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Getting to the Crystal Oasis without Story?


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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> You don't need Path of Fire maps to unlock the elite specs. I was able to fully master Deadeye as soon as the patch dropped due to having every HoT and core Tyria HP completed on that character. For my other characters I just used the Lily of the Elon method.


> There IS one other method available, but it requires clearing the entire story and starting a sidequest on at least one character first. That will give you an account-bound item that allows you to teleport to Vabbi at will, so you could use that to sneak your other characters in. Long route though.


How many people would really want to do map completion in core tyria combined with HoT just to get their elite spec though?

I was able to get scourge on my necro I didn't even want it on when the patch dropped because I had already done map completion on her but not all of my 18 characters have map completion, many of them didn't even have over 40% completion even when I was getting their specs for HoT.


My run for the new elite specs because all my characters have the old specs is, finishing off Tangled Depths and then doing Crystal Oasis and Elon Riverlands. If I still need any after that I go to the Desert Highlands. It is the most efficient way w/o core tyria map completion under your belt.



> @OtakuModeEngage.8679 said:

> Can enter new maps without story via:

> 1. Telleport to friend

> 2. Traveling to new Guild Hall, and exsiting via GH portal enterence.


1. But realistically who wants to use their teleports to friends every time, especially if they do not have them in excess.

2. You would need someone with the new guild hall and at that point you may as well use the spearmarshal's plea because they both leave you Domain of Vabbi.



> @"Mina Ion.7852" said:

> Honestly, it takes all of 20 minutes to run the story to unlock Amnoon. And once done, the entire rest of the PoF maps are wide open.


> The way I see it, the story fights help me in figuring out if my character is well equipped for the expansion and it's tons and tons of conditions ;)


But why should people have to go through the story every time?

As someone mentioned, the spearmarshal's plea can do the job but it takes you all the way to Vabbi.

If you have the Lily of Elon Pass, then you are set and it sticks you in the first map.


You should have to do the story every time to end up in the first map, you didn't have to with Heart of Thorns.

Once you did the story through on a character once, you walked through the Silverwastes on any character.

A simple button on the NPC next to the airship for transport to Amnoon so long as you have done the story once, should be a thing.


Considering I used the Lily of Elon pass to take all my characters there and bypass the story as my method, I had no problem with enemies except on characters that I pre-designed to match the new elite specs, so they weren't going to be strong enough until they had the specs.

Also, I don't feel that the story helps as much as the first map does to test your character in the expansion, because the story is designed to be easier. Why else would they nerf the Eater of Souls boss so heavily that now anyone can just stand there and press 1 and not move around like you are supposed to in this game.



> @Warlyx.6732 said:

> U can start the quest and as soon as u are on the airship glide away u Will be kicked from the instance and spawn on the 1 hub avoiding doing the mission that u can restart later on


Of course you could do that, but that still means you have to do the prologue.

If you are someone who wants to do the story in order on your characters, then having to activate the prologue just to take a character there for whatever reason is still annoying and makes the transport system to get there ineffective compared to Heart of Thorns.



> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> There are multiple ways into the desert without the story.


> The best option is the Lily pass obviously. If you want convenience, that's what the convenience item is for.


> Second best option is to use your guild hall and simply run from there. This, of course, requires the guild hall.


> The last option is to finish the story, and start the griffon collection. This will give you Spearmarshal's Plea, completely free with no cost or effort rather than getting to the sanctuary. It will teleport you to the sanctuary in Vabbi anytime you want, and is also account-bound, so it's a free teleport item for all your alts.


Only one of these gets you to the starting map.

There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.


Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.


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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> Hopefully they consider an option of getting there without the story that doesn't involve wasting TP to friends.


I have no idea why they thought this is a good idea but they are on a bad slope lately:

LS1 - events in the open world

LS2 - new maps! freely connected to the open world though so no problem getting any character in

Then the slope started ..

