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Things that should be added to pvp/wvw


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The following list includes some suggestions about things that would be nice to have in pvp but don´t require much effort to work.

(This thread is not about balance)


- Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.

- Make it possible to safe builds, so that you can swap them easier. This should be added to every gamemode because it´s just very usefull.

- 32 slot baggs. I´ve stolen this idea from another thread, but in my opinion it would be cool if there was a possiblity to increase the inventory space with grinding pvp and not being forced to grind pve .(just make them expensive enough, so that not everybody just farms them in pvp and the pve-players complain about being bullied).

- and maybe add a new title. Instead of champion... you could add elite.... for maybe 1000 or even 3000 arena wins


I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"BlueCar.1587" said:

> The following list includes some suggestions about things that would be nice to have in pvp but don´t require much effort to work.

> (This thread is not about balance)


> - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.


Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.


> - 32 slot baggs. I´ve stolen this idea from another thread, but in my opinion it would be cool if there was a possiblity to increase the inventory space with grinding pvp and not being forced to grind pve .(just make them expensive enough, so that not everybody just farms them in pvp and the pve-players complain about being bullied).


We're not opposed to this, with proper pricing & time commitment. It's something I'd like to do at some point, but not yet sure where I'll fit it in with everything else we're doing right now.



> I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)





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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"BlueCar.1587" said:

> > The following list includes some suggestions about things that would be nice to have in pvp but don´t require much effort to work.

> > (This thread is not about balance)

> >

> > - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.


> Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.


> > - 32 slot baggs. I´ve stolen this idea from another thread, but in my opinion it would be cool if there was a possiblity to increase the inventory space with grinding pvp and not being forced to grind pve .(just make them expensive enough, so that not everybody just farms them in pvp and the pve-players complain about being bullied).


> We're not opposed to this, with proper pricing & time commitment. It's something I'd like to do at some point, but not yet sure where I'll fit it in with everything else we're doing right now.


> >

> > I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)

> >

> >




Thank you for the response! :)


Would it be possible to give Ardent Glorious Armor cool transforming effects similar to Envoy? At the moment it is just a reskin of the precursor.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"BlueCar.1587" said:

> > > The following list includes some suggestions about things that would be nice to have in pvp but don´t require much effort to work.

> > > (This thread is not about balance)

> > >

> > > - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.

> >

> > Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.

> >

> > > - 32 slot baggs. I´ve stolen this idea from another thread, but in my opinion it would be cool if there was a possiblity to increase the inventory space with grinding pvp and not being forced to grind pve .(just make them expensive enough, so that not everybody just farms them in pvp and the pve-players complain about being bullied).

> >

> > We're not opposed to this, with proper pricing & time commitment. It's something I'd like to do at some point, but not yet sure where I'll fit it in with everything else we're doing right now.

> >

> > >

> > > I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)

> > >

> > >

> >

> >


> Thank you for the response! :)


> Would it be possible to give Ardent Glorious Armor cool transforming effects similar to Envoy? At the moment it is just a reskin of the precursor.


Almost no chance of getting anything like the envoy armor. But we are working on a new version of the glorious armor.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Almost no chance of getting anything like the envoy armor. But we are working on a new version of the glorious armor.


I don't expect envoy nor do I like it, but would that new version applies to (new and existing) legendary armor? (i.e. finally an exclusive legendary skin for PvP? What about WvW?)


That would be very awesome!

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"BlueCar.1587" said:

> > > > The following list includes some suggestions about things that would be nice to have in pvp but don´t require much effort to work.

> > > > (This thread is not about balance)

> > > >

> > > > - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.

> > >

> > > Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.

> > >

> > > > - 32 slot baggs. I´ve stolen this idea from another thread, but in my opinion it would be cool if there was a possiblity to increase the inventory space with grinding pvp and not being forced to grind pve .(just make them expensive enough, so that not everybody just farms them in pvp and the pve-players complain about being bullied).

