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Never go back to HoT style zones, stick to PoF


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As title says. You don't even realize how much fun is to not get confused on the map. The first impressions of the expac is 100000000000000000000 better than HoT.


Please ArenaNet, never go back to the confusing disaster the HoT maps were, while beautiful they were, the navigation and enjoyment of exploring was atrocious. Please bring more open world like, expanded and vast landscapes we got in PoF:)

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I firmly believe HOT was a test at something new but only looked good on paper. Maps can still be good by having height but don't make things absurdly confusing. I still get lost in Tangle Depths cause the map constantly shifts around when you take a few steps. Honestly the PoF maps feel like the old core game maps. Easy to navigate but still having their own set of challenges.

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I fear that the new world will be quite empty soon compared to Hots maps if there are not meta events in them. So far I haven't found any and from what it seems now that people have played a bit, I haven't missed any either.

Why not mix vanilla gw2 and hot and have meta event on some of the maps? It is disappointing that it has not been done.

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> @nehezbegar.1065 said:

> Ofc everything is a matter of taste. Have friends that left soon after HoT because the maps were unbearable. Call them noobs etc., but still, it kitten when u loose friends ingame :). ANd i wont judge so soon if the maps gonna be empty, time will tell.


That is why they should have had a mixture of both, some more chilled map, and some with meta events. Leaving out meta events completely from the new maps is disappointing :(

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I can't fault anet for trying something new, and going out on a limb with HOT. Credit where credit is due. Unfortunately they threw the baby out with the bath water and forgot what made it the fastest selling MMO of all time and completely alienated their player base.


That being said I think a mix of the two would be ideal. The big open maps are fun, but wheres the excitement?

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I love HoT zones. I also love PoF zones. They are both exactly what I think areas in the jungle or desert should be.


Maguuma is a jungle. There is up, down, sideways, and any number of directions to go. It's a challenge. Elona, on the other hand is a desert. It should be, by definition, sprawling, sandy, and pretty much set out on a single plane. I realize many people didn't like the HoT maps, but by design, they were exactly what made them so unique and taught us how to effectively use the gliders they implemented with that expansion.

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> @"Critical Lag.9075" said:

> I disagree. We need both types of zones 2/3 meta heavy like TD and AB and the same amout of more casual zones. I really enjoyed the HoT metas but they can be tiring so there also should be some more casual maps like we have in PoF.. Have some variety and not doubling down on just 1 design.


That would be great, if thats the case. So far I havent seen any meta heavy maps in PoF tho. Lets hope I get pleasantly suprised with the rest, which I am yet to see. I really, really hope they pack more content then the first 2 maps, because otherwise this expansion might turn into a dissapointment. In favour of not sounding all too sour, i would add tho that I really like the design and the music of the new maps. Anet like always delivered on the aestethics and the deserts feel great. Mounts so far are really cool. Lets hope we get to see some more content further on, which is my primary concern. Fingers crossed.

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Well, it is true that new zones are mostly flat, but there are some verticality to it as well. Still they are a bit too boring, I finished the 100% exploration (poi, vistas, etc) in about 4 hours. HoT maps kept giving. You would basically discover new places for days, and all the intricacy of the layout is amazing. The downside is that you can get lost in HoT easily and running to a specific location takes a lot of time.

I think Anet is going to the extremes with those two expansion. Something in the middle would be the best in my opinion.

I enjoyed exploring maps of both expansions though nevertheless.

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> @nehezbegar.1065 said:

> As title says. You don't even realize how much fun is to not get confused on the map.


> Please ArenaNet, never go back to the confusing disaster the HoT maps were, while beautiful they were, the navigation and enjoyment of exploring was atrocious.


All this^ a thousand thousand times. Hopefully lesson learned.



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