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Emogg the Soulbeast is ALWAYS a prank by Jerko!

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Been camping the boards for over 2 hours now and have been pranked by joko 12 times in a row :( currently waiting for respawn. Even multi instanced and switched to another while my mates watched the board and was pranked in another instance too. exiting the game and reloging did nothing. Being tricked 1 or twice is a fun idea. Even multiples times over the course of a couple days but not "12 times in a row". i've been clearing out the prank and waiting in front of board for respawn only to be pranked again? This seems like a bug. So far its 100% prank rate for me. This is awful design. I know i'm probably the rare exception though, right? I'm not others said they were up to 7 times before they gave up. This needs tweaking ASAP! Arrrghh.....

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There have been build patches since last night. maybe there is something wrong with them. 12 times in a row is a bit much. All night i got pranked. and just after the 10th time the LFG system got locked and went down. Probably unrelated, but raises questions in my mind that there's something screwy with the patch.

And 2 hours before i started on Emogg i got ALL the other bosses done and was even pranked 6 times, 3 times each on 2 different bosses.

**12 times IN A ROW is insane.** This needs to be looked at. I finally gave up, but i'm sure if i hadn't the count would be around 30ish in a row by now. :(

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Had the same thing happen yesterday with Crystalwing, 30 people in various instances tried for well over an hour with nothing but HAHA before we found an instance where it actually spawned. Been trying today with Emogg and still nothing but prank spawns. It's not a way to keep people playing in the new zone I'd have gone for since it just fosters frustration.

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> @"darksome.1697" said:

> Had the same thing happen yesterday with Crystalwing, 30 people in various instances tried for well over an hour with nothing but HAHA before we found an instance where it actually spawned. Been trying today with Emogg and still nothing but prank spawns. It's not a way to keep people playing in the new zone I'd have gone for since it just fosters frustration.


That strikes me as terrible game design and a remarkably un-Guild Wars 2-like thing to do, for precisely this reason.

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Got it done after a few fakes. The sheer amount of ambushes instead of bounties made doing bounty runs here excessively irratating. I enjoy doing bounties. I have a strong dislike for bounties in Sandswept isles. Got them all finished finally but I won't be doing them again unless someone is desperate for the help I guess. I actually like ambushes but there was just so many of them it ruined the fun of either ambushes or bounties.

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I logged in after a 2hour break on a different toon (totally coincidence) and with the first attempt emogg popped. There is definetly something weird going on with the coding that needs to be looked at. On the same toon for a 3 hour period of time even after exiting the game and logging back in, trying different instances and still couldn't get emogg to spawn even once in a 12 in a row prank streak, then randomly it works 2 hours later. That's crazy bad design.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> I logged in after a 2hour break on a different toon (totally coincidence) and with the first attempt emogg popped. There is definetly something weird going on with the coding that needs to be looked at. On the same toon for a 3 hour period of time even after exiting the game and logging back in, trying different instances and still couldn't get emogg to spawn even once in a 12 in a row prank streak, then randomly it works 2 hours later. That's crazy bad design.



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My experience has been that the bounties are popping, but where the Ambush chance seems to be maybe 5-10% in other maps, in Sandswept it seems to be more like 50%. Dead serious, I was in a group that tried to farm the boards for over three hours, and in that time we got maybe four bounties total to spawn. Obviously they still CAN spawn, but I think something is making the ambushes pop more often than they should.

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