> > >

> > > We're not opposed to this, with proper pricing & time commitment. It's something I'd like to do at some point, but not yet sure where I'll fit it in with everything else we're doing right now.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Thank you for the response! :)

> >

> > Would it be possible to give Ardent Glorious Armor cool transforming effects similar to Envoy? At the moment it is just a reskin of the precursor.


> Almost no chance of getting anything like the envoy armor. But we are working on a new version of the glorious armor.





Could we get some community feedback or even a contest on the design of these new armor skins.

With the release of the obsidian skins and the majority of community feedback being negative ( even the statistics for these weapons is terrible) I would hate for you to implement **another** WvW/Spvp exclusive set that sends the message **" you are an after thought"**

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> With the release of the obsidian skins and ... even the statistics for these weapons is terrible

That probably isn't going to be a strong reason for ANet:

The WvW statistics were bound to be terrible, because those weapons cost precious skirmish tickets. Anyone working on legendary WvW armor or the WvW backpack won't waste 350 tickets on _any_ mere exotic weapon, unless it's amazing. (And there just will never be many that manage to hit that threshold.) Similarly, the PvP costs for one exotic weapon are greater than that for ascended gear.


Mind you: I'm all in favor of ANet giving us a chance to offer our opinion or choose from a selection of design ideas. I just think that idea is strong enough to stand on its own (without worrying about just how popular the ~~ugliest weapons yet~~ obsidian set is).

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"BlueCar.1587" said:

> > The following list includes some suggestions about things that would be nice to have in pvp but don´t require much effort to work.

> > (This thread is not about balance)

> >

> > - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.


> Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.


What about the Mist Trinkets? They're available in all game modes, just need some QoL or maybe a way to upgrade them to have the same functionality as legendary, but without the effect like Aurora has.

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Some Changes I'll like to see for the next season:


Make the Season Longer

Make the leader-board requirement be Total Wins not Total Games played; (Example- Jon.1234 has 160 games played but only 80 wins and 80 loses, Jon does not have enough wins to make it onto the leader-board)

Remove Duo Que completely or Allow everyone to duo Que through all rating level

Add new Maps or redo some of the older maps with a few updates

CLASS switching/Class Stacking( No More double necro, double mesmer,double holo, etc..)

Add New reward tracks or END of season reward for reaching a certain level of rating(Example New titles or New Skins)

Add A new legendary weapon or trinket to the PvP Achievement or quest( were going onto season 11 we're over due for something new that can bring players)


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

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> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> I'd rather see Trinkets removed. I'd love to see PVP with no stat boosts, no sigils, no runes. Everyone gets a base 1000 stats, same health pool. It would become 100% skill based at that point.


That would be kinda a full celestial meta, which doesnt work. That is not how the gw2 combatsystem works.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"BlueCar.1587" said:

> > I´m curious about the communitie´s thoughts about how to make the pvp-experience more comfortable :)



Don't say that _in public_ , are you _mad_ sir


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"BlueCar.1587" said:


> > - Legendary weapons and trinkets. Not the skins but the utility of legendary weapons, similar to the legendary armor we already have. Make the precursers very expensive (1000 ascended shards of glory and 10 grandmaster marks or something like this), but make them purchassable.


> Weapons are probably unlikely. We've talked about trinkets before though. We still have some questions we have to work out internally.


I'd keep to the salt theme or some derivative, to match the Amulet.


> @"BlueCar.1587" said:


> - Make it possible to safe builds, so that you can swap them easier. This should be added to every gamemode because it´s just very usefull.


Or at the very least split the build settings completely between PVE and PVP. I have had several issues with jumping into a PVP match right out of coming from PVE and realizing that I still had on my PVE weapon set much too late.


> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> I'd rather see Trinkets removed. I'd love to see PVP with no stat boosts, no sigils, no runes. Everyone gets a base 1000 stats, same health pool. It would become 100% skill based at that point.


