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What ONE thing could the game have that would satisfy you?

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True multi-core support

Fishing. Would pay for a fishing DLC which adds the fishing skill, fish recipes for cooking, and a cool fisherman's outfit


The game of dice/poker/chess/other social games played publicly in LA (for both gold and free).

More fluff in general.

Edit: Build Templates/Gear Loadout

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I would like to see a Save at Will function in the Story instances and/or a Difficulty setting for those of us who just want to relax and see the story the first time through rather than wasting time with trash mobs and tedious mechanics.

> @"Oglaf.1074" said:


> **Hide Chest-option**

> Yeah I want to go Conan the Barbarian with my Norn main and show off those sick tribal tattoos in the process. You can already hide both Gloves and Shoulders, let’s do the Chest too. Come on Anet. Come on...

> **More focus on the non-human races**

> Other than Sylvari getting their time in the spotlight with HoT, the non-human races are shoved to the sidelines in the overarching story. Like, what do you know about the Norns other than they are basically giant Vikings? They’re begging to be fleshed out more!

Both of these are good ideas too. Maybe rather than 'Hide chest' option they can have an 'Emperor's New Clothes' chest piece which is just invisible.

> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> Stop griefing your playerbase with stunlocking mob mechanics.

I would also vote for this.

> @"Neural.1824" said:

> A $15/month sub fee, but that's probably "too broad".

My initial reaction to your post was this is a kitten-ing ridiculous idea. But then I realized you might not be suggesting removing the Free to Play or even the expansion model. If that is so, that might be intriguing. Do you envision some kind of sub fee where players would get certain benefits but the game could still be played without subbing? This would allow the option to stop paying for a period, perhaps because a player knows they will not be able to play that often during this time, even while allowing the game to be played without the sub benefits which could be renewed when they have more time again.


Or do you mean changing the entire business model of abolishing the sale of expansions and free to play option in which case, back to kittens.

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> @"Faowri.4159" said:

> Build templates. I pretty much never change mine because I'm too lazy :) but I'd like to be encouraged to experiment more.


> (Also, I know you said one thing, but . . . weapon dyes :D )


I know how you feel. I'm not playing firebrand even though I love its condi build but thinking of changing eq every time I want to do group content for DH, it just triggers me. Same for druid. I can't enjoy the game to 100% because of lack of this feature.

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> @"DoctorOverlord.8620" said:

> I would like to see a Save at Will function in the Story instances and/or a Difficulty setting for those of us who just want to relax and see the story the first time through rather than wasting time with trash mobs and tedious mechanics.

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> >

> > **Hide Chest-option**

> > Yeah I want to go Conan the Barbarian with my Norn main and show off those sick tribal tattoos in the process. You can already hide both Gloves and Shoulders, let’s do the Chest too. Come on Anet. Come on...

> > **More focus on the non-human races**

> > Other than Sylvari getting their time in the spotlight with HoT, the non-human races are shoved to the sidelines in the overarching story. Like, what do you know about the Norns other than they are basically giant Vikings? They’re begging to be fleshed out more!

> Both of these are good ideas too. Maybe rather than 'Hide chest' option they can have an 'Emperor's New Clothes' chest piece which is just invisible.

> > @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> > Stop griefing your playerbase with stunlocking mob mechanics.

> I would also vote for this.

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > A $15/month sub fee, but that's probably "too broad".

> My initial reaction to your post was this is a kitten-ing ridiculous idea. But then I realized you might not be suggesting removing the Free to Play or even the expansion model. If that is so, that might be intriguing. Do you envision some kind of sub fee where players would get certain benefits but the game could still be played without subbing? This would allow the option to stop paying for a period, perhaps because a player knows they will not be able to play that often during this time, even while allowing the game to be played without the sub benefits which could be renewed when they have more time again.


> Or do you mean changing the entire business model of abolishing the sale of expansions and free to play option in which case, back to kittens.


