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Feedback: Official Living World Season 4 Episode 2 Feedback [May contain spoilers]

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > Everybody seems to be happy, I am sorry, I am not. I found the story line (the part I did up to now) long and fastidious. In the dark most of the time, with mazes, and timed actions, that are 3 things I do not like generally in the game and don't manage well. Unfortunately, these 3 things did prevent me from enjoying the rest. And then I got stuck at the fight against the giant golem. I have not been able to manage it. At the top of it, it was impossible to leave it!? I had no other way than to log out... So, that's where I am stuck. And since the new area seems to be allowed first after finishing story line, I have still not seen it yet.

> >

> > So, all in all, sorry, I cannot say much positive: Experience has been rather bad at what I did - at least for now - and at the top of it, I have no access to new area. That does not let much room for any positive feelings as of today. Now of course, that's my very personal opinion only. I am very jealous of those who achieved to pass the giant golem. :3


> I am really dreading the story after reading all the negative comments. I had a guild mate tell me yesterday that the story is better done solo....I do not fare well doing the story instances solo. But to see others comment on it, such as this one, I'm not looking forward to the story at all now. Also I am not a fan of puzzles being the "must do" in order to progress a story instance. (I admit I checked on some of the early videos for the beginning story and was appalled at the puzzle situation)


Basically, the fights and things are fine, people are over-complaining because they're SLIGHTLY more difficult than killing a normal mob. But if you want a story that has lots of depth and character development, sorry to like ruin it, but it's definitely not this chapter. :/


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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> > Everybody seems to be happy, I am sorry, I am not. I found the story line (the part I did up to now) long and fastidious. In the dark most of the time, with mazes, and timed actions, that are 3 things I do not like generally in the game and don't manage well. Unfortunately, these 3 things did prevent me from enjoying the rest. And then I got stuck at the fight against the giant golem. I have not been able to manage it. At the top of it, it was impossible to leave it!? I had no other way than to log out... So, that's where I am stuck. And since the new area seems to be allowed first after finishing story line, I have still not seen it yet.

> >

> > So, all in all, sorry, I cannot say much positive: Experience has been rather bad at what I did - at least for now - and at the top of it, I have no access to new area. That does not let much room for any positive feelings as of today. Now of course, that's my very personal opinion only. I am very jealous of those who achieved to pass the giant golem. :3


> I am really dreading the story after reading all the negative comments. I had a guild mate tell me yesterday that the story is better done solo....I do not fare well doing the story instances solo. But to see others comment on it, such as this one, I'm not looking forward to the story at all now. Also I am not a fan of puzzles being the "must do" in order to progress a story instance. (I admit I checked on some of the early videos for the beginning story and was appalled at the puzzle situation)


To be fair, I hate sneaky stuff a lot, but even I enjoyed the stealth bits here (I did throw a hissy fit when I failed the stealth achievement right at the last bit through stupidity). There's some good story, lore and plenty of character development for the NPC's here so whilst there are some annoyances, they are def outweighed by the good stuff

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This is more of a general suggestion, I suppose, but with the introduction of yet another currency, would it be possible to add currency to the wallet that are in our collection? All those LW3&4 items? I always find myself somewhere and wondering if I have enough of something to afford to buy some item (yet), and the only way to tell is to go over to the vendor, possibly wasting a trip. I'd use gw2timer to tell me, but there's always several days before the new slot is added to the collection, and it doesn't exactly update real time. :)

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I am not too happy with this episode for several reasons.

The most pressing are all the disconnects and bugged fights. At this point you should be able to deliver without these problems.


My second disappointment was the lack of reaction to the charr tribe. Rox SHOULD have reacted extremely, everybody should have been extremely suprised. Charr? There? Outside of the legions? In some kind if hippie commune?


But.. commander shrugs it off, Braham shrugs it off, Rox mostly shrugs it off. Like they stumbled over another human settlement or Choya oasis. So many missed opportunities. And this time there were no Rytlock or Canach to pull the cart ouf of the dirt with their dark humour and snark.


The puzzles were ok. The fact that you did not fail when you were detected and could fight your way through was appreciated.


But at the end, this episode leaves a huge 'this could have been awesome, but was very mediocre' feeling behind. Even right to the end, Joko appears, mumbles a bit - there could have been so much more, like mentioning that time in the underworld... und than just jumps off. That Lonai person? Who was that? No introduction, nothing.


Seriously. The lack of (good) dialogue and reactions killed this episode.


Yeah, there was some 'Braham starts to think again' lines, but those very few and small gems could not save the ship.