You would kill diversity and enforce the meta even harder than it already is. You'd bore the majority of people right out of pvp if you didn't allow them to try different builds.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > With the release of the obsidian skins and ... even the statistics for these weapons is terrible

> That probably isn't going to be a strong reason for ANet:

> The WvW statistics were bound to be terrible, because those weapons cost precious skirmish tickets. Anyone working on legendary WvW armor or the WvW backpack won't waste 350 tickets on _any_ mere exotic weapon, unless it's amazing. (And there just will never be many that manage to hit that threshold.) Similarly, the PvP costs for one exotic weapon are greater than that for ascended gear.


> Mind you: I'm all in favor of ANet giving us a chance to offer our opinion or choose from a selection of design ideas. I just think that idea is strong enough to stand on its own (without worrying about just how popular the ~~ugliest weapons yet~~ obsidian set is).


I honestly don't know what other reason could be stronger.


When you have nearly an entire playerbase in two game modes across multiple forum outlets telling you the set is the ugliest in the game.


I think the only other way for them to get the idea that it's terrible would be to have a major news outlet with the headline " These weapons are ugly" and paste pictures of all the obsidian weapons on it.


And you are half right on the price.

If these weapon skins looked good I could see quite a few people buying them, mainly those that have completed the legendary armor and/or backpack

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> When you have nearly an entire playerbase in two game modes across multiple forum outlets telling you the set is the ugliest in the game.

That's the strong reason. And I agreed with you there.


The actual number of obsidian weapons (the statistics) is the weak one, because the cost of the weapons makes them an unlikely choice regardless of how they look.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > When you have nearly an entire playerbase in two game modes across multiple forum outlets telling you the set is the ugliest in the game.

> That's the strong reason. And I agreed with you there.


> The actual number of obsidian weapons (the statistics) is the weak one, because the cost of the weapons makes them an unlikely choice regardless of how they look.



Ahh I see.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> > Almost no chance of getting anything like the envoy armor. But we are working on a new version of the glorious armor.


> As long as it's a new skin and old one doesn't get ninja-swapped into it. I like quite a few pieces of my heavy ardent glorious armor:)



It's not going to be a new skin. but will have some effect treatments to the old ones. Yes, I know. I want a completely new skin too. I'm hoping we can make that happen, but it's a long ways out.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> It's not going to be a new skin. but will have some effect treatments to the old ones. Yes, I know. I want a completely new skin too. I'm hoping we can make that happen, but it's a long ways out.


That sounds rather vague. So to clear this up, are we talking about:


a) a 3rd set of glorious armor that will obviously use either regular glorious or ardent glorious as base and add on top of that

b) a change in looks of current ardent glorious armor?



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> > It's not going to be a new skin. but will have some effect treatments to the old ones. Yes, I know. I want a completely new skin too. I'm hoping we can make that happen, but it's a long ways out.


> That sounds rather vague. So to clear this up, are we talking about:


> a) a 3rd set of glorious armor that will obviously use either regular glorious or ardent glorious as base and add on top of that

> b) a change in looks of current ardent glorious armor?


> ?


It's a 3rd set of glorious armor using the original as a base with some enhancements.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> It's a 3rd set of glorious armor using the original as a base with some enhancements.


How's that gonna work compared to WvW? We have 3 sets there, and you require the 1st to be able to buy the 2nd and that one to by the 3rd (coupled with some high levels), the very first is received from reward tracks, where the others are bought, and both the 2nd and 3rd are upgradable to legendary.


I'm kinda working on my pvp legendary armor, and i want to get this new set when its out to wear as my legendary, will i also require to have unlocked the other skins? I mean, we dont need glorious to be able to buy ardent as of now, and that "original" you're saying is the glorious or the ardent? Since in wvw we have more or less an indirect upgrade 1st>2nd>3rd, it'd be odd to have pvp be 1st>3rd.


(if u cant/dont know the answer its fine)

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