Seeing how they implemented the invisible shoes so poorly, I’d very much prefer a simple hide-option.

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The simple thing I want in the game is to revamp how buying gems work. It's rather stale and never changed since the game was released. So a few things:


An actual GEM SALE. I know they are doing sales on gem store items with some nice discounts, but I've never ever seen an actual sale on the GEMS themselves.

Like, only for a few days, a 50% off on your next GEM PURCHASE. Obviously this would only work when you buy gems with cash and not affect the gold to gems conversion.


In addition, add a DAILY LOGIN reward that offers a 25% or even a 50% gem discount coupon on your next purchase. Make it last a set duration, like 48 hours, so you can't keep it forever and feel more compelled to use it when you get it. The heavier the discount, the more likely everyone who gets it will also buy gems with it, regardless if they need them at the time or not (= more random sales). As above, only applies on buying gems with cash.


Add a bulk discount for gem purchases. This is long overdue and something every single game company with virtual currencies is doing, even that much hated EA or Warner Bros or Activision. The more gems you buy at the same time, the heavier the discount. Like the above suggestions, only applies to buying gems with cash.


I know they are 3 things and not 1 but they are all on the same subject: GEM SALES that has never been touched since release.

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Another one I thought of is the ability to unlike item specific effects for us in the wardrobe.

Stuff like equipping or even turning off the legendary trinket effects, turning off specific parts of legendary weapon effects (I'd like to have the skin, aura and footfalls of the predator but use the projectiles and individual shot sounds of deadeye). Legendary sigil swapping, the option to pick which 1H legendary footfalls show or that they alternate with each step.


My biggest wish of all would be the ability to transfer legendary weapon effects to other ( non legendary )skins if you have the legendary unlocked, there's so many cool skins in this game that I'd like to see combined with some legendary effects.

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Just one? Silliness.


* Transmutation Charges should go the way of the dodo. Looking like a hobo while levelling is not at all fun and no, outfits are not the answer.

* Medium armor needs to get off the trenchcoat addiction.

* Per character key-binds. Account wide keybinds work fine for things like Interact, Heal, WASD, Opening the Hero panel, etc. They play merry hell with skills.

* Right-click menu for rings and accessories need Equip Right, Equip Left instead of just Equip which only works for one slot.

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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

> > more focused professions that don't feel like a hodgepodge of half-baked ideas. Oh, and ritualist. Probably just ritualist.


> Rev is the answer u want


rev and ele are what I play hahah but yeah rev is the closest to a rit i can get, but still doesn't fully satisfy me in that area but oh well.

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I feel like they kind of already opened Pandora's box with character visual effects and absurd armor, but if I could just turn off other player effects, or even mounts that would just be amazing. I loved the visual style of this game but now anywhere you go with a group of people is just an eye-gouging mix of neon dyes and glows of every possible color.


I was with a HoT HP squad the other day and I literally could not see where I was going because of the giant flaming / glowing gliders and mounts everyone had. I get wanting players to be able to express their style, but the options should be within some greater aesthetic sense so the game doesn't just become visual noise. I used to think this was a pretty game, but these days it's only that way when I'm in isolation.

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~~"kitten" replacing all the curse words for in-game chat, too~~

-Different standing animations for single-hand weapons that have the character standing straight rather than bent over (sort of like the differences between Elementalist and Thief with a staff)

-LONGBOW ELEMENTALIST! I really want another option that's also got really large range- I love the range staff gives me, but I get bored of using the same skills over and over again after a while.

-Making the enemies also target your NPC allies in all instanced stories (especially the older ones- it's gotten better recently)

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Off the top of my head at this very moment? Finally giving Rubies their own map icon in Bloodstone Fen. Would save the tedium of guessing whether every other node on the map is mithril ore or not (which none of us honestly need...).


I know the nodes seem to spawn in the same locations, but it still gets confusing.

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