HOT - one character needed to start the story (or maybe you could go in via a guild hall?)

LS3 - one character needed to start the story and then they bought a portal scroll (except for bitterfrost for some reason)

POF - various ways for alts but none of them great, many people have to start the story on every character to get the WP


When we started getting shared WPs in the last episode of LS3 I was hopeful. I am not sure why they did not follow up on that, even if it was just for one WP. Anet has been anything but consistent when it comes to map access and I am guessing most people just want a single world that they can roam to at will.

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> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


> I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.


> Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.



My gripe is that they didn't tell me that without the Lily of Elon I would have to do the story on my alts and the map wouldn't open up automatically like in HoT, if I had know that might have made me buy the Deluxe version not the standard one, cash is tight so I opted for the standard. I thought the Lily of Elon would just be another lounge area with everything like bank, crafting stations etc. close together and not an essential option to get alts to the Dessert.


I'm not big on doing story and I'm happy in a small (ok tiny) guild so I have accepted that we won't get a guild hall. I just want to quietly explore areas with whichever of my level 80s I feel like playing. I don't want to have to grind out the story or the mastery points just to choose which toon I play.


If they would release the scroll like they did for Lake Doric or Ember Bay, or even put the Lily of Elon on the gem store then it wouldn't be so bad. At the moment I am looking at trying to save up 2400 gem (I think) to get the upgrade when all I want is the pass.

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > Hopefully they consider an option of getting there without the story that doesn't involve wasting TP to friends.


> I have no idea why they thought this is a good idea but they are on a bad slope lately:

> LS1 - events in the open world

> LS2 - new maps! freely connected to the open world though so no problem getting any character in

> Then the slope started ..

> HOT - one character needed to start the story (or maybe you could go in via a guild hall?)

> LS3 - one character needed to start the story and then they bought a portal scroll (except for bitterfrost for some reason)

> POF - various ways for alts but none of them great, many people have to start the story on every character to get the WP


> When we started getting shared WPs in the last episode of LS3 I was hopeful. I am not sure why they did not follow up on that, even if it was just for one WP. Anet has been anything but consistent when it comes to map access and I am guessing most people just want a single world that they can roam to at will.


Personally I am fine with having to do it once on a character, I was already doing that anyway because new story is what I always run through first with the same character every time.


My issue is that there is nothing similar in a sense to the portal scrolls that they introduced with LWS3. The Charr NPC near the air ship should have a dialogue option to be teleported to the first way point in the Crystal Oasis.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> How many people would really want to do map completion in core tyria combined with HoT just to get their elite spec though?


Oh, not me, certainly, all my other characters I've been running through the PoF content (I'm halfway through my last one, Warrior), I'm just noting that it's an option. You also have the option, on a new character, of just running the HoT HPs and NOT getting the HoT spec just yet. My PoF Route is to get all the CO ones, then all the Highland ones, then all the Elon ones except for sometimes the one in the brand with the Hydra patrolling it, then all the ones I can get to in the Desolation, which I usually only need to do around half of by that point. The fights there can be harder to solo though. depending on class.


>There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


I don't see why. You're not meant to be able to casually wander to Elona, if you could, then why haven't we done that already? The story justifies your trip over there. I'm not saying I'd be *opposed* to them just opening up a direct route, I'm just saying, they don't *have* to, it's not something we're *owed.*



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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> Only one of these gets you to the starting map.

> There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


Why do you need the starting map specifically? The Guild Hall will teleport you to the desert and you can start playing PoF content from there, or unlock Hero Challenges and so on. It's not like the HPs around Vabbi are harder than the HPs around the crystal desert, they are all simple veterans

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> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


> I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.


> Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.



We paid for Heart of Thorns and they gave us a way to get there without having to teleport to friend, you walked through the Silverwastes.


With LWS3 that a majority did not have to buy, we were given an option to buy portal scrolls for unbound magic.


