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Anet is going to nerf firebrand healing next


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> @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

> FB dont need nerfs, FB needs to get their tome rewritten into kits so we wont spam tome skills and be spammerish and we should use skills which we want how we want. They should put tome skills regen as intiative regen.


That would be a nerf.... right now all of there cd are low on there book skills because it comes with the limited use if you make them kits then there skills will have much longer cd. That is kind of what is wrong with firebrand now the cdr and cool down reset effects for the books.


I mean do you realty think they would let you keep an auto attk that gives aoe stab and aegis with no cost at all?

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> Considering that no WvW zerg meta has ever gone without guardian since game launch, I'm not worried.


Stab > then any type of healing in the game. Also barrier is stronger then healing so its already a weaker roll to fill then boon support or pre-dmg def .

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Now that concentration Infusions are an option for support firebrands, are concentration infusions more effective than healing infusions for a Ministrel Firebrand for Zerg vs Zerg combat?


with the proposed healing reduction in the next patch, I'm considering changing my healing infusions to concentration infusions.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.


> Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.


Right now that spec is so overtuned that it seems near impossible that FB will never be underpowered though.

I rly cant imagine FB ever being worse in terms of support than core guard/DH.


FB NEED tunning down. *HOWEVER* at the same time other classes *ABSOLUTELY* need some buffs, preferably more utility.


Idk as much about healing druid as I do no play it so I wont comment on that.


Imagine healing tempest if Elemental Shielding (the trait that gives 3sec of protection on auras) also gave 3 sec of stability...

Suddenly guard isn't the only reliable source of stab..


Maybe druids can get something similar, maybe give resistance instead.


Imagine a buff (not a boon!) that prevents your boons from being corrupted/removed. An opposite to what WoD does, that it prevents new boons from being applied.

This alone could make an entire underplayed class/spec viable in wvw.





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FB player here - I'm fine with Firebrand healing getting nerfed. I prefer playing Guardian as a tanky front liner with stability, FB combo fields and condition cleanse. I'd prefer the old 2 Guardian 1 Healer parties again instead of 1 Firebrand tanking, providing all the boons and healing the party.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > > I'm all for nerfing firebrand healing so we can see Healing Druid, Support Tempest, Shout Heal Warrior, Healing Chrono Wells, etc pop back into groups. The more support variety there is, the better.

> >

> > Oh yeah, lets nerf Firebrand to Shout War level of support, might as well delete the spec lol...if anything, condi and power damage must be nerfed, damage is way to high.


> Right now that spec is so overtuned that it seems near impossible that FB will never be underpowered though.

> I rly cant imagine FB ever being worse in terms of support than core guard/DH.


> FB NEED tunning down. *HOWEVER* at the same time other classes *ABSOLUTELY* need some buffs, preferably more utility.


> Idk as much about healing druid as I do no play it so I wont comment on that.

> But....

> Imagine healing tempest if Elemental Shielding (the trait that gives 3sec of protection on auras) also gave 3 sec of stability...

> Suddenly guard isn't the only reliable source of stab..


> Maybe druids can get something similar, maybe give resistance instead.


> Imagine a buff (not a boon!) that prevents your boons from being corrupted/removed. An opposite to what WoD does, that it prevents new boons from being applied.

> This alone could make an entire underplayed class/spec viable in wvw.






Well FB aint never gonna be(and should not be) worse on support then both core Guard and DH cause FB is a full support spec, that is what is meant to do. DH and Guard are much better on roaming and dueling(my opinion offcourse) then FB...diferent spec filling diferent roles, simple as that. Dont mind other support specs(Tempest and Druid) getting buffs where is needed so they become a viable(will allways have one that is gonna be just better then others) option to play...but if you do that, you cant forget that Druid for example, even as a bunker, is one of the best roaming professions on the game, with high mobility, decent damage, high survival, acess to stealth, etc and also allready dominate Raids. FB on the other hand got his pve builds nerfed pretty fast(reduction of quickness and the trait that gives burn attacks to allies) and on both WvW and sPvP the only build that is meta is Bunker FB, which is gonna be oblitered on sPvP with not only some healing nerfs but also the removal of Magi Amulet...for sure still gonna exist, but with other Amulets its gonna be way less effective and forgiving that it used to be.

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It was just dumb to make FB highest support AND the frontline tank, those roles should always be separate. Maybe anet thought they would make warriors the new frontline tanks but it hasn't been the case with players, it's just run in drop your winds and either die like idiot or run away. For every other game out there that runs the "trinity" of roles, classes fit into one of the roles not two of them and certainly not three of them at the same time, you get a breakdown of balance between classes when you do that and you also face having classes becoming a little overpowered. FB are the tankiest support yet, which makes it harder to target certain roles to break down groups. Back in the beginning you had support spread between classes, healing was done with water fields from eles and blasting from other classes, these days run 10 FB and 20 scourges cause they cover everything you need. The nerfs of scourges are starting to spread people back out from them again, same just needs to happen with firebrands, don't worry they'll still be the number one class needed for zergs.

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So there's a balance patch where they nerf LITERALLY EVERYTHING, and yet another "They killin ONLY my class" thread. Please look up the work relativity, because I think that's in order. If I nerf your heal 30%, and my damage 30%, then what happened? Nothing, except now you have a chance to actually think as that offers you a slower battle and time to actually make plays ws spamming all of your skills like a mad man predicting damage. But hey, in a zerg, that's all you have to do. Spam all the buttons and not think. I'll never understand the lower skill fun. You can't actually look at animations and react, it's all about not standing in the red circles, and spamming skills. That's what it will continue to be, so stop thinking that this affects a giant blob of skill spamming, because it won't. Need more healing, just get more firebrands to spam crap. Easy.

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