This episode is just a conglomerate of missed opportunities. And while I still see reasons to visit LW3 maps and will certainly go back to Istan once in a while, I see no reason at all to go back to that map.


Btw, Claw of Khan Ur? Are there ZERO lore people left at arenanet? What next? Magdaer? Marrying Jennah? Rebuilding Nolani and the Great Wall? That lege dagger (DAGGER? The claw was very much described as a HUGE WEAPON, NOT A DAGGER), was like pouring cement over the coffin that enclosed this failure of an episode.


I am not too happy, I am deeply disappointed. Ep1 was great, LW3? Loved every single episode. But this one? No, not a chance.

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and to add one more thing: The Caudecus fight in Head of the Snake took more of my time, than this whole episode. Which would have been even shorter without all those disconnects, bugged Lonai, bugged progressions. Yeah, missed opportunities, short and the most unwise decision for that lege... oh, btw, the mastery? Haven't got it yet and why would anyone want it? LW3 gave useful masteries or at least fun ones.


So bad, so sad ,so total failure.

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I had a few issues with it: -The fact that ambushes replace bounties more than 75% of the time in my (and others) experience. -agent S escaping and then killing the inquest golems on the beach, i'm yet to find a case where that didn't bug out once all golems died and fail to complete -the misty air effect around rata primus took 10-12 fps off of my 25 average in ex pack maps.... and finally


-it felt like we were punished for exploring and interacting with things ahead of the objective.

in ls3, we got achievements for that, but in this epsisode....first time i noticed it was just before freeing the charr in the sigma inquest lab in the second instance. if you ignored whatever the objective was and took the elevator before interacting with it (i did this because I thought it was my last opportunity to get the achieve for freeing all the test subjects - i thought it was something that just required exploration in the instance) it advances right onto freeing the charr, and i miss whatever the marker was on....next, i talk to the crew on the rock just after we get out of the third instance, and it tells me to find aurene. as per usual, i go off to do map completion instead. one of the PoI you reach by doing a series of button puzzles. i complete a puzzle, suddenly taimi talks to me and tells me go ahead and talking to aurene is no longer my story objective????? i guess it's convenient for those who know what they're doing and doing it a second time, but this is my first time, and i've missed god knows how much dialogue (i love dialogue, lore, interactions with character) for exploring...


Now onto the good stuff:

-For another desert map (note that the thing i loved about ls3 was the variety of maps we went to) it's designed pretty well, though it does somewhat remind me of istan so i hope the next map isn't in any way similar to it tbh. I don't know whether i'm disappointed or glad the big grey cube has few secrets in it- probably glad, actually, considering my fps in that place is around 10-15 xD

-I like the metas, bugs aside. very fun and active fights! i think actually a lot (though..not all) of fights in this episode struck a fantastic balance between easy and hard; the mechanics of fights in story instances and open world were something which i understood almost instantly (which is a rarity because im dumb lol) but i also found the fights challenging still, and they're almost all still very much deadly.

-New music! I really love this games music and this episode was no exception.

-the story itself - at least what I have done of it - is pretty darn good! though i feel we could have had more on how Rox feels on the charr tribe, i really loved all the dialogue and plot! Braham's "redemption", Taimi, Rox, all the inquest lab stuff was great too!

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I’ll try to keep mine short.


Pros- lots of great new mechanics and the theme of the episode was executed very well with the espionage inquest spy stuff. I can imagine part of the extended delay was due to the sheer amount of programming that had to go into the various puzzles, ley-line lifting mechanic in the one lab that I’ll admit is rather frustrating, the gravity lab, and the Lonai boss fight and tons of other portal systems this patch.


The events are kind of fun though rather few of them are ones I really have interest in repeating frequently like Palawadan or Great Hall.


The map is pretty and is easy to relax in.


No artificially extending content by forcing heart completion which is GREAT.


Reasons to use multiple different mounts which is great and something that seems it might be a welcomed common theme in the new maps introduced.



Cons - A little more for me as I found this episode less enjoyable than its predecessor.


The initial Inquest lab before you enter Rata Primus has an extremely vague puzzle that’s usually better ignored to kill the Golems.


The story flowed fairly well and all made sense but perhaps moved a bit too quickly and could have developed a little more with the charr before immediately moving on to Inquest invasion.


A strange lack of lore and interactable objects outside of the few inquest notebooks and a couple charr npc’s.


The final instance before meeting Palawa was fun and nicely paced.