So tell me,


1. Why having a viable and free way without having to go through the story on alt characters just to get to the Crystal Oasis is something people do not deserve even though this was an option with the last expansion.


2. Why should this advantage be exclusive to people who happened to be able to buy the deluxe addition even though it did not state that this pass would be the only way to get to the Crystal Oasis without going through the story. Why should they have to use something that takes them to the Domain of Vabbi? They paid for the game too, they DESERVE a way to get there too that doesn't force them through the story.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > Only one of these gets you to the starting map.

> > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


> Why do you need the starting map specifically? The Guild Hall will teleport you to the desert and you can start playing PoF content from there, or unlock Hero Challenges and so on. It's not like the HPs around Vabbi are harder than the HPs around the crystal desert, they are all simple veterans


The first map of Heart of Thorns is the best map to start on because it allows you to test the waters of the expansion content on a character to see if you will be strong enough.


Same rules apply here. The first map is where you test the waters. You should have a way to get there.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > How many people would really want to do map completion in core tyria combined with HoT just to get their elite spec though?


> Oh, not me, certainly, all my other characters I've been running through the PoF content (I'm halfway through my last one, Warrior), I'm just noting that it's an option. You also have the option, on a new character, of just running the HoT HPs and NOT getting the HoT spec just yet. My PoF Route is to get all the CO ones, then all the Highland ones, then all the Elon ones except for sometimes the one in the brand with the Hydra patrolling it, then all the ones I can get to in the Desolation, which I usually only need to do around half of by that point. The fights there can be harder to solo though. depending on class.


> >There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.


> I don't see why. You're not meant to be able to casually wander to Elona, if you could, then why haven't we done that already? The story justifies your trip over there. I'm not saying I'd be *opposed* to them just opening up a direct route, I'm just saying, they don't *have* to, it's not something we're *owed.*




As I said, the NPC next to the airship should have a dialogue option because in theory the airship is already going there and the more help they can get the better. It would be a perfect solution to the issue.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > Only one of these gets you to the starting map.

> > > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

> >

> > Why do you need the starting map specifically? The Guild Hall will teleport you to the desert and you can start playing PoF content from there, or unlock Hero Challenges and so on. It's not like the HPs around Vabbi are harder than the HPs around the crystal desert, they are all simple veterans


> The first map of Heart of Thorns is the best map to start on because it allows you to test the waters of the expansion content on a character to see if you will be strong enough.


> Same rules apply here. The first map is where you test the waters. You should have a way to get there.


The mobs around the Domain of Vabbi are mostly the same mobs you meet in Crystal Oasis. I don't see why you can't test the waters in Vabbi instead of Crystal Oasis. I can understand that Desolation is a bit hard to traverse without mounts and masteries, but Vabbi is mostly fine. You might have to ignore the eastern part (Brand) but the rest of the zone is the exact same difficulty as Crystal Oasis so testing the waters can be done there too.


Auric Basin works perfect as the first zone for HoT (for guilds owning the AB Guild Hall) since AB and VB have the same mobs. No need to run through the Silverwastes to get to VB when you can use the Guild Hall to get to AB and fight the same mobs. And if anything AB, is easier to navigate than VB, so extra incentive to start your HoT journey in AB instead of VB

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You don't even have to travel through the Desolation to get to the Crystal Oasis from Vabbi. Once you teleport onto any of the new maps by any way (including guild hall exit and spearmaster's plea), you will automatically unlock the first waypoint on that same map, so you're just a few steps away from the next map.


Basically you use whatever method to get to Vabbi, teleport to the (auto-unlocked) waypoint in the northwest of the map, step through the portal to the Desolation, teleport to the northern-most Desolation waypoint, step through the portal, teleport to the northern waypoint, step through the portal and teleport to the then-unlocked waypoint in Amnoon. Takes a couple of waypoint fees to get there, but nothing that should seriously inconvenience anybody. If the few silver and couple of minutes this takes it too much, there's still the story option to get to Amnoon "for free".

