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Dungeons, Fractals, Raids Scoreboard?

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Nope. Not if you have any reward tied to those category. It's basically won't work on the fight that have a lot of mechanic (aka. Every raid boss fight).


Ex: What if you aiming for top dps. Then slothasor decide to put poison on you. Then you lose your precious MVP reward because you have to walk to the side and drop the poison.


Mayyybe it can work if you have any way to decide MVP for each boss but just thinking about it give me a headache.. so let's not do it :/


If you wanna know how well people in your group doing. Just use dps meter.

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As mentioned above, you would need to account for particular mechanics otherwise players would particularly (they already do this without scoreboards!!!) aim for high damage while ignoring everything else. I have seriously seen players not get downed people up just so they wouldn't lose their bragging rights on arcdps. Said bragging rights were of course later used against everyone else before the ragequit.


We have since long hit the bar of required DPS to successfully and rather easily finish a raid. Most experienced groups do much more than the required DPS. Therefore, it seems strange to me that people push for speedclearing something which (when you don't fail mechanics, which is the truly important test of mettle) will already last less than 15 minutes in every case. If you want to reward not dropping poison in others during Sloth, never having less than 4 on a VG circle (ignoring it is much easier for everyone, wait people want easy content now?), **not missing Cairn's green circles**, etc. I'm all up for it, but no personal benchmark performance please because arcdps is already bad as it is in making people actually handicap the team in favor of their precious rotations.

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I miss the information we used to be able to see with BDGM. Individual numbers on the amount of healing done, boons applied, conditions removed and basically any other information on the performance of each support. Would be even better if we were given numbers on the actual impact of the overall DPS of buffs like banners or spirits, the amount of CC someone did, etc, etc. I am probably a bit crazier about numbers than most others are.

On actually using this as a measurement for individual rewards - it would be too imprecise and too easily to manipulate to be used in such a way given the abundance of variables and factors which come into place at any given encounter. Not to mention that it would mostly come down to a race between the DPS as per usual.

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> @"Marco.6324" said:

> What do you guys think? Wouldn't be nice to see the top dmg, heal, dmg soaked, players revived at the end of each Dungeon, Fractal or Raid?


This I don't care about at all. It seems useless, but it might rock someone's boat. So if it doesn't take up a lot of dev resources - sure, why not.


> @"Marco.6324" said:

> Maybe also granting some more xp or loot to possible MVPs?


But this is outright harmful. This would promote bad practices in order to game the system, making you care more about becoming "mvp" than working with the team. Definitely no.



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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I don't know, Colin sold me HoT promising fractal leaderboards but still not delivered.


maybe they have something else in mind for fractal than the fractal that we currently have (?). Is it worth to encourage speed clear to players and making it competitive also exactly how many try hard players would be interested?


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Man speedrun leaderboards would be neat tho.


Mythic plus in wow has the loot directly tied to time and the speedrunning scene for that content is very big.


Im not saying tie loot to clear speed by soemthing that ppl can use for some friendly competition would be nice.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Man speedrun leaderboards would be neat tho.


> Mythic plus in wow has the loot directly tied to time and the speedrunning scene for that content is very big.


> Im not saying tie loot to clear speed by soemthing that ppl can use for some friendly competition would be nice.


Mythic + in wow used to have loot tied directly into completion time.


They changed it **_because it was a god awful, terrible idea._**

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> @"Ultimatepwr.9562" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Man speedrun leaderboards would be neat tho.

> >

> > Mythic plus in wow has the loot directly tied to time and the speedrunning scene for that content is very big.

> >

> > Im not saying tie loot to clear speed by soemthing that ppl can use for some friendly competition would be nice.


> Mythic + in wow used to have loot tied directly into completion time.


> They changed it **_because it was a god awful, terrible idea._**


I believe its still more chests if you clear it fast.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:


> I believe its still more chests if you clear it fast.


No. Its not more chests, its more loot, and it isnt the same thing.


Mythic + is a timed game mode. When you get into a level, it starts a timer, and you are supposed to beat it within the timer. If you don't you "failed" the dungeon. However, you can still keep going. If you get to the end, having failed, it will give you a chest with 2 pieces of loot in it. If you succeed, its 3. So it really isnt a massive deal,


But, and there is a huge but, the timer is expected to be beaten. It has leeway built into it for this reason, even a pug team team should almost always beat the timer. Not beating the timer means deaths constantly, on every encounter. At that point, there will be toxicity anyway. Comparing the timer with what you suggested is nonsense. They are not the same thing.


When mythic + first came out, however, it had a secondary thing. Beating the timer gave a chest like normal. Beating it by quite a lot gave 2 chests. Beating it by a massive amount gave 3 chests. This is comparable to what you are asking for, and it caused a massive amount of toxicity.

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Man OP, I was ready to make a big spiel about how many hours were wasted on fractal leaderboards. But thankfully Ben already commented.


If you want to measure and quantify your performance. You are free to download and install arcdps (which has Anet's approval). Parse the combat logs with dps.report and you can see who put out the most boons, who did damage, who ressed people, etc.


In fact if you join a raid static, there will almost certainly be some good natured competitiveness between your dps players for the highest damage position. The reward is gloating while running to the next boss.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Man speedrun leaderboards would be neat tho.


> Mythic plus in wow has the loot directly tied to time and the speedrunning scene for that content is very big.


> Im not saying tie loot to clear speed by soemthing that ppl can use for some friendly competition would be nice.


Tying loot to clear speed seems like a great way to encourage toxicity and elitism even more. GW2 already has a problem with a lot of people only wanting to play the most optimal possible build, even if they suck at it, despite the fact that most classes are viable for raids, and I feel that givingincreased rewards for faster clears would only make this worse.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Man speedrun leaderboards would be neat tho.

> >

> > Mythic plus in wow has the loot directly tied to time and the speedrunning scene for that content is very big.

> >

> > Im not saying tie loot to clear speed by soemthing that ppl can use for some friendly competition would be nice.


> Tying loot to clear speed seems like a great way to encourage toxicity and elitism even more. GW2 already has a problem with a lot of people only wanting to play the most optimal possible build, even if they suck at it, despite the fact that most classes are viable for raids, and I feel that givingincreased rewards for faster clears would only make this worse.


As i said. Thanks for restating it.

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> @"Benjamin Arnold.3457" said:

> There was a time we were considering and prototyping this. There were a lot of problems, and it was a lot of wasted time that would have served to degrade the fractal experience for most players, rather than improve it. We would rather spend the time on new content, reworks, and QoL.


How about just for raids though? The community loves this sort of stuff (eg Elitist Raiding Party) and it has been very successful in other mmos. I believe it's a good additional layer ontop of existing raiding and it's a good incentive for people to give it a try. I believe there is value in it :wink:

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