Meeting palawa for 2 seconds of dialogue to kill a boss that had no introduction to non-guild wars 1 characters seemed kind of pointless and the encounter does far too much damage to be enjoyable. (Being transported to the different zones was a neat experience though and the encounter aside from the damage was fun just no character build up before hand other than a cameo in the last instance of the previous episode.)


We didn’t really learn anything new to help us in this episode, just that we have two new inquest friends for Taimi that may or may not have something interesting to help us with the scarab plague and Kralkatorrik. So it didn’t really feel like we were progressing the story all that much.


The new map, though it has lovely assets and is nice and relaxing, has significantly less replayability than Istan. We have one small part that’s Charr oriented and the rest is just inquest base with little reason to explore.

The map itself has little to explore but various cave areas that seem to just be magic farming spots. I was kind of expecting some underwater caves and lots of hidden areas but it’s pretty straight forward. Charr village and Inquest facility.


There are maybe a couple events I can see myself repeating such as the wyvern, djinn, specimen, and mark golem, but still don’t really compare to Palawadan or Great Hall.



So I’m short, the story was fast paced and smooth aside from disconnects and stalls but left me feeling like it didn’t really reveal anything I didn’t already know.


The map is pretty but seems to have a little less replayability and has a significant decrease in exploration than Istan. Cutting it off in the middle of the island is a little frustrating as well but it is nice that you can afk somewhere without being drowned in Awakened tar or Jaracanda goo.


Was also really hoping for some new decorations this patch but I hope every patch and am for some reason still surprised and dismayed when there aren’t any. (Don’t know where you went Lake Doric dev that at least added some expensive decorations on a butler for those of us that still care about guild halls.)



The inquest assets are really cool but I hope the next map has a little more depth to it and a little more hidden stuff to find. The art and map design teams as always did a great job with aesthetics and details, just a little more straightforward than I guess I’m used to from most of the other recently added maps.




It might come in greater use down the road but aside from an achievement it’s rather useless right now. Long cool down and very few reasons to use it, especially on a character like my ele that only has 11k hp anyway. Lol


Hate saying this as I love the game and think you guys do an amazing job but I’m just a little disappointed this episode and feel like it’s missing something on the story and map front. Only been two days though so maybe I just haven’t given it a complete chance yet.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> There were to many stupid puzzles in this. I for one just want to go through and kill stuff. And that boss fight in the charr village was a pain in the kitten. Most of this episode felt like a chore rather than having fun.


I feel quite differently in almost every respect. Everyone get's an opinion, of course, but I really enjoyed the puzzles. There is an absolute TON of content in GW2 where you can wander and kill stuff. I am so happy to have encountered some puzzles - some thinking required to move forward in the storyline. A very nice touch. I am a bit relieved at having to think a little in this new release!


I do not see others have commented, but I very much enjoy the new music on this map. I don't recall hearing them before and it's very appropriate for the map.


My feedback can be summarized as, "the latest living story release in GW2 is just phenomenal - from storyline, to artwork, to some new mechanics, and more to explore with a bit of problemsolving. Anything but run of the mill - and a pure pleasure to play. It leaves me simply wanting more..."


Thank you Anet! <3.

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I just ran through the new map harvesting everything in sight. Especially wood and that new crystal. But was a bit put off that not every single crystal node gave you at least one pc of crystal if not 2 or 3. Instead I ended up with several pcs of magic and other things, but no crystal pcs. At least with the metal nodes you know you will receive at least one or two pcs of metal (i.e. copper=copper pc, mythril=mythril pc. etc.) but not the new crystal nodes. Very disappointed in that as I like to use my gathering buffs but those did not provide the same return in this new map as it does in the other maps.

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> @"ZerotheFang.5890" said:

> i like the story the story everything was awesome but issue i am having is the collection for the backpack i am stuck with the specimen chamber and Mark III golem thing i did it multiple times but still seen no drops for the items to repair the golem and i got most of the stuff done before the hotfix on the part before the specimen chamber.


The event chest is daily, like the world bosses. If you already did them today, before opening the collwection, you have to wait one more day for the drop.

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> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> haven't completed the story yet but the fight against the mark II beta exterminator is just horrible. Plain horrible. Did I already mention is is horrible? Please, can somebody explain the fun of doing the same things a million times?


Could you elaborate a bit? Especially what you mean by "doing the same things a million times"? I don't recall anything special about it, just another generic boss with a rather simple mechanic. Done too fast to even start having some deeper thoughts about it?!

