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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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A legendary vendor, collect legendary token gained by difference kind of game activities for legendary gear with skin (armor, trinket, backpack)

Token can be gained by the following activities

PvE: dungeon, openworld, RAID, Fractal




1 token of each game mode can be given to the vendor every day, token gained from different game mode (1 pve + 1 pvp + 1 wvw) can be mixed to speed up gear acquiring speed

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Balance pass to make enemies more engaging / interesting / balanced.

Less hard-CC spam. More boon casting (for necro/spellbreaker). Design mobs to have more counter-play options.

Population-scaling breakbar damage for soft CC.

For Stability to be a *good* thing in PvE.


Balance pass on Charr clipping issues.

More *pants* for Charr.


A real balance pass on some many of the useless/underused traits.


Better aesthetics overall. We don't need huge profiles where more elegant and stylish clothing designs would fit so much better.

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> @"Firedash.4570" said:

> REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.


> So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.


Yes, remove them because _one_ triggered individual dislikes them. Also, remove asura and sylvari since they're sexualized and made fun of and it triggers me. Remove all races except human. Then remove humans.

Maybe play a different game if charr are going to trigger you so bad, trust me; youre probably the only one with your PoV. And they shouldn't be removed just because YOU dom't like them. Charr look amazing, have the best personal story. It's a fact. They're also from GW1 and would make sense with becoming a playable race.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > @"Firedash.4570" said:

> > REPLACE THE CHARR WITH A BETTER RACE. Dear god I don't know why ANet made those horrible looking things. Really just look at the Asura and Sylvari and ANet has already proven that you can make non human races that look great. I just really dislike seeing those half dog/rodent looking things running around, sometimes I mistake them as an NPC attacking me (kappa). And have you had a good long look at their... necks... Looks disfigured sometimes to me. Just very unpleasant to look at.

> >

> > So yeah that would be what would make me happy personally.


> Yes, remove them because _one_ triggered individual dislikes them. Also, remove asura and sylvari since they're sexualized and made fun of and it triggers me. Remove all races except human. Then remove humans.

> Maybe play a different game if charr are going to trigger you so bad, trust me; youre probably the only one with your PoV. And they shouldn't be removed just because YOU dom't like them. Charr look amazing, have the best personal story. It's a fact. They're also from GW1 and would make sense with becoming a playable race.


C'mon guys, the entire point of the thread is to name a change that would make you happy, not a change you think would be better for the game. Give the guy a break.

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As someone who mainly plays asura, I would happily take either:


**Bigger weapons on asura**

Seriously, I feel like my asura are fighting with little toothpicks and toy weapons. Can the weapons be a bit bigger so it feels like I could actually hurt something with them?


**Asura armor that actually look different**

No matter what armor I am wearing it all looks the same on an asura. The same armors on a human look wildly different, but on the asura they look pretty much the same. Also would like female asura armor to look slightly different, but right now would be happy with just armors having more variety of looks like the other races get.

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Build Templates.

A tonics closet.

For the base classes to have as much damage output as the expacs-- (unless the expac is specifically designed for more quick damage output as it's "thing") even as an owner of the expacs who loves the expacs play style, I feel I'm forced to always use an expac cuz the base class (in my head mesmer, for example) doesn't have equal amount of damage and therefore I can't feel proud of much of my victories or acknowledge pvp as fair nor can I be as creative with my setup but I understand why anet chose to do it that way.

So really, a tonics closet-- I have 25 tonics and it's painful to switch between it all per character, I'm forced to play on one or get tonics for every single character and waste inventory slot and it drives me nuts, and even if I collect all the tonics, some are account bound, I can't switch it all between characters and it SUCKS because I love tonic-ing up and it plays havoc with my completionist tendencies. A tonics closet, just like how there is a wardrobe for outfits.

Being able to dye my back armor/certain dye-able back armor. there is a set of gorgeous butterfly fairy wings (moth wings backpack and glider), but they are red, so I can't use them for anything ;_;



If only one out of these (SORRY I DIDN'T MENTION JUST ONE), custom build templates. I'll just keep crying over the tonics problem.

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There are a lot of things I'd love to see like the return of the ricochet trait or highly customizable custom rooms for PvP but if I have to choose one:


Consistently good game design across the board in regards to the reward system and the rewards themselves. Far to often have I thought to myself stuff like "This is how you do it, why can't it be the same way for X, Y and Z?" or "Why isn't there an "endless" version of this available?". For example: ghostly infusions can be obtained by buying them from the event NPC or as a random drop from the loot chest. Why can't it be the same way for let's say the piñata infusion from the casino event? The inconsistencies are real (for no reason!!!)! Addressing these flaws would add a lot replay value to content I otherwise wouldn't bother myself with after the initial playthrough.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> What one thing could be added, removed, or changed in the game that would make you happy? It wouldn't fix everything in the game, but it would satisfy you personally for a long time.


> It can't be something too broad like: "For PvP to be balanced!"


> But it can be something like: "Guild Capes" or "Braham killed off" or "A certain class or weapon being more viable in PvP".


> ----------


> The ONE thing that would satisfy me is to finally have an Elemental/Arcane **Longbow** on Ele!


CHAOS THEMED BOW QUIVER! to go with my bow! Rangers who use longbows with no quivers look weird to me.






No more buttcapes!

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