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Ranged attacks


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How does everyone feel about how some ranged attacks can pierce through reflect?

Things like druid's beam auto for example. I kinda feel like reflect should at least reduce the damage on these types of attacks. I mean, on a different angle, it feels a little like having a melee class that can leap out of being immobilized. Just makes reflect feel like a defence that doesn't really do what it should, unless you're facing someone with a class/build that purely uses projectiles. Though I feel I may just be being picky on that.

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> @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> How does everyone feel about how some ranged attacks can pierce through reflect?

> Things like druid's beam auto for example. I kinda feel like reflect should at least reduce the damage on these types of attacks. I mean, on a different angle, it feels a little like having a melee class that can leap out of being immobilized. Just makes reflect feel like a defence that doesn't really do what it should, unless you're facing someone with a class/build that purely uses projectiles. Though I feel I may just be being picky on that.


Well druids auto isn't a ranged projectile, but a ranged channeling skill. Channeling skills can't be reflected since they aren't considered projectiles.

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> @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> How does everyone feel about how some ranged attacks can pierce through reflect?

> Things like druid's beam auto for example. I kinda feel like reflect should at least reduce the damage on these types of attacks. I mean, on a different angle, it feels a little like having a melee class that can leap out of being immobilized. Just makes reflect feel like a defence that doesn't really do what it should, unless you're facing someone with a class/build that purely uses projectiles. Though I feel I may just be being picky on that.


Warriors have a trait that lets you leap out of immobilizes...

![](https://i.imgur.com/wrg0OaW.jpg "")


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> > How does everyone feel about how some ranged attacks can pierce through reflect?

> > Things like druid's beam auto for example. I kinda feel like reflect should at least reduce the damage on these types of attacks. I mean, on a different angle, it feels a little like having a melee class that can leap out of being immobilized. Just makes reflect feel like a defence that doesn't really do what it should, unless you're facing someone with a class/build that purely uses projectiles. Though I feel I may just be being picky on that.


> Warriors have a trait that lets you leap out of immobilizes...

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/wrg0OaW.jpg "")


Add exhaustion to it now

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> @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> How does everyone feel about how some ranged attacks can pierce through reflect?

> Things like druid's beam auto for example. I kinda feel like reflect should at least reduce the damage on these types of attacks.


You complain about Druid's beam are you serious?! That beam is like a feather that tickles, the Druid's staff is underpowered equalling almost no physical damage that typically condi weapons have and you come here say it's a problem?

> I mean, on a different angle, it feels a little like having a melee class that can leap out of being immobilized.


hmmm, about that, I'm pretty sure most classes these days do that. Have you played a Warrior?

> Just makes reflect feel like a defence that doesn't really do what it should, unless you're facing someone with a class/build that purely uses projectiles. Though I feel I may just be being picky on that.


may I suggest you learn to play a little bit? If you solely rely on your blocks as the ultimate defence against everything, then we know where the problem is here.

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Ah, I was just curious on how others thought on it. No I do not find the druid beam or ranged attacks to particularly be a problem. But I do find it funny when someone puts up a barrier and a beam goes straight through it. I mainly rely on obstacles if I'm on the receiving end of ranged attacks. And I apologise for offending you somehow Inoki.


*slowly backs away*

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> @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> Ah, I was just curious on how others thought on it. No I do not find the druid beam or ranged attacks to particularly be a problem. But I do find it funny when someone puts up a barrier and a beam goes straight through it. I mainly rely on obstacles if I'm on the receiving end of ranged attacks. And I apologise for offending you somehow Inoki.


> *slowly backs away*


Beam over barrier is understandable but...


I find bad when u put some absorb dome or WoR and ranger can still hit u trough it with a bow trough it, even thief share basiclisk venon it will go trough them.

What needs to be done is some QoL on block -//- absorv -//- reflect, some classes can be traited to each one and not 1 for all.



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Reflects don't need to be stronger than they are now. They already have a tremendous amount of hate towards engineers specifically (all our core weapons are affected by reflects), and an additional damage nerf on channeled skills (IE flamethrower) would just make it worse. We literally only have two kits that aren't affected by reflects as it stands, and that's bomb kits and tool kit. Buffing reflects would just increase the hate towards core engineer.

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Anyone complaining about reflects ever think that reflects are only "*strong*" because basic, tab-targeted ranged attacks are just overpowered? Anyone ever think that it'd be a good idea to make a tab-target attack system within a so-called """Action RPG""" even more fundamentally braindead and play-disruptive by powercreeping instantaneous, no-projectile, no-cue, passive-effect-laden, and potentially lethal ranged damage without giving it any sort of viable active counterplay aside from "run out of line of sight and wait for all your easy-mode cooldowns to come back up"???