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> I just ran through the new map harvesting everything in sight. Especially wood and that new crystal. But was a bit put off that not every single crystal node gave you at least one pc of crystal if not 2 or 3. Instead I ended up with several pcs of magic and other things, but no crystal pcs. At least with the metal nodes you know you will receive at least one or two pcs of metal (i.e. copper=copper pc, mythril=mythril pc. etc.) but not the new crystal nodes. Very disappointed in that as I like to use my gathering buffs but those did not provide the same return in this new map as it does in the other maps.


It was the same way with the previous season, the only new node with guaranteed results was the winterberry (maybe the oyster too, I have not done enough harvesting there to tell). It is why the home instance nodes are so valuable in the two seasons, most of them give you 3 of that ep's material and some magic. It is why people routinely have 50 gold and 11,000 magic at the start of an ep: so they can buy the pass and the node right away then mine the node before the day ends in a few hours.


If the 50G each is too steep for you just hang out near the various home instances before reset and party up with someone who has a full instance (look on lfg). Mining the home nodes is highly worth it, compare 3 bloodstone rubies in a few seconds with how long it takes you to get 3 in bloodstone fen.

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I really liked the new episode. I think that the new char tribe is interesting.

I like the look of the map and the mechanics on the map are pretty fun (FE: the puzzles).

The vibe of the inquest is really visible in the map (i liked the behaviour of the non-agressive npc`s, who just want to live) and the same with the charr tribe.

The vibe\spirit of both groups was present on the map (It is good to show those things, instead of only tell them)

The events on the map are nice, I really like the event with the two inquest experiment bosses.

The story and the trailer were good. I liked that the inquest puzzles were not in an instance, but in the actual map itself.


My favorite parts of the story were: (Spoilers!!!!)

* The part in the mist\space with braham. Normally I really hate him (like a lot of players), but it is amazing that you are stranded on that comet together.

I hope braham stays changed because of that moment. It was a strong moment in the story.

* The "???" loading screens, it builds tension. It was a small detail, but I really loved it.

* The part were you face a certain ice creature (last battle) .... OMG that was crazy !

* the relationship between taimi and blish. It was so cute ^^.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > I just ran through the new map harvesting everything in sight. Especially wood and that new crystal. But was a bit put off that not every single crystal node gave you at least one pc of crystal if not 2 or 3. Instead I ended up with several pcs of magic and other things, but no crystal pcs. At least with the metal nodes you know you will receive at least one or two pcs of metal (i.e. copper=copper pc, mythril=mythril pc. etc.) but not the new crystal nodes. Very disappointed in that as I like to use my gathering buffs but those did not provide the same return in this new map as it does in the other maps.


> It was the same way with the previous season, the only new node with guaranteed results was the winterberry (maybe the oyster too, I have not done enough harvesting there to tell). It is why the home instance nodes are so valuable in the two seasons, most of them give you 3 of that ep's material and some magic. It is why people routinely have 50 gold and 11,000 magic at the start of an ep: so they can buy the pass and the node right away then mine the node before the day ends in a few hours.


> If the 50G each is too steep for you just hang out near the various home instances before reset and party up with someone who has a full instance (look on lfg). Mining the home nodes is highly worth it, compare 3 bloodstone rubies in a few seconds with how long it takes you to get 3 in bloodstone fen.


I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase the portal scroll, but not the node. Currently, I only have about 35 gold total in my bank. But I did find out (after the fact) that each heart vendor sells a stack of 5 of those Difluorite Crystals that I ran around harvesting. But the gizmo I wanted cost 75 of those crystals. That gizmo is called Prototype Position Rewinder.... [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder") and that is what I was after. I managed to obtain just enough crystals to purchase it before I logged off last night....so I'm happy about that.


My next project is to obtain enough to get the node. It will take me a while to obtain, as I currently only have 3,976 magic and a measly 35 gold.

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The episode was fun, but a few things I really desliked

-Rox reaction to the charr tribe - She as someone who was born in a tradicional Charr sociaty didnt reacted the way I expect to find these ex-flame legion charrs that decided to turn into hippies...Rox as Tybalt is not the best examples of charrs that we have in game, so I dont expect her to be like Rytlock or something(He would probably say something on how they turned soft and weak...they were passive towards the Inquest till you get there), but to be like "Oh you guys dont have Warbands, Farhars, Legions, etc? Okay, whatever lol".