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> @Rasimir.6239 said:

> You don't even have to travel through the Desolation to get to the Crystal Oasis from Vabbi. Once you teleport onto any of the new maps by any way (including guild hall exit and spearmaster's plea), you will automatically unlock the first waypoint on that same map, so you're just a few steps away from the next map.


> Basically you use whatever method to get to Vabbi, teleport to the (auto-unlocked) waypoint in the northwest of the map, step through the portal to the Desolation, teleport to the northern-most Desolation waypoint, step through the portal, teleport to the northern waypoint, step through the portal and teleport to the then-unlocked waypoint in Amnoon. Takes a couple of waypoint fees to get there, but nothing that should seriously inconvenience anybody. If the few silver and couple of minutes this takes it too much, there's still the story option to get to Amnoon "for free".


I thought it only unlocked the closest waypoint to you in that moment. Same like the old maps.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

> >

> > I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.

> >

> > Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.

> >


> We paid for Heart of Thorns and they gave us a way to get there without having to teleport to friend, you walked through the Silverwastes.


> With LWS3 that a majority did not have to buy, we were given an option to buy portal scrolls for unbound magic.


> So tell me,


> 1. Why having a viable and free way without having to go through the story on alt characters just to get to the Crystal Oasis is something people do not deserve even though this was an option with the last expansion.


> 2. Why should this advantage be exclusive to people who happened to be able to buy the deluxe addition even though it did not state that this pass would be the only way to get to the Crystal Oasis without going through the story. Why should they have to use something that takes them to the Domain of Vabbi? They paid for the game too, they DESERVE a way to get there too that doesn't force them through the story.


Why should people who paid for something have access to it while those who did not pay for it do not?

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

> > >

> > > I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.

> > >

> > > Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.

> > >

> >

> > We paid for Heart of Thorns and they gave us a way to get there without having to teleport to friend, you walked through the Silverwastes.

> >

> > With LWS3 that a majority did not have to buy, we were given an option to buy portal scrolls for unbound magic.

> >

> > So tell me,

> >

> > 1. Why having a viable and free way without having to go through the story on alt characters just to get to the Crystal Oasis is something people do not deserve even though this was an option with the last expansion.

> >

> > 2. Why should this advantage be exclusive to people who happened to be able to buy the deluxe addition even though it did not state that this pass would be the only way to get to the Crystal Oasis without going through the story. Why should they have to use something that takes them to the Domain of Vabbi? They paid for the game too, they DESERVE a way to get there too that doesn't force them through the story.


> Why should people who paid for something have access to it while those who did not pay for it do not?


Because the pass was not stated that it would be the only way into the Crystal Oasis. The pass still also gives you condensed access to crafting stations, mystic forge, bounty boards for CO, merchants, trading posts and banks so it has plenty of advantages to it. One that should not include getting access to the expansion that every owner of it paid for.


I own the pass. I still don't believe it is right that people who didn't get the deluxe or ultimate addition don't get to go to the maps they paid for without going through the story in the same way they could with HoT.

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> Wasn't there just a thread with this exact question?


> You'll want to get an item called the spearmarshals plea, which you get naturally as a part of the griffon collections, so if you started that, you're in luck. It starts you in vabbi at the griffon roost so it's a little inconvenient, but at least you can hop on a griffon to get out of there if you dont own one yet. Works across all characters of all levels.


> EDIT: didnt notice how old the thread was, so its understandable that no one knew about the spearmarshals plea. Hopefully thats common enough knowledge now.


OMG I wish I had remembered I had this ... because once you get into Vabbi .. youll have the first WP unlocked and you can go backwards map by map till you get to crystal oasis wihtout doing story or using teleport to friend :3

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

> > > >

> > > > I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.

> > > >

> > > > Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.