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Anyone complaining about reflects ever think that reflects are only "*strong*" because basic, tab-targeted ranged attacks are just overpowered? Anyone ever think that it'd be a good idea to make a tab-target attack system within a so-called """Action RPG""" even more fundamentally braindead and play-disruptive by powercreeping instantaneous, no-projectile, no-cue, passive-effect-laden, and potentially lethal ranged damage without giving it any sort of viable active counterplay aside from "run out of line of sight and wait for all your easy-mode cooldowns to come back up"???


Yeah no. Most of the time you can't cleave and can't capture points quickly enough.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Anyone complaining about reflects ever think that reflects are only "*strong*" because basic, tab-targeted ranged attacks are just overpowered? Anyone ever think that it'd be a good idea to make a tab-target attack system within a so-called """Action RPG""" even more fundamentally braindead and play-disruptive by powercreeping instantaneous, no-projectile, no-cue, passive-effect-laden, and potentially lethal ranged damage without giving it any sort of viable active counterplay aside from "run out of line of sight and wait for all your easy-mode cooldowns to come back up"???


Reflects are strong because if you are stuck in a projectile weapon, and the enemy reflects, it's basically like there's 2 people attacking you. Your enemy and you. You don't see people complaining about deflects or projectile blocking.

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I think it's fine, having one type of barrier/shield/whatever that fully protects you from ranged attacks doesn't seem like a healthy mechanic to have especially when there are a few classes that are purely ranged. Also the ranged attacks that don't count as physical projectiles are less powerful and gain no benefits from combo fields.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> > > How does everyone feel about how some ranged attacks can pierce through reflect?

> > > Things like druid's beam auto for example. I kinda feel like reflect should at least reduce the damage on these types of attacks. I mean, on a different angle, it feels a little like having a melee class that can leap out of being immobilized. Just makes reflect feel like a defence that doesn't really do what it should, unless you're facing someone with a class/build that purely uses projectiles. Though I feel I may just be being picky on that.

> >

> > Warriors have a trait that lets you leap out of immobilizes...

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/wrg0OaW.jpg "")

> >

> Add exhaustion to it now


Lol, actually that’s a discussion all to itself, I mean with the cool downs on movement skills for warriors being so low a case can be made that it’s as strong as most things with exhaustion, would be an interesting discussion.


Anyway at the topic, I don’t think it’s such an issue so long as the game doesn’t go along the lines of nearly all ranged weapons being unreflectable. Druid damage is going down so it’s finally becoming the tickle beam it should be, not that it matters when the smoke scale does all the work. Only other weapon that isn’t reflected that is ranged is Mesmer greatsword which has been like that since launch so I guess it gets a pass.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> Only other weapon that isn’t reflected that is ranged is Mesmer greatsword which has been like that since launch so I guess it gets a pass.


Also necromancer's axe, scepter, partially elementalist's scepter. It's not broken, but it's a thing.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > Only other weapon that isn’t reflected that is ranged is Mesmer greatsword which has been like that since launch so I guess it gets a pass.


> Also necromancer's axe, scepter, partially elementalist's scepter. It's not broken, but it's a thing.


I stand corrected, lesson learnt, don’t comment before morning coffee. I dunno how I could forget about those 16k ghastly claws.

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Hmm I see, curiosity satisfied, and there is protection for damage resistance in any case lest I forget. I think I'll always have an itch towards seeing things pass through barriers though, in terms of visual effects anyway. On another note I do think that 100% reflect is, well, high xD. I get that reflect is basically testing who is spamming buttons and who is paying enough attention to stop attacking with ranged, but, it already nullifies projectiles as it is.


Have not had a huge problem against reflect, so I can't speak for myself, but certain classes as someone mentioned end up taking a seat, especially if they're using certain builds. How many times I've seen thieves or hunters even, kill themselves on reflect is crazy, and I don't want to write it off just by saying they didn't pay attention, because sometimes it can just be timed really well.


But anyways thanks for ze replies. I'm off to point out more questionable visual effects in game.


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> @"Ranageki.2491" said:

> Hmm I see, curiosity satisfied, and there is protection for damage resistance in any case lest I forget. I think I'll always have an itch towards seeing things pass through barriers though, in terms of visual effects anyway. On another note I do think that 100% reflect is, well, high xD. I get that reflect is basically testing who is spamming buttons and who is paying enough attention to stop attacking with ranged, but, it already nullifies projectiles as it is.


You might also want to notice that unblockable projectile skills pass through reflection, at least in my own experience.

Thus, it seems like "targeted ranged non-projectile skills", "ranged pass-through beam attacks", and "unblockable projectiles" are groups of skills that aren't reflected.

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