-New Inquest "friends"- This one I couldnt believe...do we, the Commander really just accepted not one, but two Inquest on Dragons Watch lol? The Inquest, the scum of Tyria who would probably exterminate a whole population if that would increase in 0,1% the chances on their research? Did we really just forgive those two for all the stuff they done with Inquest just cause they are Taimi old friends? This was by far the worst moment on all GW2, hard to believe that someone was actualy okay on how this all turned up...we didnt even trusted Canach till HoT for the things that he done on Southsun, and that was child play compared to what the Inquest to in regular day...bad move Anet, the writers should be ashamed.

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For the most part, I enjoyed this episode! Thoughts below:


* The puzzles throughout the story were fairly intuitive and very fun.

* The Olmakhan tribe was a really nice thing to see - we've had far too much focus on human society and culture, so it was great to see some diversity in a different race for a change.

* The new map is really interesting, fun to explore, and the soundtrack is wonderful!

* The ambient dialogue, in both the story missions and open world, was a great touch, and made the gameplay that much more immersive.

* The mechanics and the tension within the final boss fight were really great!

* It's nice that Braham is finally changing his attitude and willingly working with us again.



* In the first instance with the stealth missions, I ended up mistiming the doors and becoming stuck as they closed while I was inside them, multiple times. I had to break stealth and make the drones kill me in order to respawn (which forfeited achievements), or restart the instance over again.

* The golem boss in the Olmakhan village felt like a chore, and had far too much health. A lot of the attacks were both highly damaging and difficult to avoid, but this didn't seem to matter anyway, as I was revived immediately upon death. I much prefer to play alone, as other players breaks the immersion for me, but it was really quite difficult to do this solo.

* I would have liked to be able to spend more time with Aurene, and learn of her situation - even on the ship after the final part of the story was complete, there was no option to interact with her. How has she been going? Is her new life stressful? Does she miss us?

* The Commander's concern with Blish's situation seemed very out of place. We knew nothing about him, but immediately assumed that his golem form was disturbing and grotesque, Taimi would be traumatised, etc. etc... As far as we knew, Blish was a willing member of the Inquest, who do experiments like this all the time (and as a sylvari, I didn't know much about the organisation at all, other than the fact that asura were very fond of golems - so why would this be an issue?) And Blish seemed to have no qualms with his state. Why was the Commander so preoccupied with this, when there were far more significant things to worry about?

* ...Did we just accept two Inquest members into our guild, like that? They're _Inquest_ members - Taimi only knew them before they turned. What are their motives? Why are we trusting them?



* Make the hitboxes of the doors in the first instance solid, so that we can't be trapped inside them when they close on us.

* I think it would be great if the golem boss' health could be reduced, or if the burn phase were lengthened.

* Braham's character development is promising, but having more of a chance to have a heart-to-heart with him would be really nice.

* A more consistent personality for the Commander would be wonderful.

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> > > I just ran through the new map harvesting everything in sight. Especially wood and that new crystal. But was a bit put off that not every single crystal node gave you at least one pc of crystal if not 2 or 3. Instead I ended up with several pcs of magic and other things, but no crystal pcs. At least with the metal nodes you know you will receive at least one or two pcs of metal (i.e. copper=copper pc, mythril=mythril pc. etc.) but not the new crystal nodes. Very disappointed in that as I like to use my gathering buffs but those did not provide the same return in this new map as it does in the other maps.

> >

> > It was the same way with the previous season, the only new node with guaranteed results was the winterberry (maybe the oyster too, I have not done enough harvesting there to tell). It is why the home instance nodes are so valuable in the two seasons, most of them give you 3 of that ep's material and some magic. It is why people routinely have 50 gold and 11,000 magic at the start of an ep: so they can buy the pass and the node right away then mine the node before the day ends in a few hours.

> >

> > If the 50G each is too steep for you just hang out near the various home instances before reset and party up with someone who has a full instance (look on lfg). Mining the home nodes is highly worth it, compare 3 bloodstone rubies in a few seconds with how long it takes you to get 3 in bloodstone fen.


> I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase the portal scroll, but not the node. Currently, I only have about 35 gold total in my bank. But I did find out (after the fact) that each heart vendor sells a stack of 5 of those Difluorite Crystals that I ran around harvesting. But the gizmo I wanted cost 75 of those crystals. That gizmo is called Prototype Position Rewinder.... [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder") and that is what I was after. I managed to obtain just enough crystals to purchase it before I logged off last night....so I'm happy about that.


> My next project is to obtain enough to get the node. It will take me a while to obtain, as I currently only have 3,976 magic and a measly 35 gold.


Nice! I did not know about that one but it would come in handy in a few places.


If you have access to the ep 1 zone the megaevents there are a great place to collect volatile magic and mats to sell.

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