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Ambushs are not fun (1 is, ten in a raw aren't)

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Ambush idea is cool ... the first or second time, but


When you wan't to clear all bounties or doing the ascended bag collection, and you want that precise bounty ... and this one don't pop cauz of 10 crazy ambushs in a raw (old stonehoof), its a real pain ! its not fun.


Come on, do precursor drop are higher than getting a simple bounty ?

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This mechanic is counterproductive : some people leave the bounty train after the firsts ambushes ... and some don't do bounty anymore. (since bounty is a real waste of time when they came up with PoF, now this is just torture ...), and when ambush pop no one is going to do the ambush and leave the place.


Solution can be :

- the ambush pop and when cleared the bounty pop too (but long and not really fun fix)

- the ambush pop in the same time of the bounty = real fun begins !

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I actually like the idea of ambushes. Shows Joko really wants you dead. But the implementation is absolutely atrocious. Either, a) they should have the bounty spawn with the ambush, or b) make a counter for ambushes, if it happens twice in a row, the third time should guarantee the actual bounty.

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Yeah, I think this was poorly implemented. I love the idea of an ambush happening when you're on your way to an objective, but having that ambush happen instead of your objective a number of times in a row just makes lots of people not want to deal with bounties in the new zone. Either make the ambush happen during the bounty fight or at least make it so you can't have six ambushes in a row.

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I gave up on sandswept bounties after 8 out of the 10 times i tried to do one, it was an ambush instead. The rate of ambushes happening is obscenely high...


Please make ambush spawn WITH bounty, so we can at least get the achieves done. Harder fight is a funner fight!

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Just make the ambush happen after the bounty... have the Ambush say SURPRISE mutha


That way you can get the bounty and have the option to fight for more loot... or if you want to drag this have the ambush first.. which is forced then have the bounty appear after..


Either way just please have the bounty because not getting it is annoying.

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Ambushes = another reason to not do bounty's (being unrewarding is another reason) considering the only worthwhile reason for me to do bounty's in the first place was to do them once for the AP and some collections, I now have -2 reasons to ever do bounty's again on the new map.


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Are you all sure that the current incarnation isn't bugged? What you're all saying makes absolutely no sense what so ever and doesn't sound like it's working as intended, or maybe it is and they only wanted dedicated people to do bounties...I enjoy doing the PoF bounties, loads of loot(and an easy gold maker when in a train). Then again, my idea of fun is constantly having to kill things.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Are you all sure that the current incarnation isn't bugged? What you're all saying makes absolutely no sense what so ever and doesn't sound like it's working as intended, or maybe it is and they only wanted dedicated people to do bounties...I enjoy doing the PoF bounties, loads of loot(and an easy gold maker when in a train). Then again, my idea of fun is constantly having to kill things.


If it's bugged, then Anet's been silent about it thus far. I sincerely hope it's bugged in some way because, as it is now, it's putting many people off of trying to do bounties because you never know if you'll get the actual bounty.

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I don't mind it so much. I was "leading" a squad around for bounties/meta events yesterday, and got "Joko'ed" 5 times in a row... but, y'know, I play these things for fun and not for the grind xD The squad had a few upbeat members, and y'know what, it was fun to bellyache and plot what we'd to Joko when we finally caught up with him.


Honestly, people are too obsessed with the destination. Have some fun on the journey and accept you're not going to complete everything in the first hour.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Are you all sure that the current incarnation isn't bugged? What you're all saying makes absolutely no sense what so ever and doesn't sound like it's working as intended, or maybe it is and they only wanted dedicated people to do bounties...I enjoy doing the PoF bounties, loads of loot(and an easy gold maker when in a train). Then again, my idea of fun is constantly having to kill things.


> If it's bugged, then Anet's been silent about it thus far. I sincerely hope it's bugged in some way because, as it is now, it's putting many people off of trying to do bounties because you never know if you'll get the actual bounty.


Well, Anet won't say anything unless someone posts about it...and personally I'd only expect them to confirm if it's a bug or working as intended in a bug report, at least that is how I'd handle(but that's just me, a thread like this is just someone venting, imo). I wonder if these Ambushes are supposed to happen for all the bounties or only certain ones, and if they happen only depending on which way you approach a bounty(would have a better idea if I'd had the chance to attempt them yet, but haven't done the new ones or the ones on Istan either).

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Spent 2 hours tonight trying to get Old Stonehoof. Joined a squad trying to hunt it down. Jumped maps multiple times. Every. Last. Time. It was an ambush. (So I'm still missing it from my collection.)


Please tell me how this can be fun. Nobody was amused. :(


If it's a bug, I hope they fix it soon. If not a bug... I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people feeling rather put out, so perhaps they should rethink it.

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