> > > >

> > >

> > > We paid for Heart of Thorns and they gave us a way to get there without having to teleport to friend, you walked through the Silverwastes.

> > >

> > > With LWS3 that a majority did not have to buy, we were given an option to buy portal scrolls for unbound magic.

> > >

> > > So tell me,

> > >

> > > 1. Why having a viable and free way without having to go through the story on alt characters just to get to the Crystal Oasis is something people do not deserve even though this was an option with the last expansion.

> > >

> > > 2. Why should this advantage be exclusive to people who happened to be able to buy the deluxe addition even though it did not state that this pass would be the only way to get to the Crystal Oasis without going through the story. Why should they have to use something that takes them to the Domain of Vabbi? They paid for the game too, they DESERVE a way to get there too that doesn't force them through the story.

> >

> > Why should people who paid for something have access to it while those who did not pay for it do not?


> Because the pass was not stated that it would be the only way into the Crystal Oasis. The pass still also gives you condensed access to crafting stations, mystic forge, bounty boards for CO, merchants, trading posts and banks so it has plenty of advantages to it. One that should not include getting access to the expansion that every owner of it paid for.


> I own the pass. I still don't believe it is right that people who didn't get the deluxe or ultimate addition don't get to go to the maps they paid for without going through the story in the same way they could with HoT.



Everyone who bought the expansion has access to it. The pass does not gate access. Every map in the game, excluding starter maps, has requirements for getting there. If you do not want to fulfill those requirements then you do not go there.


Ultimately, as pointed out in this thread, there are several ways to get to the desert. If none of them:


* playing the game as designed.

* telelorting to a friend

* using the gizmo to teleport to vabbi

* using the pass

* home guild hall

* guest guild hall


...are palatable for someone then they might have bigger problems than this. Anet does not owe, nor do we deserve, more than the 5-6 different ways currently available to reach the given map.


There were fewer options when I went to HoT.


* playing the game as designed via silverwastes

* home guild hall

* guest guild hall

* teleport to friend

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

> > > > >

> > > > > I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.

> > > > >

> > > > > Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > We paid for Heart of Thorns and they gave us a way to get there without having to teleport to friend, you walked through the Silverwastes.

> > > >

> > > > With LWS3 that a majority did not have to buy, we were given an option to buy portal scrolls for unbound magic.

> > > >

> > > > So tell me,

> > > >

> > > > 1. Why having a viable and free way without having to go through the story on alt characters just to get to the Crystal Oasis is something people do not deserve even though this was an option with the last expansion.

> > > >

> > > > 2. Why should this advantage be exclusive to people who happened to be able to buy the deluxe addition even though it did not state that this pass would be the only way to get to the Crystal Oasis without going through the story. Why should they have to use something that takes them to the Domain of Vabbi? They paid for the game too, they DESERVE a way to get there too that doesn't force them through the story.

> > >

> > > Why should people who paid for something have access to it while those who did not pay for it do not?

> >

> > Because the pass was not stated that it would be the only way into the Crystal Oasis. The pass still also gives you condensed access to crafting stations, mystic forge, bounty boards for CO, merchants, trading posts and banks so it has plenty of advantages to it. One that should not include getting access to the expansion that every owner of it paid for.

> >

> > I own the pass. I still don't believe it is right that people who didn't get the deluxe or ultimate addition don't get to go to the maps they paid for without going through the story in the same way they could with HoT.



> Everyone who bought the expansion has access to it. The pass does not gate access. Every map in the game, excluding starter maps, has requirements for getting there. If you do not want to fulfill those requirements then you do not go there.


> Ultimately, as pointed out in this thread, there are several ways to get to the desert. If none of them:


> * playing the game as designed.

> * telelorting to a friend

> * using the gizmo to teleport to vabbi

> * using the pass

> * home guild hall

> * guest guild hall


> ...are palatable for someone then they might have bigger problems than this. Anet does not owe, nor do we deserve, more than the 5-6 different ways currently available to reach the given map.


