computer froze but the cursor is movable. I have to hard reboot, otherwise it wouldn't unfreeze no matter what. I tried launching the client a couple of times, but same thing. Are there any fixes or workarounds for that?

I tried the same client on xfce and it worked fine.

I'm running Manjaro kde and an amd gpu currently.

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> @"jinxlaw.9467" said:

> Once I finished installing and launched the client to begin downloading. My computer froze but the cursor is movable. I have to hard reboot, otherwise it wouldn't unfreeze no matter what. I tried launching the client a couple of times, but same thing. Are there any fixes or workarounds for that?

> I tried the same client on xfce and it worked fine.

> I'm running Manjaro kde and an amd gpu currently.


I'm experiencing the same issue on one of my machines.


Endeavour OS

Kernel 5.2.3-arch1-1-ARCH

KDE Plasma 5.16.3


AMD RX 570



If I can somehow manage to kill the launcher, I can regain control of my machine. Otherwise, I need to hard reboot. It doesn't freeze up all the time, but maybe every third time or so.



I'm NOT experiencing the issue at all on my other machine.



Kernel 5.2.3-arch1-1-ARCH

KDE Plasma 5.16.3

R5 1600X

AMD Vega 56



it works perfectly on this machine with no issues.

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> @"Nicodemus.1486" said:

> > @"jinxlaw.9467" said:

> > Once I finished installing and launched the client to begin downloading. My computer froze but the cursor is movable. I have to hard reboot, otherwise it wouldn't unfreeze no matter what. I tried launching the client a couple of times, but same thing. Are there any fixes or workarounds for that?

> > I tried the same client on xfce and it worked fine.

> > I'm running Manjaro kde and an amd gpu currently.


> I'm experiencing the same issue on one of my machines.


> Endeavour OS

> Kernel 5.2.3-arch1-1-ARCH

> KDE Plasma 5.16.3

> i5-4690k

> AMD RX 570

> 8 GB RAM


> If I can somehow manage to kill the launcher, I can regain control of my machine. Otherwise, I need to hard reboot. It doesn't freeze up all the time, but maybe every third time or so.



> I'm NOT experiencing the issue at all on my other machine.


> Antefree

> Kernel 5.2.3-arch1-1-ARCH

> KDE Plasma 5.16.3

> R5 1600X

> AMD Vega 56

> 16 GB RAM


> it works perfectly on this machine with no issues.


I'll try the lutris version of guild wars 2 and see if it does the same.


Update: never mind, the lutris version freezes just as well. At this point there's nothing I can do other than switch DE or wait for a fix.

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> @"Nicodemus.1486" said:

> good to know!


> @"jinxlaw.9467" how much RAM do you have? and do you know if there's any difference if you disable KWIN before you run the launcher?


@"Nicodemus.1486" I have 16gb ram. I don't know if it makes a difference.

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note that since applying the maximum open file limit fix from the first post i've been able to start the launcher multiple times without issue. could be coincidence, but previously it would have hung up by now, at least once a day. so maybe try that, @"jinxlaw.9467" . couldn't hurt!

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