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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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I would really love Anet to take a second pass at underwater content. Revamp it, rebalance it, add some new features, maybe new weapons and underwater mount? Ideally this would come with a largely underwater expansion starring Bubbles. So few games have underwater content that it’s a shame Anet has more or less ignored it since release. It’s a very unique mode of gameplay and could be improved on! I really love exploring underwater environments.


Otherwise, I’d love better AI for the Dragon’s Watch characters, as well as an ability to add them to my party like Heroes in GW1. And maybe edit their skills to an extent. I think having a “tactics” system like in Dragon Age where you can set up behaviors for certain scenarios would make them worlds more useful. Right now they’re just pretty set dressings.

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I don't know, what you want.. this all is just 1 thing, packed with alot of various things withing that ONE THING ... one thing is relative.

For everybody can be one thing something different. I define MY one thing under the next "Expansion" as one thing and it is usual that Expansions naturally consts of multiple features that they include. The point is only, I was in my postign specific, what kind of things this Expansion as "one thing" should include for my opinion to satisfy me, that ist the whole point of the Ops thread, to describe that one thing, that would satisfy a person...


More clear can#t i be, this kind of Dream Expansion as one thign which includes these features would definetely satisfy me (and I'm sure, also alot of other people as well )

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> @"Chef Kiyo.3964" said:

> Monks,


> Like, punching with my fists style. I really can't play any other profession besides Mesmer because it has all the themes I love, but I'd seriously enjoy a punching character SO much.


I'd love an "unarmed" option for all classes (or almost all, at least). I think it'd be really cool to have spell casters forming spells with their hands, and to have melee fighters using different martial art styles. It'd be awesome if these unarmed skills were really acrobatic, too (at least, for the appropriate professions).

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Well thats a question... i am torn between killing off Braham or W3&4 for SAB or off hand sword for thief or hiding chest option or using only one weapon be a thing (you know empty off hand) or killing off Braham or stop ppls complaining on forum how game is hard and how little time they have to play or killing off Braham. ^^

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> @"Artemisa.9013" said:

> Oh, one more thing I would really love: being able to play with two characters of mine at the same time, using the swap system just like we do with weapons and pets; or at least having one of my characters following my main like pet and miniatures do.


Having my characters be stand-ins for dungeons and raids. :)

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I'd like an option to see both my weapon sets when I have them sheathed instead of having them disappear into the mist.


ie Bow on the back, daggers in hand.


I realize the issues with having multiple 2h or 1h sets, but you could just have this be a small check box like the hide helmet/shoulders in the character window.


Also I'd like to be able to transmute to other armor classes, and abolish outfits to be all converted to armors. I'd pay double the gems for an armor set over an outfit easy.

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