> There were fewer options when I went to HoT.


> * playing the game as designed via silverwastes

> * home guild hall

> * guest guild hall

> * teleport to friend


But with Silverwastes **you did not have to even do the prologue and the following chapter of the story to get to the area besides from the first time**. So no, that is not playing the game as intended in the same sense that PoF would have you do, HoT had a designed way to get into the first area of the map without all the other methods.

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I did appreciate the fact that once I had done the initial HoT story chapter, I could use the portal in the SW to get other characters to the Heart of Maguuma. That said, doing the initial PoF story chapter did not take significantly more time _on a new character_ than running from the unlocked Metrica Province starter WP through Metrica and Brisban, then through SW. Characters that had already been to SW, though, the difference was more noticeable. Maybe it's just me, or maybe I just like putting out fires.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > > > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > > There simply needs to be a way without story to get to the starting map FOR EVERYONE. Not just people who paid extra money to get the deluxe or ultimate addition that came with a pass.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > We paid for Heart of Thorns and they gave us a way to get there without having to teleport to friend, you walked through the Silverwastes.

> > > > >

> > > > > With LWS3 that a majority did not have to buy, we were given an option to buy portal scrolls for unbound magic.

> > > > >

> > > > > So tell me,

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. Why having a viable and free way without having to go through the story on alt characters just to get to the Crystal Oasis is something people do not deserve even though this was an option with the last expansion.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2. Why should this advantage be exclusive to people who happened to be able to buy the deluxe addition even though it did not state that this pass would be the only way to get to the Crystal Oasis without going through the story. Why should they have to use something that takes them to the Domain of Vabbi? They paid for the game too, they DESERVE a way to get there too that doesn't force them through the story.

> > > >

> > > > Why should people who paid for something have access to it while those who did not pay for it do not?

> > >

> > > Because the pass was not stated that it would be the only way into the Crystal Oasis. The pass still also gives you condensed access to crafting stations, mystic forge, bounty boards for CO, merchants, trading posts and banks so it has plenty of advantages to it. One that should not include getting access to the expansion that every owner of it paid for.

> > >

> > > I own the pass. I still don't believe it is right that people who didn't get the deluxe or ultimate addition don't get to go to the maps they paid for without going through the story in the same way they could with HoT.

> >

> >

> > Everyone who bought the expansion has access to it. The pass does not gate access. Every map in the game, excluding starter maps, has requirements for getting there. If you do not want to fulfill those requirements then you do not go there.

> >

> > Ultimately, as pointed out in this thread, there are several ways to get to the desert. If none of them:

> >

> > * playing the game as designed.

> > * telelorting to a friend

> > * using the gizmo to teleport to vabbi

> > * using the pass

> > * home guild hall

> > * guest guild hall

> >

> > ...are palatable for someone then they might have bigger problems than this. Anet does not owe, nor do we deserve, more than the 5-6 different ways currently available to reach the given map.

> >

> > There were fewer options when I went to HoT.

> >

> > * playing the game as designed via silverwastes

> > * home guild hall

> > * guest guild hall

> > * teleport to friend


> But with Silverwastes **you did not have to even do the prologue and the following chapter of the story to get to the area besides from the first time**. So no, that is not playing the game as intended in the same sense that PoF would have you do, HoT had a designed way to get into the first area of the map without all the other methods.


So I could go to HoT without having to go through SW, or use teleport to friend, or via a guild hall?

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> I thought it only unlocked the closest waypoint to you in that moment. Same like the old maps.


In this case, no. Maps with an intended starting point (beginning maps, VB in HoT, and the PoF maps) instead unlock the "starting point" waypoint when you enter the map. In the expansion maps, I think this is so that you don't enter the map and find yourself stuck without the masteries to get around. You can always make it to the starting point of the expansion once you're on the maps.

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